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Come Back To Me

Page 7

by Aubree Valentine

  “It was just physical. Just about the sex?” she cut him off, her hurt and anger building again.

  She watched Bryce swallow hard. “In the beginning, yes. Ok, I admit it. It’s how I am.” He shrugged. “I don’t know anything different, Lacey. I was upfront with you; you knew the score.” He ran a hand over his head, something he’d done a time or two after explosive sex with her, something he did when his call came in – right before he pushed her away. “But there is something about you. Something I felt in the small amount of time that I got to spend with you. I’ve never felt that shit with anyone else. I meant what I said. I started to feel for you, Lacey—I’m here right now because I regret letting you walk out and not asking you for more.”

  There was no way she heard him right; she had to be losing her mind.

  “You got something to say?” he poked with a smirk. His attempt to lighten the mood did just that.

  She wanted to punch him. Yell at him, but she didn’t have it in her to stay mad at him. Especially not when he laid it all out for her.

  “God, you’re such a cocky fucker!” Her arms fell from around her as she looked at him. “I hated you, Bryce. I hated you for being you!” Ok, so maybe she wasn’t done letting it rip. And now tears threatened to fall. “You just walked in to my bar one night, looking sexy as sin, and you were so genuine with your compliments. I believed you. I bought what you were selling and convinced myself that I could do casual. Then you reminded me I was only temporary. That broke me. What’s worse is that I haven’t been able to get over you. I’ve spent the last however many months worrying about you and hating you, all at once.”

  Bryce slowly reached out to her, and caressed her cheek. “I never wanted to break you. Every single day that I was gone, I thought about you. Wondered if you were ok. I should have called, but I didn’t feel like it was enough. I couldn’t say what I needed to say from half a world away. I didn’t want to lead you on or ask you to wait for me because I never know if I’m going to make it back. I showed up tonight because I hoped I could convince you to give something more a try. I came back to apologize for being the asshole that I was. Hell, probably still am. The thing is, Lacey, you don’t stand for my shit—you’ve been giving it right back to me since that very first night.”

  Nuzzling into the warmth of his hand, Lacey sighed. His touch was like a drug and her body had no problem betraying her mind. “I can’t do heartache, Bryce. So much has changed since you left. I’m alone now, more than ever. I can’t be with someone and send them off to war, knowing there’s a chance they may never come back. I’m not built to handle that; it’s not me.”

  It was Bryce’s turn to stand in silence. Lacey could see the uncertainly on his face.

  She let out a heavy sigh and wiped at the tears forming in her eyes. “Grams died, Bryce. My grandmother died and left me alone. I can’t lose anyone else.”

  “Shit. Sweetheart, I am so fucking sorry.” Bryce stepped forward and wrapped her in his arms.

  She wanted to pull away from him, but the comfort of his touch felt exactly like what she needed. How long had she held back all these tears? This emotion had swelled up and was waiting to burst. Even when she cried alone at night, it didn’t feel like this. It didn’t feel like it served a purpose or set her free. Bryce held onto her while she let it all out, and her body began to shiver from the cold.

  Her crying hadn’t really slowed, but she forced herself to pull back from his touch to open the front door. “Too cold now; come inside.”

  She took a seat on the couch and pulled her legs up under her, grabbing her favorite throw blanket from the back of the couch and wrapping it around herself. “Ignore the mess, I’m slowly trying to update what I can.”

  Bryce took a seat next to her, pulling her to his chest. “What about your parents?”

  The fact that he had to ask her about her parents served as a reminder of just how much they didn’t know about each other. More than a year later, and they were still strangers. One more bit of truth to prove how ridiculous this whole thing was.

  Still, she answered him honestly, wanting to let him in. “My dad went to jail when I was two, and my mom skipped town when Grandpa died. I’m it. You left. Grams died. Holly’s gone – she took a job closer to her own family. Tyler, he’s still around, but spending more time with his new beau. Something he deserves to do, but all of that left me alone. Now you’re suddenly back here, and you’re telling me you want us to be something.”

  “Lacey, we don’t have to be anything. If that’s what you want, I’ll walk away right now, as much as it would kill me. I don’t want to leave you, though. If nothing else, I want to be your friend.”

  Lacey picked at the hem on her shirt; she believed him. Instead of analyzing that, she volleyed his question back at him. “What about you, Bryce? What about your family? I don’t think we ever really talked about much real shit.” She didn’t know what she wanted right now, so she changed the subject, hoping to keep him around a little bit longer.

  “Just me and Connor. His parents are still alive; they live in New York, though. I don’t see them much. He’s married, has a little boy who will be turning one here real soon, and an older boy. Eliot’s ten or eleven. My grandparents raised me during my teen years. My parents died in a car accident when I was fourteen. Drunk driver. They’d been in mediation all day. They were planning on divorcing.”

  Lacey gasped in horror and turned to look up into his eyes. “I’m so sorry. That must have been hard.” She swallowed, thinking of her own father and how he took the life of two innocent people. But to know his parents were divorcing too… Her heart ached for the young boy he was back then.

  “It wasn’t easy. My grandparents, and Connor’s parents, they tried.” He let out a low whistle. “Man, did they try. But it’s probably the biggest reason why I joined the Army. If I hadn’t, I only would have gotten into bigger trouble. Probably would’ve wound up in jail for doing something stupid. I wanted to do better than that. The Army gave me a purpose I didn’t have before.”

  “You ever wanted out?” She hadn’t meant to ask, but deep down, she had to know. If she was even going to entertain any kind of relationship with Bryce, she had to know where he saw his future; at least where the Army was concerned.

  “Nah, I love what I do. It gives me a purpose in this really fucked up world.”

  And there it was.

  Her heart sank.

  His truth was just one more reason why she shouldn’t be letting him back in. She should tell him to leave. Push him away and shut him out. It was the only way she could save her heart. Yet, she couldn’t find the words. Instead she wanted him, wanted to be with him, more than anything.

  Bryce looked at his watch. “Have you had breakfast?”

  “What if I only want sex this time?” On impulse and a lust-filled haze, the words tumbled from her mouth.

  “Breakfast,” he growled at her. “I won’t take no for an answer. Let’s do this right.” Without another word, he leaned down and gently kissed her lips.

  That was all he gave her. It lasted a split second, but her world began to spin again. She stared, dumbfounded, when he pulled away.

  “Get dressed and go have breakfast with me.”

  Just Another Girl—The Swon Brothers

  All right, so he’d convinced her to have breakfast with her. And it was nice. Pleasant even. Bryce had found a little diner nearby with some good greasy spoon food, where they ate and sipped a cup of coffee and simply existed. No pressure, no label. Just two people enjoying each other’s company. Catching up like old friends would do.

  When it was time for her to head into the bar for the night, he asked if he could come with her. Not wanting their moment to end, she agreed. Again, he had somehow gotten to her, making her want more.

  He headed to grab a seat at the bar while Lacey clocked in, catching an icy glare from Tyler as he took a seat.

  “Got a problem?” Bryce returned a scowl.

>   “I’m not sure yet.” Tyler crossed his arms over his chest. “What are you doing here?”

  Lacey bounced out of the backroom with a smile on her face until she overheard Tyler’s voice. She immediately shot Tyler a warning look. “He’s with me. Don’t make a big deal out of this, Ty.”

  “It is a big deal. He’s not the one who had to watch you fall apart after he left. He’s not the one who helped you pick up the pieces when he didn’t call or write. He wasn’t there with you when Grams died.”

  That was all it took. A fuse had been lit and Bryce’s asshole side emerged. “Fuck you, man. You’re nothing more than a lousy bartender. Unlike you, I was fighting in a war. Watching men, women, and children die around me every day. Lacey knew what the deal was before I left, so don’t fucking play the hero. You’re not,” Bryce growled.

  “STOP!” Lacey shouted. Thankfully the bar hadn’t officially opened yet, so there was no one else there to witness the verbal pissing match. Pointing at Tyler, she continued, “Don’t throw shit in my face, Tyler. Or his, for that matter. And you”–she turned to Bryce–“think before you fucking speak. That lousy bartender comment applies to both of us. Don’t you dare think you’re going to talk down to Tyler, or me, just because you strap on some camo and blow up shit. What you do every day, yeah, it’s commendable; but you’re still human, you asshole.”

  “Lace, I didn’t mean it that way,” his voice softened.

  “Doesn’t matter. That’s the only free pass you’re getting.” She gave them both a hard glare. “I don’t expect the two of you to kiss and make up, but you will treat each other with respect. Now, the doors open in five minutes. If you two cannot be civil, then Bryce, you’ll leave.”

  “Bastard,” Bryce mumbled under his breath.

  “I’m not kidding. I agreed to breakfast, you followed me here. Behave, or you leave.” Defeated, Bryce nodded. Lacey faced Tyler, who hadn’t said another word since she ripped into both of them. “We good?”

  “Whatever, Lacey. When he fucks up again, don’t expect me to sit back and let it happen.”

  “Fuck off, Tyler. Go unlock the damn doors, and bring that keg from the back,” Lacey commanded, and Bryce raised his eyebrows. Even if it was his fault, his little firecracker was hot as sin when she got fired up.

  It was sexy, right up until she turned her back to him, and he saw her shoulders sag.

  “I’ll go.” He swallowed his pride and tucked his tail between his legs.

  Lacey turned around slowly, meeting his gaze. “That’s probably for the best. Might not be such a good idea for you to hang around here when I’m working this time around. I don’t need the drama.”

  Standing, Bryce pushed the barstool in. “I didn’t come here to cause trouble. I wanted to spend time with you. I like watching out for you,” he defended, feeling overwhelmingly guilty about what just went down.

  “I don’t need you to look after me. Cut the alpha male bullshit, Bryce. I did just fine on my own while you were gone.”

  Her words stung, but he knew she was right. “I got it. I’ll call you.”

  “Yeah.” She gave him a weak smile in return.

  By the time Tyler returned with the fresh keg, Bryce was gone and Lacey was already busy serving up drinks to the handful of customers that started floating in. She expected Tyler to make a shitty remark about Bryce’s disappearance, but he didn’t. In fact, he gave her the silent treatment for most of their shift.

  If her head wasn’t already spinning from the day’s events, she might have had it in her to give a damn. But, as it stood, she didn’t.

  Twenty minutes before close, he finally broke his silence when he came looking for her in the office. “Someone is here to see you. An older man. Looks familiar, but I don’t know who he is.”

  Lacey handed change to Tyler. “Thanks, here’s the change. Let me see what he wants.”

  The man was waiting for her at the end of the bar top. She didn’t think she’d ever see this man again; didn’t think she’d even know who he was if he ever showed up. But there was no denying who he was. It was like looking in the mirror.

  “Lacey Lane.” His voice was somber. “You’re certainly not a little girl anymore.”

  “Roger?” What the fuck was her father doing here? Who did he think he was, turning up after all these years.

  “In the flesh, baby girl. I don’t get a hug or anything?”

  Jesus Christ, could this night get any worse? Had every man lost their mind suddenly, and decided to rain their shit on her?

  “I barely know you, and I am not your baby girl.”

  “I’m your father, for Christ’s sake, Lacey.”

  “You may have been there for my conception, but you sure as hell are not my father. It’s been over twenty years since I’ve seen you. Last I heard, you still had time left on your sentence. What are you doing here?”

  “I should have known Eloise would fill your head with lies. That old hag never did like me.”

  This guy had balls, or he was batshit crazy. But he was not about to get away with insulting her grandmother. “Roger, I would think they would have taught you something in prison. Don’t you know it’s wrong to speak ill of the dead? I’d watch it, if I were you.”

  “Fuck her, Lacey. She’d done nothing but cause trouble. If she would have stopped trying to brainwash your mother, that accident would have never happened.”

  “Go. To. Hell!” she screeched, no longer worried about causing a scene. Her resolve had cracked and years of pent-up anger with the man before her was reaching its breaking point. If he didn’t leave quick, she couldn’t be held responsible if her fist made contact with his face. “Get the fuck out of here now, before I call the cops. And don’t bother showing up around here again.”

  Roger raised his hands in surrender. “Just a minute. I didn’t come here to upset you. I’m sorry. I’ve got my own issues to work through, but I needed to talk to you. I wanted to see you. It’s been so long.”

  Lacey closed her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose. Tyler was by her side in a second and protectively put his arm around her shoulders. He caught her by surprise and she flinched, but then she relaxed a little.

  “I believe she asked you to leave. Jagger will be glad to show you out.”

  Looking over Roger’s shoulder, Lacey fought back a laugh. Sure enough, their bouncer was standing there, ready to pounce.

  “Let’s go, sir,” Jagger grunted.

  “Lacey,” Roger pleaded.

  “Out!” was her only response.

  “After seeing the two of you together, I’m assuming that’s someone you’re related to. The resemblance was uncanny,” Tyler stated, as they cleaned up the bar a short while later.

  “My asshole father. Haven’t seen him since I was two.” She scrubbed at the bar top with a vengeance.

  “Hey, take it easy. That bar didn’t do anything to you,” he teased.

  “I need to get the hell out of here.” She sighed, tossing the rag down and rubbing the back of her arm across her forehead.

  Tyler grabbed her shoulders and spun her toward him. “Look, I’m sorry about earlier. I was out of line and acted like douche. I’m only looking out for you.”

  “I get that Ty, I do. I appreciate it. And usually, you’re not wrong. Bryce is…he’s different. I can’t explain it, but I don’t think you need to save me from him.”

  “I hope you’re right. For now, let’s get out of here for the night.” He put his hand on her back, guiding her out the back door, toward their cars.

  In My Head—Brantley Gilbert

  Bryce leaned against Lacey’s car and checked his watch. If memory served him correctly, she’d be coming out of the bar any minute now. His guess was right. Looking up again, he spotted her coming out the back door with Tyler. He watched as they moved toward him, neither noticing him. When he heard his name, his ears perked up.

  “How long is Bryce back for this time?”

  “Don’t know
. We haven’t gotten that far yet.”

  “So, he’ll be hanging around again?” Tyler questioned.

  Lacey sighed. Bryce interrupted, speaking up for himself, “If she’ll let me.”

  Both their heads snapped up in his direction. He smirked when he caught Lacey rolling her eyes. The dim lights in the parking lot did nothing to hide her beauty.

  Tyler cleared his throat and extended his hand once he got closer. “I was a dick earlier. I don’t want to see Lacey hurt again, so I may have gotten a little overprotective.”

  Bryce took his offered hand and shook it. “All good. I shouldn’t have said what I did either. I’m not here to hurt her. But I am glad you’ve got her back.”

  “Are you two going to whip your dicks out now and compare, piss on each other, or are we done with the testosterone match?”

  Both men chuckled. “We’re good,” Bryce answered.

  Tyler nodded in agreement. “I need to get home. I’ll see you tomorrow, Lacey. Bryce.”

  “See you.” Lacey hugged her friend and waited as he got in his car and drove away. “You’re here.” She turned her attention back to Bryce, her voice airy and light.

  “I am. Wanted to be sure you made it home safely.” He reached out and brushed her hair away from her face. “You look exhausted. Everything ok?”

  “Let’s just say, it’s been a long and interesting night. I don’t really want to talk about it. I’m still trying to wrap my head around it.”

  “Ok,” he agreed. “Do you want some company tonight?”

  “I want to sleep. That’s what I want.”

  “I could sleep.”

  “You’re impossible, and I don’t know why I can’t seem to say no to you.”

  Bryce held out his hand to take her keys. “Come on; let’s get you home.”

  Lacey threw her head back and laughed. “No one drives my car. You get in.” Unlocking the doors, Lacey climbed in the driver’s seat while Bryce made his way around to the other side. It may not have been much, but the little Honda Civic was hers. She worked hard for it and trusted no one else behind the wheel of her car.


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