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Come Back To Me

Page 12

by Aubree Valentine

  It wasn’t easy to put his dick in his pants when he was staring at her ass, but if he wanted to have some semblance of a visit with her, he’d have to for now. He wiped his hands one more time, then stood slowly, making his way over to Lacey. Walking was getting easier, but he was moving slower than a turtle; his recent ‘workout’ probably didn’t help. Still, it was progress.

  He set the washcloth on the counter and wrapped his arms around her waist, hugging her close and kissing her ear. She leaned back into him and let out a subtle sigh. His hard-on flexed in his shorts.

  “Hi,” he whispered, sending a chill down her spine.

  “Hi,” she gasped, turning to face him and placing a chaste kiss on his lips. “How was therapy this week?”

  Bryce stared into her eyes, soaking in her love for a beat, before answering. “It was ok.” He shrugged. “Same shit, different day. Got yelled at for pushing myself too hard.”

  “Again.” Lacey cut him a serious glare. “You’re always pushing yourself too hard.” She looked down and then back up at his face. “Case in point.”

  He didn’t miss the slight blush of her cheeks, or how her breath hitched. His dick didn’t either, and now he was hard, again. Or still hard, for that matter. Pulling her closer, he pushed his erection against her. “God, I miss you, Lace.” His hands roamed up and down her arms.

  “I’m standing right here. How can you miss someone that’s right in front of you?”

  “That’s not what I meant, and you know it.” God, even her feistiness kept him turned on. “I need you, Lacey. I need to bury myself inside of you and fuck you senseless.”

  “No. You haven’t been cleared for that much activity, Bryce. I’m not risking you hurting yourself and having a setback.” She pulled away from him and crossed her arms over her chest.

  Bryce surrendered, for now. “Fine. Whatever. Jerry wants to do lunch today. You up to spending some time with the both of us?” Most of Lacey’s visits, they spent alone, together. But every so often, they’d stop by and visit with Jerry, or their paths would cross in the halls and they’d hang out for a while. It was good for all of them, it seemed. His friend swore that Lacey and Bryce gave him back some sense of normalcy.

  After all the hell his comrade had been through, a little bit of normalcy was a good thing.

  Lacey nodded. “How’s he doing?”

  “Rough.” Bryce blew out a breath and scrubbed a hand over his face. “His good leg has been giving him a fit. Had a blood clot they caught this week. Shit’s fucked up,” he admitted, candidly.

  “Well, let’s go grab him some food, and see if we can’t cheer him up.” Lacey smiled back at Bryce, and waited for him to get himself together. Soon, they were on their way.

  Lacey eyed Bryce cautiously as he walked through the courtyard, leaning on a walker. The exercise was good for him, but she still worried he was overdoing it. Eventually, she knew he would bend just a little and his stamina would wear out. But for now, this was their compromise; a suggestion from his physical therapist.

  They’d had lunch with Jerry a bit ago, then Bryce decided he wanted some fresh air.

  She was thankful for the break. Jerry wasn’t doing well at all. The soldier’s condition had worsened since she’d seen him last, but Bryce reassured her that it was only a minor setback. Soon, his friend would be back to normal. Lacey hoped he was right. For now, she’d have to take Bryce’s word for it.

  Bryce paused at a nearby bench and eased himself down with a muted grunt. “Sit for a spell.” He tried hard not to pant. “Need a second.”

  Lacey fought back the urge to fuss over him, trusting that he’d alert her if he needed something more. Instead, she gave him a gentle smile and sat down beside him. He didn’t hesitate to reach for her hand and entwine it with his.

  A warm summer breeze blew over them as the sun began to set. The silence that settled around them brought a welcome calm.

  Body On Fire – Maggie Rose

  Day 119

  August began to fade into September, and Bryce was finally discharged from Walter Reed. Far from the end of follow-ups and continued therapy, at least he was home now. Home, in Lacey’s home, where he could be as close to her as possible for R & R.

  Lacey held steady and clung to every moment with him. There were days that were dark, so dark; days where she felt like she would lose him – mentally or otherwise. But then there were days when she caught a glimpse of the old Bryce. The strong man who loved her. There were days where he would smile and laugh, brightening her world. A world that she couldn’t envision without him.

  Life kept moving right along.

  On nights like tonight, Bryce would join her at the bar. Watching her with hawk eyes as she worked, protecting what was his.

  “Dammit, Lacey,” he growled as she leaned across the bar to hand a customer their bottle of beer. Her shirt pulled tighter across her chest, causing his dick to ache.

  “Problem?” She lifted a brow, challenging him.

  “Yes. This case of blue balls I’ve been walking around with for weeks.”

  Yeah, he was home, but she’d been holding out on him. Treating him like he might break if she touched him, and he’d had enough.

  Lacey’s face flushed as she scolded him. “Are you seriously going to do this here?”

  “I can if you want.” He winked at her, only furthering her annoyance with him.

  He was like a teenager, constantly horny. They’d been having this same argument since Bryce left the hospital. Technically, they had this argument before he left the hospital, too. Whenever he tried to get her to have sex in his room, or the bathroom, or anywhere else he thought they could grab a few minutes.

  “I’m going to pretend you didn’t just say that.” Lacey stomped off toward the back of the bar. Truth? She was just as sexually frustrated and horny, but Bryce did not need to know that.

  He gave her exactly sixty seconds before he left his barstool and followed after her. This time, he cornered her in the office.

  Lacey spun on her heels, slapping both of her hands on his chest. “No. I’m not doing this with you again here.”

  “Doing what?”

  “I’m not having sex with you, here. So, turn and go back to your barstool before I have Jagger escort you out,” she ordered through gritted teeth.

  Bryce let out a laugh. “Come on, Lacey, we’ve done it before.”

  “Yeah, we did, but it wasn’t smart. It’s not worth getting caught. Now. Get. Out.” She poked at him.

  “When we get home, I’m bending that pretty little body over the first surface we come to, and having my way with you. I’m warning you.”

  “Get!” She pointed to the door and cracked a smile as her face flushed.

  He groaned in frustration, but heeded her direction this time. She was going to be the death of him. But she’d be giving it up tonight; he’d see to it.

  Sunlight peeked through the curtains, pulling Bryce from sleep. Lacey was pressed against him; one of his hands tucked under her head, the other wrapped across her lush tits. Moving his hand slowly, he rubbed his eyes and watched the sun come up through the blinds they’d forgotten to close the night before.

  He had made sure to make good on his promise to her last night. As soon as they walked in the door, as a matter of fact. He had Lacey stripped bare and bent over the couch in the living room within the first five minutes. Buried balls deep in her heat, just moments after that. To hell with her resisting him, and worrying that he wasn’t up to making love to his girl.

  Once he’d fucked her there, she sucked him off against the wall in the hallway, before he pinned her to her bed and made her come again with his tongue, and again with his cock. By the time he’d finished with her, they were both spent and exhausted.

  He was feeling it now, but it had been worth every glorious second of watching her come undone. Just thinking about all their lovemaking had his cock rock-hard again. Lacey wiggling her ass against him was only fueling him

  Moving his hand back to her chest, he ran circles around her breasts, teasing her nipples. Lacey pressed against him again and sighed.

  “Morning, babe.” He gently kissed behind her ear.

  “Mmmm, morning.” She rubbed against him again.

  “Keep that up, and we won’t be getting out of this bed anytime soon,” he growled. Lacey rolled over to face him, kissing his lips, his cheeks, his chest. “Lace…” Her kisses moved lower down his taught abs; a lick here, a nip there. “Christ,” he hissed. He didn’t miss how she kissed each one of his fading scars, but when she licked the head of his cock, he lost all rational thought. His hips rose off the bed, a hand finding the back of her head, guiding her down. She rolled her tongue down his length and back up again, before taking him in her mouth, hollowing her cheeks and sucking his dick like her life depended on it.

  She cupped his balls, rolling them in her fingers. With hooded eyes, he looked down at her, cursing. “Fucking beautiful, Lacey. Suck my cock, babe. Ah, fuck!”

  He knew she didn’t need any direction from him; no, his girl was a pro at giving head. Especially when she’d been starved for so long. Her mouth was like a fucking vice on his cock, sucking and lapping at him. It’d be a small miracle if he lasted long at all, the way she was working him. She knew what she was doing to him; the proof was in the wicked glare she sent him.

  A hiss. A moan. A plea escaped his mouth. “Please, Lacey. Goddamn, baby. Just like that.” His hips thrusted up as he fucked her mouth. “I’m gonna fucking come. Shit, that’s it. Swallow my cock.” One more growl, and he exploded like fireworks on the Fourth of July.

  Lacey slowed, swallowing every drop of his cum and licking him clean.

  Sitting up, she smiled at him, obviously proud of herself for driving him wild. He was grinning like a fool. He was so damn in love with this girl who knew exactly what made him tick.

  “Marry me, Lacey.”

  A laugh tumbled from her lips. “Funny, you smartass.”

  “I wasn’t being funny. With a mouth like that, I need to put it under lock and key.”

  Lacey slapped his chest as she curled back up in his arms. “There are more romantic ways for you to ask, you know. Maybe at a time when my mouth hasn’t been all over your cock? Maybe then, I’d be more apt to believe you want to marry me.”

  Bryce tugged Lacey on top of him. “Baby, make no mistake. I want to marry you, someday. And it maybe only has a tiny bit to do with your ability to suck my cock.”

  “Jesus Christ. You sure have a way with words, soldier. Get dressed and come have breakfast with me.” Lacey kissed him one more time before jumping out of bed, brushing off his words.

  This was a new development for them. Bryce had been dropping subtle hints about marriage and babies, ever since he was discharged from rehab. Most of the time, Lacey laughed it off, but she was beginning to wonder just what her soldier was up to.

  On My Watch Tonight—Mike Corrado

  Standing in front of the bathroom mirror, Bryce smoothed the front of his uniform. Lacey watched over his shoulder before wrapping her arms around him, giving him a reassuring squeeze.

  “Still nervous?”

  “A little. This is all I’ve ever known. I think I’m ready, but it’s not up to me,” Bryce admitted.

  They’d spent the night in a hotel near Walter Reed. Today, he was attending his Medical Review Hearing. In a matter of an hour or so, the Army and its team of medical professionals would determine his future. If they opted to retire him, or put him out on disability – he wasn’t sure where he’d go from there. He wasn’t quite ready to give up the uniform or his unit. More than anything, he wanted to be back with his men.

  Lacey was dressed in a navy-blue sundress, her hair pulled over one shoulder and pinned back, exposing her neck. Any other time, his cock would be standing at attention, begging to get inside her. She looked stunning, enough to take his breath away, but his nerves made it hard to focus on anything more.

  She grabbed her purse and checked her watch. “We should get going, yeah?”

  Bryce grabbed his patrol cap and nodded, moving toward the door. He held it open as Lacey passed through, then followed her down the hallway with one hand on the small of her back.

  Thirty minutes later, they were sitting in the tiny hearing room, Bryce’s lawyer at his side while Lacey waited – nervously, he was sure – in the hall.

  The door opened and the three-member review board strolled in. Bryce quickly rose and saluted the commanding officer accompanying the medical professionals.

  “At ease.”

  Bryce returned to his seat as they each took a seat before him.

  “Sergeant Major Bryce Matheson. Your recovery has been miraculous. Your service as a US Army Soldier – exemplary.” The Colonel shuffled the folder in front of him. “I see no reason to beat around the bush here. After reviewing your case, we feel confident that you are in the best condition to return to duty.”

  His shoulders relaxed, a smile on his face as pride swelled in his heart. He schooled his emotions and listened as they reviewed key items before handing him his paperwork. He’d be returning to base on Monday morning. But that wasn’t all. His new orders meant he’d be PCSing just after the first of the year. Baumholder, Germany would become his home for the next three years.

  It had been a while since he last drew orders, but he’d go wherever the Army sent him. This time, they’d given him time to plan. Time to propose to his girl and make an honest woman of her. If she’d have him. Marriage would be the only way he could take her with him on this move. Leaving her ‘home’ in Pennsylvania for three years was not an option in Bryce’s mind.

  Bryce stood and shook hands with everyone, as they exited the room.

  His lawyer clapped him on the back as they exited the room. “That was easy enough.”

  “Thanks, Sergeant Marsh. Glad it wasn’t more complicated.” He scooped Lacey up in a hug; huge smiles on both their faces.

  “No problem. Take care, and give me a call if you ever need anything. Best of luck to you both.”

  “Yes sir, you take it easy.”

  Lacey offered a weak smile as they separated from Bryce’s lawyer on the way to the parking lot.

  “Cleared for duty, babe.” Bryce pushed her against the car and nuzzled her neck. Now, he was fully aware of the beauty in front of him. “Gonna be moving, though. Germany.”

  “Germany,” Lacey sighed, leaning into his chest to hide her tears.

  “Yep. You coming with me?” He didn’t hesitate, lifting her chin so that he was looking her in the eyes. Might as well get it all out in the open now, and find out her feelings on the matter. He could have demanded that she was, which he would, but for now – he’d put the ball in her court.

  Her eyes widened in surprise. “Me, move to Germany? And do what, Bryce?”

  All right, so she was going to play it like that.

  “Whatever you want, Lacey. Get a job. Get a dog, have some babies. Marry me.”

  “You’re fucking kidding?” Her body tensed.

  Bryce couldn’t help it; he laughed. He shouldn’t have, especially with the look she was currently giving him, but there was no fighting the humor he found in the situation. “I’m not kidding. You can’t come with me if we’re not married and, frankly, the idea of leaving you here doesn’t sit well with me. I’ll be living in Germany, Lace. I won’t be coming back here to visit often – if ever. There won’t be enough time. So, my solution is, you marry me and come with me. We’ve got three months; more like two, since the Army is slow with paperwork. But we can make this happen.”

  He had lost his mind. That’s it. There was no other explanation for it. Bryce Matheson was officially fucking insane. She managed to break free from him and climbed inside the car. He didn’t say anything else; just jumped in the driver’s side and backed out of the parking space.

  Marry him? Move to Germany? Her whole life was in Harrisburg. Did he really expect h
er to pick up and leave? Just like that?

  No, he had to have hit his head. Maybe they should turn back, have him re-evaluated. Something wasn’t right.

  Shit, suddenly she felt like she was suffocating. Pushing the button on the door, she nearly stuck her head out the window as it rolled down. Deep breaths, Lacey, in and out, she coaxed herself.

  “Lace…why are you over there freaking out?”

  How was it possible that he was so calm about this? It was his idea to do the whole ‘no strings attached’ thing. Ok yeah, he told her he wanted it all this time around, but…this…this might be too much.

  “Ok, so now you’re not talking to me? Lacey, Jesus Christ, you act like we haven’t been living together for months. You act like I’ve not been hinting at marriage. You really didn’t see this coming?”

  “Moving to Germany? Nope. Getting married? I figured we’d have a long engagement.” She shrugged, trying to play off the emotions coursing through her veins.

  “All right, I admit, springing the marriage thing on you like that was probably not best. You’re overwhelmed. But Lacey, I’m dead fucking serious. I want to marry you, and I want you to move to Germany with me.”

  “What about what I want?” Her voice cracked.

  What did she want, though? That was the real question. Was marrying Bryce really that big of a deal? Wasn’t that where she wanted to be headed with him anyway? Right now, it all felt like too much, though.

  The thought of moving to a foreign country, when she’d never even been far from her hometown, was petrifying. Leaving her grandmother’s house – all she had left of the woman who raised her and loved her – was enough to crush her. What about her friends? How could she leave Tyler behind, after all they’d been through? And what would happen when Bryce deployed? She’d be left alone. That’s what would happen. And if he didn’t make it back, there would be no one there to help her pick up the pieces.

  Reality was a bitch.


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