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Incubus Makes Three (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

Page 6

by Tiffany Dawn

  Now she really was feeling like an idiot. This was Florida—who didn’t know how to swim? However, she wasn’t on vacation. This was supposed to be business.

  “Yes, but I can’t, I mean, I don’t want to take advantage. You’re paying me to take care of Dempsey, not lounge around on the beach.” Despite her faint protest, he resumed walking her past the kitchen and down another beautifully tiled hall.

  “Nonsense. I can’t think of anything I’d rather have you doing than going swimming with me. What I’m paying you is probably not enough for the joy it will bring me.” He patted her arm in an old-fashioned gesture and then opened one of the doors to a grand bedroom. Who was this man? He spoke like a mix between James Bond and the Vampire Lestat. It was überseductive.

  “Please go ahead and select whichever swimming attire you like. There’s a diverse collection in the bureau over there.”

  “Dorian, I’m not sure whoever the swimsuits belong to would really like you loaning them out.”

  “Don’t be silly. Please choose whatever you like, and I will meet you out back.” He retreated out of the room, leaving Shari alone to admire the beauty of what she assumed was a guest suite. A large bed with a canopy and flowing lace netting took up one end of the room. The other side housed a pair of cozy-looking armchairs arranged into a charming sitting area. She wandered over and opened several drawers, amazed by the stunning collection of swimsuits in various styles and sizes. She picked up a bright orange string bikini and then tossed it aside. She needed something modest. She didn’t want Dorian to get the wrong impression of her. Then again that would be fun… She needed to drop that line of thinking. Dorian may have kissed her, but then they both agreed that this was supposed to be a business arrangement. She really shouldn’t do anything that could sabotage their working relationship. She had no job prospects and no idea when Dr. Burke would be back to work. If ever. Flipping past the sexiest swimwear she’d ever laid eyes on, she finally found a rather modest dark blue one-piece in her size. Still a good thing she’d shaved her legs and bikini area this morning in the shower. She changed out of her jeans and scrub top and pulled the swimsuit on.

  Moments later, she was out back on the large patio admiring Dorian. He stood by the outdoor wet bar, dark aviator sunglasses shielding his eyes and a cell phone in his hand. He glanced over at her, holding his index finger up to give him just a second, and she nodded. He smiled at her and spoke a few more words into the receiver before ending the call. “That color is very lovely on you. An excellent choice.”

  “Well, you have some incredible options in there.” She glowed under his praise.

  He continued watching her, and she felt her face heat. He’d slid his sunglasses down and let his gaze wander from her toes to her eyes. It felt as if he was undressing her from the modest suit. She could feel her body beginning to respond to his perusal. Her nipples puckered and her thighs ached. Get a hold of yourself.

  He handed her a towel from the large pile of neatly folded and brightly colored beach towels. Dorian led the way off the patio and around the pool through a black wrought iron gate. He held open the gate for her, letting it quietly latch behind her. The white sand was hot under her feet. As far as she could see were bright aqua-blue ocean waves gently lapping against the shore. She turned all around, surprised she couldn’t see a house, never mind other people. The sea breeze blew her hair, and she grabbed some strands and stuffed them behind her ear. “It’s beautiful here and so private.” She walked toward the water, anxious to stick her toes in. The water was soothing on her sand-burned feet.

  “Yes. A stunning slice of nature and I’m fortunate to have it all to myself. There’re some more houses, but they are about half a mile down the beach so it’s rare to have anyone come by.” He took her towel from her and dropped it on top of his own onto a lounge chair. Great, all alone with sex on two legs. Pull yourself together!

  “If you like, we can dive in from the end of the dock. The water is about ten feet deep at this tide. Otherwise I keep some floats in the storage bench.” Shari didn’t care which way they got into the water. She just wanted in. Her skin was flushed with repressed desire, and she needed to cool down.

  The water was warm but still cooler than the hot and humid Florida air. She could imagine how wonderful floating around on the soft waves would feel. Dorian had already made his choice. He walked quickly down the floating dock, perfectly at ease with the way it bobbed up and down on the waves. He dived gracefully into the water. She made her way down the dock, glancing into the sea wondering where his head would pop up. She swiveled at the sound of a splash off to her right and was rewarded. Dorian erupted out of the water all finely sculpted muscle. He shook his wet hair out of his face and opened his eyes.

  “Come in. The water’s perfect.” He smiled at her, and she practically had to wipe the drool from the corner of her lip. He was perfect. Droplets of water glistening against his tan skin left her wishing she could just lick the water off his cheek.

  She dived in the water, feeling carefree for the first time in months. No worries over cheating exes or guilty thoughts of hot stepbrothers. The water was just cool enough to be refreshing but warm enough to stay in forever.

  * * * *

  More time with the delectable Shari was a dream. He hadn’t thought of souls, masters, or even Gabriel’s beautiful face all afternoon. He floated on his back, arching his neck just enough to study Shari treading water. His long existence had been one of carefully arranged excesses—beautiful mortals to play with, riches to keep him comfortable, and the lack of emotion to make it all possible. He was a greedy, hedonist bastard. Shari and in a way, Gabriel, were changing that about him. He actually cared. In that moment, he knew he would continue wanting and ultimately having both mortals. He could be patient a bit longer—after all, he’d gone nigh a millennium without a soul. What was a bit more delay? The masters could be satisfied with something else. Besides, after enjoying them both, maybe he would get bored and be ready to finish his dealings with the demons. He rolled in the water, anxious to be closer to her.

  They frolicked in the ocean floating on the waves and taking turns swimming under each other. He did a wonderful impersonation of a shark, circling her and then finally diving deep to startle her with a pinch or a poke. He enjoyed letting out his playful side around Shari. They played that way for an hour. This was most definitely not the type of relationship he’d had with previous mortals. It was all so wonderful he couldn’t help but worry that something would ruin it—and it would.

  * * * *

  “Ouch,” Shari howled. A sharp pain shot up her foot. She wanted out of the water and away from whatever got her. Dorian was immediately by her side.

  “Are you okay? A cramp?” He wrapped his arms around her waist, helping her to float.

  “Something bit me.” Her eyes teared a bit, her toes stinging.

  “Let’s get you to the beach and take a look. Might have been a jellyfish.” Dorian helped her swim closer to the shore until her feet could touch the bottom. She limped along with him supporting her. He set her down on the soft wet sand and looked at her foot. Sure enough, a red rash marked the heel, evidence of a sea nettle attack.

  “Is the pain just here where the marks are?” Dorian asked, gently tracing his hand up her foot. Goosebumps covered her skin, his soft touch tempting despite her discomfort.

  “It’s not so bad now that I know it was just a jelly fish. I’m sure it will go away soon. Sorry to pull you out of the water.” Shari propped her hands up in the sand and pushed her way shakily to her feet. This was embarrassing but ouch!

  “Why don’t I carry you back to the house and we’ll get some vinegar on that sting?” He slipped his arms neatly around her waist and under her thighs hefting her easily into the air.

  “You don’t have to carry me. I’m sure I can walk,” she protested weakly, appreciating the opportunity to be in his strong arms.

  “Now why would I want you to walk when
I can have you pressed up against me?” he teased, placing a soft kiss against her forehead.

  Oh my.

  * * * *

  Where the hell was Shari? He’d called her work only to get the answering service, and she wasn’t picking up her cell phone. He finally gets the balls to fix his life, and he couldn’t reach the one person he wanted most to know about it. He was done doing small-time cons. He’d sold his car to pay off his debt and began attending Gamblers Anonymous. He was living in a motel, taking the city bus ad working as a bartender. Not glamorous but it was a start. He still wasn’t good enough for Shari, but he was making the effort. Being around Dorian had changed him—made him want to be a better man. He didn’t want Shari to forever view him as her ne’er-do-well stepbrother. He wanted her to see him as a good man—even if he still couldn’t be her man.

  He’d hoped passion for Dorian would get her out of his head but it didn’t. It was wrong but he craved her. He had since he first met her at their parents’ small wedding. He tried to treat her like an annoying kid sister but failed miserably. Seeing her with a boyfriend had been torture. Every time that guy touched her, he wanted to pound the shit out of him. He was secretly glad when Shari caught the bastard cheating. It all felt awkward. He stayed away from her for a long time but even that wasn’t effective. He would pine for her at night.

  But he also wanted Dorian—just to make things more complicated. The man made him want things he’d never before imagined. He was a hot mess over two people. One he could have although some would judge and one he couldn’t.

  Gabriel tried calling her one last time, hanging up on her voice mail. He needed to get going if he was going to make his shift at Rumors. He’d wanted to ask her to come by. It was a bit sappy but this was his first legitimate job and he’d hoped she would be there to see him in action. Perhaps he should invite Dorian? Then again, was he ready to introduce her to a guy he’d sucked off?

  Chapter 13

  Shari felt so right in his arms. Her lush curves pressed against him, arousing his senses. He carried her up to the house and laid her gently down on the oversized living room couch.

  “Wait, I don’t want to ruin the fabric with my wet suit.” She tried to stand, and he urged her back down.

  “Don’t worry about it,” he insisted and left her briefly to hunt down vinegar and some washcloths. Like he could care about a couch when his woman was in discomfort. His woman, the idea had such a novel ring to it. This was only the second mortal he’d perused for his own purposes, and he was thinking he might be truly going mad. Focus, Dorian. Get a grip. Within a few moments, he was back by her side, sitting on the floor and holding a warm compress of vinegar and water against the irritated skin of her heel. “Is that any better?”

  She sighed and leaned back against the plush couch. “It’s already stopped stinging. Thank you.”

  He kept the pressure on her foot with one hand and let his fingers glide up her smooth calf with the other. She moaned and her eyes drifted shut. He massaged her feet and stroked her legs all the way up to her knees. He could already scent her arousal, but he wanted her to burn for him the way he was aching for her. He let go of the cloth and kneeled between her slightly parted legs, encouraged when she opened her eyes and smiled at him. He brushed a long, loose lock of her red hair to the side of her face and pulled her head closer. His eyes searched her clear blue ones, begging silent permission to proceed.

  Shari swallowed and pushed her lips hesitantly to his, her eyes still open. A hot jolt of electricity went through his body at her awkward approach. He deepened the kiss, gently easing his tongue into her warm, sweet depths. She kissed him back, stroking her tongue along his lips. The little groan she released had him straining even more in his trunks. She pulled away from him briefly. Please don’t run. He sucked in a deep breath of air, trying to clear his befuddled senses. I will not use my pheromones. She must have free will in this.

  He needed to make sure he got this right for her but wasn’t sure how long he could play nice. He’d never wanted a human this much, and the nature of an incubus was not to be long suppressed. He would take her soon and damn the consequences. The masters could wait a bit for their tribute.

  Her warm mouth caressed his ear. It traced a scorching path around his jaw to his lips. He released a growl and tightened his hold on the back of her head with one arm. The other snaked round to cup her full breast, pushing the damp swimsuit down to her waist. He felt her nipple pebble hard against his palm, but that was just a reassuring tease. He had to taste all of her. He dropped his lips to her nipple and wrapped his tongue around it. He used his thumb to flick over the other engorged nipple enjoying the moans Shari released.

  “Oh, fuck,” he muttered, new waves of desire shooting through his veins. The hard nipple he’d teasingly sucked a moment ago was straining and peaking against his mouth. He dropped featherlight kisses down her belly and then tugged at the swimsuit tangled around her waist. With a hiss, he slid his hands under her ass and ripped the suit off her, letting it slide to the tile floor. He tipped her back deeper against the couch and placed one slim ankle on his shoulder. She was exposed to him now, her damp red curls decorating her beautiful pussy. He was contemplating how long it would take before she drove him completely insane. Not long.

  He needed to plant himself deep inside of her more than he needed to take his next breath, but he’d pleasure her first. Dorian slid his fingers between her silky folds, enjoying the way her breath caught. She was so wet and ready. He flicked her clit with his thumb and gritted his teeth when his thick fingers slipped easily into her glistening pussy. He could feel her cunt clenching already, so close to release. He had to taste her now. His tongue replaced his thumb against her clit, licking and nipping at the bud. Her juices ran warmly down his fingers as he pressed his mouth more forcefully against her mound. Shari was so close; she gyrated her hips and pulled at his hair. A quick glance at her face revealed a woman on the very edge. Her eyes were shut, and she was sliding her tongue against her lips. “Please, Dorian, I need it,” she begged.

  “Come for me, baby, come all over my tongue,” he encouraged, keeping his rhythmic licking and fingering going. He angled his fingers to the front of her canal, feeling the slight bump of her G-spot. That was it. That was what she needed to fall.

  “Oh, God, Dorian, oh God, I’m coming, I’m coming.” She threw her head back against the couch gasping in air. He licked and caressed her until every last pulse had died down.

  “I’ve never, oh my, I’ve never come so hard before. That was incredible,” Shari stammered.

  “No, that was just the first time. I need to hear you many more times. And, next time, it will be with me in you,” he said, dropping tender kisses between her thighs, appreciating the flush of color staining her skin.

  “I want you in me right now. Do you have any condoms?” Shari smiled at him, a glint in her eye.

  He stood and dropped his swim trunks to the floor. His erection proudly stood up, begging for her touch.

  She whimpered breathlessly.

  “Hush, I’ll take care of you. I’m clean and sterile, no baby making for me,” Dorian assured her, taking a seat next to her. He sent a light rush of incubi pheromones her way as a distraction. He didn’t want to explain why he couldn’t impregnate a mortal. Well he technically might be able to, but…

  He slipped his fingers down her adorable round tummy to stroke the liquid heat trickling from her pussy. She was still soaking wet and creamy for him. His wide fingers stroked through her folds, and he slipped several fingers inside her. He needed her stretched and ready or his large cock would hurt her. He stroked down out of her wet passage and rubbed his finger against her rosebud. She sighed and clenched when he dared to push in, but with a few strokes, his finger was buried in her hole. Her hips bucked at this new invasion, rocking back and forth to try to take in more. He let her set the pace, keeping one finger in her anus and two others in her pussy. She sucked in a full breath
of air before letting it hiss out between clenched teeth. “That’s it, baby, just focus on how good this feels,” he uttered before pushing another finger in and circling her swollen clitoris with his calloused thumb. He was finger fucking both of her holes and moving his engorged cock against her thigh. She clutched at his shoulders, humming her pleasure. Her honest responses sent him beyond sanity. He had no more sense than an animal in heat. She started to tighten around his fingers. He couldn’t help himself anymore. He smeared some of her wetness on the head of his dick. He kissed her mouth hard and shifted himself between her legs.

  Shari gripped his shoulders and arched her hips to rub her heat against him. He positioned himself and rammed his cock into her tight, wet pussy. She gasped at his intrusion and softened around him. He stilled to give her body time to adjust and to keep himself from coming too fast. She was making a loud keening noise as she climbed, biting and sucking his shoulder. The sting of her teeth in his skin made him thrust deeper. She was grinding her pelvis and clawing at his back. He arched so he could bend down taking one of her straining nipples into his mouth, sucking hard. “Come for me, baby. I wanna feel your pussy melt all over me,” he encouraged. He bit her swollen nipple and she moaned, calling out his name in her release.

  “Dorian, I’m coming. You’re making me come,” she panted. He pushed in again and again, wringing every last little contraction out of her until he finally came. He heaved his cock out, exploding all over her pussy lips.

  He let out a ragged curse, his heart hammering and his breath coming in gasps. For once in his long existence, he’d been completely absorbed by a woman. He would never be able to get enough of her. As an incubus, he was fucked.


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