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Her Bodyguard

Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  The grip she had on his arms tightened, and he couldn’t help but smile.

  “You’re mine, Kate. You’ve been mine for a long time.”

  “We’re crossing a line.”

  “Some lines need to be crossed in order to get what we want.” He sank his fingers into her hair and tugged her down, kissing her lips. “Knowing no other man has touched you, has been inside you, or even known how damn fucking perfect you are…”

  “I can’t please you.”

  “Yes, you can, babe. I know what I like, and I’ve heard you take plenty of instruction. You’ve got this.” He took possession of her mouth, rubbing her clit. They were coming toward the hotel where they were staying until they moved to the next city. It was all go, and Kate rarely took time for herself, but that was about to change.

  As he continued to rub her clit, he watched her orgasm begin to build. He didn’t stop, wanting to see her experience one orgasm before they left the car. If they were in the privacy of their hotel room, he’d have his mouth on her pretty cunt. For now, he’d have to be content to bring her release with his fingers.

  She cried out, her back arching, and he knew that for the rest of her life he was going to bring her pleasure, to only hear her cries of arousal, never of fear. Kate had gotten under his skin, and he didn’t give a shit about age differences. He wanted her, and nothing was going to get in his way.

  Kissing her pretty mouth, he pulled his fingers from her pussy, licking them clean. She tasted delicious.


  Kate followed Lucas’s lead. The moment the limousine came to a stop, she held his hand as he pulled her from it. There weren’t as many press members, but Lucas kept her close, not letting her go. Once inside the hotel’s main lobby, he moved them to the elevator.

  No one was inside, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

  “I want you to cancel the rest of your dates for the next month,” he said.

  She stared at him in their reflections of the glass. “How?”

  “Tell your team you’re taking some time for yourself.”

  “I can do that?”

  The smile he gave her sent tingles down her spine. “You’re the boss, Kate. Didn’t you realize that? They need you a lot more than you need them, and you’ve got to realize your own worth.”

  She licked her dry lips, wondering if she could do that.

  “You’ve not stopped working since you were eighteen. You perform all the time, and it’s not wrong or brattish to ask for a little time. If you burn out, they don’t have anything to offer.”

  The elevator doors opened, and he moved her toward their room.

  He kept to the front, checking that it was safe before letting her enter. He had a whole team, but he’d told her many times that he only trusted himself with her safety. Everyone else had fucked up.

  With the door closed, she realized that she wasn’t alone with her friend anymore, or her guard. He’d brought her to orgasm with his fingers, and that had changed the dynamic of their relationship.

  He closed the curtains, giving them both privacy. Only a couple of lamps provided light, but she saw him just fine.

  “Do you want me to go to bed and ignore this between us, Kate?” he asked.

  She fisted her hands at her side, hating that he was giving her this choice. He was her employee, but she didn’t want to think of it like that. She wanted him to be here because he wanted that, not out of some obligation.

  “Do you want this?” she asked.

  He stepped right up to her, taking her hand and forcing her to uncurl her fist. In the next moment, he placed her hand right over his cock, which was rock-hard. “This is what you do to me. I want you, Kate. I wouldn’t be here, and I certainly wouldn’t have touched you if it was supposed to be out of some obligation. I’m not that kind of guy. Don’t for a second think it is.” He released her wrist. “I’m giving you an out, baby, because once I start, I’m not going to stop. You’re going to be mine, and you need to realize that I call the shots.” He stroked her neck.

  He hypnotized her with his stare, and she didn’t want to look away. She didn’t want to be anywhere else but with him, consumed by him.

  “There’s nowhere else I’d rather be than with you.”

  His hand moved to the back of her neck where the dress was held together with a single clasp. With a flick of his fingers, the dress fell down, and she stood before him naked apart from the G-string, which wasn’t much protection at all.

  She went to cover herself.

  “Don’t even think of hiding from me. That’s not going to happen.” Once again, he touched her chin, tilting her head back. “You’re never to hide from me, not once. I want to know everything that is going on inside your head.”

  Slowly, his fingers skimmed down her neck, going toward her breast. She gasped as the backs of his fingers stroked over her nipple, and down he went, touching the scar that was a constant reminder of that awful night.

  “I think you’re incredibly beautiful. Your raven hair, your blue eyes that always look so full of fire. Your full body. Incredibly big tits and hips. I love your thighs. I know when I finally fuck you, they’re going to grip me, and I can’t wait to have them wrapped around my waist. I find you to be the most sexy, desirable woman I’ve ever known.”

  She reached out, placing her hands on his chest, running them up inside his jacket, then pushing it off until it fell onto the floor. The guns at his sides didn’t alarm her like they once did. She’d seen him practicing with them many times. He’d even taken her to the gun range to practice. She hated holding a gun, and hoped she never had to.

  He took over, removing the guns, and she began to unbutton his shirt, but he batted her hands away. In one quick move, he picked her up and carried her through to the bedroom.

  “I’m too heavy.”

  “You’re perfect. Shut up with all that bullshit. I don’t want to hear it.”

  He placed her on the center of the bed, and she sat up, watching as he removed his clothing. The shirt fell first, next his pants, followed by his boxer briefs. His cock was … well, she hoped he’d fit, even though it was such a stupid and immature thing to think. He wrapped his fingers around the length, working from the base going up to the root then down again.

  The tip leaked pre-cum, and he used it to rub into his cock. She couldn’t look away from what he was doing.

  She found it highly erotic to see him pleasuring himself.

  Finally, he joined her on the bed.

  “Spread your thighs.”

  Opening her legs, she tried to push the nerves away. She’d never been in this position. She’d never wanted to be, but right now, with Lucas, there wasn’t anywhere else in the world she wanted to be than with him.

  He reached up, grabbing her G-string. She expected him to peel it down off her body. He didn’t. With a tug, he snapped the fabric and tossed it aside.

  “You’re mine now, Kate.”

  She wanted to be his.

  There was no turning back.

  Chapter Three

  Kate’s pussy was so beautiful, her lips open and glistening with cream. The scent of her sex was already heavy in the air, and Lucas wanted her. His cock thickened just at the sight of her. Her glorious curves were displayed for him, and only him. He was a possessive man, and he didn’t give a fuck what other people thought of him.

  He may be old enough to be her dad, but he was also the only person who cared enough about her to take care of her. Skimming his fingers up the inside of her thighs, he teased her slit, using the lightest touch on her pussy, making her arch up begging for more. This was the first time he’d ever crossed the line on a job. From the moment he first met her, she’d gotten underneath his skin, and now he couldn’t imagine being without her.

  Her beauty went more than skin deep.

  Touching the lips of her pussy, he spread them open, staring at her clit then down to her virgin entrance. No man had ever touched her. She’d never been roma
ntically linked to anyone, and her innocence clashed with her natural sensuality. This was a woman designed for sex, for fucking.

  Lucas watched as he pressed two fingers to her clit, trapping it between and rubbing gently. She gasped.

  “Do you like that, baby? You like it when I touch you like this?” He didn’t move down to her virginity. When he took that, he was going to do it with his cock.

  The need to slam right inside her to the hilt shook him to the core, but he fought it. He wanted her to come a second time before he took her pussy.

  “Touch your tits, Kate. Let me see what you like.”

  Her hands went from her stomach, moving up to cup her tits. Her blue gaze was on him, not once looking away. He didn’t want her to.

  As he played with her cunt, he wanted her to never forget that it was his touch on her. Moving down the bed so that his face was above her pussy, he flicked his tongue against her clit, finally tasting her, and knowing there wasn’t anything else in the world that he wanted but her.

  Kate gave him everything.

  Sucking her clit into his mouth, he was determined to get her addicted to him and him alone.

  With his teeth he bit down and quickly soothed out the burn with his tongue. She writhed above him, and he didn’t let up, driving her to a second orgasm.

  He didn’t give her time to come down from her peak. Sliding between her thighs, he held his cock, smearing it through her cream. He should get a condom, but he didn’t want to. If his cum took inside her and they made a baby, he’d be one happy man.

  “You’re going to be mine, Kate. You’re not going to be able to get rid of me.” He’d be by her side.

  Being the owner of the Evans Security company, he was already a wealthy man, so she wouldn’t have to worry about him wanting her fortune.

  “You’re not bad company,” she said with a smile.

  He loved that look on her face, filled with pleasure.

  Sliding his cock down to her entrance, he stared into her eyes, and in one hard thrust he filled her tight cunt. He pushed past her virginity, claiming her as his own.

  She cried out his name, and he caught her wrists in his hands as she tried to push him off. Taking possession of her mouth, he swallowed down her pain, hating that he’d caused it but knowing there was nothing else he could do.

  Kissing her neck, he sucked on her pulse, then slid to her ear. “I’m sorry.”

  “It hurt.”

  “I’ve got you.” He didn’t move, allowing her pussy to clench around his dick. Closing his eyes, he counted to ten to give him strength to not just fuck her. “I didn’t want to hurt you.”

  Pulling back slightly, he stared into her eyes, seeing the tears trailing down her cheeks. “It’s okay now. I’ve got you.”

  Her lip wobbled, and he cursed.

  “I’m not a virgin anymore.”

  “You’re not a virgin. You’re mine now, Kate.”

  Kissing her lips, he made love to her mouth, waiting until she began to wriggle on his cock, letting him know that she was ready for more.

  Pulling out of her tight cunt until only the tip of him remained, he thrust back inside. This time her cries were of pleasure.

  He made love to her. All he wanted to do was fuck her raw, but this time he waited, giving her pleasure and watching the fire dance in her gaze. Holding her hands above her head, he plunged inside her. His orgasm took him by surprise with the force as he filled her cunt, spilling his cum deep within her.

  Wrapping his arms around Kate, he breathed in her scent, stroking her hair and refusing to pull away. Sliding his hand down her back, he cupped her ass, wanting her more every second of every day.

  “I never wanted to hurt you,” he said.

  “There was always going to be pain. I knew that. I just didn’t think it would hurt that much.”

  He stroked her cheek.

  This woman had gotten under his skin in the past year, and now knowing how good she felt beneath him, Lucas didn’t know if he was ever going to be able to let her out of his sight.

  “What are you thinking?” he asked.

  “It was amazing. I want to do it again. Can we do it again?”

  He chuckled. “We can do it as many times as you want. First though, I need to get you cleaned up.” Releasing his hold, he pulled away. Blood smeared his cock. Her virginal blood.

  She was his now, and he intended to protect her with his very life. He needed to find the person who wanted to harm her.


  Kate’s managers and team didn’t approve of her canceling dates for the next two months. They tried to talk her out of it, and if it wasn’t for Lucas being at her side, she would have continued to work.

  Over the past seven years whenever she’d asked for a few days, they’d always denied her. They’d guilt her into working, reminding her about her legion of fans depending on her. She loved her fans, and she hoped they’d understand that she needed a short time to collect herself.

  Even after her injury she’d not taken time off. She’d done the recommended bed rest, and she’d been back to work at the advice of her managers.

  She knew they hated Lucas in that moment. The glares they’d given him, reminding him that he was just a bodyguard, and they could make sure he never worked again—she’d put a stop to it. She told them she wasn’t quitting. She was going to work, but right now she needed a short break.

  Afterward, Lucas packed her bag and they were on the road, heading to wherever he wanted to go.

  It was exciting, dangerous, and she didn’t care. For the first time since high school, she was doing something that she’d not been told to do. No one had told her to pick up the microphone seven years ago and try to get the crowd interested. She’d done it, and her life had turned out like this.

  Her song had knocked someone off the number one spot at the time as people demanded it be available to download. From there she had gone from strength to strength.

  “Are you okay?”

  “I feel like I’m missing a lesson,” she said.

  He chuckled. “Believe me, I’ve long finished high school.” He kissed her knuckles, and her stomach tightened. Everything about him called to a part of her.

  Their night in bed had been the best time of her life; magical, painful, sweet, tender.

  “There’s a lot of thoughts rushing through your head right now. You want to tell me about it?” he asked.

  “Not really. I’m just thinking about last night.”

  “Which part?”

  “All of it. I’m sorry. You’re probably used to more experienced women.”

  He gave her hand a little squeeze. “Don’t compare yourself. There’s no one to compare to, baby. There’s only you.”

  Staring out of the window, she watched as people went by their daily lives. The windows of his car were tinted.

  “Did you always want to be a singer? A star?”

  She laughed. “No, I didn’t. I wanted to become a CEO of a technology company. I intended to go college, get a degree in business and technology.”

  “Wow, now that is a shock.”

  “Did you always want to save people?” she asked.

  “Yes, I did.”

  They arrived at what she assumed was his apartment building. He parked and ordered her to wait in the car until he moved to help her out. He was always protecting her. She liked to pretend that there wasn’t a madman on the loose intent on killing her.

  She didn’t know who it was that wanted to hurt her, only that they’d succeeded once.

  “Next time my blade will slide against your throat.” She recalled the words that had made their way to her hospital bed.

  Never in her life had she been so scared. Her team at the time had brushed off the death threats as just an overexcited fan. It hadn’t been an excited fan at all. Someone wanted to kill her.

  Lucas kept his body next to hers as they made their way toward the elevator.

  Once inside, she stepped back,
gripping the metal rail that ran around the box.

  He cupped her face, tilting her head back. “Look at me.”

  Her heart pounded inside her chest, and not down to arousal, due to fear. She was afraid, and she hated that. She hated being scared. It meant they’d won, and she didn’t want that.

  “I wouldn’t let anything happen to you.”

  “I don’t know what I’ve done, Lucas. I don’t know why anyone would want to hurt me. I’ve never done anything to anyone.”

  “Some people don’t need an actual reason, baby. Just one they’ve made up to make everything seem okay.”

  She felt the tears fill her eyes. “I hate being afraid.”

  “Then stop. Your safety is my priority. Be aware of your surroundings. Let me take care of you, though.”

  She gritted her teeth and nodded her head.

  “I won’t let anything happen to you.” He brushed her lips with hers, and she gripped his arms, not wanting him to let go.

  The elevator doors pinged open, and she whimpered as he released her. She didn’t want him to stop kissing her.

  He took her hand, and within seconds they were inside his apartment.

  Lucas didn’t give her the chance to enjoy the view because as soon as he closed the door, he pinned her against it.

  He captured her hands within one of his, and the other ran down her body, gripping the edge of the fabric of her dress and pulling it up.

  The tips of his fingers skimmed her thigh, making her gasp.

  “Do you want my cock deep inside your cunt?” he asked.

  She moaned even more at his dirty talk.


  “Then spread your legs. I want to see if you’re wet enough to take my cock.”

  She opened her thighs, and his hand delved between them. He yanked her panties and threw them to the floor. His fingers slid through her slit, teasing across her clit then down to her entrance. He filled her with one finger, followed by a second.

  “You’re so wet, sweetheart. Are you thinking about how good it will feel to ride my cock?”


  “Good. You’re now in my apartment. You follow my rules.”


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