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Page 13

by Sam Crescent

  “It’s respect,” Holly said. “We can’t use our fists to gain the men’s trust. We’re all nervous about showing our bodies, and opening ourselves up during sex. Being an old lady in front of the club proves to the men you’re willing to do what your man wants, you’re protecting him. I know I’d protect Duke. I’d lie for him as well to protect him.”

  Leanna nodded. “Crazy talked to me about it last night. He wants the guys to know I’m there for him.”

  “Are you?” Mary asked.

  “I am. I love him. I’ve never, erm, I’ve never needed or wanted an audience.”

  “Crazy knows what he’s doing. He’ll protect you throughout it all. No one will touch you, and tomorrow, it will be like it never happened,” Holly said, slapping Zoe’s hand away.

  The oven pinged, letting Leanna know it was time to remove the lasagna from the oven.

  She placed it on a cooling tray. It would be too damn hot to eat now. Moving to the frosting, she grabbed a bag, and started piping frosting onto each cake. Tasting a little of the cream cheese frosting onto her finger, she moaned. It tasted really good, better than good.

  When all the work was done, they carried the food out to the table. She had put the lasagna down on the table, and taken a step away, and now the men were around it. Holly and Mary burst out laughing, and Leanna’s eyes widened.

  “I told you they loved that lasagna,” Crazy said, pulling her back against him. He held onto her tightly, and she leaned back, resting her head on his shoulder.

  “I don’t think there will be enough for you.”

  “I’ve got the cook. You can make some for me tomorrow.”

  Leanna chuckled, and watched as the lasagna was gone within minutes. She left Crazy’s arms to grab a couple of burgers from Duke.

  Russ and Sheila were taking care of all of the kids for the party. They knew tonight was going to be the night that Crazy claimed her in front of the club. Her nerves were wound so tight, but she forced herself to keep calm, and not to run screaming. It was hard to do with everyone around.

  Crazy stayed by her side, holding her close. His fingers teased her body by stroking her neck, or touching her breasts. He did it in such a way that no one saw, and she was thankful. With their gazes away from her, she tried to think about something else.

  “Relax, Leanna. No one is going to pounce on you. This is what I want, and I promise you, I will protect you.”

  Her body was in his hands, and she did trust him. She trusted him with her whole heart and soul. Glancing down at the ring that decorated her finger, her resolve was made up. She wasn’t going to run away from him. This was what he needed for the club to know she belonged to him, and she had his back.

  You can do this for your man.

  Other old ladies had done this before, and it was her turn.

  She had the strength to do what needed to be done.


  The night wore on, and when darkness fell, the music was turned up, and Crazy took her hand. He’d seen Duke nod in his direction, and it was time for a handful of the brothers to gather within the club.

  Leanna didn’t try to stop him from taking her into the clubhouse. Landon closed the door behind him, keeping guard so no one entered. The claiming of an old lady was a private affair, and didn’t require any of the club whores present. This was about the member and his woman. Tonight, it was about him and Leanna. No one else. Mary and Holly were there. Raoul and Zoe had gone to his room. Daisy, Knuckles, Pie, and Smash were all there, along with a couple of other brothers.

  He took her into the clubroom, and some soft music had been played. No one gave them any notice as he took her toward the pool table.

  “I love you, Leanna.”

  “I love you, too.” Her gaze darted around the room, and he turned to see they were being watched. He’d done some watching himself, and their gazes didn’t bother him.

  “Look into their eyes, Leanna. They’re not judging you. They’re waiting to see if you’ll reject me.”

  “I’m not going to reject you.”

  He fingered the straps of her dress, and tugged them down her arms until her full breasts fell free. Crazy moaned at the sight, and took one hard bud into his mouth, sucking the tip. Moving to the next one, he gave it the same kind of attention. Leanna sank her fingers into his hair, and he groaned at the bite of pain from her fingers.

  “Look at them, Leanna. They’re accepting you as my woman. No one else is ever going to touch you.” He pulled away, and removed his leather cut, placing it on her. “See, you belong to me. You’re my property, my woman, and I’m going to love you for the rest of my life.”

  “Make me your woman in the eyes of the club, Crazy.”

  He lifted her up onto the table, and slid his hands underneath her dress. She wriggled her hips as he removed her panties, pocketing the fabric. Unbuckling his belt, he released his zipper, and pulled out his cock.

  They hadn’t worn a condom the last couple of times, and he wasn’t about to start now. He wanted her pregnant, and had even started reading books ready for when she was pregnant. He’d not taken the time with Suz, as he hadn’t believed in the beginning that Strawberry was his.

  With Leanna, he was determined to do everything right.

  “I need you, Crazy.”

  Sinking his fingers into her hair, he slammed his lips down on hers, plunging his tongue into her mouth, and kissing her deeply. He couldn’t believe the way he felt about her. It was pure love, need, and everything in between. Leanna made him a better person, and he would do everything to show her how much he loved her.

  Finding her pussy, he pushed the tip of his cock inside her. For the last three weeks he’d fucked her every chance he got, and she was still incredibly tight, squeezing him.

  “I love you,” he said, slamming all the way inside her.

  She cried out, and released her so that she could lie back on the pool table, wrapping her legs around his waist. He pulled out of her, watching his slick cock appear. Without waiting a moment, he slammed back inside, going so deep that it took both of their breath away. Crazy stared around and saw the brothers watching him claim his woman, his real woman. He’d never done this for Suz, and with their gazes on him, he knew Leanna had won their trust and loyalty.

  No matter what happened, she would be protected, and loved by the club.

  Fucking her hard, he stroked her clit, and as she came apart, he found his own release, growling out his words of love and acceptance.

  Leanna sat up, winding her hands around his neck, and pressing kisses to his neck.

  “I love you.”

  “Look at them, Leanna.”

  She looked over his shoulder.

  “Do you see it?”

  “They’re not judging me.”

  “You took Crazy as your man. You came out of your comfort zone. You’re one of us, Leanna,” Duke said.

  Picking his woman up, he waved at his men, and Leanna giggled as he carried her upstairs.

  “You’re going to hurt yourself.”

  “No, I’m not. I’m not done with you yet.”

  Kicking his door closed, he dropped her to the bed, and pulled out of her pussy. “Take the dress off.” She went to remove his jacket, and he stopped her. “No, I want you to keep the jacket on.”

  She removed her dress and underwear.

  Taking his own clothes off, he sat on the bed. “Turn for me.”

  She gave him a twirl in the leather jacket. “You’re all mine now, and I’m not letting you go.”

  “You promise?”

  “I need you, Leanna. You call to me.”

  Leanna moved to him, kneeling over either side of his legs. “You promised me something.” She took his hand, and placed it on her ass. “And now I’m ready for it.”

  “You want me to fuck that pretty ass?”

  “Yes. I do.”

  “Get on your knees.”

  Tonight was going to be the first night of many, and Crazy could
n’t wait to live the rest of his life. Until Leanna opened her heart to him, he’d only been surviving, and now he was finally living.


  “Tomorrow is mine and Beth’s last day,” Maria said.

  Daisy sat up, turning to the raven haired woman who had driven him crazy. “She got over whatever she needed to?”

  “I don’t know. The summer is over, and it’s back to the real world.” Her arms were folded over her chest. She looked restrained, closed off, and unattainable.

  “The real world? Where people lie, live a false life to show the world how perfect they are.”

  “Not everyone is like that.”

  “You’ll fit right in.”

  Maria cursed. “I’m sick of this. You have pushed and pushed all summer, trying to prove you’re something. I’ve seen you with the club whores. Does it feel good to screw women who don’t care about you? Who don’t give a shit?”

  “Yeah, it does. They don’t run from me.”

  “You’re wrong about me, and you can’t even see what’s right in front of you.”

  Daisy frowned, and panicked as she turned to leave his room. Jumping off the bed, he rushed toward her, grabbing her arm.

  “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “You think I can’t handle you, but you’re wrong. You don’t know anything about what I want, what I need.”

  “Then tell me.”

  Maria growled. “I want to be owned, cherished, loved, and I want to trust someone so that I can give my body, heart, and mind to. I’ve seen it happen. I want it.”

  Daisy panted. “You want college.”

  “No. I know what I want, and I can’t have it. I’m not allowed to. I have to be independent, and want to make a name for myself. I’m doing everything everyone wants for me, and I’m not getting a thing that I want.”

  Tears filled her eyes and spilled over.

  His heart was pounding. “Then stay.”


  “Stay, and let’s see where this will go.”

  “You don’t mean that.”

  “I do. Stay at the club, be mine.”


  “She doesn’t want to leave. She told me that last night. I’ll call our parents, and you can do college online. Stay.”


  “And we’ll see if you can really handle me being in charge completely.”


  One month later

  Crazy paced outside of the bathroom, and Strawberry sat reading a book she’d been learning at school.

  “You’re wearing out Mom’s carpet.”

  He stopped pacing outside of the bathroom, and took a seat next to his little girl. Within two days of being at school Strawberry had started calling Leanna “Mom”, and he’d seen the emotion in his woman.

  “You could be having a baby brother or sister.”

  “I know. I’ll be a big girl.”

  He chuckled. “I know you would.”

  Today, Duke had given him the news that Suz had been taken care of. His ex had been sentenced to ten years for attempted murder. Crazy was happy that his family no longer had to worry about Suz coming back to hurt them. There had been a contact in the women’s prison, who’d taken pleasure in ending Suz. When the chance for parole came up, the club was going to see to it that she was released.

  Crazy heard the toilet flushing, and he stood when the door opened. Leanna held a white stick in her hand.

  “It’s positive.”

  He was so damn happy, he released a triumphant scream. “We’re pregnant. You hear that, dumpling? We’re going to have another little you running around.”

  Strawberry jumped up, and they all started laughing and dancing. He couldn’t contain his excitement. Putting a call through to Duke, he let him hear the good news.

  “Congratulations,” Duke and Holly said, shouting down the line.

  Next, he called the club, and everyone else he knew.

  Shouting, cheering, he tugged Leanna into his arms. “We’re going to have a baby.”

  “We’re going to have a baby.”

  “I love you,” he said.

  “And I love you.”

  Later that night, after dinner was served, and Strawberry was put to bed, he sat in the bath with Leanna in his arms.

  “Are you really happy about having another baby?” she asked.

  He tugged some hair off her neck, and pressed a kiss to her neck. “Words can’t even begin to describe how happy I am. Didn’t you recognize my happiness before?”

  She chuckled. “I did.”

  Running his hands down the front of her body, he placed his palm over her rounded stomach.

  “My kid is in there. The baby we made together. Believe me, Leanna, I’m so damn happy. You make me happy.”

  “I know what you mean. I think I’m going to wake up, and be back at my apartment, and all of this was going to have been a dream.”

  “This is no dream. I loved you from the first moment I saw you, and I pushed the need down. I couldn’t have you because I was married to a woman I couldn’t stand. I hated Suz, and whenever I was around you, I hated her even more. She stopped me from having you.”

  Leanne leaned back, and kissed his neck.

  “You’ve got me now.”

  “I know. This baby is going to be the first of many.”

  She groaned. “I’m kind of scared. Holly showed me some of the books that have, erm, really clear images.”

  He chuckled. “I’ll be by your side for our first baby, second, third, fourth.”

  “How many kids do you want?”

  “Enough that you can’t leave me.”

  He turned her around and found her warm heat. Sliding his dick deep inside her pussy, they both moaned together. “The moment I took you without a condom, I knew I wasn’t ever going to fuck you with one. I want you, Leanna, all the time. You’re the love of my life.”

  “You’re mine.”

  Crazy made love to her deep into the night, and every night after that. When it was time for her to give birth, he was true to his word. He stayed by her side, seeing his son into the world, and it just made him fall even deeper.

  Falling in love was real, and so was having a happy ending. He’d found his.

  The End

  Other Books by Sam Crescent:

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