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Page 7

by Zanne Farrell

  She carefully pushed it open with her empty hand. She poised her Glock, ready to fire.

  A stairwell.

  Please be down there Jimmy.

  Descending the stairs as quietly as possible, she reached the bottom. Another large room opened in front of her, this one obviously used for storage. Rows upon rows of metal shelving filled the space. Shit! There were too many places for someone to hide. Or for her to get lost.

  Why can’t this be easy?

  Bright light illuminated the room and from somewhere in the back voices drifted around her. She needed to go towards the voices.

  Her movements were quicker this time. Tensed, she was ready to fight. Her eyes scanned the room.

  Out of the corner of her eye something moved. Turning, a man--at least she thought it was a man--lunged at her. Bracing herself, she fired. The deafening sound of the shot bounced off the metal of the shelves like popping corn. He crumbled in mid air and lay at her feet. A bloody pool spread across the graying tiles.

  She only gave him a brief glance. Voices moving quickly towards her demanded immediate attention. But the instant she saw him, she was shocked. With the muzzle of a dog, and clawed hands, he appeared more animal than human. Yet he walked upright.

  What the hell?

  She couldn’t’ worry about it now.

  “This way,” echoed around her. They were coming for her.

  Stepping over the man-dog, she moved in the opposite direction as the voices. Maybe if she could get behind them, she could get to wherever they held Jimmy before they realized what’d happened.

  “Nick’s down,” someone called. “Spread out. She didn’t get far.”

  Kathryn moved as silently as a snowfall. Her feet barely skimmed the ground.

  She weaved in and out of the shelving. If the creatures following her were shifters, they could track her scent. She needed to leave an erratic trail for them to follow.

  Moving in the direction she believed the people came from, she prayed she wasn’t too late.

  Almost immediately she found what she was looking for. A door. And it opened into what looked like a small office.

  Running into the tiny room, she shut the door behind her.

  Jimmy sat in the room’s center. His eyes were swollen nearly shut and his face bloodied.

  Her heart caught in her throat.

  He sat duct taped to a chair, tape covered his mouth and blood stained the front of his t-shirt. At least he was breathing. She felt a little better.

  Crouching, she took the blade from her hip and sliced the duct tape from one wrist and moved to the other. When she’d finished he ripped the tape from his mouth.

  “Kathryn! Look out.”

  Hot white pain sliced through her skull and radiated down her legs. Slowly blinking, she tried to move but her field of vision closed in on her and she slumped to the floor. Lying on her back, her surroundings flared bright and then began to fade. First, everything turned a pale grey like the sky just before sunrise. Then it went a kind of a dark blue like early evening. The changes mesmerized her.

  She tried to inhale but the pain in her skull stopped her.

  “Jimmy,” she whispered, before everything around her went black.


  Ian awoke with a start. Something wasn’t right. His body was like lead. With his mind hazy, still thick from sleep, he tried to focus. It was too early. He couldn’t rise yet. What woke him?

  He tried to reach for Kat but his arms wouldn’t move.

  A scream entered his thoughts; her scream and he fought the urge to return to sleep.

  Kat. His Kat. She was in trouble and there was nothing he could do about it. His internal clock told him there were still several more hours of daylight before he could rise.

  Fear fought its way though the fog swirling in his mind.

  He screamed into the blackness of his room knowing no one could hear him; no one could come to his aid. But worse still--there was no one to help Kathryn.

  She was alone, and hurt and he lay helpless to do anything.

  Hang on, my love.

  Closing his eyes, his mind let loose and slowly faded back to oblivion.

  Chapter Nine

  Ian knew the second the sun set. Rising from his bed, he mentally called to his servant. He needed to feed, needed to be strong. The end was near. The final battle loomed on the horizon. He had to be ready.

  “Master,” Noble said, entering Ian’s chamber. Without a word from Ian, Noble took of his shirt and leaned his head to one side he exposed his neck.

  There was no time to savor, no time to take pleasure in the warm coppery fluid that rushed below the surface of Noble’s porcelain skin.

  Ian’s incisors grew, and instantly he bit into him. He pierced Noble’s tender flesh with the ease of a knife slicing through butter.

  As the luscious fluid spilled onto his tongue, slid down his throat, his heart swelled, his cells plumped. His body warmed with every delicious drop.

  Normally this was a most pleasurable time, one that Ian relished. The act of taking blood was erotic, exciting. It was like that every time.

  At first, when he’s been nearly turned, it had bothered him, the idea of getting aroused from feeding off a man. But over the years, the centuries, he’d grown accustomed, even enjoyed it. It wasn’t about sex, or sexuality, it was about life, one person giving life to another, and that was damn sexy.

  Even now his cock hardened.

  He’d never taken blood from Kathryn, never exchanged the life giving fluid that would make her truly his. But he hoped, no he prayed, that someday she’d allow him. That someday they could both experience the joy and pure ecstasy of sharing blood. Until that happened, she would not truly be his.

  Finished, he licked the marks closed on Noble’s neck. He could feel his servant’s disappointment. Ian’s feedings were usually very gratifying for Noble. Most nights, before Ian was done, Noble came.

  Tonight there was no time.

  Ian was anxious. No, he was scared to death. Not of the battle he would wage against Victor. That didn’t frighten him.

  No, his fear was for Kathryn. His Kitty Kat.

  He mentally called to her and found nothing to greet him but darkness. It surrounded her like smog, choking the life from her.

  Faintly, her heart beat and he relaxed, if only just a little.

  She lived.

  He silently cursed. He’d tried so hard to give her privacy; he’d become accustom to blocking the link to her. That was a mistake.

  They were connected. Their minds shared a common link. From now on they would remain connected. She was as much a part of him as his organs, his blood. He could read her mind as easily as reading a book. There would be no more blocking.

  He should have thought more about her safety and less about her desires. Dammit!

  With a wave of his hand, he was fully dressed. Leather pants clung snugly to his hips and legs, a white silk shirt and black leather coat covered his chest.

  Jumping, he exploded through the ground, blasting through the soil and into the night sky. He could feel her body calling to him, her heart sending a beacon to him, pleading with him to save her.

  And now he listened.

  Turning towards her call, he knew where she lay, knew what had happened. After this, he also knew, things would never be the same for them again.


  Kathryn’s body was on fire, and she felt like she was being tossed around in a dryer.

  “Kat. Kat.”

  She slowly opened her eyes. Jimmy knelt next to her, shaking her awake.

  She gasped.

  The pain in the back of her head pounded in time with her heartbeat. Her stomach tumbled and rolled. Concentrating made her head hurt worse, but she had to. She had to will herself not to be sick. She wouldn’t vomit.

  She’d been careless, had let her fear for Jimmy overpower her abilities, and her focus. The mistake wouldn’t be repeated. Both of their lives depended on

  “Oh, Kat. I was so worried.” Jimmy wrapped his arms around her and squeezed. Her head pulsed with pain but she wasn’t going to tell him to stop. She was glad to see him. He looked like hell but he was okay. That was what mattered.

  “What happened?” She tried to sit up. It felt like molten steel was slowing flowing from her skull to the tips of her toes. She winced and tried to control her breathing.

  “One minute I was walking to the bookstore and the next, these… these things surrounded me.”

  Kathryn thought back to the man-dog she’d shot. Thing was a good word for him.

  “Did they say anything to you?” She tried to cross her legs Indian style but her muscles were too stiff and sore. How long had she been out?

  “One of them kept saying your name. How I was your brother and that you’d come running if I got hurt.”

  Kathryn held her breath, puffed her cheeks and slowly exhaled. Who were those men? And where were they now?

  She looked around the tiny room. A grey counter top and windows lined the entire perimeter. Blinds hung haphazardly in front of the glass. Inhaling, the smell of dust and age filled her senses.

  “How long have you been here?” She slowly stood, the pounding of her head intensified as she moved.

  Son of a bitch!

  “I called you right after they brought me here. And as soon as I hung up the phone three of those things started punching and kicking me. What’s going on, Kat?” He looked at her with such fear and confusion in his eyes her heart nearly broke. She was his protector. Some job she’d done.

  “I don’t know, Jim.” She hugged him again, this time harder. “I wish I did.”

  The door opened behind them and a tall slender man entered. The instant his foot crossed the door’s threshold the temperature dropped several degrees. His power billowed through the room. It rolled off him like rain off a tin roof and pummeled Kathryn and Jimmy.

  His eyes were so pale blue they were almost white and his hair was long and yellow, the color of spun gold. She’d never seen him before, but she knew him.


  “Well, if it isn’t the famed Kathryn Clark and her half wit brother, James.” He spoke perfect English. There was no accent of any kind.

  He removed the gloves from his hands and tucked them in his black wool jacket. His fingers were slender, long, like those of a pianist. He slowly moved towards them.

  Jimmy whimpered and Kathryn stood in front of him, blocking him from Victor’s view.

  “What do you want, Victor?”

  He stopped, and a slow, easy smile spread across his face. With its angular lines and his marble-like complexion, he looked like a statue of a Greek God. He appeared too beautiful to be real.

  “I’m flattered. You know who I am.” He started circling Kathryn. She moved with him trying to keep Jimmy behind her. “But then I have your blood in my veins. You should know me.”

  Rage erupted in the pit of her stomach and spewed its toxic fumes into every inch of her. She had to fight to stay in control.

  “A pity your brother wasn’t at home. I meant to rid the Clarks of all their members.”

  It felt like a vice squeezed her chest. She struggled to inhale, had to force an exhale.

  “I was left, too.” She wasn’t sure she actually spoke the words.

  He stopped in his tracks. “My greatest mistake. If that pathetic LeMaster hadn’t shown up.” He chuckled and Kathryn shivered. The sound reminded her of nails on a chalkboard.

  “Those sad little men thinking they could save you.” He adjusted a cuff link on his right sleeve before walking closer to Kat and Jimmy. “But LeMaster. That fucking LeMaster.”

  His anger seemed to fill the room, wrap itself around her liked a barbed wire cloak. He instantly regained control and the sensation was gone.

  “But not this time. This time you’ll be mine. And then—”

  He started moving again. Only inches from her, he slowly ran the back of his hand down her cheek. His touch felt like acid against her skin. She flinched and he laughed.

  “I will kill LeMaster and we will rule the world.”

  He didn’t say it like some crazed madman from some horror flick. It was a statement of fact, and it scared the hell out of Kathryn.

  “Kat. What’s he talking about?” Jimmy’s voice woke something in Kathryn. She’d almost forgotten he was behind her. Victor was gaining control of her mind. She had to fight him.

  “Shhh. Back up,” she told Jimmy over her shoulder. He walked back to the counter. “Get under it,” she commanded and he obeyed.

  Turning her attention back to Victor, she saw it, his talisman. It wasn’t nearly as impressive as Ian’s but was lovely all the same. It looked like hammered bronze. The animal pressed against his chest was a wolf and for it’s eye a large ruby shown brilliantly. She needed to break it, rip it from his throat. That was the only way.

  She needed to get to her pack. But where was it? She looked around the room.

  “Are you looking for this?” Victor held up his hand and her pack appeared. Just as quickly it vanished.


  She needed a plan. Without her tools, she was only an inch and a half away from totally screwed. She did a mental rundown of her body. Her Glock was tucked in her back, but her hip felt light. Where was the blade?

  Glancing at her feet, she saw it. She’d used it to cut the duct tape off Jimmy. Her ankle holder felt fine.

  If she could shoot him a couple of times, that might slow him enough to let her grab her knife. She needed the knife.

  “Such a feisty one you are.” Spreading his hands wide, Kathryn was rendered immobile. Her arms, legs, nothing could move.

  Never in all her life had she met a vampire with such powers. She’d underestimated him. And overestimated herself. She was totally screwed.

  “You can’t even begin to imagine the powers I have,” he whispered, leaning into her. He nipped at her ear and sniffed.

  “You smell like sex.” He made a growling noise deep in his throat.

  Kathryn couldn’t turn her head, couldn’t even move her eyes. She could only feel him, feel his evil. His power clawed at her skin. She couldn’t even scream. Jimmy whimpered somewhere behind her.

  “Silence,” Victor commanded, and Jimmy didn’t make another sound.

  “You are going to taste so luscious to me.” His breath was cold as ice. He ran his tongue along her neck. His saliva burned.

  She swallowed her panic and made a plea.

  Ian, please help me.

  At the nape of her neck, a pain pierced her, ran through her veins and ended in her heart. He was drinking her blood. He’d drain her.

  The room began to turn fuzzy. She couldn’t move. He held her.

  Is this what it feels like to die?

  Her legs lost strength and her body went limp. She couldn’t fight it. Couldn’t fight him. As the blood drained from her veins, her mind wondered to Jimmy.

  What would he do once she was gone? Would Martin still help and let him stay at the house? The only other home he’d ever known?

  Oh, sweet Jimmy. I’m sorry.

  Victor’s breath no longer felt cold. It was almost warm. She was cold. Ice cold. Like every tissue fiber and cell were systematically frozen. Her heat drained along with her blood.

  As Victor sucked the very life from her body, her mind cried out one last time. She tried to connect with Ian. Call him to her. But it was no use. She had no energy. Victor had sucked that from her, too.

  All sound was muffled like she was deep underwater. The pain in her neck was gone. The pain in her body ceased. She felt nothing. Starting at the very outer limits of her gray matter, darkness moved in. It was a darkness she welcomed and was almost grateful for.

  It was almost over. She was almost over.


  She recognized the voice but was she dreaming?


  I am here, my love.

  She couldn�
��t see, could barely hear. The freezing cold that swirled around her lessened, Victor let go of her and she crumbled to the ground. Still unable to move, she stared at the ceiling. Around her the muffled noises seemed to attack her. They pounded her body relentlessly, one after the other like waves of a turbulent surf.

  She felt her body being drug, felt the coolness of the tiles slide along the length of her. As if disconnected from her body, sensations happened to her.

  Someone stroked her hair. The fine hairs on her arms stood on end as electricity seemed to march along her skin. There were several flashes of bright lights and a blast, like an explosion. And then silence. Complete and total silence.

  She was falling. Her body spun and twirled into a pit of darkness.

  Had she died?

  There were so many things she still needed to say, and so many people she needed to say them to. Now she’d never get the chance. This was her end. How fitting she’d die at the hands of the vampire who killed her family.

  Once again cold, her body shook violently.

  Loneliness and despair bloated around her. She felt it. Smelled it. Tasted it.

  The loneliness reached for her, tried to grab her, suck her in, consume her but something stopped it. And she began to warm. Like hot chocolate on a cold winter night, something slowly filled her, and took away the chill.

  Her vision became clearer, her mind more focused. Ian stood above her.

  Her Ian. Her love.

  He had saved her.

  As she opened her eyes, her lips were wrapped around his wrist and she suckled. A warm thick fluid filled her mouth, and poured into her body. She fed off him. His blood saved her.

  It tasted sweet to her tongue. She lapped at it like a kitten to milk, savoring every drop, wanting so much more.

  Warmth ignited in her, an arousal like none she’d ever felt. This exchange was more than sexual, more than physical. This was primal, basic. This was the exchange of life as elemental as air and water. Her core beat in tempo with her heart and her body was hot, on fire. The need built within, the ache filling and almost blinding her.

  His blood, his life coursed through her veins.

  “That’s enough, my love.” Pulling his wrist from her mouth, he licked his wound and stopped the bleeding.


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