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Christmas under a Cranberry Sky

Page 19

by Holly Martin

  ‘I kicked them both out but it destroyed me. They say that anger is one of the stages of grief. Well, I’ve been stuck on anger ever since she left six months ago and I don’t seem to be able to move on from that. I’m sorry if you caught the brunt of it. But you turn up after all this time and I could see it all happening again with Gabe. You left, broke his heart and then he was taking you back as if nothing had happened, just like I did.’

  ‘I’m sorry you went through that and I’m sorry that I hurt him so badly, you have no idea how guilty I feel.’ She hated that her voice had caught in her throat and that Luke had clearly heard it. ‘But it wasn’t exactly a walk in the park for me either. As far as I was concerned he had cheated on me. I was heartbroken too. And yes, looking back, I should have asked him about it. I should have talked to him but I was seventeen and my dad had just died.’

  Luke nodded. ‘I can’t hate you for it or even blame you. When you first got here I didn’t want anything to do with you. But Gabe told me what happened and I know you must have gone through hell. I just don’t think he should get involved with you again. As much as it wasn’t your fault and I’m a firm believer in second chances, I honestly don’t think you are capable of having a proper relationship. Talking from experience of being abandoned and rejected as a child myself, I know that fear of abandonment never goes away. I don’t think you’ll ever be able to trust someone enough to be in a relationship with them.’

  ‘That’s not fair to judge me on one mistake I made when I was seventeen years old. A lot has changed in twelve years. I would hope I’ve grown up a little since then. I really like Gabe and I’m going to do everything I can to make this work again.’

  ‘I’m not saying it because I’m an ass. But just because you really want it to work doesn’t mean that you can trust him enough to put aside all those deep-seated fears of rejection. My guess is the first bump in the road and you’ll run and you’ll break his heart even harder than last time.’

  ‘I don’t want to hurt him, that’s the last thing I want. I really hope you’re wrong.’

  ‘For Gabe’s sake, I hope so too.’

  Chapter 16

  It was dark by the time Pip had finished with the third house. The sounds of the men working and talking had long since disappeared. She hadn’t seen Gabe again and evidently he hadn’t come back.

  Making sure that everything was packed away, Pip stepped outside and locked the house behind her.

  It was pitch black outside and although that should have made Pip nervous, she felt safe here, sort of removed from the rest of the world.

  The wind whistled over the cliff tops and she could hear the sound of the waves crashing below her, but other than that there was no other noise at all.

  She waited for her eyes to become accustomed to the dark as she slowly made her way back towards the road. She would have to have a word with Gabe about getting some light down here; maybe he could put out some solar lanterns to light the way back to the hotel. But as her eyes became used to the dark, with the moon glistening off the snow and lighting up the features of the island, she realised how beautiful the place was in the darkness. She also realised that she wasn’t alone. Sitting on a bench, staring out at the sea, were Luke and Audrey, talking softly. Not wanting to interrupt she walked past them quietly, but as soon as Luke saw her, he stood up.

  ‘Pip, wait up,’ he said.

  He turned back to Audrey and said something that Pip couldn’t hear. Audrey nodded and with a smile and a wave at Pip, Audrey disappeared off towards the village.

  ‘Thought I’d give you a lift back, don’t want you stumbling over in the dark,’ Luke said, as he walked towards her.

  ‘You didn’t have to wait, I would have been fine on my own.’

  Luke shrugged as he walked over to the snowmobile and Pip followed. ‘Just because I don’t want you getting involved with my brother again, doesn’t mean that I hate you or that I wish you any harm. Some of the paths are quite steep and slippery between here and the hotel. I would prefer to know that you got back to the hotel safely.’

  ‘Well, thank you.’ Pip didn’t know how to feel about this sudden protective side to him. Maybe after their talk earlier he had decided she wasn’t such a horrible person after all.

  He didn’t say anything else, he just got on the snowmobile and Pip climbed on behind him.

  He started the engine and as the snowmobile moved, Pip instinctively wrapped her arms around his chest.

  ‘So you and Audrey—’

  ‘Are friends,’ Luke said, clearly having fended off that question before and not having any interest in discussing it further.

  Silence fell on them again and Pip didn’t dare push him any further.

  ‘I understand you have a date tonight with Gabe,’ Luke said.

  Clearly it was OK for him to talk to her about her love life, but it wasn’t OK for Pip to talk to him about his. Pip blushed at the thought of the night ahead and was glad that Luke couldn’t see her. She wondered what Gabe had told him.

  ‘I’m not sure if I would call it a date. Gabe wanted to show me the glass igloos so…’ She trailed off, not wanting to go into much more detail about what the rest of the night would hold.

  ‘Well, Gabe said he was going to dig out his tuxedo, so I gather it was something a bit more than just giving you a guided tour of the place.’

  ‘He did not say that, you’re pulling my leg,’ Pip said.

  ‘No, I promise. He’s arranged a romantic dinner and everything. Probably shouldn’t have said anything but I didn’t think you’d want to turn up in your jeans if Gabe had made all that effort. Though knowing how Gabe feels about you, I doubt he would care.’

  Pip smiled. ‘Is that why he didn’t come back to the village, because he was planning the date?’

  ‘No, there’s been staffing issues. One of the staff has quit. The reservations manager. Neve has been handling the reservations over the last few days, but it’s not something she can do long-term as well as managing the hotel. One of the receptionists has called in sick too, broke her leg apparently, so she won’t be back until after Christmas. I think Neve and Gabe have been trying to sort out replacements all afternoon.’

  ‘Oh no, that’s the last thing they need. Maybe I can do something to help.’

  Luke was silent for a moment as they turned into the drive leading towards the hotel. He pulled up outside Gabe’s lodge and cut the engine. ‘I appreciate your help. I know you’re not doing it for me, but I still appreciate what you’re doing nonetheless. All the staff will be back tomorrow, so there’s probably not a lot you can do. Lizzie and Dad will be here tomorrow as well, and I imagine they will pitch in any way they can. But thank you.’

  Wow, the grumpy brother had disappeared and had been replaced by a complete stranger.

  She climbed off the snowmobile.

  ‘I’ll feed the reindeer tonight. Gabe asked me to tell you to meet him in Igloo Eight at seven o’clock, that’s the igloo the furthest away from the reception, but you’ll see it as it’ll be the only one with the lights on.’

  Before she could say anything else, he roared off and disappeared through the trees. She looked over at the igloos that were up on the hillside quite a way back from the main hotel. Even at this distance she could see one was glowing gold against the darkness. It seemed she had a date to get ready for and she had no idea what she was going to wear.

  She pushed open the door and was surprised to see Neve waiting for her. Pip hadn’t really seen her since she had stormed out of her office two days before. If Neve was going to warn her off ahead of her date with Gabe that night, she didn’t want to hear it.

  Neve stood up. ‘I hear you have a date with Gabe tonight.’

  Pip nodded, not sure how to act around her when Neve had been so off with her the last time they had spoken. She also felt she should apologise to Neve for snapping at her.

  Neve stared down at her hands for a moment. ‘I thought perhaps you might
not have a dress so I brought some of mine; you can borrow them if you want. I know I’m taller than you but I have some mid-calf or knee-length dresses that would probably fit you.’

  Pip had no words at all. She certainly hadn’t been expecting that.

  ‘Gabe has been a nervous wreck all day, so I know tonight is important to him. I figured it would be important to you too. I thought, if you want, I could do your hair, like I used to do when you were younger,’ Neve said.

  Pip stared at her.

  ‘I know you’re not a child any more but…’ Neve trailed off and sighed. ‘Pip, I’m sorry for being such a cow the other day. You were being so nice and you absolutely didn’t deserve me having a go at you. This thing with Oakley has me not sleeping, not eating, I’m over-emotional, stressed-out and I took it out on you. I’m really sorry. I’ve made plenty of mistakes in my life and I’d hate to be judged on them years later. It’s not fair on you that I still hold over you what happened twelve years ago. Gabe has been happier over the last few days than I’ve ever seen him and I know that’s because of you. I want this to work for him, for both of you… I brought wine, thought we could have a few glasses while you get ready.’

  Pip smiled. ‘Apology accepted. And I’m sorry too.’

  They stared at each other for a moment, neither of them knowing what to say next.

  ‘Let’s crack open that wine,’ Pip said.

  * * *

  ‘…So I’m lying there in bed, and the couple in the next room are going at it so hard, their headboard is banging against my wall and my bed is shaking with their exertions. Obviously our rooms shared the same floorboards or something. They’re moaning and screaming and when they’d finished he literally whooped with joy. And then he says, “Did the earth move for you, darling?” I mean, who says that, really? I nearly shouted through the wall, “Well it certainly moved for me,”’ Pip said, taking a big sip of wine.

  Neve laughed and Pip was relieved that over the past hour all the tension between them had slipped away. She wasn’t a big drinker, so after two glasses of wine she was feeling all warm and fuzzy inside. Although maybe she’d had more than two. The wine bottle was nearly empty and Neve didn’t seem to be touching her glass at all.

  ‘It sounds like you’ve stayed in some really weird places over the years,’ Neve said.

  ‘Oh I have, I could write a book.’

  ‘Oakley has to travel a lot with his job and he used to tell me about some of the horrible hotels he stayed in. I’m surprised some of these places haven’t been closed down.’

  Neve looked suddenly sad at the mention of Oakley’s name and went to take a big swig of wine but changed her mind at the last second.

  ‘You miss him?’ Pip said, softly.

  Neve didn’t say anything, but after a while she nodded. ‘So much. Every day I dial his number ready to tell him I love him and I want him back and every day I hang up before it rings. It’s agony. I thought I would be over him by now, but I feel worse now than I did when I broke up with him. The pain doesn’t seem to be going away at all.’

  ‘You loved him,’ Pip said, her heart breaking for her, knowing how hard it was to walk away from the man you loved.

  ‘I still love him. I don’t think that will ever change.’

  ‘Why don’t you call him and tell him you made a mistake? If he loves you as much as you love him, I’m sure he’ll be on the next plane over here to sort things out.’

  ‘I’ve left it too late now. He hates me for what I’ve done and I don’t think he would ever take me back even if I begged him.’

  Pip reached over to take her hand, not knowing what she could possibly say to make it right. Neve smiled, sadly, then glanced at her watch.

  ‘Oh god, look at the time, you need to get ready for your date.’

  Pip looked over at the clock and realised it was a lot later than she’d thought. She and Neve had chatted for nearly two hours about the hotel and her worries about Mr Black, about Gabe and the funny stories about him raising Wren as a baby. Neve had told her about her love for California and how she had worked out there for a while. She’d never really had this kind of relationship with Neve before, Pip had never had this relationship with anyone before, but she got the sense that Neve needed this relationship from Pip as much as Pip needed it from her. Neve worked so hard for Gabe and the hotel that she clearly didn’t have time to form proper relationships, and right now, with everything that had happened with Oakley, it was clear Neve needed a friend.

  ‘Here, I’ll do your hair quickly, I’ll plait it for you. Are you wearing the green dress?’

  Pip nodded as Neve moved behind her, her fingers deftly moving through her hair.

  ‘Good, you look beautiful in it,’ Neve said. ‘I don’t have any shoes that will fit you though, your feet are so tiny.’

  ‘I don’t think I can wear any kind of heels in this weather anyway. Think it might have to be the snow boots.’

  Neve giggled. ‘Well, promise me you’ll take them off when you get there. It might ruin the look otherwise.’ She added a few grips and clips to her hair and then patted her on the shoulder. ‘There, you’re all done.’

  Neve grabbed her phone and took a photo of the back and showed Pip what it looked like. In a matter of minutes, Neve had achieved a twist of several plaits overlapping one another; it looked elegant and pretty.

  ‘Thank you, it looks wonderful. Did you teach Gabe how to plait Wren’s hair?’

  Neve laughed. ‘Yes, I did. It’s not something I thought I’d ever have to do, teach my brother how to plait a girl’s hair, but it’s part of the job when you’re a dad. Though I suspect if things go well between the two of you, that might become your job in the future.’

  ‘Then you’ll have to teach me too.’

  Neve smiled. ‘I’d be happy to. Now I better go. Throw your dress on and have a lovely date tonight.’

  Pip hugged her and for a second Neve stood frozen, before she hugged her back. ‘Thank you.’

  ‘I think you coming back will probably be the best thing that has ever happened to my brother. I don’t want to stand in the way of that.’

  Pip smiled.

  ‘Now go and enjoy your night,’

  Neve waved at her as she left, but as soon as she had gone the nerves for what the night would hold returned.

  * * *

  Pip trudged through the darkness towards the igloos, the only sound the noise of her boots as they crunched over the snow.

  Gabe’s lodge had been too quiet while she had finished getting ready. With Wren staying the night with Boris and Chester, and Gabe getting things ready for their big date in the igloo, it had been completely silent. In the short time she’d spent there, she had grown used to the noise and laughter that filled the house and it felt weird not to hear it.

  She followed the path, the gold light of the igloo welcoming her in. The sky was completely clear, the moon and the stars sparkling as they presided over the event.

  She walked past the other igloos, which were in darkness for now, and she was surprised at how tall they were. There were curtains around the bottom half that must have gone about ten feet up the side of the igloos, which would afford the occupants total privacy, but the rest of the structure was entirely made from glass to give the guests wonderful views of the night sky and hopefully the Northern Lights. It looked like the guests could even pull back the curtains to give them the stunning views over the entire island too.

  She reached the gold-lit igloo and stopped outside the door, taking a few moments to catch her breath. Her heart was thundering with nerves about what the evening would hold, but she wasn’t scared enough to turn and run away.

  Pip took a deep breath, knocked on the door and then let herself in as she looked around. Candles flickered from every surface casting gold shadows over the glass ceiling. In the middle of the room was a giant bed covered in what looked like a silvery wolf-skin blanket. There was a table set with candles and mysterious plates
under silver domes. But Pip barely noticed any of that as Gabe was standing in the middle of the room dressed in a tuxedo.

  Her breath caught in her throat. He looked beautiful.

  ‘Gabe, this looks wonderful,’ Pip said.

  ‘I wanted it to be special.’

  ‘It certainly is that.’

  Gabe stepped towards her and kissed her on the cheek as he helped her out of her coat, then he looked down to admire her.

  ‘You look incredible tonight. But then you always were the most beautiful woman in the world to me.’

  Pip lifted her green velvet dress off her feet to show him the big furry snow boots she was wearing underneath and he laughed. ‘Do you still fancy me wearing these?’

  ‘Of course. But why don’t I help you take them off.’ He took her hand and led her over to the bed and she sat down on the edge. She was perfectly capable of taking her own boots off but she was intrigued to see what he would do. He captured one foot and slowly undid the laces, his eyes on hers the whole time. As he ran one hand down her leg he slid the boot off leaving her barefoot. He ran his finger up her bare sole and her breath hitched in her throat. He repeated it with the other foot and for some reason him undressing her this way, even though it was just her boots, was sexy as hell and a wonderful prelude for what was to come. He massaged her bare foot gently, running his fingers over her toes and down to her ankle and just when she was wondering or even hoping that they might skip the dinner and head straight for the dessert, he took her hand and led her over to the table. He pulled out a chair and held it for her as she sat down.

  ‘I didn’t know what to make for you, so I hope you like it.’


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