Past Forgiven

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Past Forgiven Page 6

by Jesse Lorenzo

  Behr was too stubborn to see it, but Gavin witnessed the raw emotion as it glistened behind sorrowful eyes. After an agonizing moment of their mutual staring contest, the older Buchanan moved toward his only son. Behr braced himself for whatever might come of their stand-off. Now face-to-face with the man who’d disowned him, Behr dropped his arms to his sides and narrowed his eyes at the stranger.

  Without warning, the seemingly weak old fisherman gripped his son’s shoulders with impressive strength and pulled him in for a tight hug. Too stunned to stop him, Behr stood stiffly in his father’s embrace with wide, unblinking eyes.

  “It’s good t’ see ya, son. You’ve grown t’ be quite the man.” He shed decade’s worth of tears, filled with regret from past mistakes. Not yet ready to let go of his righteous anger, Behr grunted, stepping back and away from the man who used to be his hero.

  “Didja set this up ’t get me ‘ere, or is she really for sale?”

  Mathew coughed, clearing his throat of any lingering emotion, and answered, “I didnae know you’d be needin’ a boat, or that you’d come all this way for one. Aye, she is up for purchase. I cannae keep up with her anymore.”

  Behr turned to the massive vessel, trying his best to hide his interest. “Aye, she’s in a rough state, that’s for certain. Can I come aboard and have a look ‘round?”

  “It’d be an honor, son.”

  Behr turned, glaring at the gall this man had for using the endearment. “I stopped being your son fourteen years ago, Mathew. Or didja forget how you slammed the door in m’ face as you kicked me outta th’ house, disowning me? I sure as hell didnae forget. I’m searching for a possible boat purchase, nae t’ catch up on ol’ times.”

  As if expecting this kind of reaction, Mathew gave one sound nod and led the way. “Watch the rust ‘round the edges of the ladder, pretty boy. I donnae want ya t’ break a nail.”

  Gavin laughed, releasing the pent up tension the other two had built and muttered, “Still a wee funny bastard. Get your ol’ arse on the boat without ‘avin’ a heart attack, will ya.”

  Behr hated to admit to his father that he loved the ship, and he hated even more that he had to buy it from him. “It’s going to take a lot of hard work and time before she’s ready to take a trip ‘round the Isle to Portree Harbor.”

  Mathew jumped right in, cutting Behr off mid-sentence. “Aye, that’s for certain, son… erm, Behr. You’re most welcome to keep ‘er ‘ere, an’ I’ll lend a hand with some repairs t’ help you along.”

  Gavin clapped his hands, nodding along. He definitely didn’t want to be the sole helping hand to this enormous project. “That’s a great plan, and mighty generous o’ you, sir. Aye, we need all the help we can get.”

  Behr harrumphed, knowing this was his only option if he was going to have a boat business up and running before his wedding. The very thought of working side-by-side with this man throughout the whole project set his nerves on edge. He disliked the whole situation, but he’d already let himself fall in love with this vessel, imagining the endless possibilities she’d bring. Deep down, Behr couldn’t let the man discard the ship, just as he’d discarded his very own son. He wouldn’t let him.

  “I may need to enlist the help of Ellora. Aye, this reno project is right up her alley.”

  The very idea of having his love work by his side all day long delighted him. Now that she had her own business, it kept her busy and away from his arms for far too long during the day. This venture could be fun if he got past the idea of Mathew being in the picture as well. Ellora’s calming nature would also come in handy with the awkward situation he now found himself in.

  Mathew’s eyes darted up to meet his son’s at the mention of Ellora’s name. “Ellora… that be the lass all the townies are talking about, yeah? Joe Sutherland’s daughter?”


  “Talk of her beauty has stretched ‘cross the Isle. Is it true she took over the old Armadale building where the hardware store once was? I hear tell that she boasts her father’s talents.”

  Behr’s jaw clenched tight, and his hands balled up in fists. This cruel bastard didn’t have the right to speak her name so fondly, as if he knew anything that’d been going on in either of their lives. After all, she was everything that was good and pure in this world… and this man was the opposite.

  “Moira told your mother n’ I that you two make quite the couple…”

  Behr braced himself for what he knew was coming out of his mouth next.

  “… I would love to meet the lass.”

  The thought of his Ellora meeting this man left a bitter taste in his mouth. Both sides were now pushing against him to meet one another. He’d sworn to Ellora after her attack last year that he’d introduce her, but now that the very man stood before him, Behr knew he wasn’t ready to forgive him.

  “Stop! What’re you doin’? Who do ya think ya are? I was just a kid when you threw me out… threw me away like I was garbage t’ be takin’ out, like I was nothin’ to ya! You didnae give a shite ‘bout what I was goin’ to do then, and you definitely donnae give a shite ‘bout me now. You come up ‘ere n’ expect what of me? That I’ll forget all you’ve done and embrace you like the father you should’ve been? I’ve had enough of this, Gavin! I’m leavin’, with or without ya.”

  Mathew stood on aging, unsteady feet and looked on his son with calm sorrow. “I won’t pry again. You’re right. It wasnae my place and it willnae happen again. Come by t’morrow morn’ so we can get started on her repairs. I know you cannae wait long to bring ‘er back to Portree with you.”

  It took several deep breaths to douse Behr’s heated anger. He was right. The sooner they get to work, the faster he could take his vessel far from this man.

  “Aye, t’morrow then.”

  Mathew nodded and watched as his only son made haste to his truck and sped off, leaving him alone with nothing but his regret to keep him company.

  Safe House

  Upstate, NY

  A shrill ringing roused Dominick from a deep sleep. Still sluggish from not enough rest, he fumbled around in the dark for his cell. His hands finally found their mark as the buzzing had the device skittering on the side table. Groaning with irritation at being awoke, Dominick growled into the receiver, “This better be a fucking emergency. What the fuck do you want?”

  Deep, heavy breathing sobered him instantly. He sat upright in bed. “Who’s this?”

  “You actually thought you could stop me, Detective. Poor Susan trusted you to keep her safe…”

  Dominick roared out in fury, “Come say that shit to my face, you fucking pussy, or are you too afraid to face me? You won’t get anywhere near her.”

  Hoarse cackling mocked him on the other end. “Nothing you do can keep me from killing her. It’s almost a shame to… She looks so peaceful in her sleep.”

  Dominick dropped the cell and rushed down the hall, frantic to get to her. Panic gripped his pounding heart as Susan’s screams filled the tiny house, begging for his help. The horrifying sound shook him to the core. Wrenching open her bedroom door, Dominick dropped to his knees at the sight of Dalton hovering over her lifeless body curled up in a tight ball on the floor.

  Dalton sneered down at him. “You can’t defeat me, Detective. I will always be two steps ahead of you. She never had a chance… None of you did.”

  Jerking up from the bed, Dominick bent over, resting his elbows on his knees while trying to catch his breath. Cold sweats beaded up all over his body, his heart still racing from the nightmare that replayed behind his eyes. Dominick raked his hands through his hair, pulling it roughly. He could still hear Susan’s screams echoing in his ears, begging for him to help her… to save her little brother. But he was always too late. This dream disturbed him more than anything, especially since he’d decided to stay here. Dominick was going to have to be more diligent. He couldn’t fail her. He wouldn’t fail her.

  Running his hands through his hair, the worn out and weary man
blew out a frustrated breath and rose from his bed. Dominick’s mouth was dry from the dream. Needing some water, he made his way to the half-bath across the hall from his room. Halfway out the door, a creak in the floorboards in the front of the house stopped him dead in his tracks. Keeping still, the detective all but held his breath in order to stay silent. After a moment, he thought he’d imagined it until he heard the creak again followed by a heavy object crashing to the floor.

  Dominick made haste over to the holster on his nightstand, pulled out his .40 Glock, and crept as silently as his weight would allow on old hardwood floors. With his back to the wall, Dominick aimed his handgun with trained precision in the direction of the noise coming from the front of the house. Rounding the corner, he let his eyes adjust to the darkness. Scanning the room, he caught movement in the corner of his eye and took aim.

  A flash of light and a crash of something heavy made the detective jump, nearly pulling the trigger when the kitchen lights flicked on, blinding him. A feminine voice spewed out whispered derogatory curses as she bent to retrieve the covered dishes that toppled to the ground. A relieved smile grew on his face as his eyes met a perfectly round ass in tiny, tight sleep shorts. Susan was bent at the waist, her head sticking inside the opened fridge.

  Clearing his throat, exaggerating a hoarse cough, Dominick was successful in scaring the girl into jumping on the spot. She hit her head on a shelf and cursed again. “Ouch! Damn it. Dominick, you scared the shit out of me!”

  Flicking the safety on the gun, Dominick chuckled as he placed it on the island counter.

  “Sorry, sweetheart, but you scared me first. What the hell are you doing, sneaking around this late in the dark? I was this close to pulling the trigger.” He raised his hand up, motioning an inch difference with his forefinger and thumb.

  It wasn’t until he circled the island that Susan realized he wore nothing but his boxer briefs. Gulping hard on the large knot lodged in her throat, she took her time gazing at every inch of his exposed body. His choice of underwear left little to the imagination. To say she was impressed by what he flaunted was an understatement. This was the first time she’d seen Detective Dominick Antonelli out of his usual button-up, collared shirt, blazer, and dark knit pants.

  Now, he stood before her hungry gaze almost completely naked, and it was all she could do to stop herself from wiping away the drool.

  “I…I’m starving. And…and I needed something… to satisfy my craving.”

  Ugh! You’re such an idiot, Suz.

  Her rambling mouth took on a life of its own while her mind numbly switched to autopilot as she continued to rove her sleepy eyes up and down the impressive body of her protector.

  “Did you get your fill, sweetheart, or are you still hungry?” Dominick was enjoying taunting her, taking his time looking over her tantalizing outfit.

  Susan’s confidence rose as he seemed to enjoy the sight of her in her barely there sleep shorts and cami. She liked the thought of the controlled detective checking her out. He had to have felt the same way she did about him, especially since he couldn’t drag his eyes away from her. She blamed sleep depravity for her sudden rise in confidence. Either that or her brushes with danger had turned her neurotic. One of the two. Deciding on the first reason, she took a steadying breath and called upon her inner wildcat.

  Strutting over to where Dominick stood proudly with a wide-legged stance as if waiting for her approach, Susan bit her plump lip, trying her best to look seductive.

  “You look thirsty for something. Anything I can get for you, Detective?”

  The daring girl gave him a suggestive wink and a lopsided grin that drove the man wild with need. Walking her fingertips up his well-defined abs, inching them up his chest playfully, was Dominick's breaking point. Growling out his frustrations, he snatched her wandering hand in his tight, vice-like grip. Susan gasped in surprise as he moved with lightning speed.

  “You’re playing with fire, Susan, and you don’t even know it.” As he marched forward with purposeful steps, the shocked girl stumbled backward until she hit the wall. Her wandering hand still Dominick's prisoner, the aroused man gripped the tiny wrist of her free hand and pulled both arms up over her head, restraining her.

  This loss of control from the otherwise cool-headed detective turned her on more than anything. Now trapped in the cage of his delectable bare body, Susan’s heart pounded erratically inside her chest. Dominick appreciated the sight of her perfect breasts heaving with each pull of air. He groaned as his head lowered to breathe in the scent that pulsed from her neck with each thud of her pounding heart. It wrapped around Dominick and pulled him closer. He skimmed his nose down the length of her neck and across her collarbone. Susan shivered as he drew in a deep, ragged breath.

  “You’re driving me crazy, sweetheart.”

  Sighing at his scratchy, barely audible confession, Susan tilted her head, giving him better access to her neck.

  “Mmm, I’m going to eat you alive, woman.” Dominick sucked and nibbled on the tender flesh that she bared to him. Susan couldn’t help herself; a soft whimper followed by a long moan was drawn out of her after Dominick drew her earlobe into his mouth, rolling it between his teeth. She would have done anything in that moment, she wanted him so bad.

  Memories from his nightmare flashed through his mind’s eye, dragging Dominick out of his lustful haze. He couldn’t let himself get distracted, not even by the girl of his dreams. Especially not by the girl of his dreams, while he feared the outcome she had in his nightmares. They brought real-life fears to the forefront. Dalton was after her, and Dominick had to keep his head in the game, no pun intended.

  Susan felt the cold front come over him once again as he stopped his ministrations, dropped her arms, and took an agonizing step away from her.

  “I… I can’t do this. It’s not right.”

  Unable to stop herself, Susan ran her hands up his chest, wrapping them around his neck.

  “It sure as hell feels right to me.” Raising up on tiptoes, she moved in for a kiss. Brushing her lips over his stiff mouth brought out a frustrated groan from Dominick.

  Grabbing her shoulders, he forced her back and held her there. “I can’t, Susan. Not here, not like this, and not with you.”

  It was hard for her to hide her hurt at his stinging comment. With a strained whisper, she confronted him. “One minute you run hot, then the next you run cold. I don’t understand. What the hell is wrong with you?”

  Dominick ran his hands through his unruly hair, blew out an impatient breath, and tried to find the right words. “I’m not here to court you, date you, or use you for a quick lay, Susan. I’m here to keep you and your family safe. I can’t do that if I’m fucking around with you. Alex and your mother are just down the hall, and… and you’re too young for me, anyway. I feel like I’d be taking advantage of you in my position of power. That’s not right, so just go back to bed, all right.”

  He could see the hurt and anger flash through her eyes at his choice of words and felt like a giant prick. If she only knew how he truly felt about her, she would and could be the one with all the power. Susan could have her way with him right now. Maybe, if she was still interested after this all blew over, they could try for a real relationship. But now was definitely not the right time.

  Yeah, explain that lame reason to your other head, Dom.

  “Fine. I understand. You don’t want me. I lunged at you and made a fool out of myself while you're trying to help us. I’m sorry for throwing myself at you. It will never happen again.”

  Dominick’s chest constricted when she stressed never. His eyes softened and he took a step closer. “Susan, I…”

  Cutting him off mid-sentence, she curtly dismissed him. “Good night, Detective.”

  Susan turned her back on him. He watched as the curvy blonde dodged around him and gradually made her way down the hall to her bedroom. It killed him inside as she kept her head down the whole way. His heart ached for what he�
��d said. He had to grip the countertop to restrain himself from going after her, wrapping her in his arms, and making love to her all night long.

  “I’m sorry, sweetheart. If you only knew how much I want you…”

  After this case was over, nothing and no one in this world would stop him from pursuing her.

  Grady’s Pub 2nd floor flat

  Isle of Skye, Scotland

  “I brought extra chips and ice for the brew. Will that be enough, lass?” Adelle was finished dressing down for the occasion and was slipping on her sandals when Gavin walked into her second floor flat across from Ellora’s room, above Grady’s Pub.

  It was nice to dress casually. Adelle usually dressed her best on every occasion, but today, she’d donned jeans and a fitted tee. Knowing that Gavin was on his way up to get her, she’d left the door opened for him. When Gavin was halfway across the room, he’d finally shifted his gaze from his bags, stopped in his tracks, and locked eyes with her.

  The woman of his dreams was dressed casually, but something about her comfortable and relaxed attire stopped him short. Her long, shapely legs looked to die for in her tight-fitting jeans, begging him to reach out and grab her.

  With a suddenly dry mouth, Gavin spoke. “Ellie. You grow more beautiful every day I lay my eyes on you. How is that possible?”

  Dropping the items from his hands, Gavin made quick work of advancing toward her with an eager stride. Looping his finger around a crimson ringlet, he bent down and brushed a lingering kiss on each flushed cheek.

  “You take my breath away, lass.”

  The moment the beautiful man strolled into the small space, it was as if every atom and molecule between them sparked to life. The electric charge in the atmosphere around them ignited, pulling them together like two powerful magnets. Adelle shifted from one foot to the other, fully aware of the growing tension.

  “Umm, thanks, Gav. You donnae look so bad yourself… as usual.”


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