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Rose of Thorne

Page 10

by Mia Michelle

  She is now peacefully sleeping again in my arms, and I feel my own eyes growing heavy. I know that I need to get up before I drift off to sleep, but I can’t find the strength to let her go. This might be the only time I ever get to hold her, and I am going to savor every precious moment of it that I can. I tell myself that I will only lie here another 5 minutes, but before I know it, sleep overtakes me.

  I feel the warmth of the morning sun as it hits my face.

  Crap! Why didn’t I think to close those damn blinds?

  I have just slept the best sleep of my life, and I smile as I smell her sweet scent upon my skin. When I open my eyes to greet the day, the most beautiful eyes are staring back at me. I don’t know how long she has been watching me, but her face holds such intense emotion that I feel it warm me deep inside. My arms are still wrapped around her waist, and we are staring at each other face to face. I have never woken up with a woman before. Hell, I have never held one after sex, but I have to say, this feels more right than anything I have ever experienced in my entire life. It’s all because I am holding her.

  I stare back at her not knowing what to say, but hoping she will say something first. I know I should let her go, but I don’t. I just lie there and stare back into her beautiful eyes and savor the feeling of waking up beside her. The morning light makes her face look even more swollen, yet she is still the most beautiful thing I have ever laid eyes upon. Her face is streaked with mascara, tears, and blood, and it breaks my heart that I didn’t make it to her in time to keep that bastard from handling her.

  “Sebastian? Where am I? And why are you... Ouch!” She yells grabbing her head when she tries to sit up.

  “Don’t get up! You were attacked last night. Don’t you remember? You have a concussion. The doctor wants you to rest for the next few days, and that’s exactly what you will do,” I say in my take charge Mr. Thorne voice.

  Her face drops as last night flashes back into her memory.

  “Oh God… did he? He wouldn’t get off me. Please GOD, tell me he didn’t–” I interrupt her.

  “NO! No, he didn’t get a chance; I got to you in time. I just wish I had been sooner. I am so sorry, Skylar!”

  She is trembling as she rubs her arms nervously. Slowly, her eyes meet mine, “Thank you, Sebastian… I don’t know how to thank you. I… I was so scared,” she says as she begins to cry.

  I hug her tightly to me, “SHHH… you’re okay… you’re safe now,” I say as I caress her arm.

  “Is he in jail?” she asks as she tries to smooth down her hair.

  “Yes, they are holding him there now. They need you to make a statement as soon as you can. I can have them stop by here this afternoon if you feel up to it. The police say that he has quite a record, and they want to put him away for good this time. They think with this charge, it should do just that.”

  She nods and I stand to leave. “Are you hungry? I can make you some breakfast,” I offer. She shakes her head, and I frown at her.

  “I just need to be going. Can you please take me home or call me a cab. I need to get home before Sophie gets worried.”

  “We’ll talk about that later, but for now, you rest here. I’ll make sure Sophie knows what is going on.” I reach over, open the bottle of pain pills that the doctor prescribed for her, and grab a bottle of water from the small refrigerator I keep in my room.

  “Here, take this and get some rest. I will be working from home today so if you need anything I’ll just be down the hall. And don’t get up without calling me, okay?” I warn her, and she takes the pill and lies back down in the bed. I push the button and black out the room with the blinds then I close the door behind me. I know I told her that I was working from home today, but with her down the hall there is no way any work is getting done today.


  Skylar. She’s all I can think about even as I sit here behind these bars. I know she wants me. I knew it from the moment her hot ass walked into that club looking for Megan. I watched her body move like perfect sin all night, as she bounced around the club in her tight shirt and mini skirt. I need her. I want her. I WILL have her! I saw her looking at me when she finished dancing. I am a guy. I KNOW the hints. She is a fucking cock tease and I love being teased. Even though every man there tonight at the club had their eyes on her, I know she only wants me. And as for Jackson, he better keep his fucking hands off my girl if he doesn’t want to be found dead in the back dumpster. My dad’s guys can make it happen. I know this kind of life all too well. Growing up the son of a mob boss tends to prepare you for a lot in life.

  I almost had her sweet ass tonight. She was fighting me, but I know deep down she wanted it. Damn, the thought of her liking it rough only makes me even more turned on. If that fuckhead hadn’t interrupted me, I would have tapped her sweet ass, and who knows, maybe re-tapping it by now. Yes, I will be visiting Mr. Thorne real soon, and he will be paying DEARLY for getting in between us.


  Delicious smells fill the air when I wake later that evening. Glancing around the room, I notice the small light on in the bathroom, and I slowly move my sore body to sit up. Sebastian told me to call him before I got out of bed, but I don’t want to be a bother to him. I don’t know how long I’ve been asleep, but I need to get home to Sophie. I am sure she is worried sick about me.

  With my head pounding and my feet wobbling, I make my way toward the bathroom door. I stop to rest and lean up against the door once I make the short journey from the bed.

  Whew! I didn’t think I was going to make it.

  When I grabbed on to the marble counter the automatic light came on and I am horrified when I catch a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror. My jaw is slightly bruised and swollen, and the front of my hair is clumped in a matted mess. No amount of splashing water on my face is going to help. I really need a shower, and surely Sebastian won’t mind. Slowly, I turn the water on and begin the process of peeling my clothes off. I have to sit on the nearby toilet to ensure that I don’t topple over from my intense dizziness.

  I grab ahold of the tile wall for dear life and step underneath the warm water. I just want to wash the violation away that I still feel from Brandon’s hands, and I wish, all the more, that I could wash away the memories that it triggered. Cautiously, I feel around for the shampoo and lather my hair. Sebastian’s masculine scent saturates the steam filled air, and I instantly relax.

  I notice the water is tinged pink for a few minutes as the dried blood washes from my hair. My eyes follow the trail of pink water as it swirls around and exits through the drain. I glance down at the faded scars on my stomach and memories flood me. They are memories that I would give anything to not remember.

  I never will forget the afternoon I met my Uncle Trevor for the first time. Uncle Trevor was my Dad’s baby brother and also the black sheep of the family. Trevor had been in and out of trouble his entire life. No matter how much his family helped him, he continued to find himself back behind bars or on the run. According to my daddy, Trevor always played on my Granna’s pity. There were many times that she wired him money without question, even when she didn’t have the money to give.

  It was pouring down rain the afternoon Sophie and I made a mad dash for our old front door. Laughing at how soaked we were, we were stunned silent when we saw him. There he was, sprawled out across my Granna’s old green couch with his scuffed up cowboy boots propped on the wooden chest that we used as a coffee table. Even though he was older, I recognized him instantly from all of the pictures around the house.

  His dirty blonde hair was longer, and his face looked worn from the hard life he had chosen to live. Looking at him, you couldn’t miss the similar facial features that he and my dad shared. Nervously, I sat my wet bag at the door and ushered my sister on into the living room.

  “Well, now, you must be Miss Skylar, am I correct?” he looked at me intently before drawing another sip of his longneck beer. I was still so shocked by him being here that I didn’t know h
ow to respond.

  “Momma told me that you both are living here now. So it seems, because of you, I will be sleeping down here on this old thing,” he said as he patted the green couch. “Geez, I think this is the same old piece of shit she had when I was a kid.”

  I was just about to offer him my room when my Granna’s voice called out from the kitchen.

  “Oh good, you are both home! Supper’s almost ready! I hope you guys are hungry!” she yelled. Her face dropped as she walked into the room.

  “Goodness sakes, you are both soaked to the bone! Head upstairs and put some dry clothes on this minute before you get sick! By the time you get back down supper will be ready then and you two can get to know your Uncle Trevor better. He will be staying here with us for a little bit. Just until he gets some matters settled.” I nodded at my Granna and we headed upstairs to change.

  The old, oak, dining room table was filled with all kinds of delicious foods. My sister and I immediately began setting out the napkins and plates. Trevor sat lazily in the chair playing with the label on his beer while he watched my every move. I knew he was supposed to be my uncle, but the way he looked at me was not the way an uncle should look at his young niece.

  “Oh, Skylar, be a dear would you and bring in the iced tea out of the refrigerator.”

  “Sure,” I answered giving her a smile and nodding my head. I happily made my way out of the room to get away from Trevor’s uncomfortable glances. I was just opening the refrigerator door when I felt him behind me. He pressed himself against me as he reached around and grabbed another bottle of cold beer. I could smell the beer on his breath and the cigarettes on his clothes. He chuckled at my tense body and made his way to lean against the counter. I closed the refrigerator door and tried to move past him, but he blocked my way with his body.

  “You know, you’re quite the looker. How old are you now?” He asked as he twisted the top off his new beer.

  “I’m seventeen; I’ll be eighteen in a few months.”

  “Sexy at seventeen. Mmm, I bet you have the boys panting around the corner after you, huh?” he asked as he gave my body another inappropriate once over.

  Ignoring his remark, I moved to push past him.

  “I best be getting this tea in there so that we can eat,” I said trying to change the subject.

  He chuckled and moved out of my way.

  “Yeah, we wouldn’t want the old woman to get all worked up over tea, now would we?” he snickered again while he took another long sip off his beer.

  I kept quiet as they talked during supper. Mainly, Granna tried to paint a better picture of her youngest son to Sophie and me. Trevor just rolled his eyes at her bragging and kept his cold eyes firmly on me. After we cleaned up the supper dishes, Sophie and I headed upstairs to finish our homework. I could hear arguing downstairs, and I grew concerned, so I eased out of my room and sat at the top of the stairs. You could hear the heartfelt cries from my Granna as Trevor laid into her about why she didn’t have the money he asked for.

  “It’s because you took in those ungrateful brats upstairs, isn’t it, Momma? That’s why you don’t have the money! They get pampered like little princesses, and you put your own son on this damn ragged couch for the night! What a fucking welcome home this is!” he shouted loudly in her face.

  “Trevor, that’s just not true. You know I live on a fixed income, and I can’t give you that kind of money. Those are my grandchildren, Trevor. Your brother’s kids for goodness sake! I’m all they have! How can you be this way?”

  “Oh, yes, my saint of a brother! How can I possibly forget, Momma? Too bad he had to go and get himself killed, right? Now we’re stuck raising the ungrateful brats! I should have known they would come before me, just like their saint of a father always did! I’m fucking leaving!”

  “NO, TREVOR! You just got here! Please stay! We’ll figure something out tomorrow, okay? Maybe I can find something around here I can sell to help you with money,” she pleaded, standing in front of the door to block his exit.

  “MOVE, Momma! I’m gone!” he screamed as he pushed her feeble body to the side without any care.

  Suddenly, my Granna fell to the floor and clutched her chest. I flew down the stairs to her while Trevor remained standing at the door watching me.

  “GRANNA! Hold on! I’m going to get you help!” I cried as I stumbled to the phone on the living room table.

  I managed to push the emergency numbers, but she went limp as I relayed them our address. I dropped the phone and frantically made my way to her. Her lips were turning blue, and I immediately checked for her pulse, but there was none. I quickly began performing CPR and continued breathing into her mouth and compressing on her chest. I heard the sirens in the distance and dared a look over to the door. Trevor still stood there with mixed emotions on his face, but he never once moved or offered to help. When the EMT crew arrived, they quickly took over with the CPR, but it was too late. She was gone, and my sister and I were both all alone, yet again.

  Trevor stuck around for the funeral only because of the small insurance policy that my Granna had left him. He despised the fact that she left me and my sister the house and that she also left us a larger amount of insurance money.

  He made it perfectly clear he wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon and quickly took over my Granna’s old bedroom downstairs. Kylie’s parents insisted we move in with them until I turned 18, but since Trevor was technically named my legal guardian in my Granna’s will, we were stuck there with him. On top of that, since I wasn’t yet 18, the house technically wasn’t in my name. That gave Trevor even more of a reason to stick around and mooch off everything we had.

  For the first month, Trevor stayed gone all night, unless he brought one of his drunken conquests home for sex. Out of fear, most nights I made Sophie sleep in my room with me. Something about him wasn’t right, and I couldn’t wait until I could have him legally kicked out of here.

  After his money ran out, Trevor became very irritable and his moods became more and more unpredictable. I never thought I would be so happy to see my birthday finally come. I made the necessary arrangements to have him officially served notice to leave my house. The court official told me that Trevor would be served the papers while I was in school, and that an officer would escort him off the premises.

  Sophie stayed over at Kylie’s house while I worked my shift after school that day. When I finally got off work that evening, I was relieved to find that Trevor’s car wasn’t there. I made my way into the dark house and texted Kylie to see if she could bring my sister home for me. I was pulling off my shoes when I heard my bedroom door slam shut behind me. Terrified, I turned to find a rage-filled Trevor staring back at me.

  “You think you are so smart, don’t you? Do you honestly think you can get rid of me so easily?” Trevor growled at me.

  “GET OUT!” I shouted at him. He threw his head back and laughed at my new found anger.

  “Well... well… well… It seems we have the house all to ourselves, huh? What could we possibly do to pass the time,” he said, grabbing my arm.

  “LET ME GO!” I screamed, but he yanked me hard into him.

  “No more playing! A girl like you needs to be taught a thing or two about a guy like me. Trust me, after I get done with you, you’ll be able to offer the guys so much more.”

  He pushed me down on the bed and ripped my diner uniform open, exposing my bra and panties. He licked his lips and clamped down on my wrists, shoving his weight down hard as he straddled me on my bed. He leaned in and kissed my neck, and made his way down to my chest. I waited for just the right moment before kneeing him in his groin. He fell over in pain, and I frantically made my way to the door. Before I could reach the door, he was there blocking my way as he continued to lean over in agonizing pain. My only other option was my second floor bedroom window and I didn’t think twice as I ran and unlocked the clasp. I was halfway out when he yanked me back, in forcing my other arm through the glass pane.
br />   Bright red blood poured from my arm, but he continued unleashing his fury on me. Blow after blow, he pounded his fist against my face. He forced me against the wall, and I heard the terrifying sound of his jeans being unzipped. With the last bit of fight in me, I slammed my head against his forehead and crumbled my body the floor. I tried to stand, but I was too disoriented. His large callused hand grabbed me by the throat and began crushing my windpipe. I felt the world fading around me as I gasped for air. I clasped my hands around his wrist to fight his assault, but it was no use. He forced me down onto floor until I was lying on top of the broken glass.

  Shards pushed through the skin on my back, but I continued screaming for help. Out of desperation, I leaned over and grabbed a larger piece of glass and slammed it in his leg.

  “You fucking little bitch! You are going to regret that one!” he screamed out in with murderous rage.

  He pulled the glass out of his leg and began slicing into my chest and abdomen before grabbing a handful of my long hair and pulling me away from the glass on the floor. I watched his dark eyes as he ripped my panties off, and then he pinned me down. I spat a mouthful of my blood in his face, and he began angrily pounding my head into the floor. Quickly, he flipped me around, and I could feel glass lodged everywhere in my back. He positioned himself behind me, and I knew that was it. Trevor was going to rape me, and I wasn’t going to be able to stop him. My bedroom door flew open and I saw Kylie and her father enter the room. Trevor pushed me away and made his quick escape out the upstairs window.

  Kylie’s dad ran downstairs after him, and I felt Kylie at my side as she screamed for help into her phone.


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