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Fourth Down

Page 13

by Desiree Holt

  He’d made a solemn vow: no more committed relationships. His mother had walked out when he was ten, saying she couldn’t stay with his father in tiny Granite Falls a moment longer and she just had to leave. But she’d left Chase, too, and sometimes he wondered if he still had abandonment issues. Then, he’d taken his high school girlfriend to his senior prom, and the last thing he’d expected was to have to go looking for her and finding her half naked under the bleachers with somebody else.

  And finally there had been Cheryl, who was going to heal his heart. Only Cheryl had no more staying power than the other two important women in his life. She’d actually brought someone home to the bed they’d shared. And in his rage railing against the guy, he’d learned that man wasn’t the first one. While she’d been wearing his ring she’d been lifting her skirts for a whole lot of other guys in the Academy. The one good thing had been the willingness of the jewelry store to let him return the ring.

  That’s when he’d decided that a permanent relationship wasn’t in the cards for him. Despite the other happy couples he saw, including his best friend, he’d come to the conclusion he must have bad karma or something. The relationship gods had marked him for disaster, so he just changed course. He deliberately chose women who would not wear well on him for the long haul so he felt no regrets walking away.

  And he always, always, always made sure they knew the score. So far he hadn’t run into any excess clinging or recriminations. Lucky him.

  Hooking up with Holly for this “just friends” relationship had sounded like such a good idea. A simple solution to a problem, apparently one she was also plagued with. He discovered, surprisingly, he liked her, even with her healthy dose of sass. Or maybe even because of it. She was bright and funny and self-assured, not to mention easy on the eyes. Her clear hazel eyes were flecked intriguingly with gold and were framed by gorgeous thick, dark lashes. That dusting of freckles across the bridge of her nose captured his attention, and her lips, well, her lips were…

  Shit! I can’t go there.

  He’d forget about her lips and her trim figure and all the other attributes. Somehow he had to think of her as his sister (if he had one) and he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to accomplish that. Of course the alternative was to put up with all that crap from his friends. That ought to motivate him.

  Okay, by tomorrow night he should have both his mind and his cock tamed and in their place, and Holly relegated to the role of sister. Or one of the guys. He hoped.

  What he really should do was take a quick cold shower so he could freeze both his cock and his brain, then climb into bed and hope all those little feelings disappeared by morning. But the cold shower didn’t seem to do it for him. Although his cock shriveled for a moment when the icy water hit his body, as he soaped up it began to come to life, taunting him.

  Okay, this was nothing but a normal reaction to a woman, pure and simple. Once he got past this he’d be fine. So what he really needed to do was take care of business and make sure his misbehaving anatomy didn’t give him any more problems.

  He reached for the control, adjusting the temperature until the water turned from freezing to warm, then poured more liquid soap into his hand. Everything else first, he told himself, taking care of all the other parts of his body with a thoroughness and economy of movement that he used for everything. By the time he reached home plate his dick was sending him urgent messages.

  After adding more soap and working it into a good lather, he took the swollen shaft into his hand and closed his fingers around it. At once electricity sparked through his body and his hot shaft flexed in his grip. He was so horny it was almost painful to touch himself. He sure didn’t want to speculate about the reason for it. That would ruin his whole premise here. Instead he focused on the urgent matter literally at hand.

  His skin was slick with the slippery lather of the soap, easing the movement of his hand as he slid it up and down. His initial intention had been to hurry and get this over with so he could put all erotic thoughts about Holy Funchess out of his mind, permanently. But when he leaned back against the tile wall of the shower and closed his eyes, an image of her popped into his brain. Her streaky hair was loose around her face as it had been at dinner that night. The light from the table lamp highlighted the flecks of gold in her hazel eyes and her plump lips shone with the clear gloss slicked on them. He wondered what they’d feel like closed around his—

  Stop! Stop, stop, stop.

  He called on all his discipline to make his mind a blank, focusing only on obtaining physical relief, not pleasure.

  Go away, image.

  He leaned his head back and tried to wipe his brain of every thought floating around in there. For a moment it worked, the only thing in his mental vision a large wall of gray fog. No people, no naked Holly—

  Bam! Just like that she popped into his mental field of vision again. Her perfectly toned body shimmered in a mist surrounding it. Her nipples were a dark rose color, highlighting her nicely rounded breasts. Graceful hips flowed to well-toned thighs and trim ankles. But it was the triangle of dark blond hair between her thighs that drew his attention. Neatly trimmed curls formed a tempting covering for the mysteries of her body beneath them. He wanted to spread those legs and feast his eyes on pouty lips, a swollen clit, and…

  As his imagination ran away with him his cock grew even harder and more engorged, throbbing as blood pounded through the thick vein wrapped around it. He increased the pace of his strokes, sliding his hand from the base to the tip faster and faster. Every inch of his body strained to reach fulfillment, even as the image of Holly wavered as if about to disappear.

  No! No! Not yet!

  He pumped harder, needing the relief yet wanting to hold off, to hold on to the tantalizing image just a few moments longer. The familiar tingling began in his balls, spreading through the rest of his body and into the shaft he was gripping so hard. The fantasy Holly spread her arms wide and ran her pink tongue over her lips again. When she moved her hands to cup her breasts, holding them out as if offering them to him, his body reacted as if a spear had pierced him. The muscles in his lower back tightened, an icy heat flashed through his balls and then bam!

  He exploded, semen spilling over his fingers in thick spurts. He squeezed his cock, milking it until every drop had been wrung from his body. He stood there, propped against the wet tile, every bit of strength drained from his body while the stream of the shower sluiced over him. At last his heart rate ratcheted down and his breathing evened out enough for him to soap his body one more time and rinse every inch. When he was sure he could move, he slid the door open and reached for a towel. He dried off with slow movements, blotting every bit of water, then stumbled into his bedroom. Pulling back the covers, he dropped to the mattress and lay back on the pillows.

  Holy shit! What the hell had just happened?

  Oh, he didn’t mean that in the literal sense. He knew exactly what had happened. He had just given himself the hand job of all time to relieve the sexual tension inspired by a woman he was not supposed have carnal thoughts about or react to in any sexual way. A woman who he had proposed an asexual friendship to, a perfect arrangement for both of them. A woman who would not complicate his life in any way, expect anything of him, or cause him to worry when it was time to break it off.


  Fuck me blind!

  He lay there, still weak as a kitten, his pulse still slightly erratic. This was so not good. Not good at all. Would he be able to maintain control when tomorrow night rolled around? Should he call and postpone it, make up some lame excuse? No, Holly was sharp. She’d see right through him. So he’d better get his body—especially his apparently independent dick—under control before then or he’d be in a big pile of trouble.

  He hoped the anticipation he felt at seeing her again had nothing to do with anything but friendship.


  Chapter 10

  Holly zipped up her jeans
, pulled the navy Henley T-shirt over her head, and smoothed it down to her hips.

  “I’d wear something that shows off the girls a little more,” Adara said from where she lounged on the bed. “Like a dress.”

  “I’m more comfortable this way,” Holly objected. “Besides, I’m not dressing to seduce.”

  Adara laughed. “Maybe you should if you want this thing to last.”

  Holly turned to her. “I told you. We’re taking this slow. I don’t want to make a mistake.”

  So far she and Chase agreed the situation was going well. He’d dropped the word to his friend, John, as she had with Adara. Both of them had been equally shocked, avidly curious, but trying to be supportive. They also sensed that both people had reservations about the situation.

  “Holly.” Adara sat up. “You know I’m happy for you, right?”

  “Of course.” Holly slipped her feet into casual flats. “You certainly pestered me enough about finding someone.”

  “Okay. And as excited as I am about this whole thing with you and Chase, don’t you think you’re rushing things a little? I mean, how many times have you seen him in just a short span of time?”

  Okay. Yes. Reservations.

  “Um, just a couple of times. No biggie.”

  “I’ve been hoping you’d find something like this. I just don’t want you to be hurt.”

  Holly frowned. “I appreciate that, but is there something I should be aware of?”

  “I’ve been doing a little snooping with some people I know who know people who know him.”

  Holly threw up her hands. “Oh, for God’s sake, Addie. Listen to yourself.”

  But Adara plunged grimly ahead. “He has a reputation as a player. Never stays with any one woman for long. Goes from bed to bed.”

  Holly stared. “I can’t believe you. Stop snooping in my life, will you?”

  “Honey, I just don’t want you to be hurt.”

  “I’m not shopping wedding venues yet, so back off.” Holly faced her friend, biting back her impatience. “I appreciate your input. I really do. But it isn’t as if I haven’t dated before. I know what I’m doing. I thought you’d be happy I’m finally dating someone.”

  “I am.” Adara nodded. “I just wish you hadn’t picked someone quite so…so… I don’t know. I just don’t want you to get your heart broken.

  Holly burst out laughing. “There’s no chance of that. Trust me. My heart is well protected.”

  She and Chase had seen each other three times since that first dinner. She’d wondered if she’d be able to face him after the incredible erotic solo session in her bed, where just the image of him had ignited a need so strong she needed to gratify herself. It was irrational to be afraid signs of it would show all over her face or in her behavior, but the fear was there just the same. Twice the following day she’d started to call him and cancel the date, but decided she’d just be a chicken if she did.

  Again she’d insisted on driving herself and meeting him at the theater. She liked being in control of her situation. Chase hadn’t seemed all that happy about it, but he didn’t make an issue of it. Afterward they’d gone to a casual bar near the theater for a drink. Most of their conversation was about the movie, but there was a fair amount of personal information sprinkled in there, too.

  But something seemed to be bothering him the last time they were together. She wondered about the slight unease she sensed in his posture and his movements. Was he already regretting their agreement? Should she ask him and let him out if that was the case? Or was it something else? No, that was not it. Something more but she wasn’t sure she wanted to define it.

  But then, as they’d talked about themselves, even though in a somewhat surface manner, she felt an easing of the tension and found she really enjoyed herself. They’d had coffee twice during the week, after working out at Pump It Up.

  Then again before their last “date” she’d gotten a sudden case of cold feet and almost backed out. She kept thinking this was just too easy. Too stress free. Maybe it was time to put some distance between them. Then she’d talked herself out of it. But she didn’t need Adara putting doubts in her head. She wanted this friendship thing to work. It solved so many problems for her.

  Adara alternated between enthusiastic and suspicious, but she hadn’t asked any of the questions Holly was afraid she would. Questions like, what changed your mind about this guy? Why him and none of the others I know asked you out lately? What’s really going on here?

  But today she’d dropped in unexpectedly, her eyes alight with avid interest.

  “Because today is your coming-out party,” she’d said with a grin.

  Today was the barbecue at Cliff and Lara’s. Cliff was another one she’d dropped a hint to that she and Chase were seeing each other, but this would be their first “appearance” in front of all their friends and acquaintances.

  “You could pump up your makeup a little,” Adara said now.

  Holly stared at her. “Pump it up? What the hell does that mean? You know I hardly wear any at all.”

  “See, that’s the problem. You need to play up your assets.”

  “Will you make up your mind? Either you think I’m doing the right thing or not. If not, then what’s with the makeup tips?”

  “If you’re going to do it, you might as well showcase yourself to the ultimate. Holly, you have gorgeous eyes and a wonderful mouth. Any man would swoon from them.”

  “Swoon? What books are you reading? Besides, Chase likes me just the way I am.”

  Adara shrugged. “Just sayin’.” She grinned. “I might not fully trust him, but if you’re still involved with him, I want details.”

  “Details?” Holly arched an eyebrow.

  “Yeah. Like, have you guys done the horizontal mambo yet? And was it hot, hot, hot?”

  Holly counted to ten. “First of all, we’ve only been seeing each other for a week, and secondly, if we had, no details would be forthcoming. Period. You know that’s not me.” She’d never been one for sharing intimate details, and if anyone should know that, it was Adara.

  “I know, I know.” She gave a fake pout. “I guess I just want to find out if he lives up to his reputation. My sources say the women he’s dated tell them he burns up the sheets.”

  “Possibly you should be more choosy about your sources.”

  Before either of them could say anything else, the doorbell rang.

  “You stay right here,” Holly warned her friend. “I don’t want you looking at him like he’s a slab of meat in the market. You don’t need to ogle him.”

  “Ogle?” Adara smothered a laugh. “There’s no harm in giving a hot guy like him a long look.”

  The doorbell rang again, this time more insistently.

  “Whatever, but I’ve got to go before he thinks I stood him up.” She grabbed her purse from the bed. “No peeking. Remember.”

  But no way did she trust her friend to follow orders. She opened the door partway and took a step forward.

  Chase grinned. “You must really be anxious to get going. Do you have something hidden in there I shouldn’t see?”

  “I, uh, didn’t get a chance to clean today. I’d hate for you to see what a slob I am.”

  He peered over her shoulder. “Looks pretty good to me.”

  “It isn’t, believe me.” She nudged him backward enough so she could yank the door shut. “Anyway, we don’t want to be late to the barbecue. And I still have to stop and pick up dessert. I wanted it to be fresh.”

  “Is it chocolate?” He wiggled his eyebrows. “If it’s chocolate, you can push me around all you want.”

  She giggled. “Good to know.”

  Holly practically held her breath until they were safely in the car and pulling away. She thanked God Chase didn’t know what Adara’s car looked like, although why would he, she reasoned. He’d have no reason to think she was here, anyway. God bless Adara, but she could be pricklier tha
n a thorn sometimes.

  Chase followed her into the bakery, practically salivating as he took in the goodies in the display cases. She was afraid he’d drool over the chocolate cream pie and decadent chocolate layer cake they picked up.

  “I’m not sure I should trust you with those boxes,” she teased.

  “I’m not sure you should, either,” he joked.

  Holly gave Chase the address, which he punched into the GPS, and they drove for a few minutes in silence.

  “Have you known Cliff a long time?” he asked, breaking the quiet.

  “Only about six months. Since I got hired at the firehouse and assigned to his squad.”

  “He seems like a good guy.”

  She nodded. “He is. I enjoy working with him. It’s nice of him and Lara to host this barbecue.”

  “He’s really active in the parents’ group for the team, too.”

  She slid a glance at him. “Do you miss it much? Playing football?”

  He shrugged. “A little. But now I play vicariously when I watch television and through the kids I coach.”

  Holly had a feeling there was a lot behind his words he wasn’t saying. Chase DeMarco was turning out to be a more complex man than she’d expected. Not to mention the fact that her hormones were taking far more notice of him than she’d ever thought. She’d forced herself to avoid a repeat of the other night’s performance where she pleasured herself and pretended it was his hands and his fingers.

  Once again she asked herself if she was just imagining the faint tremor of sexual tension between them. Did he have similar feelings for her? She slid a glance at him again, assessing. He looked relaxed, but she sensed that thread of tension in him again and wished she could put her finger on it. Trying to relax, she drew in a deep breath, and all her senses spiked. There was that fresh scent of ocean and male tantalizing her nostrils. It sent a warm feeling through her and made all her girl parts snap to attention.

  Holy crap! What was going on here?

  She needed to keep reminding herself that this was nothing but a friendship. No less but no more. You weren’t supposed to have sexual feelings about a pure friend. Like a shot into her brain from an arrow, the memory of the other night exploded, and she ruthlessly suppressed it. But she couldn’t get the image out of her brain of a naked Chase DeMarco, his fingers wrapped around his very impressive cock, hunger hot in his eyes. How was she supposed to deal with that?


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