Book Read Free

Fourth Down

Page 23

by Desiree Holt

  He chuckled, the sound rumbling through his chest. “All your fault, you know.”

  “Too bad I don’t have time to help you out with it right now.” She threw back the covers with a sudden yank and leaped out of bed. “Gotta get ready!”

  “Minx,” he called after her. He could still hear her laughing when she closed the bathroom door.”

  Maybe he’d have her meet him for breakfast after she got off, before they headed for her place. He knew she’d be hungry after a twenty-four hour shift. Someplace on the water. She liked the bars and restaurants that were waterside, enjoyed watching the boats in the harbor and pulling out to sea. A woman who loved the water as much as he did. How much more could he ask for?

  They had time to share a cup of coffee in the kitchen before they both had to hurry out.

  Chase took time to give her a brief but hard kiss. “See you tomorrow morning.”

  He watched her pull out of the parking lot and merge into traffic. He’d be so glad when he finally managed to let go of the last vestiges of the wall he’d erected. He just knew they could have a great future together.

  * * * *

  Holly decided to shower at the firehouse. Today’s callouts had left her smelling like burnt toast again and she was to the point she couldn’t stand herself. She was just about to text Chase to tell him she was done and ask him if he wanted to catch breakfast before they headed to her place when her cell rang. A call, not a text. Hmm. When she looked at the screen, she frowned at the unfamiliar number. Not knowing what to expect and hoping it wasn’t bad news of some kind, she punched accept.


  “Holly?” The voice was male and unfamiliar.

  “Yes. This is Holly. Who is this and how did you get my number?”

  “It’s Chuck Hensley.” He sounded a little hesitant. “Your brother gave me the number. He said it was okay.”

  “Oh, Chuck.” She blew out a breath. “Sure. He said you were coming to San Diego. When will you be here?”

  “I’m actually here now,” he told her. “I promised Will I’d lay eyes on you and bring back a full report.”

  She sighed. “Of course you did.”

  “Listen, I have meetings most of the day today and tomorrow, but I’d love to take you out to dinner either night. What’s good for you?”

  Dinner? No, she didn’t think so. Besides being unwilling to let anything interrupt her two days with Chase, she wasn’t up to an intimate dinner with Chuck the Horndog. “I’m actually tied up myself, Chuck. How about meeting right now for a cup of coffee?”

  “Coffee? You sure I can’t talk you into dinner?”

  “I wish.” She tried to sound apologetic. “I just have plans. Will coffee work?”

  “I guess if it has to. Will would kill me if I came back without checking on you.”

  Thanks, Will.

  She gave him the name and address of a favorite coffee place and arranged to meet him in a half hour.

  “When I see you, I’ll give you chapter and verse on everything about the new Holly Funchess. I know my brother will quiz you for minute details when you get back.”

  Chuck laughed. “I’ll be sure to take notes.”

  “Great. I’ll see you there in about thirty.”

  Holly disconnected the call and tapped the phone in her palm. Should she ask Chase to join them? Should she even tell him where she was going? Why she’d be a little late?

  She was reluctant to put Chase and Chuck together. She had no idea how Chuck would behave, but if he was his usual non-business self, well… She didn’t want Chase to think less of her brother, who he had yet to meet, because of his friends. No, she’d do this, get it over with because she had no logical excuse to give Will for not doing it. Then she’d meet Chase and begin to enjoy their time together.

  She pulled up her message icon and texted Chase.

  “have stop 2 make. c u hm about 11. xoxo”

  She hitched the strap of her purse on her shoulder and headed out of the firehouse. She passed some of the members on the next shift standing in one of the open bays.

  “See ya, guys.” She waved at them on her way to her car.

  “Heading home to your Coastie?” one of the men teased.

  “Pretty soon.” She grinned. “Gotta meet someone for coffee first.”

  “Must be a pretty important someone to keep you away from your guy,” someone else hollered.

  “Yeah, it is.” Sort of. “He just got into town so I’m taking him to Breakwater’s.”

  “Woo-hoo. Don’t let the Coastie find out.”

  She laughed and waved a hand at them as she climbed into her car.

  Traffic wasn’t too bad so she made it to the restaurant in record time. She looked inside and on the porch but no Chuck, so she decided to wait for him outside. The morning sun was still warm rather than hot, and she loved the breeze coming in off the water. She sat in one of the bistro chairs the owners kept outside for people who liked to have just coffee and pastry and catch the fresh air. Lifting her face to the sun, she closed her eyes and let the fresh air ease the strain from her recent shift.

  “They must work you damn hard if you fall asleep at the table.” A familiar male voice startled her.

  She looked up to see Chuck grinning at her. “I live to serve and all that,” she told him, pulling out her public smile. In his custom-tailored gray suit, lighter gray dress shirt, and charcoal tie, he looked every bit the successful attorney he was. His black hair was carefully styled with an expensive razor cut, and the traces of some expensive cologne filled the air around him. Holly stopped herself from wrinkling her nose. She’d take Chase’s ocean breeze scent any day.

  “Stand up and let me take a look at you.”

  She rose to her feet and did a little pirouette, arms away from her sides. “Well? What do you think?”

  “I think you’re still one of the most gorgeous women I know,” he teased, “and if we weren’t out in public I’d ravish you right now.”

  “Ha-ha-ha.” She deliberately made a joke out of it, hoping he was just teasing.

  “No kidding, Holly. You’ve grown up to be a very desirable woman.” Something glittered in his eyes that made her a little uncomfortable. “Come give me a hug.”

  He held out his arms, and she walked into them with great reluctance. She tried to make it a brief contact, but he held her tight against him for a long moment, pressing his entire body against hers. Damn! When she attempted to push herself away from him, he just tightened his hold on her.

  “How about a kiss from the new, grownup Holly?”

  Before she could tell him no, he planted his mouth on hers, actually running his tongue over her lips. Years ago she might have enjoyed it, but she wasn’t that same person. What was Chuck thinking?

  “You can let me go now.” She pulled her head back and pressed her hands against his chest. When she spoke, she tried to inject a teasing note into her voice. The last thing she wanted was a scene with him. “We might scandalize the patrons.”

  For a long moment—too long, as far as Holly was concerned—he still kept his arms banded around her. Then he released her with obvious reluctance. “You’ve really grown up into a very sexy woman. However, Will tells me you’ve already got yourself quite a guy.”

  “I do.” She nodded.

  “One she forgot to inform about you.” The harsh voice cut into the conversation.

  Holly pushed away from Chuck in shock and turned to see Chase standing not two feet away. His face was an emotionless mask, but anger and something else flashed bright in his eyes.

  “Oh, Chase! Wow! How did you find me?” Oops, Holly. Wrong thing to say.

  “I went to the firehouse looking for you. I figured I’d surprise you with breakfast here, since it’s one of your favorite places.”

  “Oh.” She was aware of Chuck watching the entire scene.

  “Yeah, oh. I can see why you didn’t w
ant to tell me about this. Who is this? That Brad guy who treated you like shit? Come to entice you back to his bed?”

  “What? No. No, no, no.” She felt the blood drain from her face.

  “Oh, so there are more I don’t know about?” He looked from Chuck to her. “Did you plan to squeeze in a little quickie before coming home to me? Were you even going to shower first?”

  “Chase!” Holy shit. “Chase, it isn’t like that at all. This is one of my brother’s law partners.”

  “And he came all the way out here to see you? Just like that?”

  “As a matter of fact,” Chuck interjected, “I’m here for client meetings, and I told Will I’d check on Holly and see how she was doing.” He held out his hand. “Chuck Hensley.”

  Chase pointedly ignored the outstretched hand and turned back to Holly.

  “I can’t believe this. After everything I told you about me, about my life, you’d go and do something like this? Remember what I said about trust, Holly? It’s very important to me. I guess I was wrong about you. I should be glad I didn’t catch the two of you naked.”

  “Chase!” Her heart froze for a moment and her breath stuttered. “Please.”

  “Just forget us. Forget me. Forget everything. Have a nice life.” He paused. “With Chuck.”

  He turned and walked away, his body rigid with anger. Holly went after him, clutching at his arm. “Please, Chase. You have the wrong idea. I promise you.”

  “I know what I saw.” He shook off her touch and climbed into his car. “Good-bye, Holly.”

  She had to jump back as he accelerated out of his parking space, the car nearly knocking her back.

  “Come on, Holly.” Chuck closed his fingers on her arm, tugging her back onto the sidewalk. “Give him a little while and he’ll cool down. He’ll get over it.”

  “No.” She shook her head. “No, he won’t. You don’t know his history. It was very hard for him to learn to trust me. That’s all down the drain.”

  Chuck urged her over to one of the bistro tables and into a chair. “I’m telling you. I know men. I’m a man. Give him a little space. Then you can go to him and patch things up.” He shook his head. “I can’t believe he took off on you over such an innocent embrace.”

  She glared at him. “There was nothing innocent about that, Chuck, and you know it.”

  “Once upon a time you’d have been right there with me,” he reminded her. “You think I didn’t know about your crush?”

  Her stomach knotted. “That was a long time ago. I was a kid with stars in my eyes for an older man. That ended when I grew up.” She was doing her best not to burst into tears. “I think we’ll skip breakfast, Chuck. You can tell Will I’m fine.”

  He cleared his throat. “About Will,” he began, uneasy.

  “Oh, don’t worry that I’m going to tattle to him. He considers you one of his best friends besides being his partner. I won’t upset that. But I’d stop going around expecting things from women that they don’t want to give.”

  She rose from the chair and headed toward where her car was parked.

  “I’m sorry.” He grabbed her arm again. “I didn’t—”

  “I don’t care.” She yanked herself free. “Go to your meetings and don’t try to reach me again. Delete my number from your phone.”

  She managed to keep the tears at bay until she was several blocks away. She pulled into a parking lot, turned off the car, and let the tears flow. She cried until her throat was raw and her eyes burned. Until she’d used up nearly every tissue in her purse. Until she was so weak she didn’t know if she’d be able to drive.

  I should have told him how I feel. That I love him.

  But she was trying to take her cues from him, not move too fast so he’d trust her every step of the way. They had all but said it that night on the boat. Now she wished she’d just gone ahead and done it. After fishing her phone from her purse, she hit speed dial for his number. It rang four times, then kicked over to voicemail.

  “Chase? Chase, it’s me. Please call me. You got absolutely the wrong idea about what you saw. Please let me explain.”

  She wanted to kill Chuck. Really kill him. That whole thing had come right out of left field. He’d always been a ladies’ man, egotistical about his appeal, and for the most part it worked. Who wouldn’t want a fling with a good looking, successful attorney? Well, her for one. What he’d done was probably a joke to him, a little harmless flirtation. If she’d gone with it, good for him. If not, they’d just have breakfast. Maybe she should have clued Will in on just how special her relationship with Chase was.

  No, maybe she should have done the smart thing and invited Chase for breakfast. He could stand any grilling Chuck gave him. She just hadn’t had enough faith in him, and that was on her. She’d never be that stupid again. Ever.

  She’d wait a few minutes, then try him again. Had he gone to her apartment to get the things he had there? No. He’d probably leave them there, writing them off along with her. Still she drove as fast as she could, hoping if he did stop, she could catch him. But when she got there, racing up two flights of stairs and slamming open the door, the apartment was empty.

  She hauled out her cell phone and tried calling him again, but it still kicked over to voicemail. Damn! Okay, his place. He might go there. She’d only been there a few times. Mostly they stayed at her apartment because he said he felt much more comfortable there.

  “I like to be with your things,” he’d told her.

  She didn’t see his car in the lot, but she still hurried up to his apartment and banged on the door.

  “Chase? Chase, if you’re in there open the door. Please.” Silence. “Chase?” Pound, pound, pound.

  The door next to his opened, and a woman stuck her head out.

  “Hey. Can you keep the noise down? I’m trying to catch a nap before I go to work.”

  “Oh.” Holly felt her face heat. “Sorry to disturb you. Um, have you by any chance seen Chase today?”

  The woman frowned. “No, can’t say that I have.” She slammed the door.

  Holly trudged back to her car and flopped into the driver’s seat. She tried Chase’s number again. This time it only rang once before kicking over to voicemail. A sick feeling surged up in her throat. She knew what that meant. He’d blocked her number. Damn, damn, damn.

  She leaned her head back against the car seat, closed her eyes, and tried to draw in long, slow breaths. Nausea bubbled in her stomach, and she was afraid she was going to hurl her cookies any minute. Great. Puke in his parking lot. Just what she needed.

  Where else could she go? She wouldn’t humiliate him by going to the base and trying to hunt him down. He was a commander, for heaven’s sake. She needed to respect his position. Maybe she could just camp out here in her car. He’d have to show up sooner or later, even if it was only to change clothes.

  She drove a few blocks to a market and purchased some cold soda, something to settle her stomach, and a small box of crackers, about the only thing she thought she could get down. She managed to find a spot under a tree at the edge of the parking lot at Chase’s apartment, opened one can of soda, and settled in. She had no idea how long she’d have to wait, but whatever it took, she’d do it.

  She was sipping on the cold drink when her cell rang. She snatched it up, hoping it was Chase, but when she looked at the readout she saw it was Will. Oh, great. Just what she needed. Had he talked to Chuck? What had the big jerk told him?

  “Hey, Will.” She tried not to let her distress bleed into her voice.

  “So I guess breakfast with Chuck went okay?”

  “Why?” Her hand tightened on the phone. “Did he call you?”

  “No. I called him. I was anxious to get his report.”

  “Crap, Will.” She shook her head even if he couldn’t see her. “I’m not twelve years old any more, getting myself into trouble.”

  “I know that, kiddo. I was just anxious to be
sure you’re doing as well as you tell me.”

  “So what did he have to say?” She was curious how he’d answered Will’s questions.”

  “He said you looked terrific. Apparently San Diego agrees with you.”

  “I keep telling you that. Anything else?”

  “Just that things seem to be going well for you.” There was a beat of silence. “Why? Was there something else he was supposed to tell me? Or not tell me?”

  “N-No. Nothing. I just wanted to make sure you got a good report.”

  “I’m sorry he didn’t get to meet your guy. Couldn’t he make it?”

  Holly bit her bottom lip. “I figured I’d need more time to prepare him for the grilling he’d no doubt get.”

  “Hey. Maybe I’ll make a surprise visit and come out and meet him myself. How does that sound?”

  “It sounds fine, but…but not right now, okay?”

  More silence.

  “Holly, what the hell’s going on? Chuck sounded weird when I talked to him, and now I hear something in your voice that worries me. Are you and Chase okay?”

  Oh, God.

  “We’re doing okay. At least we will be.”

  “Tell me what the problem is,” Will demanded. “Answer me or I’m on the next plane to San Diego.”


  “Don’t do that, Will. Don’t go all big brother on me. I’m fine. Chase is fine. I’ll call you in a couple of days.”

  She disconnected the call and closed her eyes. Just what she didn’t need. Her big brother riding to the rescue out here. She was a damn grown woman, for God’s sake. She opened her eyes and was about to lift the soda can from the holder when she spotted Chase hoofing it up the stairs to his apartment. She ran fast enough that she was right behind him when he opened his door.

  “Chase. Chase, we have to talk.”

  He paused in the doorway. The look he gave her was so hard and cold it made her blood freeze.

  “We have nothing to say to each other. I made a mistake. That’s on me. Rest assured it’s the last one I’ll ever make. I was just a damn fool.” He slammed the door shut.

  Holly stared at it. Really?

  “Okay, you asshole,” she shouted. “I wanted to explain what happened, what the truth was. If you’re such a jerkoff you won’t listen, it is on you.” The sick feeling was fading, replaced by a surge of hot anger. “If you’re so stupid that you can’t take five seconds to hear what I have to say, then it’s your big loss.” She clenched her fists. “And the next time you go out in that big boat of yours, I hope you fall overboard.”


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