The wooden floorboards were painted gray and creaked as they entered. All of the furnishings were simple and yet quite colorful. This particular fact came as a surprise to Robin since the exterior was so very dull.
As they passed the entry hall and living room on their way towards the kitchen, Robin and Roami noticed they could count all the furniture on one hand. There was a deep blue couch with worn edges, a curtain that was gray on the outside and pink on the inside. Lastly, splayed across the living room floor, there was a rainbow plaid rug beneath a simple coral crafted coffee table.
Robin and Roami were offered wooden seats at the small kitchen table and Beenie rushed to serve them food.
“Mmm... smells delicious!” Robin said with a delighted smile.
Boonie smiled with pride, “Yes. Tonight we’re having Snails eggs, Sea bread and a side of Hryg’s Shadow pudding. We do hope you enjoy our lowly meal.” He said humbly with his head bowed low.
“I’m sure we’ll love it!” Robin said. She smiled delightedly as she and Roami waited for the feast to be served.
Roami looked the couple over in confusion. They looked like so many others in the serving class with their two silver hooped earrings in their left ear, pale green skin and very simple gray clothes.
“So you two are expecting a child. That is what you said, correct?” Roami turned towards the kitchen counter to address Beenie.
Beenie continued pulling out plates and collecting the food items without a hitch. It was Boonie who responded to the question. “Yes, it is due any day now.” Boonie smiled politely although a shadow passed over his eyes. Roami quickly determined that this was an uncomfortable topic for the couple.
Robin did not see this and so continued questioning them on the subject. “Wow! I hope we are here to see the birth of the baby. Wait… How are the babies born here, anyway? I mean…” Robin quieted for a moment as she glanced over to the kitchen counter where Beenie was grabbing additional plates and cutlery. She looked Beenie’s skinny figure over, then continued, “You don’t actually... um… look like you’re expecting a baby.” Robin finished her sentence despite Roami’s slight pinch to her side. She glared at him and mouthed “What?!”
Beenie looked puzzled by her comment. “Yes. I am sure I don’t look as if I am having a baby because I am not. I am, however, expecting one because Boonie is expecting one and we are a couple…” She looked confused by the questions but still smiled good-naturedly at her guests.
“Sorry. I’m confused... I understand that both of you are expecting a baby but you are having the baby, right Beenie?” Robin asked with an obvious look of bewilderment.
“No…” Beenie said and stared at Robin with a look of even greater confusion.
“Okay... so who exactly is having the baby?” Robin asked slowly while staring at Roami with a look of exasperation on her face.
“Well I am, of course.” Boonie spoke up.
“What the-” Robin began.
Roami rushed to keep Robin from saying anything she might later regret. “I guess the men have the children here Robin. You must remember this is another world. I told you things can be a little tricky…” Roami sent her a pointed look and she quietly nodded to show she would try to be a bit more open minded.
“And I thought families in New York were complicated. Now this... I have to see.” Robin said with a slight chuckle. “Do you think we could possibly be there for the birth?” She asked the couple.
“Why yes, of course. Everyone must be present during a birthing…” Boonie continued to look uncomfortable about the topic. However, he answered the questions so as not to be considered rude.
“Everyone?” Robin asked. She eyed the couple then gave Roami a secretive glance to see how he was reacting to all of this.
Beenie was moving around busily dishing out each plate and setting them before everyone at the table. Roami picked up his large blue glass cup, drank quietly and stared blank faced back at Robin. She knew him well enough now to know that meant they would discuss this matter later in private.
“Yes, everyone. The whole city must attend.” Beenie answered the question as she had noticed Boonie's growing discomfort. She stopped a moment to stand behind him and rubbed his back softly. It was at that moment that Robin took a good look at Boonie and saw his stomach did look a bit bigger than one might on such a tall and slender man. She had noticed it before but had assumed he just liked good food and plenty of it.
The couple appeared nervous and it became obvious to Robin that they did not want to speak about the birthing event. She decided to let the topic drop.
Beenie had placed two additional settings on the table and Robin and Roami watched mesmerized as their meal came alive before their eyes. All the utensils, plates and bowls were made of wood or glass. While they looked worn they were very clean and of the brightest hues the two had ever seen. It felt as if they were eating on a rainbow.
Dinner was soon served and Robin and Roami found that the common food was not so common after all.
After they had finished eating the bulk of their meal Robin broke the silence. “I think that was better than anything we’ve eaten here so far, right Roami?” Robin smiled with gratitude and sipped on her blue colored Bonleekin Tea. Beenie had served the delicious beverage in a small green and purple teacup.
“I must agree. You are great cooks and even greater hosts.” Roami said to the couple who bowed profusely in response. They each looked uncomfortable by the Sky-Ones praise.
When the group had finished their dinner, Robin and Roami thanked the couple and walked out of their quaint home. The day was coming to an end and the orange sky was quickly turning a deep red.
Robin and Roami smiled and waved to the few villagers they passed as they walked side by side down the darkening streets. Their sandals made a loud crunching sound as they moved down the pebble ridden, gray cobbled streets.
The two made their way back to the main entrance of the village in complete silence. Both were overcome with their individual thoughts about the day’s events.
Since the village was very small, before they knew it, they were standing back near the spot where Thister had dropped them off. As promised, he was there waiting patiently in his water buggy. When he saw them he jumped out with a broad smile and motioned for them to ascend the stairs into the carriage. “Enough of the slums for ya, huh?” He asked with a knowing smile.
Without responding, Robin and Roami entered the buggy. Both remained deep in thought during the entire ride back to Thister’s house.
The common theme of each of their ruminations was, in a word, “Escape”.
Robin drifted within darkness. It was not cold or painful like the feeling she had experienced her final night in Central Park. That night felt so far away it was almost as if it had never even happened. The only proof that it actually had occurred was the fact that she was spending her days underwater in a city of green people and water buggies.
She let these thoughts drift away as she continued to snuggle within the welcoming darkness of sleep. Nothing had ever felt so good and fulfilling.
“Rise and shine Sky-Ones!” Thister’s loud voice boomed throughout his large home and reverberated in Robin’s sleep dazed head.
Robin jerked awake with a start. For a split moment she had no idea where she was or even who she was. When it all started to come back to her she was left with nothing but exasperation.
“You’ve got to be kidding me!” She groaned. Robin peeked out from under her plush sea of pink and green jewel embroidered pillows and purple covers with their decorative perpetual patterns playing across them. With one eye still closed she glared in the general direction his voice had come from.
Her nose scrunched up and her brow furrowed. Taking a deep breath and pulling from her diaphragm she screamed, “The Sky-Ones are still sleeping for god sakes!” She waited for a moment to see if there was any response. When only silence greeted her she smiled tri
umphantly. Moments later Robin snuggled deeper into her warm bed and proceeded to fall back to sleep.
“No female Sky-One. You are mistaken for your friend is here standing before me ready and eager to tackle the new day!” Thister said this so giddily, Robin was sure she would ‘accidentally’ strangle the small green man before the day was through.
“Oh my God, Roami! What are you doing up this early? Why must you mess everything up for me!” She cried out and began to whimper under her covers. Her whimpers died down as sleep began to do its work and pulled her back within its warm embrace. Outside of this cocoon of happiness she heard something rhythmic pull her back towards the real world.
The annoying sound of footsteps grew louder as someone approached her door. Seconds later she heard the sound of a hand slowly pushing it open.
“Come now… Get up Robin; we have business to attend to. We will never figure out the riddle if we sleep all day, now will we? Get dressed and I will have all of your favorite breakfast foods ordered. Deal?”
Roami stood there and waited for Robin to move as if she were getting up. When he saw her sleek brown leg drop from under the covers and plop to the ground, he chuckled victoriously then left the room. As soon as he left the room, Robin slowly pulled her leg back up beneath the covers. With a smile she proceeded to return to dreamland.
After a few minutes without hearing a peep from Robin’s quarters, Roami realized he had been duped.
“I believe extreme measures will have to be taken.” He said to Thister as they sat at the dining table. With a grimace he marched from the dining hall and back to Robin’s bedroom. Slipping into the room he stood beside her bed with a smile on his face. Only her head could be seen amidst the mountain of covers and he could not help but notice how peaceful she looked when she was asleep. Her soft braids covered her eyes so that all that was visible was her pert nose and parted mouth. He also noted she was snoring slightly.
Drawing closer he whispered softly into her ear, “Robin… Get up...”
She wrinkled her nose, turned in the opposite direction and continued her soft snoring. Smiling Roami walked around her large bed and approached her once again.
“Now, now Robin...” He whispered softly then continued ever more gently, “You know you must get up so…” He placed his mouth next to her ear and screamed, “Get up!” Roami screamed at the top of his lungs; like a madman on the prowl.
Robin flew from under her covers, with fear and confusion swimming across her face all at once. Her fists were up and ready to fend off an attack if necessary. After all, you could take the girl out of Brooklyn but you cannot take the Brooklyn out of the girl, or so she had heard it said. Robin looked around her room to find the source of the disturbance only to find to her amazement she was completely alone.
Snickering, Roami had fallen to the floor beside her bed immediately after yelling. As Robin stumbled from the bed disoriented he had crawled to the door and ran back to the main serving hall. He struggled to keep his laughter in until he made it back to the dining room table.
An hour later, Robin had dressed in an outfit similar to the ones she had seen members of the upper class wearing the day before. It was comprised of a silky thigh length tunic with cinched belt, velvet undershirt, sleek trousers and sandals. This particular outfit seemed extraordinarily extravagant given the amount of jewels on it. However, Robin did not focus on the intricate details of her outfit. She threw the yellow contraption on and hastily pulled her hair up into a bun. She was far too busy thinking of ways to make Roami pay for his little morning prank to worry about fashion.
When she made it to the dining hall and sat to eat, she secretly vowed to get Roami back for what he had done. Yes, she had wanted him to loosen up and have some fun but definitely not at her expense. He would certainly pay for this. At the moment, she was not sure how but she was creative and would eventually figure something out. With each upward faraway and glazed look Robin had; Roami nearly shook at the thought of what devilish retribution her mind was plotting against him.
Thister had left the hall immediately after eating to ensure the servants prepared the buggy. They would bring it around to the front of the building for the sky-ones.
Robin and Roami had simply glared at one another during most of the morning meal. And even now walked beside one another like contenders towards the front door.
Robin was slow to forgive and was overwhelmed with thoughts of possible pranks to play on Roami. Roami looked exceedingly nervous as he was sure Robin would come up with something diabolical he could never imagine or anticipate.
The two made their way back into Thister’s waiting water buggy. They were dressed in matching bright yellow velvet and silk outfits. Sprinkles of tiny emeralds encrusted in her dress as well as his tunic and pants. At breakfast, Thister had gleefully explained that they had been presented these extraordinarily grand garments as today they would be honored guests at what was to be one of the biggest balls of the year.
As the water buggy slowly made its way through the city, Robin and Roami sat glued to the windows watching as the city people passed by in a green blur. Robin found even the simplest daily activities, gestures or words held a great amount of interest for her. She now understood why New York City tourists looked so dumb all the time. Many times she had laughed at their “I love New York” clothes, bright sunny smiles and looks of awe as they took pictures of even the dirty sidewalks. To be a visitor in a strange place made one want to experience everything with an intense ardor.
When they made it to the royal ball, they were surprised to finally lay eyes on the majestic house that Thister had rambled on about all morning with such pride.
“Here it is Sky-Ones, one of the grandest houses in the city of Fitz!” He jumped from the water buggy. With a simple hand gesture he had one of the light green servants standing before the house move forward to help Robin and Roami out of their carriage.
Robin started laughing quietly. Her shoulders shook and her mouth was pursed shut to keep from crying out loud. Roami squeezed her arm slightly to remind her to keep quiet. However, he too fought against a smile. Their laughter stemmed from what stood right before them.
The mansion appeared to be no bigger than between four and five feet in height. Robin could not imagine how any of the abnormally tall people standing in line outside would fit into the tiny but elaborately decorated contraption. It looked to Robin like a beautifully designed sardine can!
The exterior coral façade was painted a bright hot pink color. The outside walls were encrusted with large diamond shaped pieces of jade and the slightly slanted roof was made of glossy brown wood.
Robin did not move away from the carriage although a servant beckoned her to come towards the house. She stared in open confusion at Roami and whispered, “Really?”
Roami sighed in response as realized he would have to be the compromising and logical one this evening. He too thought the mansion’s structure was a bit insane but he was also sure it was in their best interest to do as their hosts did. That was the best way to avoid any uncomfortable confrontations… or possibly even death.
“Please Robin…” he mouthed at her while dramatically widening his eyes, hoping she got the message.
Rolling her eyes and sighing in exasperation, Robin moved closer to Roami. She took his hand so that he could not get too far away from her. “If I have to go in that cramped death trap, you better be at my side…” she said through clenched teeth.
Roami could only chuckle softly in response. He held onto her hand tightly to ensure she knew he was there for her and would not leave her side; no matter what.
“Line up everyone, please do line up in a civilized mannerrrr.” A tall green man who appeared to be the butler moved throughout the crowd trying to keep everyone in an orderly procession.
The butler was light green like the rest of the serving class. However, instead of the plain gray woven outfit most wore, he had gray silk pants and a matching tunic
covered in silver glitter. His fuchsia hair was cut Cesar style and his face was very angular. Apparently, his status was above most of the serving class as evidenced by his huge, knobby nose swinging haughtily in the ear. The lean man spoke nasally and stressed all of his ‘r’s to the point of being outright hilarious.
Robin could not help but stare at him as he dramatically attempted to keep the long line moving from the front of the home and circling around the block. There were very few homes in this part of town. The few that were nearby, were very short yet extremely expansive. Each seemed to take up the same lot of land that nearly 10 of the average homes would have.
The streets running through this blatantly upscale neighborhood were made of glistening emerald cobblestone pieces. The sidewalks were made of equally sparkly green cement. Robin thought the whole effect beautiful but wholly unnecessary, as the ground was only meant to walk on. Just as she was about to share this thought with Roami, the snobbish butler marched towards them. His nose hung high and his eyes looked nearly shut. He wore a bored expression on his face.
“Please follow me Sky-Ones. You are of course V.I.P” The butler said this with such snobbery, Robin could not help but glance at Roami in comical astonishment. She struggled to smother the laugh at the tip of her tongue and her eyes were alight with merriment.
The butler ushered Robin and Roami to the front of the line since they would be the honored guests.
When his task had been completed the butler stood before the waiting procession. With a dutiful smile he leaned down to dial a few numbers into a small keypad. Robin watched as he lifted a metal lid constructed into the front of the home then tapped each number of a secret code.
“Roami…there’s no front door… Do you see one anywhere?” She whispered softly.
“No… I’m sure there’s another way in though…” Roami whispered back.
Questmyre Page 12