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Page 14

by HaaJar Johnson

  “Ah there you are! I was wondering where you two disappeared to. How did you like the party and the entertainment?” Thister crawled out of the same side door they had just exited. As he was hefty, it was not the most eloquent exit and Roami had to stop himself from helping the man to his feet. He was sure given Thisters’ prideful personality he would be offended by the gesture.

  “We uh… it was a very… interesting party. We actually just needed some fresh air and thought it was time to get back home.” Robin lied.

  “Okay, no problem at all. I’ll have the servant bring the water buggy around and you two can-" Thister began but was cut off by Robin.

  “Well actually… We were hoping to walk back home ourselves. We’re not too far. Besides, we can easily see your home from here so we won’t get lost.” Robin said with a false smile.

  Roami looked at her and was sure to keep his confusion from showing as he nodded in agreement. “Yes, we would like to see the great city of Fitz at night. No need to take us. We feel much more comfortable getting around ourselves now. Thank you for all your help Thister.” Roami added.

  “Oh okay. Well then I’ll get back to the party then and see you all back at home later. Goodnight Sky-ones!” He said with a big smile. Squatting down with some measure of difficulty he struggled to get back through the mansion door.

  When he was completely gone from sight, Robin sighed in relief.

  “Right, so what is your plan Robin? It seems as if you have one…” Roami said as she turned and started walking down the bright green cobbled street. He followed behind her.

  “We need to talk…alone…without any outside ears. I figured a walk through the city without Thister would be the best thing to do right now. I dunno… I was happy feeling like a rock star for once in my life… The attention felt great… But this place… It’s just not fair treating people different just based on their looks or how they were born. I can’t stand around and see this every day and not try and start a revolution or something…” Robin walked faster as her thoughts spurred her on. The red light of day was completely gone and in its place the City of Fitz’s sky took on a charcoal gray hue.

  Robin stopped abruptly when she noticed what kept the pathways throughout the city illuminated. All along the streets were the tall metal poles she had seen littered across the city. They each had long ropes hung between them. She had assumed these were power lines of some sort but now realized they were in fact meant to light the streets.

  Robin watched as light green servants hovered on compact circular footholds that hovered in the air. They moved along the lines of string, hanging small glass lanterns. Each lantern was filled with a light greenish gel in which tons of small white glowing nuggets floated. Altogether they emitted a bright green light into the darkness.

  “Wow…” was all Robin could think to say as she watched one such process occur on the street they were currently standing on. Without realizing it she began walking towards the sea of shining lights and the busy looking lantern laden servants.

  When she stood below a man hovering a few feet in the sky with a lantern in hand, she spoke up, “Excuse me, what is that?” She asked.

  The servant jumped a bit and was apparently startled by the unexpected attention. Apparently he did not receive much consideration while doing his daily task.

  “Uh… it is.. I mean… they are street lights. We fill the lanterns with emerald gel and add flob nuggets to help light the way for city dwellers.” The servant said while looking around nervously. It seemed he did not want to be caught speaking while on duty.

  Nodding Robin could not help but ask just one more question. “Where do you get those Flob nuggets? They are beautiful.” She asked and could feel Roami stand very close behind her in a protective stance.

  “We Mubbins pick them on the outskirts of town near the Tower. That is where the Flobbins Forest can be found. They fall year round and they’re all over the grounds there. Their light lasts only for so long so we must continually pick them to replenish the lanterns.” The servant looked as if he was sweating with fear so Robin decided to end her inquisition. However, Roami piped in where she left off.

  “How can we get to this place you speak of?” Roami asked.

  The servant pointed towards the opposite side of town. Past a sea of lights, dark shadows of homes and trees, Robin and Roami now noticed another tall edifice jutting above the city. Whatever it was, it nearly touched the water’s surface.

  “Why didn’t we notice that before?” Robin whispered.

  “Sometimes you only see what you expect to see…” Roami whispered back.

  “Thank you sir.” Robin said with a genuine smile for the servant who nodded and quickly returned to his work.

  Robin and Roami began walking towards the large Tower. As they made their way out of the Royals district they noticed there were less lanterns hung in the average districts of Fitz. It soon became increasingly difficult to see where they were going. Thankfully the Tower shined like a beacon against the glow of some planet high above; in the sky above the water.

  “It looks like the tower has a green glow around it, how weird...” Robin said as she looked towards their destination.

  “I am not sure how smart it is for us to go exploring in a strange world late at night. Perhaps we should go back Robin.” Roami thought aloud. He was not afraid for himself but more concerned for her safety. Roami wondered if he could protect Robin when even he did not know what dangers they might face.

  “No, we can’t sleep in every night and act like we’re not stuck in the wrong world. The riddle won’t find us. We have to find the riddle. Maybe it’s hidden in this tower thingee.” Robin tried her best to explain her reasoning although even she shivered when passing some of the more shadowy streets of the city.

  Everything basically looked the same. They passed the same red cobbled streets and they walked on similar red concrete sidewalks beside colorful coral houses with prim gardens and green windows and wooden roofs. However, as they moved farther from the city Robin and Roami began to see more and more of the gray paths they had noticed during their last adventure in the city.

  “Did they run out of red paint or something?” Robin asked as they looked the gray paths over from a closer vantage point. When they were close enough Robin stuck her right foot onto the gray cobbled stone to see if anything magical would happen. Nothing. She was still the same old Robin. Not a frog, monkey, pig or wolf.

  “So, what do you think they’re for?” She looked up at Roami who was busy glaring at her for stepping on something without knowing what the consequences would have been.

  “Someone’s coming!” Roami whispered as they heard the shuffling of feet. A few shadows were making their way towards them from the direction of the city.

  “Mubbin servants.” Robin whispered once the shadows grew close enough and could be seen against the darkness. Everything about the group of servants was drab but their blue, gray and green eyes shone brightly in the darkness. Robin had never seen such a sad and ghostly procession.

  “Look where they are walking.” Roami said.

  “On the gray path…. Only on the gray path…” Robin responded while staring at the group as they grew closer.

  Bowing, the group of five servants dressed in gray, showed proper reverence to the Sky-ones. Without a word uttered they then continued on their way down the gray path and back towards Hartan Village.

  “Oh my god…” was all Robin could say as they watched them disappear into the darkness. The true purpose of the gray paths was now apparent and Robin felt sick upon gleaning the newly acquired knowledge.

  “How could I have thought for a minute I wanted to stay here forever…” She said more to herself than to Roami.

  “Come on let’s go. The tower is not much farther.” Roami said while taking her hand and gently leading her forward.

  They made their way to the tower and found the closer they got the easier it was to see where they were go

  The small forest of trees surrounding the base of the tower had silver colored trunks, deep purple leaves and was littered with tons of Flob nuggets which glowed brightly all over the ground.

  Robin and Roami were surprised to find that while the nuggets hung in the trees they did not emit any light. Those hanging on the tree twigs and branches looked like small clear glass acorns. It was once they were ‘ripe’ and fell to the ground that they shone with a bright white glow.

  There were still a few servants leaving the forest and taking the gray paths towards the direction of Hartan Village. The closer Robin and Roami got to the tower the more desolate their surroundings became.

  When the two stood directly at the base of the tower they realized they were completely alone.

  “Look at this Roami. It is made completely of emerald. The tower’s bricks are emerald… that’s why it looked like it was glowing green…” She said as she smoothed her hand against the cool surface.

  The ground beneath them was the same red sand as all uncultivated areas of the water world of Fitz. Robin noticed that a few of the fallen Flobbin nuggets were reddened by the sandy ground they lay on.

  Deciding the glowing nuggets were much more interesting to behold, Robin ditched the tower and walked over to a small young Flobbin tree standing just a few feet away. She had to step over countless lit Flob nuggets to get to it.

  Getting on her tip-toes she took a good look at the purple leaves fluttering in the wind and the small clear glass Flob nuggets nestled in clusters amidst the leaves.

  “They look sort of like acorns…like diamond acorns… I can’t believe they don’t use this as jewelry or money. It’s absolutely beautiful. I’m sure back on earth each one of these would go for a pretty penny…” She whispered. She pulled one of the Flob nuggets off the tree and watched as it instantaneously began to glow white in her hand.

  “Oh my…” She gasped in wonder with a smile lighting her face as she looked over at Roami. He was still standing near the tower. “I have to take some of these home with me. I mean… if I ever go back to Earth I could be rich!”

  Screeching with joy she began to round up at least two handfuls of Flob nuggets from the tree. When she had her fill, Robin deftly put them in the small pockets of her trousers. Roami could not help but laugh at her antics and the fact that her pockets now shone with light.

  “Yes, very inconspicuous Robin!’ He laughed.

  Moments later he grew very serious as he realized they had been wrong to assume they were not alone.

  “Do you hear that Robin?” He asked as he quirked up his ear.

  Robin stopped her picking spree for a moment and grew still and quiet.

  “Singing…” She whispered in response.

  “Yes…” He said.

  “I think it’s coming from the tower. At the very top.” Robin said as she placed a few more nuggets in her pocket then tossed one in her bra since she had run out of pocket space.

  Roami started circling the front of the tower which was quite wide. His guess was that it probably ran about forty feet around the base. Backing up he stared up and noticed a small green glass window at the very top.

  “There are no doors or steps here. Let’s try the other side.” Robin said as she began to walk in one direction and Roami walked in the other. They met back at the front of the base and concluded the same thing.

  “There’s no way in.” Robin and Roami said simultaneously.

  Roami backed away from the tower with his head held back. The surface water above them rippled making the charcoal colored sky sway and move rhythmically.

  The towers green glass, double windows high above them were slightly ajar. If he squinted Roami could just make out a shadow hiding inside. He could sense the eerie feeling of someone staring back at him.

  “What do you see Roami?” Robin asked as she watched his expression go from curiosity to fear.

  “Let’s go.” Was all Roami said as he grabbed Robin’s arm and pulled her towards him. Without another word he marched back towards the red cobbled path that would lead them back towards the city.

  “What the… what happened? Did you see something?” Robin asked while trying to pull her arm from his tight grasp. He did not let her go until they were several feet away from the tower and walking down well lit paved streets.

  He did not speak again until they stood before the front door of Thister’s building.

  Turning towards her he said, “Someone was up there watching us. This place is not safe… Robin we must spend our every waking hour looking for the riddle to get out of here. Can I count on you to help me do this?”

  “Of course, Roami. I’m your…your friend. And I think you’re mine right?” She looked down a bit sheepishly. She had never felt as insecure at she felt at that particular moment.

  “Yes, of course.” Roami said with a reassuring smile. Robin smiled back and her soft brown eyes shone in the green light of the two lanterns hanging beside Thister’s front door.

  “So, we’re a team. And our mission is.. to get out of here as soon as we can.” Roami said with a grim look of determination.

  “Yep! We’ll be like batman and robin.” She said with a laugh. Robin could tell from his look he had no idea who or what she was referring to. With a silly ‘I’m tired’ giggle she added slyly, “And no I will not be playing the less-popular part of my namesake ‘robin’…” She laughed.

  Pushing open the door Roami looked at her in confusion, “Huh? You won’t be ‘robin’… I don’t get it.”

  The rare and melodious sound of Robin’s laughter resounded in the cool night air. Thister’s mystical looking metal door, with its crescent moon window and tiny jade stars, shut behind them.


  Robin and Roami spent the next few days wandering throughout Fitz City trying to piece together the world’s riddle.

  Time and time again, they came up with nothing. The streets were impeccably clean; the people they came across were all well-mannered and helpful. Everything about the world was orderly and well-constructed. The only ugly stain on an otherwise perfect society was the issue with the Mobbins. However, no matter how many Robin and Roami probed, not one of the serving class openly admitted having any desire for change. Furthermore, Robin and Roami were not sure the riddle lie within that particular issue. More importantly, even if it did; how would they know when the riddle was unearthed and solved? Would a yellow light bulb appear over their heads or would a bell ring? As they began their search in earnest, they both began to realize just how many questions remained unanswered. In truth; they were completely lost.

  Roami said as much to Robin early one morning as they ate breakfast. They sat side by side and alone in Thister’s dining hall as their host was away on business. Both were well rested and wore the basic Fitzian outfits they had worn since their arrival. Today they wore red and blue.

  Robin’s pants and tunic were royal blue, with a red short skirt sewn over the pants. The tunic was littered in shiny triangular jade gemstones. Her braids were pulled back in two ponytail buns. Roami sported a red tunic with the same gemstones and a blue pair of loose fitting trousers.

  Without looking up from her meal Robin said, “Yes. And it doesn’t help that none of the Mobbins will tell us how they feel about being treated like garbage day in and day out. They say they are happy and even honored to serve the Royals and yet… I honestly don’t believe it’s true. Have you looked into the Mobbins’ eyes? Look at them closely next time. There is a deep…I don’t know…I guess it’s like a sadness there that screams out to me that things are just not right here...” Roami reflected on Robin’s words for a moment and nodded his head slowly in agreement.

  “Yes, I believe you may have a valid point, Robin.” He said.

  Finishing the last spoonfuls of her hearty breakfast of Hoaty Eggs and Swirled Finny Cream, Robin looked at Roami and sighed heavily.

  “So, we have checked nearly every inch of this world. T
he City, the village; visited every home and spoke to every person we’ve come across. There are… only two places we haven’t searched yet.” She gave him a pointed look.

  Roami smiled mischievously. “Yes, I know exactly what you are thinking. The tower and…we must finally search upstairs today. Thister seems very secretive about the upper floors of this mansion. He must be hiding something important. It’s time that we get to the bottom of this.” Roami pushed his green glass bowl away and checked to see that they were not being watched by the servants. “Looks like it’s all clear so let’s go now.” He took Robin by the hand and led the way towards the elevators.

  They pressed the up button and the green doors opened automatically. “Well here we go...” Robin began to look like she might be having second thoughts.

  “Come on.” Roami pulled her into the elevator and pressed the number thirty-two as that was the top floor. The doors shut them in and they waited.

  Both teens took a look at the luxurious interior while the elevator climbed higher and higher. The walls were covered in velvet green wallpaper, a golden frame separated the top part of the walls from the gray metal bottom. The same green marble on the floors of the main hallway covered the elevator floor. The buttons were all green against a rectangular silver backing. Their fear increased as they passed each floor on their way to the top.

  “I honestly can’t take the suspense, Roami. I think I’m going to be sick...” Robin leaned against the soft velvet walls of the immaculate elevator. “Whatever happened to elevator music anyway? I’d do anything for some soothing jazz right now.” She mumbled as her eyes remained glued to each number lighting up above the doors, steadily showing their progress towards the top.

  The elevator came to a halt and the doors opened on the top floor. Robin and Roami both gasped in astonishment. Their eyes grew large and their mouths drooped open dramatically at what they saw before them.


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