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Page 5

by Kade, Teagan

  “I’m fine. Thanks,” I reply, turning my attention back to the screen.

  She pulls closer and places a hand high on my thigh. “Oh, come on, I bet you there’s a fun guy hiding in there somewhere.” She’s European, a ‘LIVE. LAUGH. LOVE’ rainbow bracelet around her wrist she probably picked up at Coachella.

  Her hand inches towards my crotch.

  “Thanks.” I smile, doing my best not to be rude. “But I don’t need company tonight.”

  She’s talking, pouting about something, but my attention is drawn down to the shadowy end of the bar where a sole female sits I haven’t noticed until now.

  It’s Lexi.

  How the fuck did I miss that?

  And boom, Blondie goes right for the dick grab. I reach down to pull her hand away when I’m suddenly struck with an idea.

  Instead, I press Blondie’s hand right between my legs, eyeing Lexi to be sure she’s paying attention. She’s acting like she’s watching the screen, but I know she’s eavesdropping.

  My cock starts to harden, but it’s got nothing to do with Blondie here. Rather, I’m picturing Lexi back in the hospital, stripped down to her panties and little else, the smooth curves of her legs and chest on show, her soft, porcelain skin forcing all the blood in my body south.

  This ‘rise’ doesn’t go unnoticed by Blondie. “Hello,” she giggles, “and here I was thinking you were trying to blow me off.”

  I shift my head so Lexi can see what I’m about to say. “No, but you’re welcome to blow me all the same,” I reply, conscious of how cheesy it sounds but enjoying the fact Lexi will be listening in and slowly going insane with jealously.

  “You’re naughty,” says Blondie, slowly stroking me through my jeans. “I bet you could go all night, couldn’t you?”

  I lean close until I practically keel over from her perfume. “Baby, I’m a fucking machine.”

  Blondie’s actually blushing, Lexi half-choking on the Manhattan she had raised to her lips.

  I’m loving this, but in truth I don’t feel like myself at all tonight, not with this shit with my mom and my possible sibling going down.

  That’s enough.

  I whisper into Blondie’s ear. She smiles and takes a napkin, writing her hotel and room number down on it with a double X and name, ‘Carla.’

  I help her up, playfully slapping her ass as she leaves, no doubt to prepare for a night of sweaty lovemaking she can go bragging to all her friends back in Sicily or Slovenia about.

  My stool’s warm when I sit back down. Lexi’s looking at me now. I stare back not sure exactly what we’re trying to achieve here. Telepathy?

  In a fluster, Lexi stands and gathers her handbag. She paces off to the women’s bathroom, the door flapping closed behind her.

  Don’t you fucking dare, but my legs are already propelling me upwards. I walk across the bar and straight into the women’s bathroom. No one stops me. After all, it isn’t my first time.

  There are two woman applying lipstick at the mirror beside Lexi. They’re locals—cougars, really. The one on the right winks into the mirror at me, nudging her friend. “Come on, Wendy. Let’s give these two some alone time.”

  They leave laughing.

  I come up beside Lexi and can already smell the vanilla scent she’s giving off, imagine how hot and flustered she’d be under that batwing top. I bet she’s as wet as I’m hard.

  She’s staring into the mirror so hard I’m waiting for laser beams to pulse from her eyeballs.

  “Stare at it too hard and it’ll break, you know,” I say.

  She turns to face me breathing hard, her chest rising and falling. She wants to explode, but she keeps herself in check.

  “What?” I continue, hands out, “you hear something you like back there?”

  I take a step closer. She makes no attempt to back up.

  “No,” she states, crossing her arms.

  Fuck. She’s even cuter when she’s angry. I take another step closer until I feel her breath against me. “You sure?”

  “You’re… you’re,” she starts.

  “What?” I press.

  “So damn… full of yourself.”

  “Yet you want me all the same, don’t you?”

  “Not if you were the last guy on earth.” She swallows, looking away.

  Gotcha. “You’re lying.”

  “And you’re an arrogant asshole who doesn’t know what he’s talking about.”

  I raise a finger, enjoying this new Lexi so strong and defiant. “Ah, but I do know one thing.”

  “And what’s that?” she laughs.

  “Your secret,” I smile.



  I tense so tight my body basically becomes a bear trap.

  He can’t possibly know, can he?

  I’ve been so careful covering my tracks and molding myself into this town I can’t conceive any way he could have worked it out. Or, maybe I’m simply not as good at my job as I think I am.

  The doubt settles and stabs, alternating between the two while I continue to stand there gaping like an idiot.

  What exactly did I think I was going to achieve by coming down here tonight? What information was there to be gained sitting there watching him flirt with other women?

  Think, damn it, and fast.

  I snap to. I’ve got nothing to lose by calling his bluff. I even dial up my potty-mouth to really throw him off. “I think you’re full of shit.”

  He smirks at that, leaning against the vanity. Damn, he smells incredible, his broad chest and shoulders within reaching distance.

  “I know you’re attracted to me,” he says casually, opalescent eyes rich. “I’ve seen you watching me, and I know you want me as much as I want you. Admit it and we can get this show on the road.”

  My mouth drops at the cocky gall of this guy. Though I’m relieved about the so-called ‘secret,’ his direct manner isn’t doing him any favors… even if he is on point.

  I shake my head remembering the sexfest I found in his phone. All the bleach in the world can’t clean that device. I pull my arms tighter around my chest. “You’re wrong. You’re the last thing I want.”

  “I don’t think you even really know what you want, do you?”

  The tension’s building again. I swear he’s getting closer with every breath. I can make out the individual hairs in his beard, the playfulness hiding behind his chiseled features. I glance down. “I certainly don’t want that thing. Given the way you sleep around, I’m surprised it hasn’t dropped off yet.”

  He nods to my crotch. “At least I don’t have to sweep the cobwebs away every time I take down my pants.”


  I tighten further, stabbing a finger into the marble slab of his chest and quietly shocked at how damn hard it is under that marle tee. “You wouldn’t know where to start with a real woman.”

  He comes forward until he’s taking up my entire vision—the soapy fresh scent of his body mixing with denim and the woods, pine needles and camp smoke. He’s more animal than man. “Baby, one night with me and I’ll make you a woman.”

  I roll my eyes. “Seriously, can your head get any bigger? I’m surprised it doesn’t block out the sun every time you step outside.”

  He leans his face right in until all I’m seeing are the cobalt pools of his eyes bright with mischief. “No. That would be my giant dick.”

  I swallow hard. We stand there face to face glaring at one another. The florescent light above the mirror is buzzing in monotone. The tap to my left drips.




  He takes my face and draws me against his mouth. It’s so unexpected I don’t have time to process it or run it through a logic check. I go with it instead, allowing my lips to press back.

  I shift against him and immediately feel his hardness, the brush of his beard against the delicate skin of my chin, the curious way his tongue shifts between my lips to explore the deeper con
fines of my mouth.

  I thought I’d have the willpower to resist, but now it’s happening I’m completely and utterly lost, a desperation rising up within me so strong it’s going to destroy us both if I let it.

  He moans softly against my mouth as I bring a cautious hand to the side of his face. He holds my hip, pressing me against his length, the two of us grinding there against the vanity, heat rising between us so hot and fiery it’s a wonder the fire alarm hasn’t rung out.

  The more the kiss deepens, the greater the burn grows between my legs. I know I’m wet and I know he knows.

  Fuck it.

  I surrender completely, letting my tongue free to tangle with his in the heated wetness we’re sharing. I lift a leg, practically dry-humping him into submission, my baser instincts taking over and my cover lost.

  My cover.

  It’s at this precise moment of realization the door swings open and someone enters.

  We break apart breathing hard. My cheeks are flushed, a pulse beating through my body that runs all the way down to my slickened sex.

  The woman looks at us with confusion, turning to leave. “Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t know—”

  We were halfway to doing the dirty? my head finishes.

  Dex is smiling like he’s just won the biggest toy at the fair. “It’s fine,” he says, the tip of his tongue brushing his upper lip, his eyes cold wildfire. “I was just leaving.”

  He leans across to whisper into the flushed shell of my ear. It forces my breath to catch. “Why don’t you come around to my place and we’ll continue this little… conversation.”

  He pulls away and I’m overcome with an urge to pull him back in. He walks away backwards. “Think about it,” he says, before disappearing through the door.

  The woman’s cheeks puff out. “Hot damn, girlie. You got to get some of that.”

  I smile as I brush past her. My legs are Jell-O and I’m still tingling away like a lightning rod when I emerge into the bar, but Dex is gone.

  I stand there in the center of the room while Two Princes by the Spin Doctors plays.

  Slowly, I start to regain my senses, my head starting to lift from the sexual fog of that, whatever that was.

  I bring my fingers to my forehead, softly massaging my temples. I close my eyes and force myself to think.

  It doesn’t help I can still taste him on my lips.

  Remember who you work for, I tell myself, thinking of Ian.

  This is not kosher behavior. Was it fun? Perhaps. But was it professional? A solid n-o.

  I sigh, opening my eyes.

  What the hell are you doing? You’re letting Mr. Mega-Penis get the better of you? Really?

  Another voice enters my head, one not often heard but always welcome. It whispers away and I start to smile, because it’s right. This might, in fact, be the perfect opportunity. I’ve never been this tied up in a job before, so entangled in it, but isn’t that also a plus in a way?

  In the past, I kept flirtations light, never getting as far as physical contact, but perhaps, just perhaps, that is precisely what is required here to get at the heart of the matter. More than that, maybe it’s the only way I can prove to myself I am a professional, that it’s just business and I can walk away. If Dex Franklin happens to be as good in bed as I’ve heard, well, it’ll be a bonus.



  I toss my keys onto the kitchen counter and pace around the living room impatiently.

  Stop, I tell myself, standing on the spot with my hands on my head and my cock still doing its best power pole impression in my pants. I haven’t been this excited in a long time, but the best part of it? I have no fucking idea why.

  I check the windows, watching for headlights, but no one’s there. I take out my cell and check it. I actually do this twice, the second time without turning it on at all. I guess I just want something to do other than stand around holding my dick until she arrives.

  The kitchen’s a god-damn disaster zone. I quickly gather up what I can, tossing it into the nearest hidey hole while considering I’ve never done this before, never cleaned up for anyone.

  I check the windows again.

  Still nothing.

  There is the possibility she might not come. I begin to question myself. Was I too forward? Was I not forward enough?

  Any more forward and you would have been inside her, I muse.

  No, she’ll come alright, and then she’ll come—again and again, over and over until she’s completely satisfied. She wants the legend of Mt. Halbbitter. She’s going to get it.

  I exhale, unsure what to do.

  I shake my head at myself. After all this time, everyone on my back about how she’s my cherry to pick… Maybe they had it all wrong? Further, wouldn’t it be fucking ironic that when I do finally give into the attraction, she’s not that into me?

  Ironic, but logical.

  After all, who would ever really want me? I’m good for a night, a bit of fun to take the edge off or provide a story for the next stage of whatever journey these girls are on, but what then? I try to picture the last girl I slept with but she’s little more than a muddy blur of tits and ass. They all are. I haven’t made any kind of meaningful connection with a single one of them. I’ve never had the inclination.

  Lexi’s been around Tamanass long enough to know my story by now, to know what a seriously fucked-up life I’ve led. I think she’s smarter than she looks, surely smart enough to recognize a mistake when she sees one.

  I shift from the living room to kitchen to bedroom, unable to keep still for more than a few seconds. I check the windows again, open the front door and walk around the house. Because what? She’s hiding in the bushes?

  It’s fucking pathetic.

  A quarter to midnight and I’m sure she’s not coming. Hallelujah. Pack it away. She has seen the light.

  I give up, stripping off and turning the shower to full hot. If I can’t make use of it tonight, I’m going to burn this erection away. But as I step under the water, even the steam and flow of heat down my back can’t snap me out of this funk. I place a hand against the wall and close my eyes remembering the sweet taste of her lips, the way she pressed up against my crotch with urgency, the way her doe eyes were begging for more. She wanted it as much as I did, so why the ice queen act now?

  Maybe she got lost?

  Not likely. There are only ten streets in the entire town.


  It doesn’t take three hours to eat a meal.

  No, the real answer is the most obvious one: she wants nothing to do with me.

  I shut the water off and brush it out of my hair with my hand. I step through the lifting steam and grab the nearest towel, drying down before tossing the towel into the corner with the rest.

  I consider jerking off but dismiss the idea when I realize how truly pitiful that would be. I haven’t masturbated since I was sixteen stealing pornos from Riley’s Thriftway. No, getting off will have to wait.

  I pad out into the hallway, naked, and stop short.




  Lexi’s standing there in black lingerie and heels. She’s standing with her legs spread, the bright red bulb of a ball gag dangling from her forefinger. Her heels are pointed stilettos at least four inches high, the panties she’s wearing a delicate combination of fine gauze and lace cut so low they’re leaving very little to the imagination. The bra she’s wearing is likewise attired, her cleavage gathered into the middle, the shadowy outline of her nipples visible.

  But the thing that stops me completely is how confident she looks, like this is the kind of intimate underwear she dons every night before bed, a mistress made real right before my eyes.

  I have no idea how she got into the house and, frankly, I don’t fucking care.

  I suddenly remember I’m naked, but I resist the urge to cover myself. No, no, no. Let her see what she’s in for.

  My cock hardens immedi
ately at the sight. I let it. “Do you know what you’re doing?” I ask casually.

  My heart’s pounding against my ribcage in anticipation, my dick suddenly so hard and straight you could use it to hit a home run.

  She spins the ball gag on her outstretched finger. The lipstick she’s wearing is the same blood red color, a perfect addition to the fiery sheets of hair framing her face. “You don’t have to worry. I’m not going to be a clinger.”

  We stand six feet apart, an ocean of arousal gathering between us. A few more seconds of this and I’ll probably teleport to her position.

  Lexi slides her free hand down the front of her chest, letting it fall under the waistband of her panties, her fingers pressing out the crotch.

  My cock twitches in mid-air, straining at its leash.

  “I’m wet,” she purrs, drawing her hand free and sliding the first four fingers into her mouth. “Mmmm.”

  I almost want to pinch myself just to be sure I didn’t doze off in the shower, because this is not the Lexi I know. This Lexi appears to be a walking, talking sex doll, fifty fucking shades of seduction. And I like it. Hell, if she keeps going like this I’m not even going to last sixty seconds.

  Her fingers pull free of her mouth with a playful pop. She twists one upwards and hooks it in a come-hither motion, a small smile on her face and her head hung. “Don’t you wanna see how wet I am?” she asks.

  Kinky doesn’t even begin to describe it. I thought foreplay between us would be limited to the usual oral tit-for-tat I enjoy with most of my visitors, but something tells me Lexi Shane is wild in ways I can’t even comprehend yet.

  I start to approach her, making sure I maintain eye contact. I want to know what’s going on up there, what she’s really thinking, because if this is a play of some sort, she’s going to leave sore and sorry.



  I back slowly towards the bedroom, waiting until we’re both inside before climbing up onto the bed.

  The shock is all over Dex’s face, but he’s certainly risen to the occasion, his cock far bigger in the flesh.


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