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Jesse's Starship

Page 24

by Saxon Andrew

  Jess looked at Jeanette sitting in a chair away from them. “I guess that’s always your answer; kill whoever threatens you.”

  “You’re damn right it is.”

  “Even if trillions have to die?”

  “The numbers don’t matter if they threaten our existence.”

  Jess looked up, “Hetzel.”


  “Will you send one of your ships back to an orbit outside the moon and pick up a package for delivery to the Holding Facility.”


  “It’s one of our more violent members. I’m tired of listening to her whining.”

  “I’ll dispatch one now.”

  “Pete, will you drop her off.”

  Jeanette started screaming as she lifted off the couch and floated out of the bridge. She was placed in a small capsule and ejected from the bay. She was picked up ten minutes later and the Q ship disappeared. Jess looked at the pickup and said, “I’m so weary of that thought process.”

  Elle shook her head, “Do you think she’ll be a danger to our families?”

  “You saw the monitors.”

  “I did; what of it?”

  “They have stunners in them. She won’t be causing any trouble. They’ve learned how to control their prisoners.”

  Elle tilted her head, “I hope you’re right.”

  “I hope she learns something.”

  “I don’t think there’s much of a chance for that to happen.”

  Tilly shook her head, “Before you can lose arrogance; you must first learn humility.”

  Jess nodded, “They can teach that lesson. Let’s hope she learns.”

  Elle sighed, “She’ll learn or they’ll remove her. It’s going to be her choice.”

  • • •

  The Medusa looked at Mamba, “Colonel, where is my daughter?”

  “Sir, I have ten AWACs crossing the state and they have not picked up the signal from her tracker.”

  “Is it possible she has been taken out of the state?”

  “No Sir.”

  “You sound pretty certain about that.”

  “We know what time her car left the base. We have someone at every airport in the state with a device to detect her tracker. Nothing has shown up.”

  “What have you learned about the ones that took her?”

  “We have not found any data on them…yet.”

  “Colonel, if something has happened to her; you will pay for it.”

  “I understand, Sir. Do you have any suggestions on what else I can do?”

  “I suspect, if you find that Major, you will find my daughter.”

  “He has not appeared on any of the AWACs’ look down radars. If he’s here in the Southwest, they will see him if he moves. So far, nothing has shown up.”

  “If we still had satellite coverage…”

  “I know, Sir. I’m doing all I can.”

  “My statement still stands, Mamba; find her.”

  “Yes Sir.”

  • • •

  The President looked at the Russian President and the Chinese Premier. The Russian was shaking his head, “You expect me to believe this?”

  “I honestly don’t care; you’ll have all the proof you’ll need in three days. If you doubt what I’m telling you, find out the current locations of the fifth and tenth armored divisions. I’d make inquires in such a way that you’re not caught doing it.”


  “I suspect your military leaders that are planning this have their subordinates in your own personal staff.”

  The Premier looked at the President, “I have seen a large number of my forces are moving. The Generals tell me that they suspect an uprising and they want to be able to control it.”

  “Have they offered intelligence to back up that assertion?”

  “They have.”

  “Is there enough data to call for the number of units being moved?”

  The Premier hesitated, “No, there is not.”

  The Russian looked at the Premier, “Are you sure about this?”

  “I am.”

  The Russian looked at the President, “What can we do about this?”


  “You can’t be serious!”

  “Whether or not you want to believe it; we have lost control of our countries. They will be launching a nuclear missile at each of the cities our governments are located. They will then sweep in and take control.”

  “We could go public and announce their plans.”

  “They will then call for you to be arrested due to your insanity and it will still happen.”

  “I have forces that are loyal to me!”

  “Contact one of the Generals leading those forces.”


  “Make the call.”

  The Russian picked up the handset from his desk and said, “Get General Kanogh on the line.”

  The President waited and after a moment he heard, “Sir, the General has taken ill and is in the hospital. His assistant says he has severe appendicitis and will be operated on later today.”

  The President hung up and called three more Generals and all of them were in the hospital. He looked at the President, “Something is going on.”

  “I suspect you should leave your office now.”


  “The one’s leading this rebellion now knows about the calls you just made. I suspect you will become ill momentarily.”

  The President’s face turned white and he went to a door at the rear of the room and disappeared. The Chinese Premier looked at the President, “What are you going to do?”

  “I’ve scheduled a speech to the United Nations three days from now.”

  “What are you going to say?”

  “You should listen in and tell me what you think.”

  “I will.”

  The President hoped Sanders was right; millions were going to die if he was wrong.

  • • •


  “Yes, have you found my daughter?”

  “Not yet; however, the President has scheduled a speech at the United Nations at the exact same time of our launch.”

  “We need to have him eliminated. Launch a missile at New York as well.”

  “Are you sure about that? The stock exchanges are there and the nation’s wealth will be destroyed if they’re blasted.”

  “Wealth is no longer an issue. Everyone will serve the same master and no one can buy their way out of it.”

  “Yes Sir; I’ll send the order.”

  • • •

  Hetzel arrive at the Governing Planet and contacted the Assembly’s Leader. He explained what happened and the Leader went crazy with rage, “You didn’t attack them!?!”

  “No Leader, I did not.”

  “You will report to the Council immediately.”

  “Yes, Leader.” Hetzel landed outside the Assembly’s building and was met by four guards with raised blasters. A Neman Advocate was with them and he walked up to Hetzel, “The Leader has accused you of treason and is calling for your execution. By law, you will not be allowed to speak unless you are directly spoken to by the Leader or a member of the council. I will have to defend you and I need to know what’s going on.”

  “It appears the one who took one of our Q ships has managed to somehow improve it to the point where it can destroy all the others in our fleet.”

  “You can’t be serious?”

  “I doubted it; but he presented evidence that proved it.”

  “You could have all attacked together and managed to get off a shot at that planet.”


  “Why didn’t you?”

  Hetzel sighed, “That being asked me a question the last time that I spoke to it.”


  “I couldn’t answer it.”

  “What was the question?” Hetzel told him. The Advocate stared at him and after a moment shook his head.

zel looked at him, “Do you have an answer?”


  “I didn’t think you would.”

  “Before you die, I’ll try to get you an answer. I don’t see any way to save you.”

  “I knew that when I withdrew my forces.”

  The Commander of the Guards said, “The Assembly has called for you.” The Advocate nodded and led Hetzel through the huge door.

  • • •

  The huge room was full and the Representatives were talking quietly among themselves. The Neman Delegation was shocked at one of their species being called a traitor. The room grew silent as Hetzel stepped up to a platform. The Assembly grew silent and Hetzel looked at them. As the Leader started his tirade, he lowered his head.

  The Leader finished and called for the Assembly to vote for execution.

  The Assembly’s Rules Official said, “The Advocate of the accused will be given an equal time to defend his client.”

  The Advocate stood next to Hetzel and said, “Hetzel knew he would be executed for not attacking that planet. He was asked a question by one of the species that inhabits that planet and he found he couldn’t answer it. It was that question that caused him to call off his ships.” The Advocate stepped away from the platform and the Rules Official stared at him. After a moment, he said, “You still have time to defend your client.”

  The Advocate stepped up to the platform, “Unfortunately, I cannot answer the question either. I understand why he did it but I’m unable to defend him without an answer.” The Advocate stepped away.

  The huge Dorian stood up and said, “I call for a vote for execution.”

  A Cystan representative stood up and pressed his panel. The Rules Official said, “The Cystan has requested to speak. You have four minutes.”

  The gray colored Cystan said, “I’m curious; what was the question?”

  The Rules Official looked at the Advocate, “Please answer the Cystan’s question.”

  The Advocate said, “Was he asking me or the accused?”

  The Rules Official looked at the Cystan. “I’d like to hear from the accused.”

  The Rules Official said, “You must vote on whether or not the accused will be allowed to speak. Please vote now.” The Leader saw the members of the Assembly press their panels. Their vote surprised him. “The vote is unanimous. The accused will answer the Cystan’s question.”

  Hetzel looked up and took a breath. “I learned that the family of the being who had possession of one of our most advanced ships was being held in our Holding Facility. I offered to take those of his species being held there to a habitable planet and allow them to start a new civilization if he would turn our ship back over to us.” Hetzel saw the Assembly digesting his offer. “He asked if I would then go and destroy his home world. I told him I would do exactly that. I further stated that his species was one of the five nastiest species my civilization has ever found. They would endanger anyone they encountered.” Hetzel paused, “He then said that my civilization had killed more intelligent beings that all five of those nasty civilizations combined. He asked what that made us.” Hetzel lowered his head. The Assembly was silent.

  The Leader stood up and yelled, “It makes us safe; I call for the vote now!” The Rules Official stared at Hetzel and looked at the Leader. “I said, NOW!”

  The Rules Official looked at the Assembly and said, “You will vote on whether the Accused will be executed.” The Assembly made no move. After a few moments, the Neman pressed their panel. The other Assembly Members started pressing their panels.

  Hetzel stood in the center of the huge room and felt at peace. Whatever happened, he knew he had made the right choice. He wished he had an answer before he died.

  The Rules Official looked at his panel and said, “All have voted and ninety five percent have voted together.” The Rules Official turned and looked at the Leader, “The Cystan has included a second issue to be voted on along with the first which is the right of any member of the Assembly.”

  “What issue?”

  “On the question of the accused execution, the majority have rejected it. On the issue of replacing you as Leader of the Assembly, they have also voted to end your leadership.”

  The Dorian jumped up, “Are all of you insane; this is ludicrous. That vote has no merit.”

  The Rules Official looked at the guards, “Please remove the former Leader and take him back to his home world. If he shows further disrespect to the Assembly, we will take a vote of execution on his behavior.” The Dorian closed his mouth and left the room in silence.

  The Cystan stood and looked at Hetzel, “What is that being going to do with our ship?”

  “He intends to remove his planet’s ability to make war. He hopes to force peace on them until they learn how to embrace it as a way of life.”

  “He sounds very much like someone I would like.”

  Hetzel smiled, “He hasn’t been deceptive in dealing with us. He could have destroyed our planets but refused to do it unless we killed his planet. I’m not sure he would have done it if we did.”

  The Cystan stared at Hetzel, “Do you have an answer to your question?”

  Hetzel shook his head, “No, I do not.”

  “Perhaps you will lead us and find the answer; I, too, don’t have an answer.”

  Hetzel looked out at the Assembly and said, “Perhaps he’s showing us now. Maybe we should give violent civilizations the opportunity to learn another path before we just blast them away.”

  “Will you bring him to speak with us?”

  “Will you authorize the removal of the death sentence?”

  “I will. Let us know what you find out…Leader.”

  Hetzel’s face showed his confusion. The Rules Official announced, “The vote for removal of the former Leader also included a vote to place Hetzel in his place.” The Assembly stood and began cheering their new Leader. Hetzel looked at his Advocate and heard him say, “We all need that question answered.” Hetzel nodded and looked out at the Assembly.

  Chapter Twenty


  “Yes, Mike.”

  “Have you determined what you are going to be able to do when they launch the nuclear missiles?”

  Jess looked at Elle and Tilly and shook his head, “Mike, we’re caught in an impossible scenario.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “If the submarine that launches against Washington uses a Cruise Missile, and I really think that’s what they’ll do, we can’t hit it from orbit. We’ll have to come into the atmosphere to hit it.”


  “That area on the east coast is one of the most populated in the country. That beam will hit the missile as well as anything under it. There could be a massive loss of life if that happens. Can you see that?”

  “I do.”

  “And if the launch against the Chinese Government is also done with a Cruise Missile, we would have to go down to the surface to shoot it down as well. I hope I don’t have to mention loss of life in China? We think the launch against Moscow will be with a ballistic missile. The launch would have to be done a long way from Moscow in the North Sea. We can get to the ballistic missile in time to hit it before it reaches apogee and eliminate it. However, China is on the opposite side of the planet from the United States and though we’re good, we’re not that good. We can’t move at our top speed through Earth’s atmosphere. The hurricane force winds it would cause would wreak havoc on millions. We can stop the Russian launch and either the China or United States launch; we can’t stop both.”

  “Can’t you take out the submarine in China and come back to stop the other two?”

  “Mike, there are twelve nuclear submarines off the coast of China. That missile could be launched from one of the Chinese Subs, a Russian Sub, or even one of ours. There’s no way of knowing which one is going to launch.”

  “Should you just take them all out?”

  “The French, Japanese, and God knows how many oth
er countries might have their subs in the area as well. It is not our intention to arbitrarily kill members of the military without an opportunity afforded for them to avoid it.”

  “But millions will die. If you take out those subs…”

  “Numbers don’t justify being wrong, Mike.”

  “Sometimes, a hard choice must be made.”

  “That’s how the aliens justify killing planets.”

  Mike shook his head and knew Jess was right. “I guess you can only do what you can do.”

  “I’m going to have to live with that after this is over and I hope I don’t spend the rest of my life second guessing myself.”

  “I’ll keep you posted on what we’re doing.”

  “Thanks, Mike.”

  Jess sat back in his chair and Elle came over and hugged him, “I’m proud of you.”

  “Tell me that after millions have been vaporized by a nuclear blast.”

  “My feelings won’t change. I’m so lucky you found me.”

  Jess smiled slightly, “I genuinely feel I got the best of that deal.”

  Tilly smiled, “That’s how you really know it’s love.” They looked at her and she smiled, “Both Mike and I feel we were the winner in having the other in our marriage. You’re very fortunate to have each other.”

  • • •

  Medusa looked at his communication screen and said, “I want the launches delayed until I hear what the President has to say. I now believe he knows what we’re planning and he may be offering to surrender. Keep your panel hot to send the launch order.”

  Mamba nodded, “Yes Sir.”

  • • •

  The newscasters were given an announcement and the word went out around the world. The President of the United States was going to address the United Nations and his speech was going to radically change his country’s role in world Politics. It was also going to radically change how the United States was governed. Both political parties began decrying the announcement, saying the President couldn’t make a radical change without their consent. Every news organization began speculating on what was going to be said and the Medusa began to think he might just be turning the country over. He, along with billions of others, stopped what they were doing and waited to hear what he had to say.


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