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Fueled by Lust: Makar and Baruch (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 15

by Celeste Prater

  Throwing off the towels, they crawled onto the mattress, and covered up. Despite being unsure of how this might all play out in the end, Baruch couldn’t stop the grin stretching his cheeks. Makar proved to be of the same mindset.

  Okay, that went better than I expected. At least we walked away with our nuts still hanging.

  Baruch chuckled. I agree. Just think. We still have a forest to walk out of and a visit home for an exciting festival. We’ll just have to make good use of the time in convincing our precious Keely that she’s meant to be with us.

  Yeah, hopefully we’ll figure out what crazy shit she has running through her head to make her think that she could ever be unworthy of our love. That, my brother, will need to be our number-one priority.

  Chapter 16

  Squatting next to the mattress, Keely took her time looking over the gorgeous bodies splayed out for her inspection. Makar was on his stomach, head smashed to the pillow clutched tightly in his arms. The sheet was barely covering the top of his perfect ass. A long, thick muscle ran from just under his arm, along his side, and tapered down before meeting his narrow waist. She now knew what made his back flare out like wings when he’d lifted his arm and caressed her cheek last night.

  Baruch, on the other hand, was splayed out on his back with one big arm thrown over his eyes and the other lying peacefully by his side. The twin to Makar’s necklace lay nestled in the hollow of his throat. One big thigh was hanging over the lip of the mattress. His calf muscle was just as defined as the rest of his body.

  Scooting a little closer, Keely watched in appreciation as his perfectly delineated abdominal muscles rose and fell in a steady rhythm. His other leg was tangled in the sheets, giving her a perfect view of his long, fat cock resting on his stomach. Even in repose, the thing was daunting. She admired his healthy ball sac. Even though he was completely free of hair, he screamed of powerful, virile alpha male. Makar’s attributes may be hidden from her sight, but she knew full well they were equally matched in what they were both packing below the belt.

  The instant her eyes landed on the bite to Makar’s shoulder and the one on Baruch’s pec, her clit throbbed, and a rolling wave of warmth filled her groin. Despite the insanity of what they’d endured, she’d thought it beyond erotic as she’d watched the spellbinding scene unfold. She squashed the memory of them both handling her on the couch and their hesitant confession of the Insedi bond. That thought alone would have her doing something irrational, like pouncing on them and demanding they talk to her in their sinfully sexy language while finishing what they started. It was insane, and she filed it away as such.

  Shaking her head, she reached down and finished cutting the excess blue-jean material from the bottom of her pants leg. Slipping it over the tennis shoe, she stood up, and admired her handiwork. Perfect, not too short and just scraping the ground. She felt sixteen again. All she needed now was a ballpoint pen so she could scribble the name of her favorite bands on each knee to complete the silly image.

  Reaching up, she began twisting her hair into her usual tight bun and then hesitated. I’m so goddamn predictable. Snorting, she released the tresses, set the clip aside, and enjoyed the feeling of her fingers running uninhibited through the strands. Grabbing the duffel off the coffee table, she walked slowly to the back door, threw the blue-jean clippings in the trash, and quietly pushed out into the faint glow of the new day.

  Rounding the side of the barn, Keely took her time approaching the chicken coop. The last thing she needed was them squawking in fear, or worse, a rooster trying to flog her to death. She’d spotted them through the kitchen window, instantly realizing why she couldn’t find eggs in the refrigerator. Her mouth watered at the thought of eating farm fresh ones. She hadn’t enjoyed that treat in years.

  Despite her presence, the well-behaved fowl allowed her inside. The handful of bread crumbs she’d scattered around immediately sealed the deal on their new friendship. Delighted to find fifteen unbroken, large eggs, she placed them gently in the duffel and made her way back to the house. Creeping inside, she was pleased to see the guys hadn’t stirred.

  Hands washed and pans ready, Keely began pulling out all of the ingredients to make a breakfast worthy of her upbringing. Twenty minutes later, the tantalizing aroma of fried sausage, browning biscuits, and fresh-brewed coffee wafted through the air. Scattering a handful of cheese over the last omelet sizzling in the frying pan, she glanced over her shoulder and smiled.

  Makar and Baruch were sitting up, scrubbing their faces, and trying to get their bearings. Both lifted their chins and took a deep breath. Smiles lit their faces when they finally figured out where the smell was coming from.

  “Get dressed, guys. I washed your clothes. They’re in the washroom at the end of the hall. Breakfast’s almost done. Hurry, before it gets cold.” She turned back to the skillet after getting an unexpected look at their sculpted butts and wide backs stumbling down the hallway.

  Biscuits buttered, covered, and sitting on the dining room table, Keely looked up when she heard a rumble of approval. Makar and Baruch were focused on the table with their mouths hanging open. They wore only jeans, and both were without boots. Even their feet were flawless. All of that perfection should be against the law. She quickly looked away and finished pouring the coffee.


  Makar pulled out a chair and plopped down. Baruch soon followed. They both stared at their plates loaded with two thick sausage omelets, fried potatoes, and slices of fresh tomato. When she lifted the hand towel off the biscuits, they both groaned. Baruch snatched several off the platter and gifted her with a huge grin as he licked the butter from his fingers.

  “Damn, Keely. You can cook too. I’m totally in love with you.”

  Makar grunted, and then said, “I second that motion,” as he dug eagerly into the omelet. His eyes rolled back in his head as he chewed slowly and savored the moment.

  Keely brushed off the comments as offhand remarks referring to their happiness at the sight of fresh food. She sat down and forked a tomato slice.

  “I’m glad you like it. I found the eggs by the barn. Enjoy.”

  They ate in companionable silence. She was pleasantly surprised to see that they had impeccable table manners. Not one smacking sound hit her ears, and not once did her eyes spot food stuck to the side of their mouths. They were perfect gentleman. Baruch even retrieved the jar of honey when she’d lamented she’d forgotten to put it on the table.

  Keely was surprised to feel completely at peace as they enjoyed the meal. She frowned when thinking about how long it’d been since she’d cooked. There wasn’t any reason to go to all of this trouble for just one. TV dinners and takeout had been her staple of choice for the last several years. It was really a shame that the art of cooking was becoming rare for today’s youth. Makar’s deep voice caught her attention.

  “You seem troubled, Keely. Do you want to talk about last night? I think we should.”

  Quickly lifting her palms out, Keely shook her head. No, I wasn’t thinking about that. It was something silly. Nope, not ready to talk about that bombshell you unloaded on me. Still working that through my brain.” She took a sip of her coffee and looked up, meeting both their eyes.

  “I think we should focus on getting out of here. The milk I used for those omelets and biscuits you practically inhaled was fresh. Whoever bought it could come back very soon. I don’t feel like going to jail.”

  Makar glanced to Baruch, and they both stood up. They helped her clean the dishes and tidy the lodge. Once the mattress was back in place and they had their boots on, Baruch headed to the back door.

  “Come on, let’s look around outside. There might be a vehicle. Yes, we’ll have to steal it, but I’ll make sure to send compensation for their trouble.”

  Spotting nothing in the vicinity that could assist them, Makar broke the lock on the barn and pushed the wide doors to the side. Mowing equipment, bales of hay, and seed bags filled the interior. Baruch’s
eyes lit up when he walked past the tractor.

  “Well, look at this. It’s covered with a tarp, but I see wheels underneath.”

  Pulling back the material to reveal a champagne-colored seventies-style Oldsmobile, Baruch shook his head and leaned over the area where an engine should reside.

  “Dead end. Looks like we’re walking.”

  Keely startled when something flew out of the engine area and slammed into Baruch’s side. Cursing, he quickly reached over and yanked it away from his body. The second the object hit the ground, Keely squealed. The distinctive diamond patterns on its thick body sent her into action.

  Grabbing a garden hoe from the wall, she slammed the sharp edge close to the snake’s head before it could slither away or strike again. Hacking frantically until it was obliterated, Keely shivered in horror as the body continued to twist and flop on the ground. Tossing the hoe to the side, she pushed Baruch against the tractor, lifted his arm, and yelled, “Hold it up.” Locating the wounds, she slammed her mouth over the small punctures and started sucking the poison out. She could taste the bile venom slowly weaken after each spit. Satisfied she’d gotten as much as she could, Keely grabbed his wrist and started dragging him out of the barn.

  “Makar, get your healing thing ready. I think I got it all, but we can’t take a chance. I need water so I can flush my mouth out.”

  Makar flew past her and into the house. By the time she arrived, he had the black box open, holding a glass of water in one hand, and the large hose in the other. She helped Baruch over to the couch and prayed his trembling and uneven step was from nerves instead of the venom.

  Snatching the glass from Makar’s hand, she quickly gargled and spit until her mouth felt clear of the venom and blood. She rushed back into the living room and groaned when she saw Baruch was lying sideways and completely silent as Makar set the equipment up.

  “Damn it! I was hoping your immune system would handle the venom. Obviously not. His lids are drooping, and he’s having difficulty swallowing. Can this heal bites?”

  “I’m not sure. But we’ll find out soon. Don’t worry. His natural energy is fighting this as well.”

  Relief suffused Keely’s body once the wavering material draped over his side and glowed a pretty blue. The wounds were puckered, and the skin had already started turning darker. Damn, that rattler had juiced him up good. She wanted to see healthy golden skin, and soon.

  The minutes ticked by as she paced in front of the couch. Soon, Makar was smiling and pointing to the material.

  “Ah, there we go. The flesh is not dark any longer. See, the puncture wounds are stitching back into place.”

  Plopping her butt on the coffee table, Keely let the air whoosh out of her lungs. She scooted closer after the freaky alien material furled back into the tube and resealed. She frowned when Baruch tried to lift his head. His eyes were unsteady, and he had a stupid grin on his face.

  “What’s wrong with him? Put it back on, Makar. I think he’s still having trouble.”

  Packing the equipment, Makar grimaced. It’s not from the bite. The body’s restored. His energy is just zapped. It worked hard to fight off the intrusion until the healing completed.

  Keely looked down when she felt a firm grip to her hand. Baruch had rolled to his back and was studying her fingers.

  “I love your hands, Keely. They’re so dainty, but you’re very strong and capable. You’re very smart too. I like smart females.” He looked up and smiled.

  “This is highly regarded on my planet. We all seek a strong female to call our own.” He frowned and pulled her toward him, causing her to kneel beside the couch.

  “Do you like me, Keely? I’m going to be sad if you don’t like me. Do you like Makar more? He’s sweeter. I can’t blame you if you do.”

  Chuckling, Keely patted him on the arm. “I like you both the same, you big lug. Now shut up.” She tried to back up, but he refused to release her hand. He placed a gentle kiss to her knuckles.

  “That makes me feel good right here.” He tapped her hand over his heart and struggled to keep the smile on his face.

  Something shifted inside Keely’s chest. She glanced up to Makar’s concerned face as he watched Baruch blink rapidly and try to catch his breath. They were so goddamn sweet, her heart practically turned over on itself. The thought that either of them could die sent her breathing into overdrive.

  “What’s wrong with him? It’s like he’s drunk. Why isn’t he getting better? How do you fix your energy?”

  Makar sat on the edge of the couch and patted Baruch’s thigh. “We told you of our symbiotic nature with our planet. We don’t have that same relationship with Earth. We have to replenish our energy in another manner. That’s why all Earthbound Insedi either work at or are associated with one of the Seekers agencies. We discovered that sexual and sensual desire is very similar to the power of Insedivertus. We soak that up when it’s present, and it stabilizes us.”

  Keely’s eyes widened. “Well, you guys are mates. Throw some his way, and let’s fix him.”

  Makar chuckled. “I wish that was possible. We share the same energy. I can’t juice him up. I’ve nothing extra to give him.”

  Feeling panicked, Keely found it difficult to say the next words. “Could he die?”

  Shaking his head, Makar gave her a comforting smile. “Not immediately. He’s just going to be extremely lethargic and confused. If we had a vehicle, we could get him home in time for Insedivertus to take care of this, but until then he doesn’t have enough to make the trip on his own.”

  “We can’t leave him here. The caretakers could return at any time. What can I do?”

  Makar’s brow rose. “I was hoping you’d say that. I wasn’t going to suggest it. It must be freely given.”


  “Your desire.”

  “Ah. I need to start smelling like violets again.”



  Makar jumped up, pried her hand out of Baruch’s despite his grumbling, retrieved the blanket from one of the recliners, and shoved the coffee table aside. Folding the blanket, he laid it next to the couch and motioned for her to lie down.

  “We need to be close to him so he can feed off the energy you create.”

  “Oh.” Trying to stop the trembling of her limbs, Keely lay flat on the floor. She shivered when Makar scooted close and hovered over her. His wide shoulders blocked the view of the ceiling. He was so powerful. She felt tingles dancing across her flesh and grabbed his biceps to steady her trembling body.

  He smiled and backed away.

  Frowning, she lifted to her elbows. “What’s wrong?”

  “I want you to be comfortable, sweetness. You have a look on your face as if you’re expecting me to crush you. That’s not an ideal mindset to instigate your desire.” He rolled to a sitting position, leaned against the couch, and patted his thigh.

  “Here, sit on my lap. We’ll just hold each other for a bit.”

  Muscles melting in relief, Keely threw her leg over his and settled onto his lap.

  He caressed her arm and spoke softly. “Ready?”

  She nodded and glanced over to Baruch. He was trying to focus his eyes.

  Keely jumped when Makar’s hands landed on her hips.

  “Relax. You’re in charge. Okay?”

  She stared into his golden eyes and tried to figure out why she was so damn jumpy. Releasing her breath, she placed her hands on his shoulders and leaned forward. “I’m going to kiss you. Will you do that electrical charge thing again? I need some warning.”

  “No, sweets. That was a one-time deal. Lay it on me.”

  Moving closer, she felt his palms slide up her back. The moment their mouths touched, she closed her eyes and fell into the most sublime experience imaginable. His lips were soft, his motions gentle, and his tongue warm and inviting. Gradually, she grew bolder and demanded more from the kiss, withdrawing, nipping his full lower lip, and kissing the sting away befo
re starting the intimate exploration all over again. His palms pressed harder against her back, pulling her closer.

  Coming up for air, she sighed when her breasts smashed against his chest and he nibbled along her neck. A slight tug on her earlobe sent tingles shooting across her skin. His sensuously accented words had her wiggling on his lap.

  “That’s it, sweetness. I smell a slight aroma of violets. Let go, baby. Give us more. Umm, yes. Keep moving your hips. Yes, just like that. Ride me. Ah, you’re making me so hard, Keely.”

  Shoving her hand into his thick, silky hair, Keely latched on and pressed harder against his cock. She moved her hips in a gentle wave, enjoying the feel of the seam rubbing languidly across her clit. Makar lowered his hands, clasped her waist, and slid a warm hand under her T-shirt and up her spine. Keely couldn’t stop from crying out at the exquisite touch. Harder she pressed, feeling his width and girth growing between her legs, steadily increasing the pressure against her clit.

  Soon, Makar had a death grip on her hips, while undulating below her, pressing her harder against the thick meat trapped within his jeans. His breath blew hot against her neck. Gasping at the intensity of the heat generating from her trembling pussy, Keely sat straight up, lolled her head back, and lost herself to the multitude of sensations. It felt as if a thousand hands roved her body, stroking, teasing, and pushing against her sensitive flesh.

  “Oh, yes. You’re so close, baby. Keep moving. That’s it. Gods, you’re so beautiful. More…give me more. Open your mind, my foemina. Imagine me pushing deep inside you, your muscles locking onto my cock. I bet you’re soaking wet for us. I want to drive hard into your slick pussy as you grind on me. You’ll be so tight you’ll feel every inch of me. That’s it. Ah, good…good…you’re flooding us with your scent. Come, my sweetness. Come for us.”

  Keely exploded in a kaleidoscope of color and sound. Inner muscles locking and trembling as wave upon wave of exquisite pleasure mushroomed outward until there was no more room to flow except from her very pores and into the air itself.


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