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Fueled by Lust: Makar and Baruch (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 23

by Celeste Prater

  “Whoa, babe! Slow down. It’s just us, Keely. You’re safe.”

  Her gaze darted around the room, landing on every breathing soul. Realization of where she was at slowly began to sink in. She swallowed several times and found her voice.

  “How’d I get here?”

  Baruch plopped down on the cushions and pulled her onto his lap. He hung on to her, as if someone might snatch her away at any moment. He snuggled close to her neck when she gripped his forearms. Makar kneeled next to them and stroked her knee. He fought from leaping forward and kissing the hell out of her.

  “What was the last thing you remember?”

  Blinking rapidly, Keely’s head swiveled to the dining area. Her brows drew together when she spotted one of the palace staff gathering his tools after installing a long bar and keypad lock onto the hidden door panel.

  “I was in there…with Senator Vibius. I went to the hallway to tell someone about the passageway and found him staring at the cabinet. As soon as I told him about the doorway, he got very excited and went right in before I could stop him.” She turned and looked at Lucien.

  “Has anyone been in there yet?”

  Lucien pushed away from the wall. “No, you were our top priority.”

  Keely pointed back to the dining room. “You might want to go take a look. There are all sorts of ancient-looking things down there. They look expensive.”

  Smiling, Lucien shook his head. “We can do that tomorrow. How are you feeling, Keely?”

  “Uh, I’m okay. Yeah. I feel much better. What happened to the senator? The last thing I remember, he threw me over his shoulder.” Her eyes widened, and she leaned forward. “Oh! He told that other man to kill someone. Is everyone okay? What happened?”

  Bellator stepped forward. “He and the guard are being held, so don’t worry yourself over that anymore. Selnan was stopped before he could get out of this room. Your mates seized Vibius on the ship and found you in the cargo hold.”

  “Uh, they’re not my…um…I’m glad you stopped them. I don’t understand why they’d want to hurt the royal family.”

  Makar felt sadness wash his senses. She was still not viewing them as hers. Baruch pulled her closer, and he was happy to see that she at least didn’t struggle to get away.

  Shaking his head, Bellator pushed a chair next to the couch and sat. “No, they were after me, Senator Milonius, and my second in command, Argus. You have my deepest apologies for being caught up in their machinations. I’m very happy that you were uninjured.”

  Keely shook her head. “No need to apologize. It wasn’t your fault. You have no control over someone else’s crazy mind. If anyone should know that, it’s me.”

  Bellator chuckled, reached over, and took her hand. He kissed her knuckles and then stood up.

  “Yes, Makar told me you’re a doctor of the mind. A very noble profession. I beg that you get some rest and push this ordeal aside. I assure you those two males will never enter your life again. I’m taking them back home within the hour so they can face the ramifications of their decision.”

  His steel gray eyes flicked over to Baruch and then caught his own. “I thank you both for affording me that opportunity. It won’t be forgotten.”

  Turning, he nodded to Lucien.

  “I’m saddened that you decided to postpone your nuptials and the festival for a day due to the mess my citizens caused, but I’m sure you needed the time to regroup. Thank you for understanding that it’s imperative that I return home to handle this new intrigue. However, I plan to return for a visit as soon as my kingdom is more stable. I’ll not bring strife to your doorstep again.”

  Bellator and Lucien clasped forearms, and a quiet respect passed between them. Turning, he glanced to the Elite Guard lining the walls and smiled.

  “You’re emperor is an extremely fortunate ruler. The loyalty you display to him and your comrades is something to be cherished. Enjoy the festivities, and I hope to see you all soon.”

  He stopped at the doorway and grinned at Tana, Cassie, and Lina. “You’re tenacity, strength, and beauty has me entertaining the idea of making a visit to Earth someday. I long for a companion that could have even half of your qualities.” He executed a showy bow and left the room.

  Silence owned the air for many moments. Tana jumped up from her chair and released her breath. “Well. On that interesting note, let’s get out of Keely’s hair so she can get some rest. I’ll have the kitchen send some food up. See you later, sweetie.”

  Within seconds, the room was clear. Makar reached out, took Keely’s hands, and helped her to stand. When she didn’t pale or wobble, Baruch began guiding her toward the bedroom. He halted at the door and brushed his finger along her cheek.

  “Go change your clothes, sweetness. We’ll call you when the food arrives.”

  Nodding, she glanced to her shoes for a few moments and then lifted her head. “Thank you…for finding me.”

  Makar walked over, pushed the hair from her face, and kissed her gently on the forehead. “There was no other option for us, Keely. We would’ve scoured the universe until you were found.”

  She stared into his eyes and studied his features before turning to Baruch and doing the same. Her lips parted and then her gaze dropped. Nodding, she backed up into the room and closed the door.

  Makar pressed his forehead against the panel and heaved out a rush of breath. They both heard the bathroom door close. He lifted his head and glanced over to his smiling mate.

  “Gods damn, Baruch. Why do you look so happy? She’s going to hate us.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “Every second that she’s been with us, she’s been in danger. I thought we were making a little headway when we finally got out of the forest and now this.”

  Rolling to the side, Baruch pressed his back against the wall and grinned.

  “No, you’re not seeing the whole picture. She could’ve easily screamed and thrown things at our heads. Instead of reminding us that we’re the ones that put her in this position, she thanked us. I’m going to remain positive. Keely’s not stupid, Makar. She knows we didn’t plan any of this. She’s seeing us as her protectors, as she should.”

  Makar sighed and pushed away from the door. “I hope you’re right. Otherwise, as soon as the festival’s over, she’s going to demand that we take her back to Earth and get the hell out of her life. That’s going to kill me.”

  After a round of nervous pacing, a knock sounded on the door, and the promised food was set out on the dining table. Tana had outdone herself. Fruits, assorted meat, cheese, and drinks sat ready for them to lavish on their precious female. When she failed to materialize after an excruciating wait, Makar could no longer contain himself.

  “I’m going to check on her. I can’t stand another minute without her by my side. You can come or not. Either way, I’m going in. She’s probably still in shock. Poor baby.”

  “No, I agree. Let’s go.”

  When they didn’t find her on the bed resting, they entered the bathroom and met a very surprised and naked Keely scrubbing her hair and stepping from the shower. She squealed, pressed the towel to the front of her body, hopped back inside the enclosure, and shoved the door back into place. They could still see the outline of her scrumptious form through the frosted material. She circled the shower as if a doorway would miraculously open and allow her to escape. Her tone let them know she was beyond pissed.

  “Get out! What is it about you and disturbing me while I’m bathing? I’m sure you were used to doing that with your mate, but I’m not her!”

  Baruch looked at him and grimaced before approaching the glass partition.

  “Sorry, Keely. We got worried.”

  She snorted. “Why? Did you think I was going to hang myself from the towel rack? I think I have a little more control than that.”

  Makar moved closer. “No, nothing like that. You have to understand that our instincts are screaming out for us to be near you. We almost lost you. Don
’t worry. We won’t do anything that you don’t want us to.”

  “Then get out.”

  “Except that. Come on, get dressed. The food’s here.”

  Baruch tapped on the glass. “You don’t have to be shy, Keely. We love your full figure. We know that Earth females are sensitive to how their bodies are perceived. You’re gorgeous to us.”

  They watched her back into the farthest corner to hide among the shadows. Her voice was low, almost sad.

  “No, you don’t understand. It’s not that.”

  Baruch threw him a puzzled look. “Explain it to us, then. You’ve seen our bodies. There’s nothing wrong with that. We’d be honored if you trusted us enough to let us enjoy the sight of yours. You’re exquisite, you must know that.”

  Makar’s belly flipped the second her blurry image clutched the towel to her face, slid down the wall, and the sound of her gentle sobs hit his ears. Baruch staggered the second she curled up into a ball on the shower floor. Scrambling to shove the door open, they practically fell all over each other to get inside.

  Slipping an arm under her shoulder, Makar brought her close to his chest while Baruch curled against her back and locked his arms around them both. They gently rocked while Makar stroked her hair. He tried to keep the stark anguish out of his voice.

  “Oh, Keely. Sweetness. We didn’t mean to scare you. Can you forgive us? Please don’t be mad at us. We love you.”

  Her hands pressed harder to her face, and the sobs grew stronger.

  Baruch’s panicked voice flew into his brain.

  Oh, gods! What have we done? We should’ve left her alone.

  Makar squeezed his eyes shut and tried to subdue his core. It vibrated and struck out in its need to be free, demanding to protect and comfort its mate. He felt helpless. They both startled when she grabbed the front of his shirt and buried her face between his pecs. After a few agonizing minutes, her sobs lessened. She took a huge breath and exhaled, body shuddering until there was nothing left to push out. Her words were muffled, yet they heard them clearly.

  “I’m not afraid of you. I’m afraid of your reaction.”

  Baruch pressed his forehead to the side of her head. “To what? We’ll understand. Please talk to us. You’re breaking our hearts, Keely.”

  Tear-filled eyes looked up, almost driving him into madness from the overwhelming sadness. She looked like she’d given up. There was no fight left in their spirited minx. Pushing against his chest and elbowing Baruch, she adjusted until her back was flat against the tile. She stared straight ahead, as if she was looking through the walls. Keely released the towel and let it fall to her lap. Her words were monotone, disconnected.

  “There. You wanted to understand. Tell me how beautiful you think I am now.”

  Makar felt the air suck from the room. He couldn’t catch his breath as Baruch’s thoughts crashed and mingled with his own.

  What have they done to our sweet, beautiful female? My poor baby. Ah, gods! How can this be? My heart. My heart.

  Body shuddering in anger, Makar rolled to his knees, scooped her from the floor, and ran to the bedroom. Baruch mirrored every step, practically attached to his side.

  Baruch ripped the coverlet back, and Makar laid her gently on the mattress. Her eyes were squeezed shut, and she began to tremble.

  Lying next to her, Makar rolled to his side and waited for Baruch to round the bed and do the same. They reached down and drew the sheet up to rest across her belly. Together they clasped her clenched fists and began kissing her softly on the face. They touched every inch of creamy skin until she opened her eyes. The overwhelming sadness that sat heavy within the sea-green orbs, threatened to tear him apart.

  Makar leaned down and whispered into her ear. “You are as beautiful to me as the day your gorgeous green eyes looked my way.”

  Baruch kissed her nose. “My legs shake every time you walk into a room or I hear your sensual voice. I know that will continue until the day I take my last breath.”

  Makar nipped her chin and nuzzled along her jawline. “I only have to think of you, and my body reacts as if you’re lying within my arms.”

  Baruch kissed her forehead and buried his nose in her hair. “Everything we see…every molecule that makes you Keely is loved. Nothing could ever take that away.”

  A tear slid from the corner of each eye and slowly rolled across her temples. They caught them with a fingertip and brought the crystal drop to their lips.

  Makar leaned in and gently kissed her. Baruch did the same. Makar strengthened his voice. She needed to understand.

  “Even the pain within your tears belongs to us. We’re going to touch you now, Keely. Nothing, and I mean nothing, will ever sway us from how we feel about you.”

  When her lashes fluttered to fight the other tears waiting their turn for release, and she didn’t try to leap from the bed, Makar looked up to Baruch. The familiar silver eyes glittered with unshed tears. Makar knew his reflected the same. Something shifted inside his core, much like the second he’d realized how much he loved Keely. This moment was monumental, and he thanked the gods once again for blessing him with this male that needed no words or projected thoughts to understand that they were fighting to build their new family. Together, they looked down to her chest.

  Makar counted eleven large puncture wound scars scattered across her upper body. Some were puckered and red, even though they had been with her for a long while. Others were straight lines, giving him an idea of how large the tool was that had plunged repeatedly into her precious skin, muscle, and bone.

  They both reached out and gently ran their fingers across each one. As soon as the digit lifted, a tender kiss took its place. Makar caressed a deep slicing wound close to her left nipple. During the healing process, the skin had drawn tight, causing the sweet little bud to angle slightly to the side. Overwhelmed with emotion, Makar leaned down and gently licked the tender tip. He swirled his thumb around the areola and watched as her skin pebbled in concert with the slight intake of her breath.

  Forcing himself to refrain from sucking the sweet bud into his mouth, he passed his palm along the side of her breast. He paused when his fingers encountered a deep, button-sized indentation on her side. He tilted his head to look closer and frowned. The injury wasn’t like the others. He startled when Keely spoke in a low, whispery voice.

  “It’s not from the knife. A tube was inserted so I could breathe.”

  Agony sliced through his chest at the thought of what she must have endured. He almost choked on his words.

  “Who did this to you, my beautiful foemina?”

  The breath froze in his lungs when Keely reached up and passed her fingers through his hair and latched on. He glanced over, surprised to see Baruch’s face upturned and bathed in a mesmerizing peacefulness even though a tear tracked slowly down his cheek. Keely had his braid clasped in her fist, her thumb gently caressing his jawline. Looking down to her, he could see that the fear had left her eyes, yet she continued to tremble. She swallowed hard and took a deep breath.

  “My father.”

  Chapter 26

  Makar knew Keely was ready to tell her story when her grip loosened. Slowly, he laid his head next to hers on the pillow, and Baruch did the same. She continued to stroke their hair, eyes glued to the ceiling. He was suddenly glad for the Insedi superior hearing since her voice was barely above a whisper.

  “It was Friday. My sister and I were standing by the window waiting for Mom to get home from work. We had plans to meet her aunt and uncle at a nearby restaurant. It was to be a double celebration. My mom had finally decided to leave my worthless father, and the next day was Celia’s birthday. Our bags were sitting by the door. I’d never been so excited in my life.” Keely’s hands stilled.

  “Mom’s car flew up into the driveway, and we knew something was wrong when she knocked over all the trashcans. We watched in horror as our father’s truck slammed into the back of hers. He chased her across the yard and caught her
just as she was trying to latch the door. After that, everything became very surreal. I can remember him yelling that she’d never leave him, the coffee table breaking when he slammed her on top of it, and the huge knife that kept glinting in the light every time he raised it above his head. Soon, the thing was too bloody to reflect anything.” Her fingers tightened, and she paused for a few minutes.

  “I remember him singing in this very strange voice while he was killing her, like he was happy or something.” Keely’s tone became raspy and uneven.

  “Happy anniversary to you…happy anniversary to you…” The eerie words drifted to nothing, and she clenched and unclenched her fingers.

  “He stabbed her seventeen times…one for every year they were married. My sister hit him over the head with one of the suitcases, and he turned on her. I’d never seen his eyes like that before. It wasn’t him…something was inside there, and it was pure evil. He’d always been mean when he drank, but this was something new. He stabbed Celia sixteen times. That was how old she was going to be the next day. When he began singing ‘Happy Birthday’ to her, I started crying. I think that’s when he realized I was over in the corner. I should’ve kept my mouth shut.”

  Makar wanted to reach around and pull her tightly to his chest, but was fearful she wouldn’t be able to complete what she’d started. He watched as Baruch’s jaw tightened. He, too, was fighting from coming completely undone.

  Keely tried to steady her voice, yet it still came out uneven. Her eyes were darting back and forth, as if watching the horrific scene play out above her head. Her brows furrowed. “I was so surprised when he threw me on the floor that I never reached up to defend myself. Maybe he was kneeling on my hands, I don’t know. He didn’t sing to me…just kept counting. Later, I was glad that I wasn’t twelve yet.” She shuddered.

  “I stopped feeling the pain after the first five strikes. It was like I wasn’t in my body any longer. I turned my head to look at my mother. Her eyes were open, but I could tell that she wasn’t there anymore. One hand was outstretched, as if she was trying to reach out to me.”


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