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Page 14

by Martha Sweeney

  My face stops one inch from her’s and my vision is already getting fuzzy. Several expressions softly shift on Laurie’s face until my lips press into hers. Our bodies are rigid, both tensing from instincts for self preservation. The pain in my body slowly disappears as I enjoy the flavor of her on the edges of my lips. My tongue gently pushes forward and it’s able to breach the barrier of her mouth, barely grazing her's.

  As my tongue reaches in further for a second point of contact, Laurie jerks her head away as her legs loosen around me. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” she says heatedly.

  “Proving to you that I’m not gay,” I answer, pleased that I’ve gotten her flustered.

  “Get off of me,” she barks.

  “No,” I return, savoring the moment.

  “If you don’t get off of me, I will have the dogs attack you,” she informs.

  “You’ll need to get used to it,” I state, shifting up to let her free.

  “To what?”

  “Us touching…and kissing,” I say.

  “No, I don’t,” she comments, brushing the back of her hand across her mouth.

  “Yes,” I reiterate. “We’re supposed to make people think we’re a couple in the works, and then eventually more for when I move into your place.”

  Laurie grimaces. “I should go,” she returns, standing.

  “Hey, are you okay?”

  “Mm hm,” she replies, not looking at me as she grabs her purse.

  “Laurie, I…I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to push,” I say.

  “It’s okay,” she replies, still not looking at me and heads toward the kitchen.

  “Hey,” I call, grabbing her by her arm.

  Her body turns, but she won’t look at me. “It’s fine, Aiden.”

  “No, it’s not,” I debate. “You’re uncomfortable and I’m sorry I made you feel that way. It wasn’t….”

  “It’s fine,” she mumbles, gradually lifting her eyes. They catch mine for a moment and then look away. “I need to go.”

  “I’m really sorry,” I add. “We can take that stuff a little slower…ease into more.”

  “Okay,” she answers unconvincingly.

  “Are we…good?” I check.

  “Yeah,” her voice says, cracking a little.

  “What’s wrong? Please tell me,” I plead.

  “It’s nothing,” she returns.

  “Laurie,” I call softly.

  “Just drop it, okay,” she says, suddenly getting angry.

  “Okay,” I answer, letting her go and putting my hands up in defeat.

  I’m confused by her words and actions. Is this something I did or something from her past?

  Twenty Three - Laurie

  It’s five o’clock and I’m in the shower, getting ready for my first fake date with Aiden. I’ve purposefully avoided him and pretty much everyone else the past few days as I’ve been trying to clear my head on a number of things. Trudy has spoken to Codie to give me some space which I think has helped a little. Aiden has been really relaxed about everything, even apologizing when he’s seen me in passing. I know I’m stalling with the whole helping thing. I have yet to figure out what I can use Aiden and the Feds for to make this feel like a win-win situation for me all while still coming to grips with the idea that I'm knee deep in this shit again. Plus, yesterday was my real brother’s birthday and I’m missed it. I miss him.

  I’m able to spy on my family on occasion, following what they post on social media. It breaks my heart to not be able to contact them. They seem to have come to better terms with my death. My baby brother, who is three years younger than me just posted some family photos. My parents had their wedding anniversary not too long ago and it looks like my brother and his wife might be having another baby, who I will never get to meet.

  By five-thirty, I’m standing in my closet trying to decide what to wear. I know it’s a date, but I don't have any date clothes. The alarm system indicates that someone is here, so I put on a robe and head down to the door.

  “What are you doing here?” I ask, confused to see Trudy.

  “You’ve got a date tonight,” she announces.

  “Yeah, I know,” I answer.

  “The man will be here in less than thirty minutes,” she states the obvious entering the house. “We’ve got work to do.”

  “What are you carrying?” I inspect.

  “Outfits…makeup…hair stuff,” Trudy reveals.


  “Yes, outfits as in date clothes,” she explains.

  “I don’t need outfits. I’ve got plenty upstairs,” I remind.

  “You don’t have any dresses,” she presents.


  “So, anytime a girl goes on a date, she needs a dress,” Trudy explains.

  “I don’t do dresses,” I say.

  “Yeah, tell me about it. You wore pants to Mr. Gregory Peach’s funeral two years ago,” Trudy reminds.

  “It was all black,” I defend.

  “True,” she agrees. “But, you need a dress for this.”

  “Why?” I ask. “Doesn’t that say I’m trying too hard, especially since no one in town has ever seen me wear one?”

  Trudy studies me for a second. “You’ve got a point. And, we don’t want you coming off too easy for the guy. You need him to sweat, work for your affection.”

  “What?” I say nervously.

  “Dresses are easy access and make men think that they have a better chance at winning your heart or getting into your panties,” Trudy shares.


  “Do you want to mislead him? As in, make him think he may have already started to convert you by you wearing the dress, but play hard to get the whole night?”

  “What?” I reply.

  “No, you’re right. A dress is too obvious. Okay. That's fine. We’ve got other things to work with,” Trudy declares.

  “I’m seriously regretting all of this right now,” I comment.

  “You won’t once we get you dressed. Now, put these on,” Trudy instructs. “We’ve only got twenty minutes.”

  When I exit of the closet, Trudy has me change my top three more times before giving me the thumbs up on a loose, v-neck, silk, tank-top style blouse paired with tight, black capri dress pants and heels. She adds a few long crystal necklaces and a bracelet before ushering me into the bathroom. She brings in a chair and has me sit as I do my makeup and she styles my hair.

  The house alarm goes off and Trudy and I both pause a few seconds before looking at the iPad. The camera that shows the driveway has a vehicle parked just behind Trudy’s. A man who looks like Aiden is seen getting out of it and heads toward the door.

  “Man, he’s early,” Trudy comments. “Five minutes early. You stay here. I’ll let him in and tell him you’ll be right down.”

  “No,” I snap. “Just tell him to wait on the porch.”

  “Girl, he may be the father of your future children, my nieces and nephews. I will not tell him to wait outside in the hot, sticky weather for you,” she challenges. Trudy doesn’t give me the chance to object and disappears out of the room faster than a fat cop eats a donut.

  Holy fuck! Is this really happening?

  “Are you done yet?” Trudy asks, catching me off guard.


  “We need him to wait at least five or ten minutes.”

  “Why do I need to make him wait?” I ask.

  “All women make men wait, besides you don’t want to seem too eager, do you?” she poses.

  “Don’t I seem too eager by making him wait, making him think that I’m trying to make everything perfect before he sees me?”

  Trudy’s mouth opens, but nothing comes out. “Shit. It could go either way, can’t it?”

  “Yep,” I confirm.

  “He looks good,” Trudy adds.

  “What do you mean?”

  “He looks good. Like he carefully selected his attire for this evening. Are you sure you
don't want to put on a dress?” she asks.

  “What? Why?”

  “He’s dressed nice. Really nice,” she presents.

  “And, I’m not?” I whine.

  “You are…but he’s nice as in fuckable nice,” Trudy sighs, fanning herself.

  “I don’t look fuckable?” I whine.

  “Fine. Do what you want. You’ll do that anyway,” she huffs.

  I don't change, but to appease Trudy, I fuss with my hair and makeup a little more. The extra primping makes Aiden wait just a few minutes longer. He sees us as soon as we walk through the doorway from my bedroom because of the design of my house.

  “Wow,” Aiden says as I hit the first step.

  I grip the banister tightly with my right hand as I descend because it's been a long time since I’ve worn heals. I feel myself fidgeting for some reason at his reaction as I get closer.

  “Well, I’ll let you two kids go,” Trudy says, breaking the silence. “She doesn’t have a curfew, but don’t stay up too late.”

  “Funny,” I comment sarcastically. “Don’t you have two teenage boys to worry about and need to get home to?”

  “Nah,” Trudy denies. “They're good. I’ve got an adult woman who I need to keep my eye on.”

  “Why? Are you tagging along?” I laugh.

  “It’s tempting,” Trudy teases.

  “I don't mind,” Aiden comments.

  Trudy and I look at him, shocked that he’d offer so casually.

  “Trust me. You don’t want me to tag along,” Trudy laughs. “I’d just get in the way of love.”

  “Trudy,” I call.

  “What?” she returns.

  “Why don't we see her out and we’ll head to our destination at the same time,” Aiden suggests.

  “Sounds like a good idea,” Trudy replies.

  Once we’re outside, Aiden opens the passenger side door for me and the dogs. Jack never bothered doing this for me at any point of our relationship. Antonio didn’t have to since he had his henchmen do it for both of us.

  “Where are we headed?” I ask as Aiden heads toward town.

  He offers a smile, but doesn’t answer.

  A few minutes later, we’re pulling into the parking lot of the town’s Italian restaurant.

  Aiden rushes around the car to assist with the door even though I’m halfway out. I apologize, not expecting the gesture, but he just smiles. “You look lovely tonight,” he mentions, offering me his arm.

  I contemplate the physical contact, but the support of his body just might come in handy as I walk in heels. “Thanks,” I reply nervously.

  Once we’re taken to our table, Aiden waits for me to choose my seat and then pushes it in for me. He then takes his seat, being careful as he gets settled to not bother the dogs who are now at our feet.

  “You okay?” he inspects.

  “Yeah,” I lie.

  “Did I do something wrong?” he asks with concern in his voice.

  “What? No,” I correct.

  “You sure? I know I didn’t bring flowers, but I didn't want to go overboard and seem like I was trying too hard,” he states. “That, plus your last incident with flowers.”

  “It’s fine,” I reply.

  “Laurie. You can trust me,” he coaxes.

  “I’m fine,” I repeat. “Just distracted by a few things.”

  “Like what? Anything I can help with?”

  “No,” I assure. “Thank you.”

  “If it helps, I’m nervous too,” he confesses.

  A smile cracks across my face. “I’m not nervous. Why would I or you be?”

  “I’m out to dinner with a beautiful, sexy woman,” he shares. “Who wouldn't be a little intimidated, especially when he knows she’s good with weapons.”

  My smile widens and the tension in my body eases a little. “You know, you’re not so bad.”

  “Really?” he says, perking up.

  "When you're not trying so hard,” I admit.

  The waiter comes over and we order our drinks. Our conversations are very general and casual as we wait to order food. Once our salads come out, we’re quiet for a few moments.

  “So, what’s bothering you?” Aiden presses lightly.

  I sigh, realizing that he’s not going to let it go. “Yesterday was my brother’s birthday.”

  Aiden studies me for a second. “Do you miss him?”

  “Yeah,” I confirm. “Apparently, he’s married and I have nephews with possibly another one on the way.”

  “I’m sorry, Laurie,” Aiden consoles.

  “Why? It’s not your fault that I am where I am today…or is it?” I return.

  Aiden looks shocked and unsure of how to reply.

  “I’m sorry,” I huff. “The last part was meant to be a joke.”

  “It’s okay,” he returns. “I was nervous there for a second, though.”

  When our entrees arrive, Aiden changes our topic of conversation. “So, what does the old Laurie like to do?”

  “I’m old now?” I snap.

  “No. Shit,” Aiden back tracks. “That came out wrong. I meant, the Laurie from when Laurie and Aiden knew each other…what did she like to do?”

  I can’t help but smile, knowing I got him.

  “You think that’s funny,” he challenges.

  “Just a little,” I admit. “Depends. Was she a full on tomboy or prissy and girly?”

  “Hmm. I think she had a little bit of both,” Aiden states. “She knew how to hang with the guys because of her brother, but she was still very much a girl…I mean woman…which is what attracted Aiden to her.”


  “Yes,” he confirms. “She would stand up for herself, and even her brother when he did stupid shit, but also wore dresses and liked to dance.”

  I laugh. “I haven't worn a dress in just over seven years let alone dance.”

  “Looks like we need to bring back that side of her,” Aiden comments with a grin.


  “I can be very persuasive,” Aiden boasts.

  “I doubt that,” I counter.

  “Want to bet on it?” Aiden presses.

  “Sure,” I agree confidently. “What are the terms.”

  “If I get you into a dress while we’re here in this town, at any point before Paul and I have to leave,” Aiden begins, “I win.”

  “And, what do you get if you win?” I laugh.

  “You,” Aiden answers.

  “Me,” I giggle nervously. “What do you mean?”

  Aiden’s expression changes and the heat in the room increases as if the air conditioning has stopped working. The corners of his mouth twist upward, he leans forward with a confident gleam in his eye. “If I win, I get you…naked.”

  I can feel my face flush and I’m not sure if he’s serious or messing with me. It’s been weeks since I’ve had any action other than with myself and my toys.

  “And, if you win, if we’re still invading your home one year from now, I’ll help you leave without anyone else from the agency knowing about it,” he adds.

  I take a huge gulp of my wine. His offer is a sweet one. This could be the opportunity that I’ve been looking for. I’ll give him my body for one night. It’s not new for me. I’ve done it dozens of times with Antonio.

  “Deal,” I agree hoarsely after swallowing my last gulp.

  “Deal?” he repeats, making sure he heard me correctly.

  “Deal,” I verify.

  Aiden extends his hand and we shake to lock in our bet.

  During the rest of our meal, we discuss easy things, adding details to our backstory of our relationship. When the waiter inquires about dessert, Aiden objects. He offers for me to get some, but also mentions that he might have something planned later in the evening. I opt to wait to see what Aiden may have hidden up his sleeve.

  We take a stroll along the boardwalk that follows the edge of the lake, allowing ourselves to be seen more. Aiden and I talk about incidentals and e
nd up making each other laugh a few times. We stop at one of the outdoor bars and sit to have a few drinks. Our conversations continue and I find myself loosening up more with him — most likely the liquor. I even find me chastising myself in my head for the little bit of flirting I’m doing with him. God, I must really be horny.

  Suddenly, the clouds begin to rumble and the air crackles. I remove my heels as Aiden settles the tab so we can make it back to the truck fast enough before the rain starts to fall. Right as Aiden opens the passenger door for me, the drops of rain begin to pelt anything in their path. The dogs jump in after me and Aiden scurries around to the driver side. He puts the truck in reverse and heads to a different section of the parking lot where there isn't the chance of any trees falling on us. With the car in park, and the rain pouring down, we sit, waiting for the storm to subside.

  “That was a close one,” Aiden states with his shirt half soaked.

  “No shit,” I laugh.

  Aiden’s got a devious grin on his face.

  “What?” I inquire.

  “Actually, I was planning on leading you inside the bar to dance,” he shares.

  “I don't dance,” I comment.

  “Everyone dances,” he challenges.

  “I don’t,” I reply.

  “So, you can but choose not to,” Aiden speculates.

  I don't answer.

  “Good to know,” he declares.

  “I didn't say anything,” I return.

  “You didn't have to,” he laughs. “So, I think things are going pretty good. What do you think?”

  “About what?” I check.

  “About our fake relationship,” Aiden reveals. “I’d say I’m doing pretty good tonight.”

  “Maybe,” I tease.

  “Definitely,” he returns. “I’ve gotten you to smile more in one night than you have the whole time since I met you and you’ve even laughed too.”

  I don’t comment.

  “Are we good for me to move in yet,” he jokes.

  “Funny,” I say sarcastically.

  “I’ve heard that I am,” Aiden replies.

  “And, cocky too,” I announce.

  “I’ll be cocky for you anytime,” he offers.

  “Laying it on pretty thick aren’t you?” I say, avoiding his flirting.


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