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Page 20

by Martha Sweeney

  Yesterday, he tagged along when Marcus and I went to the range. Aiden did a good job assisting Marcus when I overheard them after returning from using the restroom. He kept his hands pretty much to himself while we were there, but as soon as we dropped off Marcus, it was a whole other thing. I let him get away with things when we are in public, but as soon as we are alone, I keep my distance as best as I can. A woman has her limits when it comes to contact and not having sex for a while. I’m starting to wonder if Aiden knows it.

  I keep avoiding certain requests from Aiden, not wanting to rush the fact that the Feds need more access from inside my house, regardless of when he will eventually update their equipment. The whole situation still makes me uncomfortable despite the fact that there are two things that I’m sure I can use him for. I don’t feel guilty, I just don’t like the intrusion on my personal space. Plus, I need to bide myself some time from now and until he gets the new tech in the house so I can tap it with my equipment without being detected.

  Dr. Codie has backed off with sending me flowers, which he has done several times a week the past few weeks, asking me out on a date or seeking me out in general. At work, when Trudy briefly mentions him, I suggest that she goes over to console the man. It could make it a win-win situation for the two of them. Trudy informs me that she would, but can’t each time. When I inquire as to why, she finally shares that Dr. Derek asked her out and they have a date scheduled for the weekend. I instantly offer to stay with the boys, knowing that she won’t be able to relax and enjoy her time with Dr. Derek if the boys are home alone.

  When the weekend arrives, Marcus and Jacob are helping me with dinner as Trudy finishes getting ready for her date with Dr. Derek.

  “Sex-y,” I announce when Trudy walks into the kitchen.

  Marcus groans.

  “What?” I ask, bumping his arm.

  “Nothing,” he deflects.

  “Your mom can be a mom and still look sexy,” I tease.

  Marcus rolls his eyes and stuffs another larger helping of potato into his mouth.

  “Is it too sexy?” Trudy asks nervously.

  “No,” I object. “Teenage-boy-man here is just uncomfortable. You’re not even showing cleavage.”

  “What’s cleavage?” Jacob asks.

  “Boobs,” I laugh when I see Marcus cringing.

  “Boobs?” Jacob inspects.

  “I’m changing,” Trudy states.

  “What? Why?” I ask.


  “Because your teenage son feels uncomfortable? You can’t wear your usual clothes for a date,” I challenge. “You didn’t let me for my date with Aiden.”

  Her mouth scrunches to the right. “True,” Trudy agrees.

  My phone buzzes and I take it out to see who’s calling. Not recognizing the number, I ignore it and put it back in my purse.

  “Who’s that?” Trudy inspects.

  “Don’t know,” I answer.

  “What do you mean you don’t know?”

  “I don’t know,” I repeat. “It’s a number I don’t recognize. So, it’s probably a wrong number. The only other people other than the three of you who have my cell are the Lenards and they aren’t calling.”

  Well, Becky has my number too, but this isn’t Becky calling.

  “You sure?” Trudy asks in a peculiar tone.

  “Trudy?” I call as she turns and heads toward her bedroom.

  “What?” she says over her shoulder as she digs in her purse.

  “Trudy?” I repeat louder this time.

  “What?” she answers.

  “Did you give my phone number to someone?”

  “As in?” she replies.

  My eye twitches. “As in someone who shouldn’t have it?”

  “No,” she states.

  I stare at her, trying to figure out the situation.

  “Just answer it,” she suggests.


  “It would do you good,” she mentions.

  “Why?” I press.

  “Didn’t you give her number to…” Jacob begins.

  “Hush,” Trudy commands.

  “To who?” I search.

  “No one,” Trudy lies.

  “To…” Jacob begins before Trudy cuts him off with a glare.

  “Who the fuck did you give my number to?” I push.

  Marcus and Jacob laugh.

  “Don’t fucking swear in front of the boys,” Trudy directs.

  Marcus and Jacob cover their mouths as they laugh more.

  “You just cursed,” I challenge.

  “I’m their mother,” she states.

  “And, I’m practically their second mother,” I counter. Trudy ignores me, continuing back to her bedroom so I follow her. “Who the hell did you give my number to?”

  “Someone who should have it,” she says, holding up a different dress as she peers into the standing mirror.


  “Aiden,” Jacob says behind me.

  “What?” I shout. “Why?”

  “Because…” Trudy states.

  “Because, why?” I ask, trying to stay calm.

  “Because, you two are dating,” she replies. “You have been seeing him, and only him, the past few weeks. He doesn’t have your number and should. It makes sense.”

  “Wouldn’t it make sense for me to give him my number?” I check.

  “You and I both know that it would take until your wedding day to give that man your phone number,” Trudy informs.

  “Who would I marry to make me give him my phone number?”

  “Aiden, of course,” she says.

  “God damn it,” I huff.

  “Calm your ass down and call the man back,” Trudy directs.

  “Fuck off,” I retaliate, storming back into the kitchen.

  Marcus and Jacob chuckle as they follow me, sitting down to resume their meal silently.

  I’m not really mad at Trudy. She wouldn’t have given Aiden my number if she knew what was really going on because she’s never pushed the whole time with Codie. I’m pissed because I know that Aiden had said something to her in order to get it which is what this is all about. Staring across the room as I shovel food into my mouth, I contemplate the many ways I can slowly and excruciatingly torture Aiden until I kill him for all of this bullshit.

  “I hear it ringing,” Trudy shouts from her room when my phone rings a third time.

  “That’s nice,” I yell back. My gaze bounces between Marcus and Jacob. “What are you laughing at?”

  “Nothing,” they answer in unison, unable to hide their smiles.

  “If you don’t answer that phone, Laurie Breitsprecher,” Trudy says coming into view. “I will.”

  “Go ahead,” I challenge. “I’ll just get a new number tomorrow.”

  Trudy moves around me and heads right for my purse. We end up in a tug-of-war for the phone, but she manages to get a better grip on it initially, causing her to win. “Laurie’s phone,” she greets. She’s quiet for a few seconds. “Sure, she’s right here.” Trudy hands the phone to me. “Here.”

  “Thanks,” I reply. As I take the phone, I hang up and put it down on the table.

  “Seriously?” she says.

  I stuff another mouthful of food into my mouth, preventing myself from saying something I might regret.

  “Fine,” she huffs.

  I watch her from the corner of my eye as I take another bite. Her hand lifts to her ear.

  “What are you doing?” I ask.

  “None of your business,” she returns.

  “Who the hell are you calling?” I press.

  “No one,” she lies.

  “Trudy,” I call.

  “Hi, Aiden,” Trudy suddenly says. “Sorry for the confusion with Laurie’s phone. Her finger slipped when she went to answer it.” Trudy pauses, letting him speak. “Why don’t you come over. I know the boys would like you to join them for some video games while I’m gone.”

’re dead,” I announce, staring Trudy down.

  She mouths that she can’t hear me since she’s on the phone.

  “You heard me, alright,” I state.

  Trudy and I play fight like sisters all the time which is why Marcus and Jacob aren’t freaking out right now at my threat to kill their mother. We’ve fought over stupid stuff when I’ve tried to get her out of the depression not long after Mike died, just to get a laugh out of her. One of those times was a food fight between the four of us.

  “He’s on his way,” Trudy shares, putting her phone away.

  I remain silent, plotting my next chess move to get even.

  The doorbell rings ten minutes later and I rush to get it, expecting to find Dr. Derek. “Hi…” my voice cracks when I see Aiden. I turn and head back into the kitchen to clean up from dinner.

  “Good to see you too,” Aiden returns a little dejectedly.

  “Hey, Aiden,” Marcus and Jacob greet as Aiden walks into the kitchen after closing the door.

  “Hey, guys,” he returns. “How are you?”

  “Good,” the brothers return at the same time.

  “Hey, Pix,” Aiden greets, moving closer.

  “Mm hm,” I answer, keeping my hands busy so I don’t punch him or put him in a chokehold.

  “Why are you mad?” he searches.

  “Nothing,” I lie.

  Marcus and Jacob snicker.

  “Either you can tell me or they will,” Aiden suggests.

  “I’ve got nothing to say,” I return calmly.

  The boys don’t say anything, and since I can’t see them or Aiden as I wash the dishes, that means that something was exchanged between the three of them. Right as my hands plunge into the soapy water to scrub the pot, the doorbell goes off again.

  “I got it!” I shout, rushing to beat Trudy. “Hi, Dr. Derek.”

  “You know you can just call me Derek, right?” he checks.

  “Sure, Dr. Derek,” I answer with a widening grin. “Trudy’s just finishing up.” I step aside and let him into the house. “She shouldn’t be too much longer.”

  “Great, thanks,” Dr. Derek replies.

  Aiden, Marcus, and Jacob greet and exchange pleasantries with Dr. Derek for a few moments. As soon as the awkward silence kicks in, I shout in a sing-songy voice, “Trudy! Dr. Derek is here!”

  Silence permeates in the house.

  “Let me go check and see if she needs any help with her kinky lingerie,” I comment, purposefully wanting to get a reaction out of Dr. Derek.

  “I don’t need any help,” Trudy comments from the doorway to my right. “I’m ready.”

  My heads spins to face her and we have a standoff with our gazes. “Great,” I reply. I look back to Dr. Derek. “Don’t worry about keeping her out late. I’ve got things taken care of here. So, you could even not bring her back until breakfast if you want.”

  “Laurie,” Trudy calls with a clenched jaw and fake smile.

  “You two kids have fun now,” I direct.

  After a few awkward moments for everyone but me, Trudy and Dr. Derek leave as I wave from the porch and say goodbye. The boys stay inside and get a video game ready, but Aiden comes outside and wraps his arm over my shoulder.

  “Why are you being mean to her?” Aiden asks as he waves to them.

  “Oh, trust me…this isn’t me being mean…and, she knows it,” I comment.

  “What happened?” he inquires.

  I don’t say anything, continuing to wave until Trudy and Dr. Derek are out of site. Turning, I look Aiden in the eye. “Do you really want to know the answer to that question?”

  He studies me for a second. “I’m guessing that this was all about the phone call,” he states confidently.

  “Looks like someone put on their smartypants today,” I jab.

  “Ouch,” he replies.

  I try to go back inside, but Aiden blocks me, holding me firmly at the waist. “Let me go,” I direct.

  “Don’t be mad,” he coaxes.

  “Like I said, I’m not mad,” I counter.

  “You’re only lying to yourself,” he claims.

  I don’t say anything.

  “Pix,” he says.


  “Come on,” he soothes.

  “Don’t think about trying anything in front of the boys,” I mention.

  “What?” Aiden plays dumb.

  “You know what,” I challenge.

  Thirty - Aiden

  It took a bit of time after Jacob and Marcus went to bed for Laurie to not be mad at me or Trudy. I understand why she doesn’t just give her number out to anyone, but I needed her to understand why it makes sense for me to have it. I was surprised to find out the few people who did have her number and that Codie was not one of them — big ego boost.

  When I reminded Laurie about waiting at her place the day after setting up the equipment, she didn’t seem to be as phased by it as she seemed initially. I’m almost more pleased with the idea that I was sitting there, just waiting. Somehow, I convince her that it’s to her benefit that I have her phone number, being able to call before I come over rather than just showing up unannounced. She checks several times that I didn’t give it to Paul, even asking him. Paul denies having it, which is true to some extent. He memorized it, for emergency purposes, as soon as I got it from Trudy.

  “I just need you to monitor me while I’m out there,” I inform. “If you see anything that might indicate that they hear or see me, you need to tell me right away.”

  “Why can’t Paul monitor you?” Laurie whines.

  “Because, he’s going to make sure that the video and audio are working on his end,” I remind.

  “Fine,” she huffs. “But, if you get caught. I will deny any and all knowings about this shit.”

  “Fine,” I agree, stealing a kiss.

  “Watch it,” Laurie directs, pushing me away.

  “You watch it,” I tease.

  With the light on my phone practically off, I use an App to gauge my distance from Laurie’s house as I carefully walk through her property toward the line that divides her land and the house where Quintin is staying. How close can I ca get to his place will be different than when Laurie and I tested it the other night from the other house since no one was there. Laurie’s tracking my location as well, but I’m double checking everything with my phone for several reasons; I don’t completely trust that she will give me accurate information.

  “How’re we doing?” I whisper into the microphone.

  “You’re not even a hundred yards out,” Laurie returns.

  I check my phone and confirm that she’s right. “Just checking,” I state.

  “What?” she asks. “Is it that hard to gauge or do you not believe me?”

  “Both,” I admit.

  She doesn’t say anything.

  “Are you mad?” I check.

  “No,” she answers calmly.


  “Why what?” she says.

  “Why aren’t you mad?”

  “Because, if I was in your place, I wouldn’t trust you either,” she shares.

  “Thanks,” I return.

  “For what?”

  “For being honest,” I state.

  “You’re welcome,” she returns.

  As I continue, I keep my gun pointed forward, just in case I cross a large animal or get spotted. Moving as quickly and quietly as I can, my ears and eyes stay alert for any sudden sounds or movements.

  “You’re about two hundred yards out,” Laurie informs.

  “Thanks,” I say immediately, even though I check myself to make sure we’re getting the same reading.

  “You looked, didn’t you?” Laurie states more than questions.


  “You checked to make sure I wasn’t lying again,” she returns.

  “We both have trust issues,” I comment. “Is that a surprise?”

  “You don’t trust me now?” she baits.

  “I would check even if it was Paul,” I comment.

  “It’s true,” Paul confirms, finally speaking through the communicator. He’s been on the coms the whole time but has barely spoken.

  When I’m about four hundred yards out, putting me about a quarter of a mile away from both houses, I start scanning the tree lines. I check on the com with Laurie where I am in relationship to her house and she tells me that I’m a little south. Grabbing my binoculars, I’m able to use the infrared mode to pick up some of the lights that are on in the house to give myself better proximity as well as a better idea of where to position the devices up along the tree trunks.

  “How are you doing?” Paul checks.

  “Good,” I force out, almost falling from the tree I’m in.

  We’ve been radio silent for at least twenty minutes. I check my location and notice that I’m only about a hundred yards from Quintin’s.

  “You okay?” he inquires.

  “Other than you practically scaring the shit out of me and making me fall out of this fucking tree, yeah, I’m good,” I answer in a whisper.

  “Sorry,” he says.

  I stay perched in the tree, holding on for dear life after getting the monitor secured, waiting to make sure that I wasn’t heard or seen.

  “What’s taking you so long?” Laurie questions.

  “Just making sure no one heard anything since I almost fell,” I state.

  “You’re good,” she states.

  “You know I’m good,” I reply.

  “Keep your head in the mission,” Paul commands.

  “I am,” I argue.

  “No,” Laurie comments. “You weren’t.”

  “Damn, she knows you that well already,” Paul laughs.

  “He thinks it’s cute,” Laurie adds. “It’s not.”

  Paul laughs more.

  “Shut up,” I yell through a whisper.

  “She’s good,” Paul mentions. “We should hire her.”

  “You couldn’t pay me enough,” Laurie shares, chewing on something.

  “You’re right,” Paul replies. “We get paid good…but, not that good.”

  “Focus,” I remind.


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