Book Read Free


Page 24

by Martha Sweeney

  “Goodnight, Aiden,” she softly calls from behind me as I sit, watching and listening to the monitors.

  This time, I’ve brought a bench over that she had in the mudroom which makes it much more bearable.

  I turn, finding her standing behind me with a thin robe on and a tea cup in hand. “Goodnight, Pix.”

  “Remember,” she begins, “you stay on your side.”

  “I know,” I chuckle.

  “It’ll be locked anyway…” she confirms.

  “I know,” I say.

  She turns and starts to walk away.

  “Thanks,” I comment, wanting to keep her longer.

  “For what?” she asks, turning to face me.

  “For being cool about this,” I state.

  “I’m not cool with this,” she replies.

  “Yeah, I know,” I return. “But, you know what I mean.”

  “Yeah,” she sighs. Laurie turns.

  “Hey, Pix,” I call.

  “Yeah?” she says, turning only slightly this time.

  “Remember…I’m right up there if you need me,” I offer with a smile.

  Her lips purse together as she shakes her head, resuming her trek up to her bedroom.

  I stay up for at least another hour until my eyes start to cross.

  Thirty Three - Laurie

  “You know,” I say, cringing the moment my statement begins. “You’re not so bad when there aren’t other people around and you’re being normal.”

  “Is that a compliment?” Aiden inquires with a smirk.

  “Just an observation,” I reply.

  “Well, I’m going to take it as one,” Aiden says, smiling. “Thank you.”

  “Mm hm,” I sigh, taking another bite of my breakfast.

  “How did you sleep?” Aiden checks.

  “Okay, despite the fact that there’s a stranger in my house,” I answer.

  “I’m pretty sure we aren’t strangers anymore,” Aiden chuckles. “We have made out on numerous occasions.”

  “Don’t remind me,” I groan.

  “Please, you’ve liked it every single time,” Aiden teases.

  “You wish,” I press back.

  Silence falls up on us in a relaxed manner. It’s something that I’ve noticed happening more often.

  “Don’t worry,” Aiden begins, “I’ll be out of your hair today.”

  “Yay!” I reply in a sing-songy tone.

  Aiden smiles and stuffs another large helping of his egg sandwich in his mouth. “I need to find out where Quintin is when he leaves the house,” he shares.

  “What do you mean?”

  “He’s gone for hours,” Aiden explains. “And, not the kind where he’s going shopping, running errands or anything like that.”

  “Is there a pattern?” I check, hoping to see if he’s noticed anything I haven’t.

  “Kind of,” Aiden confirms, taking another large bite. He chews several more times and then swallows some of it. “He’ll either be out before lunch and not back until once the sun goes down, sometimes having dinner at the house and sometimes not, or, he’ll leave after lunch and stays away until late in the evening.” Aiden jams food into his mouth again. He continues speaking as he chews which makes it a little challenging to understand him.

  I lift a brow.

  “What?” he searches.

  “I didn’t hear a word you just said with your impeccable table manners,” I jab.

  He wipes his mouth. “Sorry. This is just really good,” he compliments. “I said that on the days where he leaves after lunch he’s not getting back until really late those nights…like around midnight or later.”

  “What’s his full name again?” I ask, wanting to pretend like I haven’t been paying attention.

  “Carroll,” Aiden reveals nonchalantly. “Quintin Carroll.”

  I think for a minute. “Do you know where he goes?”

  “No,” Aiden confirms. “By the time Paul or I knew he was leaving, we couldn’t find him. We’d search the town, but he nor any of his vehicles would show up.”

  “Not that I’m suggesting that you break the law or anything,” I preface, “but, have you checked the driveways of some of the larger estates that are in town?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “There are two possibilities that I can think of,” I say.

  “What’s that?” he checks.

  “Either he knows someone in town, a person who has a house with a very long driveway and or large garage…which is common with some of the properties around here, especially since the town is a getaway for people with money…or…he’s at the country club.”

  Aiden’s gaze drifts off to the wall behind me.

  “Or, both,” I state.

  “Both?” he inspects.

  “Yeah,” I confirm. “I would suggest looking into who he might have connections with. Plus, it would make sense for him to be at the country club,” I add. “There’s privacy with a house while still having a view of the lake and the seclusion of the country club for he wants to be out of it.”

  “Why would he pick a house without a gate like some of the others or just stay at the country club’s resort?” Aiden poses.

  Hoping to encourage the flow of information, I comment, “I don’t know…maybe to keep a certain vibe…not wanting to show that he’s that important if he’s really trying to lay low…the house he’s in is about twice the size of mine and has plenty of space between neighbors, along with a bit of security from the trees on either side and being away from the water enough like my house.”

  “That could be,” Aiden comments.

  “Or, he’s a cocky motherfucker,” I state.

  “What do you mean?” Aiden searches.

  “Men with money and power develop a complex…he could be over confident that nothing can or will happen to him,” I suggest.

  “That’s definitely a possibility,” Aiden confirms. “But, he doesn’t have much of an entourage for protection.”

  “Maybe he has more, but you don’t see them,” I reply.

  “Hmm…I’ll talk with Paul about one of us getting into the country club,” Aiden states.

  “Good luck with that,” I laugh.

  “What do you mean?” he checks.

  “You’ve got to be someone…important, to be able to even just to have a meal there. And, even with that, that doesn’t mean that they’ll invite you to become a member,” I inform.

  “We’ll find a way,” he says confidently.

  “That’s a good ol’ boys’ kind of club,” I explain. “As in, everyone knows everyone…either directly or indirectly.”

  “Good to know,” Aiden returns. “I’m sure we’ll think of something.”

  The two of us are quiet as we finish eating. My mind runs through the things we’ve talked about between yesterday and today about Quintin and there doesn’t seem anything useful. The odd thing to me is that Paul and Aiden haven’t gotten much on Quintin Carroll. Maybe they do, but they aren’t sharing for some reason, which doesn’t make sense with how much he has shared already. I’ll need to do some research on the name later today when Aiden’s no longer in the house.

  Aiden offers to do the dishes after breakfast since I cooked. He insists several times, stating that he hasn’t had a chance to get food and felt bad for eating mine. It doesn’t really bother me. I know I’m not making this easy on him. I’m probably making it harder on myself too. He seems pretty cool when he’s not trying to show off or anything, but I can’t trust him. He’s a Fed.

  Before he leaves, Aiden checks with me which day would work best to stay the night again. I say none at first, not wanting him here because it makes this whole situation that much more real. After a little back and forth, we agree to be out in public together a little and then have him stay the night a few days from now.

  We part ways in the driveway, with Aiden heading back to meet with Paul and me going to the cafe to check on a couple of things. It looks like I might
need to increase my inventory order from the tribe for this upcoming week and perhaps the next. With a few minutes of quietness in the restaurant, Trudy is able to visit me in the office and fill me in on how things are going with Dr. Derek. He’s asked her out again and hopefully this time she’ll get laid. She’s been wound up more since the first date which obviously didn’t result in her getting any action.

  Since Trudy's date night and my night with Aiden lineup, I offer to have the boys come and stay with me at my house. It’s been awhile since they’ve slept over. It’ll give Trudy a better chance at getting laid, and it will help prevent Aiden from acting weird when we’re alone.

  “Can we go out on the boat?” Jacob asks before the door to the house is closed.

  “Sure,” I return. “Why don’t you boys put on your swimsuits and get settled up in your rooms?”

  “Okay,” Marcus and Jacob return excitedly.

  As I finish putting away the food, I see movement out of the corner of my eye. “Where do you think you’re going?”

  “To your room,” Aiden replies confidently, stopping on the third step.


  “Well,” he begins, “they are taking up the other two rooms…so….”

  “So,” I cut in. “That puts you on the couch.”

  “What? Why?”

  I lift a brow, curious to see if he honestly doesn’t know the answer to the question. I had changed the sheets to the bed Aiden slept in a few days ago and made sure nothing was left out or behind knowing that the boys were coming over.

  Aiden doesn’t move and just looks back at me with a questioning glance.

  “For starters, I’ve told you you’re not allowed up there,” I state. “Plus, there are two teenage boys in the house.”

  “I’m not sleeping on the couch,” Aiden announces.

  “Yes, you are,” I reestablish.

  “Nope,” he replies, taking another step up.

  “The couch is comfortable,” I mention.

  “Then, you can sleep there if you want,” he offers, taking two more steps up.

  “Aiden,” I caution.

  “What?” he baits.

  “If you want to keep your arms and legs intact,” I preface, “then, you better turn your ass around.”

  “You wouldn’t,” he tests, moving up another step.

  “Wanna bet?” I reply.

  “We’re ready!” shouts Jacob as he and Marcus rush down the stairs already changed and a tee shirt on with their flip flops in hand. “Can we bring snacks?”

  “How is that even a question?” I tease. “Of course.”

  “Yes,” Jacob cheers.

  “Grab what you want, a canvas bag and the cooler. The cooler should be on the floor in the pantry,” I mention.

  The boys disappear and I quickly turn, wanting to make sure that Aiden hasn’t moved. My eyes narrow when I see him descending the stairs without a bag in hand. Aiden rounds the bottom and heads toward me with a devious grin on his face.

  “Do you think I’m dumb,” I ask.

  “What?” Aiden denies.

  “You know what,” I challenge.

  Aiden moves closer, reaching for my hips.

  “Don’t,” I chide as he shifts to follow me.

  “Pix,” he coaxes.

  “Don’t,” I repeat while bouncing my attention between him and the pantry..

  “I’ll go change,” Aiden suggests when the boys come out from the pantry with several things in hand. His lips peck my cheek.

  My hand snatches Aiden by the arm. “You have exactly sixty seconds to change. If I find you snooping or taking longer than a minute, I will come up there with a gun,” I mention as I lean in close so the boys don’t hear me.

  “I love your kinkiness,” he whispers, snatching a kiss on the lips and then jogs away.

  I set the timer on my phone for the exact time I gave Aiden and then help the boys pack. With only five seconds to spare, Aiden mozies down to us. He finishes helping Marcus and Jacob as I dart upstairs to make sure nothing has been moved or taken and then change into my swimsuit. After putting my shorts back on, I grab a tee shirt and my flip flops.

  Over the course of the next two hours, the four of us, and the dogs, are out on the water, enjoying the sun, the sweet, cool breeze and the slightly warmer than usual water. Jacob and Marcus are tubing practically the whole time since they have wetsuits on while Aiden keeps me company on the boat. He does take a turn or two on the tube when Marcus and Jacob are snacking. I drive even faster when towing Aiden and manage to knock him off of the raft several times by using the waves from our wake.

  When we get back to the house, Marcus and Jacob take turns in the shower while Aiden strategically shifts a few things around in the workout room to disguise his setup. I’m in the kitchen unpacking the leftover food and drinks while getting dinner prepped. Aiden joins me in the kitchen, offering assistance and also trying to be close to me. I give him the evil eye on occasion, letting him know that I’m not appreciating his antics which just seems to encourage him more as he laughs.

  Marcus is showered first and starts setting up the table while Aiden takes care of the salad. When Jacob makes his way downstairs, he and his brother are sitting on the opposite side of the island, recapping their time with their family on the reserve from just a few days ago. Once dinner’s ready, we move to the table to eat. The three of them stuff their faces, staying quiet for about five or ten minutes.

  With dinner finished, and the kitchen and table cleaned, Marcus and Jacob turn on the television and start searching for a movie. Aiden helps with the popcorn and ice cream, delivering a small kiss on the shoulder or a brush of his body against mine on a few occasions until I kick him in the shin. As the movie plays, I keep an eye on my phone, just in case Trudy calls or texts. I sit in the right corner of the couch which is a chaise. The dogs settle at my feet, draping themselves over my legs a little while Aiden purposefully sits right next to me, literally, where our hips are touching. Marcus and Jacob don’t seem to notice how close Aiden is sitting next to me with his arm along the back as the movie starts.

  Over the course of the next two hours, Aiden manages to settle into the couch more, resting his head on my shoulder. He is nice enough to offer me some popcorn or ice cream since I’m wedged in the corner. Two different times, Aiden tries to spoon feed me ice cream. When he realizes that I’m not going to give in, he hands me the bowl and spoon. He does try to steal a bite, but I don’t let him.

  When the movie ends, Marcus and Jacob are yawning and head right to their rooms, saying goodnight prior to ascending the stairs. Aiden helps with cleaning up the leftover dishes with an odd gleam in his eye.

  “What?” I ask in a quiet tone.

  “Nothing,” he says.

  “Just say it,” I direct, placing the last few dishes in the dishwasher.

  “You’re good with them,” he states.

  “Who? The boys?” I check.

  “Yeah,” he affirms. Aiden slides closer, pulling me into him.

  “Aiden,” I whine, not in the mood to argue or fight.

  “What?” he replies. “I’ve been good.”

  “Until now,” I remind.

  “I’m just hoping…” he starts, but purposefully doesn’t continue.

  “There’s no way in hell you’re sleeping in my room,” I declare.

  “I promise I’ll behave, Pix,” he says.

  “Riiiiight,” I laugh. “And, no.”

  “How about a kiss then?” he inspects.

  “No,” I deny, moving away from him and turning off some of the lights.

  “Please,” he begs.

  “No,” I repeat, grabbing my iPad and heading to the back door to let the dogs out one more time.

  Aiden tries to press his lips to the crook of my neck just as I finish getting the screen door open and I shrug him off. His hands find themselves along my hips. “Just one,” he requests.

  “No,” I return, moving my shoulder
s so he’ll move away, which only seems to invite him in more.

  “I don’t have a blanket,” he states.

  “There are extras in the closet,” I say, pointing to which one.

  “I’d rather you keep me warm,” he persuades.

  I shake my head, impressed just a little by the persistence of the man.

  “Fine,” he huffs, stepping away from me.

  I whistle for the dogs and close the door, putting the deadbolts in place and then activate the full security system of the house using the iPad. When I turn, I gape, not expecting to see what I’m seeing. “What are you doing?” I ask, with a hushed and irritated tone.

  “Getting ready for bed,” Aiden states, standing by the couch, topless as he unbuttons his shorts. “Remember, my stuff’s in your room.”

  I roll my eyes.

  “I could just go get them,” he comments, moving toward the steps.

  “No,” I say curtly. “I’ll get your bag.”

  I strategically get myself past him, making my way through the kitchen and get halfway up the steps before Aiden makes it to the base of the stairway. Hearing him coming up, I dart inside my room, grab his bag and toss it in his direction, giving me just enough time to get back inside and lock the door before he has a chance to come in.

  A faint knock is heard on the other side of the door. “Pix,” Aiden calls softly.

  “What?” I sigh.

  He laughs under his breath.

  Thirty Four - Aiden

  I wake to the soft sound of shuffling feet and sniffing before I suddenly remember where I am. The sun hasn’t come through the window yet, so I know it’s still early. As I carefully sit up on the couch, I find Laurie heading outside with the dogs. Quietly, I get up and move toward the window, longing to watch her.

  Keeping my distance so I’m not seen, my eyes slowly trail the length of her body. She’s wearing a tight tank top, no bra, with tight, skimpy cotton shorts and a loose sweater type of thing that she didn’t button in the front. She clearly brushed and fixed her hair a little, probably not wanting to be caught off guard just in case I did wake up while she’s downstairs. God, she’s fucking sexy!


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