Book Read Free


Page 35

by Martha Sweeney

  “An invitation to what?” I ask.

  The butler looks to me, but does not answer. His gaze falls back to Laurie. “I know that Mr. Carroll is hoping for you to attend as well,” the butler adds.

  “Tell them that I’ll consider it,” Laurie replies nonchalantly.

  “Consider what?” I pry.

  “Yes, miss,” the butler returns, bowing and then turns to leave.

  “What was that about?” I ask after Laurie closes the door.

  “Nothing,” she denies.

  “That’s not nothing,” I challenge.

  Laurie walks past me.

  “What’s in there?” I press, following her.

  Laurie remains quiet.

  “Pix,” I call, snatching at the envelope.

  Laurie jerks her hand away, but I’ve got a strong enough hold on it to get it from her.

  “Give it back,” she commands, sticking out her hand.

  I turn away from her, opening it.

  “Aiden,” she yells, trying to get it from me.

  I turn my back at each of her attempts and then hold the invitation high above my head to read it. Suddenly, I slump forward after a blow to my stomach. Laurie dives for the invitation after it falls from my hand. Once I get my breath, I wrestle her to the ground, determined to see what she’s hiding from me. The dogs dance around us as we fight, dodging each other’s maneuvers until I get her pinned just enough to allow me to read it.

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” I exclaim once I register the writing.

  Laurie doesn’t comment.

  “You knew about this and didn’t say anything?” I chide more than question.

  “It’s none of your business,” she retaliates.

  “You've gotten invitations to attend a special, private event at the country club for the past several years, knew that you got one again this year and you want to tell me that is none of my business, knowing that Paul and I have been trying to find a way in?” I yell.

  “Yes,” she challenges. “I’ve never gone and I’m not interested in going. Never have and never will.”

  “This is our freaking way in,” I remind.

  “So?” she shouts back. “I’m tired of being used.”

  My shoulders fall and I let her go. “Is that all you think of me, Pix?”

  Laurie gets up, but doesn’t reply.

  “You think that I just want to use you?” I ask, deeply injured by her words.

  Is that how she really thinks of me? I know that it was in the beginning, to some extent, but how can she not know that it’s not just that anymore? How does she not know how I feel about her? In everything that I do with her, for her, I show her that I love her without saying it, knowing that it would freak her the fuck out.

  “Yes,” she answers coldly.

  “You’re just as guilty for using us…using me,” I challenge. “I didn’t freak the fuck out on you when I discovered that you were tapping our feed to Quintin’s house. I haven’t complained about you using me for sex….”

  “You’re using me just as much,” she spits back.

  Anger boils inside of me and I toss the paper at her feet. Without another word, I grab my shoes, jacket and keys, and leave the house. As I back the truck out of the driveway, I don’t dare to look to see if she’s coming after me, because I know she isn’t. Had the tables been reversed, I would be chasing after her in a heartbeat.

  Forty Seven - Laurie

  Aiden hasn’t talked to me for two days now, not since he stormed out of the house when he found out about the invitation to the Country Club’s Fall Gala. I know I shouldn’t care about how he feels, but it’s weird seeing him like this. When he didn’t come back that night, I took off for the reserve the next morning with the dogs, needing to talk to mom and the Chief. Aiden hasn’t stayed the night since he left, only coming back during the day for a few hours to check on the feed. He barely looks at me when we’re in the same room, let alone touch me.

  “You okay?” Trudy asks, peeking her head into the office.

  “Yeah,” I lie with a sigh.

  “Bullshit,” she jabs. “Who started it?”

  “Started what?”

  “The fight?” Trudy says.

  “What makes you think there was a fight?” I ask.

  “Aside from the sulking you’re doing?” she presents.

  I glance up at her words, feeling them hit harder than I expected them to.

  “I know he’s been sleeping at his dad’s the past few nights,” Trudy states. “That…and, Codie has been poking around to see if you two are through.”

  “Fuck,” I huff.

  “What happened?” she asks carefully after a few seconds of silence.

  “It was something stupid,” I say.

  “It usually is,” Trudy laughs.

  Knowing I need to tell the truth, to some extent, I twist it into a weak lie. “He’s mad that I…I didn’t tell him about the invitation.”

  “Why would he care about that?” Trudy asks.

  I shrug my shoulders.

  “Did he find the ripped up invitation in the trash?”

  “No,” I sigh. “That went to the curb the next day.”

  “So, how did he find out?” she pries.

  “Remember how I’ve met my creepy neighbor a while ago?” I say.

  “Mr. Carroll? He’s not creepy,” Trudy comments.

  “Anyway,” I continue, ignoring her statement, “he and the Welles sent over a butler to hand deliver a new invitation.”

  “What?” she gasps.

  “Yeah,” I confirm.

  “You think they want to invite you as a member?” Trudy speculates.

  “Possibly,” I reply.

  “So, why did Aiden get all mad?” she checks.

  “He says…” I begin, taking a deep breath to help give me time to formulate a lie that will make sense. “Says that we don’t go out enough. He’s tried of wanting to go out and that I keep avoiding it.”

  “Are you two sexually frustrated?” Trudy asks.

  “No…” I say. “Well…only the past few days.”

  “Can’t you see that he loves you? That he’s happy for you? That he’s proud of you?” Trudy returns. “The man just wants to make you happy.”

  “Staying at home makes me happy,” I remind.

  “Yes, but, there’s two of you in the relationship,” Trudy mentions. “You can’t only think of yourself anymore.” She pauses, as if to let the words sink in. “You need to do what makes you happy…your happiness is only controlled by you. But, clearly you’re not happy…look at you. You’re a mess.”

  “Gee, thanks,” I retort back sarcastically.

  “It’s one night,” Trudy states. “One night of getting dressed up…dancing a little…eating some really expensive shit, and being around the people who control this town. Why not get a taste of the way they live? See if it’s for you? You can’t make that call unless you have at least one experience with it.”

  My eyes stay fixed on the floor as I mull over what she’s saying.

  “Think about it,” she coaxes. “It’s one night. You don’t have to do it for the rest of your life…that is, not unless you want to.”

  Five days later, I’m greeting a scheduled delivery at the door. Aiden and I have barely spoken even though he’s returned to the house for longer periods of time and slept over last night. He sits in the other room, focused on the monitor as I carry my packages upstairs to the bedroom. After a long, much needed shower, I style my hair and toss on some sexy lingerie. Then, I put on some make up and start to get dressed.

  “Aiden,” I call timidly, remaining in the bedroom.

  He doesn’t answer.

  Knowing that he’s probably got the volume turned on the headphones up all the way, I try calling his name again, this time a little more confidently and louder. Not liking my only option, I send the dogs down, commanding them to alert him as if something has happened to me.

�� Aiden shouts nervously. “Laurie? Where are you?”

  “Up here,” I confirm as I hear him and the dogs race up the steps.

  “What’s…” his voice trails off when he sees me.

  “I need some help?” I say calmly.

  “You’re…you’re not in trouble?” he states with shock as his eyes take me in.

  “No,” I confirm softly.

  “Why would you send the dogs….” He pauses as several different thoughts flash in his eyes.

  “Can you zip me up?” I ask, turning so he can see the back of the black, floor length dress I’m wearing.

  “Where are you going?” he asks timidly as his hands shake a little.

  “Don’t you mean we?” I reply with a smile.

  “What are you talking about?” he says confused.

  “We have the gala to attend,” I reply, trying to sound lighthearted but fail.

  “Wh…I thought you said….”

  “I changed my mind,” I interrupt.

  “I don’t have anything to wear,” he states.

  “Yes, you do,” I say nodding to the garment bag that is laying across the bed.

  Aiden looks back and forth between me and the bed several times. “You sure?”

  “I’m practically dressed, aren’t I?” I tease lightly.

  “You look fucking amazing, baby,” he sighs. Aiden steps into me, gently cupping my face.

  “If you want to get a good amount of time there, you better hurry,” I coax.

  Aiden shakes his head slightly as he moves closer, softly lowering his lips to mine. He guides me backward until I’m up against the dresser and my dress falls to the floor. “We don’t have to go,” he says.


  “Just the fact that you’re willing…” he whispers.

  “I know you need this,” I state.

  “I don’t want you to feel used,” he comments with pain in his eyes.

  “I don’t,” I confirm.

  His eyes soften, revealing an emotion that is unfamiliar to me. “How much time do I have?”

  “About twenty minutes,” I inform. “I don’t know if I’d have enough time to make myself presentable if we have a quickie.”

  “Oh, Pix,” Aiden chuckles. “It won’t be a quickie. I plan on taking my time with you.”


  “Shh,” he whispers, kissing me passionately. “We’ll have plenty of time when we get back.”

  With a smile, I say, “Okay.”

  After zipping my dress up, Aiden is in and out of the shower and is shaved in five minutes. I finish checking my makeup and put on a simple gold stoned necklace while he dresses. When the limousine arrives to take us to the country club, Aiden and I are escorted by two people. He asks me about how I got a tuxedo that fits him, so I explain that I had Paul’s and Trudy’s assistance.

  Knowing that we’d be scanned from head to toe, Paul was able to sneak something inside two dog whistles that looks exactly like the one I have: one for me and one for Aiden. Since the dogs are joining us at the event. I refuse to go anywhere without them, and it’s a perfect disguise to get a device to the party for Aiden. When I did call to confirm my attendance, still a bit reluctant to really go, I mentioned that the dogs must be with me. Fortunately, I’m not the only guest or member who requested special considerations.

  “I should have gotten something different to wear,” I mumble under my breath when we stop in the middle of the double-door entryway. My eyes continue to scan the faces and bodies of every person from left to right.

  “Why?” Aiden asks. “You look beautiful.”

  “Maybe a shawl…I should have brought something,” I comment, brushing my right hand up my left arm and over my entire tattoo.

  “They’ve known about your ink, Pix,” Aiden reminds. “They invited you here regardless of it.”

  “I know,” I huff. “It’s just weird knowing that I’m most likely the only person in the room with one…and, it’s easily seen with this dress.”

  “That dress and your tat are perfect and beautiful,” Aiden soothes. “Since when do you care what other people think.”

  “True,” I sigh.

  “Ladies and gentlemen,” our usher begins.

  The room before us, filled by six women and seven men, falls silent as they look in our direction. The staff members are scattered around the room, holding trays of drinks or food as they stand silently against the walls as if they’re waiting to be called upon.

  “May I introduce Ms. Laurie Breitsprecher and Mr. Aiden Daniels.” He moves to the left while gesturing for us to proceed forward.

  Aiden and I take a few steps into the room and Quintin is quick to greet us. “Laurie…Aiden. I’m so glad that you decided to join us.”

  “Kind of hard not to when you have a second invitation hand delivered,” I remind.

  “Well, we wanted you here,” Quintin laughs. “I was seriously considering on showing up to the house myself, but when I had inquired as to if you had RSVP’ed, I was delighted to hear so.”

  I half smile and nod.

  “Come…come,” Quintin bids. “Everyone’s dying to meet you both.”

  “Dying?” I question with a snicker.

  Quintin laughs. “Ahh…I’m glad to know that you’re yourself tonight.”

  “Who else would I be?” I tease.

  Quintin chuckles as he finishes leading Aiden and me towards two people whose faces I recognize. “Laurie and Aiden, these are our hosts, George and Emily Welles….”

  It’s interesting to me how people introduce others. Since Quintin stated George’s name first, it gives me an insight to who Quintin is as well as his relationship with the Welles. Clearly Quintin, is not only a man of high stature, but is also one of the proclaimed good ol' boys since he introduced George first and not Emily. It’s not surprising that the good ol' boys’ club has maintained their hierarchy with men in dominating roles and positions.

  “I know who they are,” I say, cutting to the chase. “Thank you for inviting us.”

  “Thank you for finally taking us up on our offer, Laurie,” George replies, offering his hand.

  I acknowledge his gesture by glancing down, but don’t respond. “Mr. Welles,” I return, keeping my hands in front of me as I continue to hold my clutch. “Mrs. Welles,” I begin, “you look absolutely stunning in your salmon dress.” My right hand extends forward to greet her.

  “Thank you,” she replies accepting my hand after just a brief second of hesitation. “But, please, call me Emily.”

  I smile and nod.

  Aiden and George exchange pleasantries as Emily and I brake from ours. “It’s an honor to be invited,” Aiden comments. “I know I technically wasn’t, proud of my lovely Pix to have caught your eye.”

  “Pix?” Emily inquires eagerly.

  “His nickname for me,” I offer her with a smile, deliberately wanting to ignore the other two men who were so quick to do the same to her.

  “Like as in Tinkerbell?” she checks with a child-like smile.

  “That’s the one,” I confirm. “Though, Aiden thought her name was Pixie.”

  “I like it,” Emily states with a smile.

  “It’s growing on me,” I mention.

  “See…she likes it,” Aiden teases.

  “As much as we’d love to continue to hog you all to ourselves,” George interrupts politely, “we should make introductions to the rest of our members who are here tonight.”

  “How many do you have total?” I ask.

  “Members?” George questions with a soft chuckle.

  “Yes,” I affirm, wanting to push buttons and knowing that it is more than those who are in attendance.

  Aiden squeezes my hand enough to remind me to take it easy on our hosts.

  “Well, Ms. Breitsprecher,” George replies, suddenly more formal. “We’re not ones to just blurt out information such as that…even new members take time to be informed of many things.”

  “I’m not surprised,” I answer.

  “Is she always this direct?” George inquires to Quintin with an amused chuckle.

  “Yes,” laughs Quintin.

  “I love it,” Emily comments with a genuine smile.

  I’m starting to guess that most of the people here don’t pay her much attention.

  “Why wouldn't I be?” I question, catering to their little game. “That’s the reason why you’ve invited me…to be myself and not someone else…to see if I’m membership material.”

  “You are a delight,” George says. “Come. Come. Let’s get introductions going.”

  I’m not surprised by George’s redirection. He’s probably used to men challenging him, but not a woman.

  Emily lifts her hand and flickers her fingers slightly. Just a few seconds later, two servers approach us, offering drinks. Aiden and I take the champagne, but don’t drink, deciding to keep our focus for the night.

  The three of them escort Aiden and I around the room, introducing us to the remaining individuals in the large parlor. There are five other couples in the room, each with a man and woman as a pairing, but I speculate at how many orgies have happened in this room and the rest of the building at one point or another. Each member is accompanied with their wife. We meet Dr. Chan, who is most likely the doctor who tended to Jimmy, and his wife, Kim. I don’t bother remembering anyone else names, but from the introductions, their businesses industries include: precious metals, law, real estate, and politics. Quintin is the only member without a spouse. The staff members and bodyguards are easily distinguishable, wearing crisp white button-down shirts, black slacks, black vests, and white gloves.

  I signal for the dogs to stay close to Aiden and me as memories and feelings from my past stir inside. George and Quintin do the majority of the talking after George makes introductions to his patrons. Emily stands quietly by his side, smiling as if that’s her only job. Every once in a while I’ll make eye contact with her, smile and nod, to let her know that I’m acknowledging her presence when no one else will. I make sure I do the same for the rest of the women in attendance as well.

  After we’ve been introduced to everyone, conversations begin with the men talking and the women remaining silent. I remain quiet, taking in my surroundings while studying everyone’s body language. The women seem happy enough to have been included, but most of them seem bored out of their minds while the men talk. Aiden stays by my side with at least one of his hands touching my waist at all times, only separating from me momentarily to have an hors d’oeuvres or drink when offered.


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