Book Read Free


Page 37

by Martha Sweeney

  “Where are we going Mr. Carroll?” a voice asks timidly.

  “None of your damn business,” Quintin barks. “Get my things. We’re leaving in five minutes.”

  As soon as I notice that there are three different vehicles leaving Quintin’s house, I call Paul immediately. We debate as to whether or not I should leave my post, but we can’t guess which one of three vehicles to follow. We’d have better odds if we both went after them, hoping that one of the two we pick is the one Quintin will be riding in.

  I grab my stuff, kiss Laurie before leaving and meet up with Paul at his place. We swap out our vehicles for the ones we have hidden in the second garage and set out to follow the trucks. Two head west while one goes south. Paul insists on taking the two, so I push to catch up to the one by itself.

  Paul and I check in from time to time with each other as we drive, but there’s not much to go off of other than we’re just driving. I keep a safe following distance behind the SUV I’m tailing, only stopping for gas after they have already left the station. It isn’t until we cross the border into the next state that I drive past the SUV when it stops again, I notice two people exit the vehicle at another rest stop that I realize that Quintin is not with them.

  Pissed off, I continue down the road for another ten minutes, stopping at the next gas station, filling up and then turning back around for Willow River. “Quintin’s not with mine,” I tell Paul.

  “I’m not sure yet,” Paul states.

  “I’m heading back,” I inform. “Let me know if you need anything.”

  “Will do,” Paul confirms.

  About an hour outside of town, I stop in at the casino for food and a drink. I have been on the road for just about ten hours and am tired and frustrated to say the least. I text Laurie that I’ll be back soon. My blood continues to boil at missing a chance to get something on Quintin, so when I get back to Willow River, I drive over to Boulders to have a drink.

  “Hey, Aiden,” the bartender calls. “We’re closing.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” I reply.

  “I called you a ride,” he states.

  “What? Why?” I snap.

  “You’re in no shape to drive, bud,” he mentions.

  “I’m fine,” I say even though I know he’s right. I had a few shots that have my brain twisting a little.

  “She’s here,” he informs, nodding to something behind me.

  I shift to glance back and have a little trouble focusing on the legs that my eyes fall upon. It takes an extra second for my gaze to clear and realize that they belong to Laurie. “Hey, sexy,” I greet.

  “Keys…now!” she barks.

  “You don’t need to shout,” I say, digging in my pocket. “I’m right here.”

  “Fucking drunk ass,” she mutters.

  “I’m not drunk,” I rebut. “Tipsy, but not drunk.”

  “Fine,” she snaps. “Then you can walk your tipsy ass back home.”

  “Why are you yelling…and, why are you mad?” I ask, trying to stand.

  “Please don’t make a fucking fool of yourself,” Laurie returns. “I’ve got a mother and a teenage boy outside helping us. The last thing Marcus needs is a scene with a fucking drunk man since that’s how he lost his father.”

  “Fuck, I’m sorry, Pix,” I huff, following her to the door. “Don’t be mad.”

  Laurie continues to walk away from me without saying another word.

  “Come on, Pix,” I coax, getting a hold of her arm.

  “Unless you want to be face down on the ground, do not fucking touch me,” she seethes.

  “Just don’t be mad…and don’t yell,” I encourage.

  “Hey, Aiden,” Marcus greets with a smile and wearing pajamas as we approach the trucks.

  “Hey,” I reply, lifting my hand to give him a high-five.

  “You okay, man?” Marcus checks.

  “Yeah,” I lie. “Just a long day.”

  “Marcus, you take my truck,” Laurie instructs as the kid helps me into the passenger side of mine. “It’ll be easier for you to handle since she’s not a stick.”

  By the time Laurie pulls into the garage, my head is pounding from the repeated echoes of the doors being slammed shut.

  “Get inside,” Laurie dictates with ice to her tone.

  I offer a smirk, but Laurie isn’t buying it.

  “Cool it,” Laurie instructs, shoving me inside.

  “Hey,” I whine when she closes the door behind me. I try several times to pry open the door, but it doesn’t budge. Then, I try to see if I can get the house system to open it, but everything is a little blurry. It doesn’t take long for me to give up and head into the kitchen. I get a large glass of water and search for some pills to take away the headache that is forming.

  “What are you doing?” Laurie asks, scaring me.

  “Looking for some pain killers,” I admit.

  “Why? Feeling hungover already?” she mocks.

  “It’s been a long day, Pix, don’t start with me,” I reply.

  “Don’t start with you?” she asks angrily. “Don’t start with you?” She opens one of the cupboards and grabs a bottle of something from inside. “Mother fucker, don’t start with me. I don’t care how the fuck your day was. I will not tolerate a fucking drunk…not in my home and not with my friends…especially when they lost a loved one due to a drunk driver.”

  “I’m not drunk,” I snap.

  “Yes, you are, asshole,” she bites back. “If you weren’t, Dom from Boulders wouldn’t have called me.”

  “I’m a little intoxicated. It’s not that bad,” I remark.

  “Don’t,” she commands. “Just admit that you fucking are.”

  “Fine,” I huff. “I had a few drinks. I was pissed after driving for as long as I did for what I thought was Quintin to find out he wasn’t even in the vehicle.”

  “Big deal,” Laurie challenges.

  “I was on the fucking road for almost five hours and already into the other state when I found out,” I share.

  “So, you drank?”

  “Not at first,” I share. “I had a meal at the casino like I said before coming into town. I was pissed and didn’t want to take it out on you by mistake, so I went to have a drink.”

  Laurie nods, but doesn’t say anything as she gets two black pills out of the bottle and hands them to me. “Drink lots of water.”

  “What are these?” I ask.

  “They’ll help,” she says.

  I pop the pills, down an entire glass of water and then try to cozy up to her.

  “Don’t fucking touch me,” she states, pushing me away.

  “I’m sorry, Pix,” I reply, meaning it.

  “I don’t fucking care if you’re sorry or not,” she returns coldly.

  “You didn’t have to involve Trudy and Marcus. We could have left my truck there in the lot,” I offer.

  “It’s not about that…it is…but, it isn’t,” she comments.

  I grin. “Were you worried about me?”

  “Fuck no,” she replies.

  “Yeah, you were,” I return, moving closer to her. Laurie tries to push me away as I pin her against the island.

  “Was not,” she denies.

  “Then, why are you so mad?” I ask, trying to kiss her.

  Laurie jerks her head away. “Having a drink on occasion is one thing…getting wasted is another.”

  “I’m not wasted. I had a few drinks and I didn’t hurt anyone,” I mention.

  “You could have for all I know,” she snaps. “Trying to drive back on your own or….”

  “Or, what?” I inquire.

  Laurie’s eyes cloud with several emotions, but she doesn’t say a word.

  “You think I’d hurt you?” I ask, shocked by the realization.

  “I wouldn’t put it past you,” she returns coldly.

  I study her for a moment. “What’s going on, Pix?”

  “Just don’t ever let it happen again, or else you’re out of t
his house,” she states heatedly. Laurie pushes at me to get away, but I block her.

  “Pix, talk to me,” I coax, wanting to know why she’s acting like this.

  “What…What do you want to understand, Aiden?” she snaps. “Let me go.”

  “Just talk to me. Tell me what’s wrong,” I ask.

  “Nothing’s wrong,” she denies.

  “Bullshit,” I return, feeling my anger and frustration returning.

  “What? What are you going to do, Aiden?” she presses. “Are you going to hit me to get me to talk?”

  My head jerks back at her words.

  “I dare you. I fucking dare you to hit me,” she pushes.

  “I would never hit you, Laurie,” I reply. Then, the thought strikes me. “Is that what Jack did to you? Hit you? Beat you?”

  Laurie stares me down, but doesn’t answer.

  “He did, didn’t he?” I state more than question, getting angry at the thought of him or anyone hurting her. “Did Antonio do it too?”

  Laurie’s eyes give away the answers.

  “Jack’s lucky he’s fucking dead,” I announce.

  Laurie’s eyes inflate, not expecting my reaction.

  I shake my head. “I won’t let anyone ever hurt you again, Pix. Not on my watch.”

  “Funny words from a guy who could be gone tomorrow because of his job,” Laurie states.

  “No," I sigh, not wanting to hear the truth. “It doesn’t matter. I won’t let anyone hurt you, I promise.”

  “Don’t make empty promises, Aiden,” she returns calmly. “I’m fine on my own.”

  “You don’t have to do it alone,” I say, brushing my fingers over her cheek.

  “Yeah? Why is that?” she asks. “You’re just going to stay here? Right?”

  I don’t comment, afraid to tell her the truth.

  “I told you, this is not real. We are not real. We’re using each other and that’s it,” she reminds.

  “Pix,” I say with a slow breath out.

  “Just don’t let it happen again” she seethes, pushing me away.

  I snatch her arm and pull her into me, smashing my mouth to hers. She tries to push away and yells to let her go, but I can’t. I won’t. “I’m sorry,” I apologize. “I promise…it won’t ever happen again.”

  “Which part?” she checks.

  “All of it,” I affirm. “Me drinking like that…anyone ever hurting you.”

  She pulls away from me, and for the first time, I see a hint of fear in her eyes. “Make sure you drink at least another large glass of water before going to bed. Then, you’ll be fine in the morning.” Laurie starts up the stairs to her bedroom.

  “Pix,” I call after her, pausing with my left foot on the first step.

  “Goodnight, Aiden,” she bids and disappears into the bedroom with the dogs.

  “I love you,” I mumble under my breath, wishing I had the courage to tell her.

  Forty Nine - Laurie

  I forgave Aiden before I fell asleep last night. He’s always been able to control himself and I know that I was harder on him than I should have. For all I know, he could have asked Dom to call me. I panicked and called Trudy to help. Unfortunately, my issues amplified when Marcus joined her. Marcus was probably still awake and offered to come. I know I need to apologize, but that shit isn’t easy. Swallowing your own pride and saying you were wrong is a blow in itself and sometimes makes you feel worse.

  “Hey, Pix,” Aiden greets, getting up from the couch before I make it all the way down the stairs.

  “Hey,” I reply. “Did you sleep out here all night?”

  “Yeah,” he admits. “I wanted to apologize.”

  “You already did,” I remind.

  “I know,” he sighs, ringing his neck. “I lost control and it wasn’t cool.”

  “I know you’re stressed with your job,” I say. “And…I’m sorry too.”

  “What are you sorry about?” he asks, wrapping his arms around me.

  My brows lift in question.

  “I understand why you freaked out,” Aiden shares. “It’s okay.”

  “No, it’s not,” I admit. “It’s not cool for me to throw my issues on you.”

  “I don’t mind,” Aiden soothes.

  My head shakes, but I don’t say a word.

  Aiden pulls back from me slightly so he can look at my face, holding my head still. He studies me in a way he never has and I’m not sure what to make of it. His lips lower and softly capture mine. They barely break from mine before connecting for a deeper embrace. “Pix,” he says sweetly.

  “Yeah,” I answer.

  Aiden remains quiet.

  My eyes lift to meet his and I can see conflicting emotions behind them. “What?”

  “Nothing,” he states before kissing me again.

  It doesn’t take long for our embrace to shift. Aiden scoops me up and has my legs wrapped around his waist. He lowers me to the couch and slowly peels the layers of our workout clothes away as he continues to keep his lips on my skin. Aiden takes his time, touching me in a completely different way and nervousness rises inside of me, realizing that he has feelings for me.

  When we finish, Aiden gets up and lets the dogs outside. He gets back to me when I’ve got my underwear and sports bra back on. “No you don’t,” he directs, pulling me back onto the couch with him.

  “Aiden,” I whine.

  “Five minutes,” he directs rather than asks.

  “No,” I argue, trying to get up.

  “Stay with me and I’ll accept your apology,” he states.

  “You already did when….”

  “Shh,” he says, taking my lips with his.

  After our workout, we eat and then head over to Paul’s. There are some things Aiden needs to discuss with Paul before we make our way to the cafe.

  I stay quiet most of the time while Aiden and Paul talk, not wanting to get in the middle of their work. A thought pops into my mind and I make sure to inform Aiden and Paul, letting them know that I think what I remember is out of character. The country club is having their spring gala to welcome all of their new members who are still present and I got word that the Welles are back in town, or may never have really left. The family is usually only in town once every few years and for a short period of time. Aiden is starting to suspect that George Welles is assisting or working with Quintin on something. Paul disagrees which catches my attention. I’ve never really heard him out right disagree with Aiden, not like this, and I’m starting to speculate at what he knows that he’s not telling Aiden. It’s none of my business, so I don’t say anything.

  Two days later, Quintin invites Aiden and me over for lunch and our speculations are confirmed that the Welles are back in town when we find them sitting in Quintin’s living room when we arrive. The dogs stay with me, but are friendly toward Emily. Their behavior makes me believe that Emily doesn’t have a clue about what her husband or Quintin really do. I’m not sure if it’s because they don’t tell her or because she doesn’t want to know.

  “It’s so wonderful to see you again, Laurie,” Emily says after we get situated with drinks.

  “Same here,” I return politely.

  I don’t have an issue with her, just with her husband and Quintin.

  “Mr. Carroll,” one of his guards calls from the doorway. “I’m sorry to interrupt, but you have a call.”

  “Thank you,” Quintin replies. “Excuse me for a moment.”

  Everyone in the room nods and Quintin gets up.

  “Jimmy,” George calls. “Would you please get us some more tea.”

  “Uhh, sure Mr. Welles,” Jimmy replies nervously.

  “What’s wrong?” George inquires.

  “Nothing, sir,” Jimmy returns as he’s careful not to move closer to the dogs and me.

  I can’t really blame the guy. Anytime he’s near Cain, Cain eyes him and growls, knowing that Jimmy’s nervous.

  During our meal, Emily states that she wishes that I would r
econsider the invitation to become a member of the club. They had offered a week after the fall gala, but that scene isn’t me. Plus, Aiden wouldn’t be able to get in and I’m not interested in being used anymore by the Feds. Aiden had agreed with me not to accept and told me that he wasn’t going to tell Paul unless Paul overhears what’s going on now and needs to address it with him. I was surprised to hear that, but grateful at the same time.

  A few weeks later, Aiden is out with Paul at the gun range while I hang back, working on getting a few things prepared since Aiden’s real birthday is tomorrow. We can’t celebrate it out in the open and I feel like I need to do something for him since he’s been the way he has been, especially with refusing to involve me further with Quintin. Whatever food I need that the garden hasn’t grown, I get at the store and then start preparing the meal that I have planned for him as well as getting the cupcakes made. Just as I get them hidden in the pantry, the house alarm goes off. I check the monitor and see that one of Quintin’s men is approaching the door.

  “Yes,” I greet on the second ring of the bell.

  “Mr. Carroll was hoping you’d be home,” says the man who I’ve dubbed Butch.

  I should remember their names, but I don’t bother and don’t care to. I only know Jimmy because of the incident. The rest of them I've named based off of their looks or something they’ve done that sticks out.

  “He was hoping he could get a woman’s eye on something,” he adds.

  “Like what?” I ask.

  “He didn’t tell me,” Butch answers. “It shouldn’t take too long.”

  I hesitate for a second when I see him peer inside, as if he’s checking to see if Aiden is here. “Sure,” I agree. “Just let me grab something and the dogs and I will be right out.”

  “I’ll be by the SUV,” he confirms.

  I grab my bag and text Aiden just in case. This is definitely weird behavior for Quintin.

  When I arrive at Quintin’s, I’m taken through the garage as I’ve always been and taken into the home office that I’ve only seen in passing. The dogs are close, just as alert as I am.

  “Laurie,” Quintin cheerfully greets while standing on a riser in the middle of the room.


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