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Lizard-Alien Origins

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by Brandon Brace



  Brandon Brace

  Copyright 2014 Brandon Brace

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  Chapter 1: How It All Began

  Chapter 2: Training

  Chapter 3: Escaping Project Orion

  Chapter 4: Wherever You Go, You’re Just Making Friends!

  Chapter 5: God Damn Mutant

  Chapter 6: Prison Planet

  Chapter 7: Jason Mercer

  Chapter 8: Sky Landers

  Chapter 9: The Attack On Zamborow

  Chapter 10: The Great Pain

  Chapter 11 Sweet Revenge

  Chapter 12: Home

  Chapter 13: Alone

  Chapter 14: Survivors

  Chapter 15: A Never Ending Fight

  Chapter 16: To Froze Zone

  Note From The Author

  Chapter 1: How It All Began

  In the year 3777 there was a war between the human race and the Romosean. The human military invented a secret weapon which could win the war on its own, it’s name... Lizard-Alien!

  * * *

  On the outskirts of a dark and deserted Galaxy in Sector 59 (a.k.a No Man’s Land), there was a humongous secret military ship, the Project Orion. On board were the military’s secret weapons; such as armed-to-the-teeth robots, mutated clones, weapons of mass destruction and Lizard-Alien.

  “Colonel, Sir, there's an incoming transmission from Bay 12.”

  “Patch it through to me then Ryder!” exclaimed the Colonel.

  “Sir, the scientists have perfected the finishing touches on one of our prize weapons, Sir!”

  “About F***ing time! We've been at it for 77 years, it’s a good job we have been in the bleeding siesta pods -Sigh- I'll be right down Private.”

  The Colonel rushed out of the cockpit in his personal teleporting device.

  Meanwhile in Bay 12...

  “Right listen up you nerds, the Colonel is heading down here and if you don't get that... that...THING out of that pod as well as getting them robots in the testing grounds, I'm gunna rip each of you a new one!!! UNDERSTOOD?!” bellowed Private.

  In the distance a pod rose up from the floor into the Testing Grounds.

  “Hang on - we can't have that defective clone in there! Where is the REAL test subject, Lizard-Alien?!” demanded Private.

  “Au contraire, Sir, this ‘defective clone’ IS Lizard-Alien. He only looked like a Lizard before because the DNA hadn't set in properly, but now that it has - this is his true form. With unbelievable strength and speed; an additional bullet and laser proof skin layer; heat and night vision; fast learning ability and lastly but most importantly he has a slow ageing process! And...”


  Waltzing through the crowd the Colonel asks viciously “SO... WHERE IS IT?!”

  In the distance Lizard-Alien's pod reaches the floor and the door slides open releasing smoke into the Training Ground. A peachy white foot stepped out, touching the cold surface. Everyone stared as another foot joined it, with the rest of the body slowly emerging out of the tube, the 8 foot creature stood calm and still. He wore shorts with a plain white vest; he had brown hair, blue eyes and a very determined expression upon his face.

  “Ahhhh magnificent! He's just how you informed me. SEND OUT THE ROBOTS; let’s see if this one survives!”

  Chapter 2: Training

  The door to the Arena slid open and everything went pitch black. Five pairs of red eyes took over the doorway. One by one they took it in turns, walking towards Lizard-Alien, the sound of their feet striking against the metal floor sounded like a deep roar of thunder. They started to surround him, giving him nowhere to retreat to; they raised their arms and their fists slotted into their arms, turrets and missile launchers came from their shoulder blades... Lizard-Alien stared blankly into thin air.

  “FIRE!!!” screamed the Colonel.

  And at that exact moment bullets and missiles glided through the air and hit Lizard-Alien, after 10 solid minutes the robots finally ran out of ammunition and a black smoke ascended were Lizard-Alien once stood.

  “Well, that’s that, Private get the cleanup crew in there and fire up the cloning machine again.” said the Colonel.

  “WAIT SIR THERE IS STILL A LIFE READING BEING RECIEVED IN THE SPOT WHERE THE CLONE WAS!” The black smoke gradually disappeared and standing there was... Lizard-Alien. He had a smug look on his face, taunting the robots, mocking their performance.

  Then within a few seconds the robots had blades on their wrists, ready for hand-to-hand combat. Lizard-Alien laughed and raised his fists and whispered “Come and get it, if you’re not afraid to become scrap metal.”

  A robot charged towards him from behind and went to stab him in the head; Lizard-Alien did a back flip and grasped hold of the robot's head tearing it clean off with ease like it was paper. He landed - turned round quickly and threw the robot’s head at another who had began to run at him - denting it's chest, instantly forcing it to fall to the ground. Spiralling round to face another one who attempted to attack him, he parried the blade, took it underneath his arm and ripped it off and quickly turned it around to stab the robot in its chest, then dragged the blade upwards so the robots head was cut perfectly in half - leaving oil squirting everywhere.

  Lizard-Alien used the blade as a throwing knife to hit a robot in the head that tried to do an aerial attack. Its body fell down toward the robot that was wounded in the chest; the falling robot's blades stretched out toward the robot below and pierced the robot through the head and torso. The last robot stood there staring at Lizard-Alien with confusion in its eyes, Lizard-Alien laughed to torment the robot and exclaimed “Not so hard now are you?!”

  The robot ran at him, Lizard-Alien had intended for this to happen and waited for the precise moment to uppercut him. When he did, the robot hit the ceiling then smashed onto the floor like a pancake. Lizard-Alien turned round to face the Colonel and said “Humph, piece of cake!”

  “Marvellous! Now Private get your group of nerds and extract the DNA from the test subject.”

  “But Sir that will kill him!” said Private

  “And your point is?”

  Lizard-Alien heard every word of this, due to his super hearing ability and shouted to the Colonel.

  “HEY COLONEL!” the Colonel turned around quickly, Lizard-Alien stuck his middle finger up at him, then smashed the arena doors down and ran through the corridors of Project Orion. Colonel sounded the alarm to warn of the escape...


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