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One Tough Cowboy

Page 10

by Lora Leigh

  Riding helped. With all that had been going on, Hunter had neglected to spend any time with the two mustangs in over a week. Buck and Shiloh both came to the fence to greet him as he approached. Buck snorted indignantly and nodded his big head. Shiloh nuzzled his arm, looking for her apple. Hunter laughed, presented them both with their snack, and rubbed their noses. “All right, let’s go see if those boys got anything done.”

  Levi and Ethan were checking trails and mending fences as needed up on the northeast side of the pasture. Hunter decided to ride Buck up to check on them, ask them some questions. They might have seen something and didn’t think anything of it at the time.

  The twins were good kids; they liked to party when they weren’t working their asses off for Hunter on the ranch. They’d been wild as bucks all over the countryside. But hell, they were twenty-one and popular with the young single ladies of Deerhaven. Rumor had it, they were popular with some of the not-so-young single ladies as well. Hunter shook his head, those two liked to play rough and loose. One of these days they may end up snagged by one of those hot little cougar’s claws.

  The twins were nearly done mending a post as Hunter rode up. They were identical and few could tell them apart. Both had black hair and ice-blue eyes, both were about six feet tall and built like linebackers.

  To their wicked advantage, not many noticed that Levi had a thin sliver scar at his left temple that barely peaked out of his hairline. He got that when the rope broke while swinging over Sutter’s Creek and he cracked his hard head on a jagged rock.

  Ethan had a few more subtle freckles around his eyes than Levi did. He also had a scar on the right ass cheek from thinking it’d be fun to mess with Uncle Zack’s Charbray bull. That bovine was a beast, and Ethan was lucky as hell he came out alive. Kids always think they’re invincible. Ethan and Levi still believed they were.

  “Hey, Uncle Hunter,” Ethan greeted him, taking off his hat to wipe the sweat away.

  Hunter nodded in return. “How’s it lookin’?”

  “Myrtle is about to calve soon,” Levi answered, as he gathered tools, loaded them on the back of the utility vehicle and started securing them.

  “Yeah,” Ethan agreed. “Gonna move her to the barn tomorrow. She’s two to three weeks out, I’d say.”

  Calving could be the easiest, most natural thing in the world for a momma cow. Or it could be a lot of work that required intervention. “This is her first. She doin’ okay?” Hunter asked.

  Ethan smiled. “Yeah, she’s lookin’ good. Eatin’ and lounging around like a pregnant lady oughta. I think she’s gonna do fine.”

  “All right. If for some reason I’m not reachable when it’s time and anything goes wrong, you have the okay to call Doc Mosley.”

  Both nodded. Ethan grinned. “Heard you been hangin’ out with Miss Samantha.”

  “That so?” Hunter tilted his head in amusement.

  “Yeah! She’s hot too.” Levi raised a brow. “Girl’s got curves in all the right places. Mmm, mmm, mmm.”

  “Right?” Ethan interjected, leaning against the newly planted post. “Good Lord, the woman can fill out some jeans. And the way she walks…” Ethan sucked in air through his teeth.

  Hunter narrowed his eyes, not that the twins were easily deterred. Obviously, they were trying to push his buttons, and he’d be lying if he said it wasn’t working a little, but hell, they weren’t wrong. Buck danced to the side a step, sensing Hunter’s tension elevate slightly. Hunter patted Buck’s neck to calm him. “She does, indeed.” Hunter spoke quietly, his voice low. “Miss Samantha is way out of your league.”

  Levi’s grin widened. “I don’t know, Uncle Hunter. The two of us together could rock her world. Hey, ya never know, maybe she could teach us a thing or two.”

  “You go sniffin’ around Sam, and I’ll teach you a whole hell of a lot.” Hunter’s smile turned feral.

  Ethan laughed and Levi raised his hands in surrender. “Okay, okay, we get it.” Levi was still grinning.

  “Absolutely, Uncle Hunter. Miss Samantha is off limits.” Ethan smirked knowingly.

  “Uh-huh. Still got my eye on the two of you.” Hunter chuckled. “Maybe I should call y’all’s momma.”

  “Aww, damn, that’s cold.” Levi sobered.

  Ethan stood straighter, his smile fading. “You wouldn’t.”

  “The hell I wouldn’t,” Hunter said. “All’s fair in love and war, boys.”

  They looked at each other and smiled. It was like they communicated telepathically sometimes.

  “Listen, you guys see anyone or anything unusual lately? Maybe around the lake or out around the campgrounds?” Hunter asked, changing the subject.

  They looked at each other again, then back at Hunter. “No,” they answered in stereo.

  “We haven’t been out too much the last couple of weeks. There’s been a lot of work around here.” Levi took off his hat and combed his fingers through his hair before replacing it. “We’re planning to go out to the lake this weekend. We’ll keep our eyes open.”

  “I’d appreciate it.” Hunter patted Buck’s neck.

  “Anything particular we’re supposed to be lookin’ for?” Ethan asked.

  Hunter thought for a moment about how much to tell them. He decided to be vague. “Anything out of the ordinary, that’s all.”

  “This have to do with Uncle Zack’s death?” Ethan’s voice was hard.

  “Just keep your eyes open. And y’all stay out of trouble. By the way, I heard about you and Jenny Talbert, Levi.”

  Levi’s eyes widened, feigning righteous indignation. A grin pulled at the corner of his mouth, ruining the effect. “Mrs. Talbert is divorced. She is a fine, respectable woman, Uncle Hunter.”

  “Yeah. I know. However, Mr. Talbert is a jealous man, and he’s none too happy about that newly signed divorce decree. The ink ain’t even good and dry yet,” Hunter warned.

  “Aw, come on now, Uncle Hunter. The woman has needs.” Levi grinned.

  “Psh, he ain’t lyin’,” Ethan interjected. “And she’s loud! Can’t get any sleep when she’s over.”

  Levi smirked. “Ladies love cowboys. I just do what I can. What can I say?”

  “Good God,” Hunter muttered, shaking his head at them as he turned Buck around to head back to the stables. “Y’all keep your eyes open and your noses clean.”

  “Uh, ya see, Uncle Hunter,” Ethan explained with a stoic expression, “if we do that, then the ladies will be sad because it’s near impossible to do it well if we don’t get our noses all up—”

  “Stop!” Hunter raised a hand and interrupted Ethan. He didn’t need the mental image. “Just … try to stay of trouble. Okay?”

  “Yes, sir,” they answered in unison, chuckling.

  chapter eight

  Samantha’s mind was too busy to relax. She’d taken a hot bath and lit her new candles, but nothing helped much. When she found herself pacing, she decided enough was enough. She got dressed in a pair of jeans and a T-shirt, brushed her hair out, and checked her reflection in the mirror. She quickly reapplied her lipstick before grabbing her keys and heading out.

  The Night Hawk was pretty busy for a weeknight. The food was always really good comfort food. Samantha had to admit it was just what she needed. The warm amber liquid in her glass was blurring all the sharp edges just right.

  Hunter sauntered in and shattered what little alcohol-induced peace she’d been able to achieve. He walked straight to her booth and slid in across from her. Now, he watched her as he leaned back, making himself comfortable. “Feelin’ better?”

  “Yep.” She lifted her eyes to gaze at him without raising her head. “Don’t let this go to your head, but you were right. I needed a drink.”

  A feral grin curved those very talented lips of his. “One may have been your limit, Pixie.”

  “I’m fine.” The truth was she was starting to feel a bit too loose. It was her second and her last if she wanted to make it out of there on her own feet.
She slid the glass with the remainder of her drink toward him. “But I’ve had enough.”

  Hunter picked up the glass and threw back the last of the whiskey. She bit her lip as she watched him lick his lips.

  “Damn, girl. Sadie brought you the good stuff.” He grinned.

  “Mmm-hmmm, that’s what I asked for.” The whiskey wasn’t the only thing making her warm and tingly.

  It was, however, weakening her resolve to behave when it came to Sheriff Sexy Face. She chuckled at her assessment of Hunter as she slipped her feet out of her sandals. She watched his eyes widen as she gently moved her toes up his inner calf to his inner thigh.

  “So, what happened to your ‘no’?” he asked then, a brow lifting in playful mockery as she found the iron-hard length of his erection.

  “I’ve reassessed.” She shrugged.

  And she had. It had nothing to do with what the Abernathys had told her either. “No” wasn’t going to work because she wanted him too damned much. Protecting her heart from him wouldn’t be easy. He’d been hurt, and he was protecting his heart as well. No doubt she’d end up hurt, but as she watched him from across the table, she knew it was a risk she had no choice but to take.

  His lips tilted at the corner as he reached under the table and grasped her foot and began massaging it. He applied just the right pressure in just the right places.

  An involuntary moan escaped her lips as his hand moved to the top of her foot and then to her ankle. She slowly inched forward. She could feel the heat before she felt the bulge. Hunter narrowed his eyes, and she couldn’t help but grin. Her foot trailed up and down his thickening erection, pressing against the denim. He was long and thick and very hard.

  “Unzip your jeans,” she mouthed. She watched his eyes darken. His hand stilled on her leg.

  “Let’s dance.” It wasn’t a request and his words sounded more like a growl.

  He gave her no time to put her sandals back on before he was pulling her toward the dance floor. “But I don’t know any line dances.”

  “S’okay, it’s a slow song,” he answered hoarsely.

  He yanked her against his hard body, and for a moment her world tilted. If he hadn’t been holding her so close, she probably would have fallen over. She lay her head against his chest, closed her eyes, and breathed in the scent of him. Oh, this was nice. A small annoying little voice in her brain was screaming for her to be sensible. She ignored it and looked up at Hunter. “What are we doing?”

  “We’re dancing, Pixie,” he murmured against her cheek.

  “You know what I mean, Hunter.”

  A soft chuckle rumbled low in his chest. “What do you wanna do?”

  His hand moved down her back and sat just above her ass, then he pulled her closer. She could feel how hard he was, and she remembered what he felt like moving inside her. She shivered as the memory flooded her mind. Her body reacted instinctively.

  She raised up until her lips were against his ear. “I want to make you lose control.”

  Her words were barely above a whisper, but he heard her. She knew he heard her because his big body tensed in her arms and his fingers flexed against her hips. “Let’s go.” His breath was a harsh rasp against her ear.

  * * *

  The cool spring breeze made her shiver as they stepped out of the saloon. It did a lot to clear the fog from her mind but it did nothing to cool her arousal. Hunter led her to his truck and helped her up into the passenger seat. She rolled down the window as he pulled out of the parking lot. The wind in her face felt good and cleared her mind. It didn’t take long to get home. She didn’t wait for Hunter to open her door for her. Hunter’s arm snaked around her middle to steady her as she hopped down. On the porch, Hunter pulled her back against him as he took the key from her. The heat of his hard body was as intoxicating as the whiskey.

  Hunter guided her into the house and quickly locked up. With a sigh, she turned in his arms. His mouth found hers, his tongue stroking, igniting her blood. It felt so good, so incredibly good, even better than before. His kiss was skillful, yet insistent, like he couldn’t get enough. Samantha was just as hungry. She unfastened the button on his jeans and then lowered his zipper. His rigid cock was thick, hot, and pulsing in her palm.

  He groaned as his hands slid down her body to grip her ass and pull her close against him. Her pussy throbbed, sensitive and slick. Moaning, she bit down gently on his bottom lip and laved it with the tip of her tongue.

  The sound that rumbled low in his chest sounded more animal than human as he walked her backward. The room spun as he twirled her around and bent her over Aunt Dottie’s floral upholstered sofa and flipped her skirt up. She gasped, her hands gripping the cushions as she braced herself, anxious for what she knew was coming. The sudden caress of cool air against the backs of her thighs and her rear made her shiver as Hunter moved away briefly to push her panties down. They fell to her ankles and she stepped out of them.

  “You’re so wet and ready.” His voice sounded raw and predatory, his fingers lightly stroking her sensitive flesh. “Spread your legs,” he demanded even as he guided her legs apart with his hand.

  It felt like her whole body was throbbing as he slid the wide head of his cock up and down between the slick, swollen folds of her pussy. “Please…” Whimpering, she pushed against him as she arched her back.

  “Fuck,” he growled through clenched teeth.

  An orgasm gripped her, taking her breath as he pushed deep inside her. He didn’t stop and he didn’t go slowly, thank God. Her legs trembled as waves of pleasure rippled through her body. Her cries were muffled by the sound of her blood pounding in her ears to the rhythm of Hunter’s thrusts.

  Hunter’s groan punctuated hers as he drove deep inside and held her tight against him. She could feel the hard, hot pulses as he filled her.

  As the pleasure subsided she stood straight, his hands at her waist as she turned to face him.

  “You okay?” He trailed kisses, warm and gentle, over her jaw to her ear.


  “Bedroom.” She didn’t bother with the lights as she led him through the small living room down the hall to the bedroom.

  In the bedroom, he pulled her into his arms and kissed her possessively as they helped each other get out of their clothes. Once naked he smoothed his hand over her butt and up her back. She trembled at his urgent touch. She pressed hungrily against him, wanting him closer. His hands were just rough enough, just hot enough to make every inch of her throb with need all over again.

  His kisses dominated her senses. She didn’t even notice that he’d moved them to the bed until she felt herself falling. He massaged her breast as he kissed and nibbled along her collarbone. A shaky breath escaped her lips on a moan as his mouth left a burning trail down her breastbone. Finally his mouth closed over a nipple and she arched to give him better access as he sucked, nibbled, and kissed, torturing her slowly. He squeezed it lightly between his lips, flicking it with his tongue.

  “I love your nipples,” he murmured against her sensitive skin. That gorgeous male mouth was definitely well-versed in the female body.

  It was so easy for him to make her crazy, drive her wild. Little tremors gripped her with every pull of his mouth on her nipple. Every flick of his tongue made her want to scream.

  She was already on the edge of another climax from what he was doing with his mouth alone. Sensations coiled inside her tighter, building her arousal. Her fingers bit into his well-shaped ass, loving the feel of his hard muscles flexing under smooth skin.

  Reaching between them, she trailed her fingers over his silky, steel-hard shaft before wrapping them around it. She felt the blood pump into his thick flesh as she stroked over the flared ridge at the base of the head.

  “Not yet, baby.” His hands restrained her, his big body controlling her effortlessly.

  Her body trembled with the intense sensations coursing through her as he continued to trail kisses down her body, his tongue torturi
ng her. He circled her navel with his tongue and bit the tender flesh there, sucked it, then soothed it with slow, moist strokes. He stroked her inner thighs, spreading her wide. He kissed and nibbled his way down her body to the top of her cunt.

  His tongue stroked over her soft tender lips, slid between her moistened cleft, then laved her heated flesh with long and firm upward strokes. She was so close, so close. Hunter’s lips closed over her clit and sucked hard. Her breath caught in her lungs, and she bucked up as she climaxed hard and fast. He gripped her hips, unrelentingly torturing her with his talented tongue as she ground against him with each crashing wave of her orgasm.

  Hunter rose above her as she slid bonelessly back to earth. She was breathless, gasping, her body humming with pleasure. Without giving her time to fully recover, he slowly slid his fingers into her, the walls of her vagina gripping them as it spasmed with the aftershocks of her orgasm. Then he slid them up through the slick folds of her flesh, driving her toward climax again as he found the firm, rippled flesh of her G-spot. He took her nipple into his mouth, nibbling, flicking his tongue over it, making it harden further, and she pushed forward for more. God, someone should patent his fucking tongue, she thought as she groaned with growing need.

  She ran her hands up his muscled back and fisted them in his hair. She pulled him up to her and kissed his mouth. Her hands moved down his stomach and caressed his balls, letting her fingers trail up his steel-hard, thick shaft. He pulled away from her and met her gaze. His eyes had gone dark and heavy-lidded. Her thumb rubbed across the hot, smooth head of his cock.

  The deep, hoarse whisper surprised her, made her feel sexy. “I want to feel it in my mouth.” She licked her swollen lips.

  “God, you know how to tease a man.” He moved his fingers inside her and gently pressed his thumb against her clit. “Later, if you still want to. Right now, I want to feel your sweet pussy gripping my cock again.”

  She inhaled sharply as pleasure shot through her, pushing her upward. He moved his hand from her and positioned himself over her. Moving the full head of his thick shaft through her slickness, up and down through her swollen folds. He rubbed slow circles around her clit. She clutched at his shoulders.


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