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County Sheriffs 2: Conquering Lovers (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

Page 7

by Becca Van

  “You can ask me anything you want, Bella.”

  She decided to take Misha at her word. “It’s about the serial killer.”


  “I heard he got to you.”

  Misha drew in a deep, ragged breath.

  “You don’t have to talk to me if you don’t want to. I don’t want to upset you.”

  “Actually, I think talking about it with another woman will help.”

  “I’m not sure if I can help you, but I am willing to listen.” Bella reached over and patted Misha’s hand.

  “He did get me and he stabbed me.” Misha’s voice hitched as her hand went to her side. “But I fought that bastard off. I smashed him in the nose, which slowed him down. Spence and Clay tracked me through my cell phone, which was thankfully in my pocket instead of my purse. The sicko heard the sirens coming and took off. Cooper, Tanner, Kent, and Dawson searched for him, but he was able to elude them. The car he was driving was stolen and found a few days later. It had been wiped clean.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “You don’t need to be sorry. It scares me to death knowing that psycho is still out there, could take and kill another woman at any moment.”

  “Me, too.”

  Misha shivered. “He said he’d be back for me.”

  Bella’s heart flipped and her stomach lurched. She slid from the stool when she saw Misha tremble and walked around the counter to offer her new friend some support. She wrapped her arm around Misha’s shoulders and squeezed.

  “I couldn’t give them a description other than height, weight, and hair color,” Misha whispered.

  “That’s better than nothing. At least the guys have something to go on.”

  Misha snorted. “Jasmine had already figured out that stuff except for the hair and eye color, and she hasn’t even seen the bastard.”

  “It’s her job, and from what I’ve heard, she’s the best profiler in the country.”

  “She is,” Misha confirmed. “He was wearing a scary clown mask, and although he was disguising his voice, it was familiar somehow. I just can’t pinpoint where I’ve heard it before.”

  “Did you break his nose?” Bella asked.

  “I don’t know, but I hit him hard enough to make him bleed. Clay called Ken, my last boss at the Pahaska Tepee Resort, to give him a heads-up. He asked Ken to call him if any of the employees called in sick or turned up to work with a swollen, bruised nose or bruises beneath his eyes. Ken never made that call.”

  “Well, that has to be a relief,” Bella said.

  “Why do you say that?”

  “Because it has to mean that none of the people you work with are psychopathic serial killers.”

  “Not necessarily,” Misha said and continued when Bella quirked a brow at her. “A lot of contractors are called to work at the resort occasionally, plus there are the delivery drivers.”


  “Exactly.” Misha nodded toward the stools, and they both skirted the counter and sat down. “On a more pleasant note, what’s going on between you, Dawson, and Kent?”

  “To be honest, I’m not sure.” Bella glanced away.

  “Huh! You’re lying.”

  “I am not.”

  “Oh, yes you are.”

  “Actually, I’m not.”

  “They’re attracted to you,” Misha stated. “And you’re attracted to them.”

  “I am, but…” Bella shrugged.

  “But what?”

  “I don’t know what they want.” She threw her hands up in the air. “For all I know they could just want sex from me, and then where would I be?”

  “A very happy woman,” Misha said just as Bella took a sip of her water. She sprayed water everywhere and then began to choke. She coughed and gasped with tears streaming from her eyes. Misha laughed until she was crying. “Sorry.” She giggled.

  “Thank God the food is covered.” Bella hopped off the stool, grabbed some paper towels, and began soaking up the water.

  “Everything all right in here?” Dawson asked as he came back in the door with the empty meat platters.

  “We’re good.” Misha grinned and winked at Bella. Bella had to swallow back her laugh. Dawson eyed them suspiciously as he placed the plates in the sink and then washed his hands.

  “It won’t be long before the meat’s ready. I thought since it was such a nice day, we would eat out on the back deck.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” Misha jumped to her feet and began to gather up the full salad bowls. Bella stood to do the same. She was about to pick up a second bowl but didn’t get the chance because Dawson snatched the one she was already holding.

  “I thought I told you to rest.”

  “Dawson, stop treating me like an invalid. I may have sore feet and stitches in my hand, but I can still do stuff.”

  “I’m just trying to look out for you.”

  Bella sighed but nodded. He was staring at her so intently she had to glance away. He placed the bowl of tossed salad back on the counter and stepped closer before nudging her gaze back to his. “Kent and I care about you, Isabella. We hated seeing you hurt and sick.” There was a wealth of sincerity in his voice and his hazel eyes, but there was also something more.

  How long they stood there in the kitchen gazing into each other’s eyes, she had no idea, but she couldn’t make herself look away. Dawson slowly lifted his hand up to her cheek, and then he was bending toward her.

  He wrapped an arm around her waist before tugging her up tight against his body. And then his mouth was on hers.

  Bella gasped, giving him an advantage he immediately took when her lips parted and he licked into her mouth. He kissed her deeply, wildly, passionately, and she couldn’t stop the moan in her chest from coming out of her mouth. He growled as he lifted her until she was sitting on the counter and nudged her legs apart before stepping between them. She was so lost in his taste, his warmth, and his scent she felt as if she was drowning. She wasn’t even aware someone had come back inside until she heard them clearing their throat loudly. Bella broke the kiss and pressed her forehead against Dawson’s chest to hide her burning cheeks.

  “What’s up?” Dawson asked in a hoarse voice.

  “Uh, sorry to interrupt, but Misha sent me in to get the silverware,” Clay said.

  “I’ll bring it. You can take that bowl of salad.”

  “Sure.” Bella heard the scrape of the bowl as it was lifted from the counter and then footsteps heading toward the sliding glass door. “Can you bring out some more beer, and wine for the women?”

  Bella didn’t hear Dawson reply, but when she felt his muscles flex, she figured he’d nodded.

  “Look at me, baby,” he demanded.

  Bella slowly lifted her gaze to his. “We’re not anywhere near done here. Okay?”

  She nodded even though she wasn’t sure what he meant. He lifted her from the counter, and she got the silverware from the drawer while he got the drinks, and then they both headed outside.

  “Do you like your new job?” Bella asked Misha as the food was passed around.

  “Actually, I do.”

  “You sound surprised by that.”

  “I am a little.” Misha shrugged. “I loved working at the resort, but after…” She shook her head. “I didn’t feel safe there anymore.”

  Spence caressed a hand over Misha’s head and down her back. “We won’t let anything happen to you, honey.”

  Misha smiled up at him. “I know.” She turned to meet Bella’s gaze. “What about you? Do you like working at the Chamber of Commerce?”

  “I love it.” Bella grinned. “We’re always busy planning events in and around town.”

  “What’s next on the agenda, darlin’?” Kent asked.

  “Well, you probably already know, but every Thursday is the farmers’ market. We have a book signing on Friday at the bookstore, and then there’s the WOC party at Buffalo Bill’s between six and eight that night.”

� Misha gaped. “You probably hardly have time to stop and breathe.”

  “It definitely feels like that some days.”

  “I’ll bet,” Clay said.

  “I love that the town has women of all colors and walks of life getting together. If only they did that sort of thing in the city, maybe then there wouldn’t be so many people walking around with prejudices,” Misha said.

  “Yeah, the world would definitely be a better place. I hate bigots.”

  “I hear ya, sister.” Misha smiled. “I was worried about that when Clay, Spence, and I started dating, but no one has said a mean word to us and we aren’t hiding the fact that we’re in a relationship.”

  “That’s good,” Bella murmured.

  “Yes, it is,” Dawson said as his gaze met hers.

  This time Bella was able to determine what his hazel eyes were trying to portray. There was determination and desire in the blazing hazel orbs, which had her heart stuttering and the breath backing up in her lungs. She glanced over at Kent to see the same intent in his blue eyes. Bella quickly lowered her head and tried to concentrate on eating, and though the food had tasted amazing when she’d first started eating, for some reason everything she put in her mouth after seeing those lust-filled gazes tasted bland. She shifted in her seat, trying to get the seam of her jeans away from her now engorged, aching clit, but moving only seemed to compound the situation. The thick seam seemed to press harder into her pussy, and with each rapid beat of her heart, the throbbing in her sex became more intense. Her undies were soaked. There was also the fact that her nipples had hardened to the point of pain, and though she wished she could cover her chest and hide her reaction from everyone at the table, she didn’t want to draw attention to her predicament.

  When they’d finished eating, the four men began to collect the leftover food and dishes to take inside. Bella tensed, ready to help, but relaxed again when Kent pressed down gently on her shoulder and then gave it a squeeze.

  “That was intense.” Misha giggled before taking a sip of her wine.

  “What was?” Bella asked, hoping that by playing clueless her new friend would drop the subject, but she should have known better. Especially after the other woman’s perception earlier in the kitchen regarding her, Dawson, and Kent.

  “Those looks they gave you were so full of heat.” Misha fanned her hand in front of her face, and the smile curving her lips grew bigger before she licked the tip of her finger and pointed it toward one of Bella’s cheeks without actually touching her, and then she made a hissing sound.

  Bella’s face heated, and though she tried to stop the giggle building in her chest from developing, she failed.

  “They’re good men, Bella. They’ll take care of you.”

  Bella sighed and nodded. She had no qualms that Dawson and Kent would take care of her. What worried her the most was that the longer she spent in their presence, the more she liked them. The urge to be with them was getting stronger the more she got to know them, and though she wasn’t scared of them, she was scared of her own feelings. Not because she was a virgin, but because she had a feeling she was well on the way to falling in love with them and she had no idea how they felt about her.

  Chapter Eight

  Kent wrapped his arm around Bella’s waist as they saw Misha, Clay, and Spence off, and he was pleased when she leaned her body into his. He glanced down when he heard her sigh and wondered if she was tired. She had every right to be after what she’d endured the last couple of days, and though he wanted to make sure she was well rested, now that their visitors had left, he was hoping to get some quality alone time with her.

  “You okay, darlin’?”

  She glanced up to meet his gaze. “I’m good. I really like Misha and her men.”

  “Hadn’t you met Clay and Spence before?” Dawson asked as he moved a little closer to Bella.


  “How did you meet Tanner and Cooper?” Kent asked when he remembered the familiarity with which she’d spoken to them at the sheriff’s office.

  “They’ve been to the Chamber of Commerce a few times.” Bella shrugged and then shivered.

  “Let’s get you inside, darlin’.” Kent gently turned, taking Bella with him, and then guided her back into the house.

  “Are you cold, baby?” Dawson frowned.

  “Not really.” Bella sank down onto the sofa next to Kent. “The air outside is cooler than in the house.”

  Dawson turned toward the entertainment unit, and when he squatted down to select a movie, Kent glanced at Bella. He had to bite the inside of his cheek when he saw her ogling his friend’s ass, but when she licked her lips, he couldn’t contain the moan in his chest from escaping his parted lips. Bella whipped her head around toward him, and he couldn’t help being entranced with her beauty and shyness as pink crept up her neck and cheeks.

  His cock had been hard for what felt like days on end, and though he wasn’t sure Bella was ready for the next step in their courting, Kent just couldn’t seem to help himself. He shifted closer, wrapped an arm around her shoulders, and cupped her chin in his hand so she couldn’t look away from him. He slowly lowered his head, giving her plenty of time to pull away, but she remained still, their gazes still locked together.

  Kent breached the distance between their mouths and kissed her lightly, testing the waters. When she whimpered and her lips parted, he had the go-ahead he’d been waiting for and slanted his mouth over hers, taking the kiss deeper.

  He licked into her mouth, swallowing her gasp, and then his groan joined her moan as their tongues danced, twirled, and rubbed along each other. She turned toward him, one of her hands landing on his chest, and they devoured each other.

  When he felt her tense, he opened his eyes slightly to see that Dawson was now sitting beside her. His friend brushed her hair away from her neck, over one shoulder, and began to lick and nibble on her flesh.

  Bella broke their kiss, sucked in a deep breath, and exhaled loudly as her eyes fluttered open. Her green-eyed gaze was hazy with passion, and her cheeks were even more flushed than they had been earlier. Her lids drifted closed when Dawson scraped his teeth along the sensitive tendon below her ear before licking his way back up and sucking on her earlobe.

  “What are you doing to me?” Bella asked breathlessly.

  Kent decided it was time to lay things out on the table. “We want you, Bella. We want to have a relationship with you.”

  Dawson released the lobe he’d been sucking on and met Kent’s gaze. His friend looked as tense as he felt as they both waited for a response from her.

  “Why me?” Bella straightened in her seat and then rose. She paced away from the sofa before turning back to face them both. “I’m nothing special. You probably have had, and could have, any woman you wanted by clicking your fingers. You’re both very handsome men in your prime.”

  Kent shoved to his feet and stalked over to her. He stopped a couple of feet from her and framed her face in the palms of his hands. “Yes, unfortunately we are experienced with the opposite sex, but that has allowed us to know what we want in a woman. You’re it for us, darlin’.”

  “How can you say that?” Bella frowned. “You barely even know me.”

  “That’s not true,” Dawson said as he stood and walked over to stand next to Kent.

  Bella shook her head after Kent released her face. She took a step back and crossed her arms beneath her breasts. Kent bit back a groan when those feminine globes were plumped up even more. He licked his lips when he made out the shadow of her cleavage at the edge of her shirt. When she cleared her throat, he met her gaze again and gave her a chagrined look at being caught drooling over her body, but then he remembered what had snapped his control when he’d started kissing her.

  “Don’t look at me like that, darlin’. I wasn’t the only one appreciating body parts. I saw you doing it earlier.” Kent pointed his finger at her and winked.

  Her face turned a deep shade of pink as she glance
d over at Dawson and then back to him. Dawson nudged his arm and raised an eyebrow in query.

  “She was checking out your ass when you were picking out a movie.”

  “Kent!” Bella scowled at him, but he could tell by the trembling of her lips and the gleam in her eyes that she was trying not to laugh.

  The frown on Dawson’s face changed to a smile as he stared at Bella.

  “Can we get back to the point?” Bella asked.

  Kent let her change the subject, for now, but he had every intention of getting back to it.

  “We were attracted to you from the beginning, baby,” Dawson began to explain.

  “And though the circumstances under which we met weren’t ideal, you were attracted to us, too,” Kent said.

  “I was?”

  Kent knew by the grimace on her face she hadn’t meant to ask that question, but he decided to run with it. “Yes, you were. We can tell when a woman is interested in us, Bella, and if you hadn’t been hurting, we would have made a move on you the first time we set eyes on you. However, you were hurting physically and emotionally, and we didn’t want to add to your stress.”

  “We won’t hurt you, baby,” Dawson said earnestly. “If that’s what has you hesitating.”

  “I know you would never hurt me physically and maybe not even intentionally emotionally, but if—and that’s a very big if—I agreed to try a relationship with you and gave you what you wanted, what would happen to me if I didn’t live up to your standards?”

  “What do you mean by our standards, darlin’?” Kent frowned.

  “I—I’m not v-very experienced with the opposite sex,” Bella said quietly. “What if I’m not what you want, what you need?”

  “You don’t need to worry about that, baby,” Dawson said. “We’d only have ourselves to blame if we weren’t satisfied physically.”


  Kent shook his head. “Dawson’s right, darlin’. If there is anything lacking, it would be our own fault.”

  Bella shook her head and frowned. “I thought that it was the woman’s fault if things weren’t…if there was a question of physical compatibility.”


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