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Unbroken -Part Two - A Second Chance at Love Romance: The Collective - Season 1, Episode 6

Page 15

by Riley Edwards

  “Hi mom,” JJ said when he noticed me.

  “Hey, bud. Whatcha guys reading?” I asked.

  “Dad found one of his old books, Chronicles of Narnia, and he said we could read it. It’s super long so he said only one chapter a night.”

  Dad. Sigh.

  “That’s great. Which one did you start with?”

  “The Magician’s Nephew. It’s awesome,” JJ answered.

  I walked the rest of the way into the room, closing JJ’s curtains before I stopped at his bed and kissed his forehead.

  “Sweet dreams, bud. See you in the morning.”

  “Okay, mom. I love you.”

  “Love you too, JJ.”

  I was almost to the door when Reid’s words stopped me. “Hey, Ava?”

  “Yeah.” I turned around.

  “I’ll be another 20 minutes. You should take a bath and relax,” Reid weirdly said.

  A bath? What do I stink? “I already had a shower,” I reminded him.

  “I know, but a bath will be nice and relaxing. Restful even. You should definitely go rest.” He winked and went back to reading.

  He was obviously trying to talk in some sort of code, but my tired mind couldn’t begin to comprehend what he was trying to suggest.

  The moment I walked into our bedroom and shut the door I started to peel off my clothes. The bed was calling my name. I contemplated not even brushing my teeth but thought better of it. That was just gross.

  When I walked into the master bathroom I fully understood why Reid had suggested a bath. He had lit candles all over the bathroom. There was water already in the tub with a thick layer of bubbles foaming at the top, and the scent of my favorite gardenia bath oil filled the room. Suddenly the bed wasn’t so appealing.

  I loved this man.

  Chapter Seventeen



  “Goodnight, little man.”

  “Night, Dad,” JJ replied.

  That would never get old, hearing JJ call me dad. When he was first talking about wanting me to be his dad, I was beyond happy. But, I never actually thought about what it would feel like to have him call me dad. In some twisted way, I was happy he had started calling me dad now. Before Melody found out who I was and started calling me dad. It felt right, that the first person to ever use that name was JJ. Melody might be my blood, but JJ was my heart.

  I was scared to death to actually meet Melody. She was my daughter but there was no connection there. I felt like an ass even saying that. Shouldn’t a parent feel some sort of instant connection or bond with their own child? Sure, I felt an instant protectiveness come over me when I found out, but other than that nothing. And that scared the shit out of me. I hoped like hell that changed as we got to know her.

  I still hadn’t called Damion or Mac. I needed their help in figuring out what Valerie had been up to the last five years and where Ivory and Kevin fit in. I had a bad feeling. Not about Ivory, I knew he would never harm Valerie, and especially not a child. I simply wondered how long he had been in my daughter’s life.

  Kevin, now, he worried me. Valerie had said that Kevin hadn’t hurt them, but the marks on his face gave me pause. I had no idea where Valerie worked, who took care of Melody, if Valerie had any family. Holy shit, there was so much I didn’t know it was overwhelming.

  “Hey, Dad.” JJ pulled me from my thoughts.

  “Right here, bud.”

  “You sure my sister will like me?” he asked.

  “Absolutely. She will love you. You know, every little girl needs a big brother.”

  “Why is that? Mama doesn’t have a big brother.”

  “She doesn’t and she totally missed out. Every little girl should have a big brother to watch out for her and protect her.”

  “Do you think I’ll be good at protecting her?”

  “Yep. You’ll be great at it. You are a good kid, JJ. You are growing into a strong and respectable young man. I am very proud of you.”

  “Can I ask you one more thing?” JJ looked like he had something heavy on his mind.


  “Do you think that my dad Jacob would be proud of me too?”

  “First, he is just dad, not your dad Jacob. You always call him just dad. Hearing you call him dad will never hurt my feelings, you understand that?” JJ nodded his head in understanding. “Good. Because buddy, he will always be your dad, too. I respect and honor his place in your life; he is a part of you. He always will be. And you know what, son? I love that part of you. He gave you some of your best qualities. He gave you his strong sense of right and wrong, and his bravery and selflessness. He gave you all the tools you need to grow up to be a good strong man. So, I would say, yes, JJ, he is proud of you.”

  “You give me good stuff too,” JJ told me.

  “Pleased that you think so, buddy. I know you miss your dad; your mom misses him, too. And that’s okay, because I will never try and take his place. I can’t. But what I can try and do is be the man that you both love and respect. Be the man that helps ease that pain for you both. And I promise you JJ, I will always do my best to be a good dad to you.”

  “You are a good dad. Melody is lucky.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “Because she has the best dad in the world, and she doesn’t even know it. And she’ll have Mama too. And no offense to Melody’s mom. But I have the best mom that ever lived.”

  “You are not wrong, son. Hands down you have the best mom in the history of moms. And you know what makes you such a great kid? That at ten years old you recognize the fact that your mom is great.” I placed a kiss on the top of JJ’s head. “You need to get to sleep. If you have a hard time waking up in the morning your mom is gonna kick my as…. butt.”

  “Okay. I’ll wake up on time.”

  You’d think after that conversation with JJ I would feel better about my ability to be a good dad to Melody, but it only made me feel worse. I was fucking scared I would let JJ down, and Melody too. I wish that this was something I could talk to Ava about, but I was too Goddamn embarrassed to admit out loud that I didn’t feel anything for my own child. Shit, that made me a royal asshole.

  I went in search of Ava, hoping she’d enjoyed her bath. The last week, albeit uneventful by way of kidnappings and death, was still stressful for her. She visited Suzie at the hospital almost every day and was back at the café trying to relieve some of the pressure off Laura.

  True to Ava’s word, she baked her ass off and I took her to the club house so she could deliver four dozen dark chocolate raspberry cupcakes. It was hysterical to watch my prim and proper woman bouncing around a one-percenter biker club house like it was a PTA meeting. She strutted her ass around, passing out cupcakes, hugging Damion, Blaze, and Trig. If memory serves me, she even kissed Blaze on his bearded cheek and thanked him. My poor brother stood there helpless as Ava announced in a room full of members that Damion got cupcakes for life since he saved her. Damion looked like he was ready to throw her ass out of his club house. However, when no one was watching, his lips tipped up and a ghost of a smile appeared. It was only for a second, but it was there.

  Ava was also going above and beyond with April. They spoke every day. Ava even went with April for her ultrasound. She had been strong for April but came home and cried her eyes out in bed that night. All I could do was wrap her up and give her whatever strength I could.

  Next week was going to be another big hit for my family. We had Rick’s memorial service. And it was the anniversary of Jacob’s murder. Mac was already becoming edgy and short in preparation for his and Ava’s visit to the gravesite. Ava told me she was prepared to talk to Mac and work things out. She didn’t elaborate and that was okay. I’d watch and wait, and wade in if necessary. Hopefully she could sort this shit out, because it was killing both of them.

  I found my woman still in the bath, head back on some plastic bath pillow, her eyes closed. Damn she was stunning. All the bubbles had dissolved leaving
a clear view of her gorgeous body. I don’t know what I did to deserve all of this beauty in my life, and I wasn’t going to question it. I knew better than to look a gift horse in the mouth. I was simply going to take it and cherish every last second.

  As much as I could stand and stare at my woman soaking in a tub naked all night, I had plans for her. Plans which required a bed and me having access to her pussy.

  “You relaxed, sweetheart?” I asked.


  I guess that was a yes. I grabbed a towel and stood next to the tub.

  “Time to get out.”

  “Five more minutes,” she replied. And she wondered where JJ got that from.

  “Nope. I have plans for you.”

  “Alright.” She opened her eyes and stared up at me with so much love it took my breath away.

  Yeah, there was nothing in this lifetime I could’ve done to begin to deserve all that love being directed at me. There was nothing I could ever give her that would come close to the gifts she has given me.

  She took my outstretched hand and stood up. Uncaring that water was dripping all over the tile floor, she waited for me to hand her the towel while I took in every inch of her.

  Without a word, I dried Ava off. Starting at her feet, I worked my way up her sexy toned legs, her soft belly, her fantastic tits, slender neck and shoulders. I motioned for her to turn around and she gave me her back. All that flawless skin begging for my lips to skim down her spine. Two indentations graced the small of her back, right above her firm ass. She had a great ass, full and tight, more than enough for me to hold on to when she was riding me.

  After I toweled her off I walked her to the bed and she got on. Laid out before me was a visual feast. My eyes roamed her body as I contemplated where I was going to start. I glanced at her sensitive belly button remembering how crazy she gets when I kiss her there. And further up to her full tits. The last time I started there she orgasmed before I could even touch her pussy. Then I found it, my starting point for this evening.

  I peeled my clothes off and watched her eyes go wide as she appreciated my naked body. I worked hard to keep in shape. It pleased me to no end that she couldn’t keep her eyes and hands off me. I climbed on the bed, Ava’s legs spreading, making room for me to nestle in between them. I honed in on the beautiful slope of her neck and placed a small kiss on her collar bone. Starting on one side, I trailed kisses over the hollow of her throat to the other side.

  Her head tilted back at the same time she tipped her hips up. I took my time and savored every kiss, each touch of my lips to her skin. My girl was getting soft and sweet tonight. I was going to draw this out as long as I could.

  Her impatience grew and her sounds became needier and needier. She was grinding into me, trying to use my cock to bring herself off. So, fucking hot my woman trying to masturbate herself against my cock.

  “You ready, sweet girl?” I finally broke the silence.

  “More than,” she moaned.

  With my cock at her slick opening, I took her mouth in a bruising kiss, giving her no time to adjust as I pushed myself into her heat.

  “Ava,” I breathed once I was fully inside.

  With her legs wrapped around my hips she lifted herself trying to get me to move.

  “Slow, sweetheart. Tonight, I want to give you slow.”

  I watched her face as I slowly moved in and out of her. Her beautiful whiskey eyes glassed over, her pouty lips making a silent O.

  “So pretty, Ava. You are so damn beautiful.”

  “I love you, Reid,” she whispered.

  Her words were almost my undoing. I couldn’t get enough. When she told me she loved me, I felt it. I knew she meant those words deep in her soul.

  Ava was tightening around me, making it hard for me to keep a steady rhythm. The sensation of her pussy squeezing my cock was sensational. Best fucking feeling in the world.

  As much as I didn’t want this to end, the tingling in my balls had started. If I didn’t hurry up and get her off, I would leave her behind. I doubled my efforts giving her hard-deep thrusts.

  “You’re close, sweetheart. Let go.”

  “Baby,” she called out, and I went rigid. She never called me baby, ever. She didn’t like me calling her baby either.

  “What’s wrong, Reid?” she asked as my pace faltered.

  I didn’t answer. I tried to push the word from my brain and keep going. I was too close. She had to catch up.

  I pushed in deep and she let out a scream.

  “Come on, Ava, I’m there. I wanna feel you come around my cock, take me with you sweetheart. Come for me.”

  She started to come, the pulsations in her pussy, detonated my orgasm. There was no stopping it, no time to let her enjoy hers before mine took over.

  “I love you, I love you, I love you,” Ava chanted as we both came together.

  Pure bliss.

  I gave her my weight for a minute while I kissed her, making sure she understood how I much I loved her back.

  I rolled to the side, taking her with me, tucking her in close. Ava threw her arm over my gut and gently rubbed the side of my stomach with her thumb. She did this every night. Tucked in close and rubbed my side. I fucking loved it. Loved her close, loved her touching me, loved falling asleep knowing she would be in the same place the next morning when we woke up.

  Yeah, Zane Lewis was right. I was a pussy whipped, ex-man card holder. And I was more than good with that.

  “I love you, beautiful girl.”

  She didn’t answer for a minute, and just when I was going to see if she was awake, she asked, “Everything okay? Umm, I mean, you looked freaked out for a minute. Did I do something wrong?”

  “God, no. You did nothing wrong. Honestly, I was a little taken aback when you called me ‘baby,’ that’s all. I called you baby one time at the safe house, and you made it pretty clear you didn’t like that word.”

  She blew out a breath and pulled away from me. I was getting ready to grab her and pull her back when she sat astride me. I cracked a smile. My woman was quick to learn when we were having a serious talk I wanted her touching me. I never wanted any distance between us.

  “I’m sorry about that. I should’ve explained it better then, and maybe I should’ve talked to you about it again before I just blurted it out.” I put both my hands on her thighs and gently grazed her skin with my fingertips. “When you called me, ‘Ava baby’ the first time, it felt like a betrayal. Jacob called me that. I hadn’t heard that name in so long that when you said it I freaked out.” Ava stopped for a minute and placed her hands on my stomach, tracing the muscles there. “Since then, I realized it’s not a betrayal. That Jacob would want me happy, and cared for. JJ too. I also realized that Jacob would be happy it’s you. Now, the whole freak out over you calling me ‘Ava baby’ seems so silly. I’m sorry, Reid. It doesn’t bother me anymore. You fixed it, you fixed me.”

  I didn’t know what to say to that. I did however know that it felt good. We sat there in silence. Looking at one another, each of us gently stroking the other. Her naked on top of me, my hands itching to grab and massage her bare tits, suck and bite her nipples as she bounced on top of me. Suddenly a memory hit me from Doc Chesterfield’s office. This was exactly what I had seen in my mind’s eye that morning. Even though I had come only moments before, my cock started to lengthen and harden under her pussy.

  “Already?” she asked in shock.

  I had really good recovery time with Ava, but this time it was damn impressive.

  “Oh yeah. I’ve changed my mind. I want soft and sweet, and hard and rough.”

  A wicked smile played across her lip. “Is that right?” she teased.

  Gone was my shy Ava. She was absolutely wild in bed, loved to talk dirty to me, and loved it even more when I talked to her.

  “That’s right, Ava. So are you gonna ride my cock or should I bend you over?”

  “Can I have both?” she asked.

� I said as she took ahold of my cock giving me a firm tug.

  “You love it when I’m greedy. You love when I can’t get enough of your cock.” Her sultry voice hit my ears ratcheting up my excitement.

  She positioned my cock at her pussy and slammed down on me, placing her hand on my chest to help her keep her balance as she pushed herself up and down.

  “Lean forward. I want your tits in my mouth. Don’t fuck around, Ava, if you wanna come this way you better take it fast.”

  The moment I took her nipple in my mouth her moan filled the room, and she rocked harder and faster on my cock. My eyes rolled back as the intensity grew and she started to orgasm.

  “More,” she whined.

  I sucked harder on her nipple and flexed my ass pushing deeper.

  “So, fucking good, sweetheart.” I moved to her other nipple and gave that one a sharp bite before I licked away the sting.

  “Oh God, Reid.”

  When she started to slow her pace, I reached around grabbing her ass and helped her grind into me harder.

  “I’m coming,” she gasped.

  Yeah, she was. I could feel it. I had to do multiplication in my head to stop myself from coming with her. The moment I felt the pulsing stop, I pulled her off me and put her on her knees.

  “This is gonna be hard. Push back on the headboard and brace. I’m gonna fuck the hell out of you.”

  She did as I suggested and braced against the headboard. This was Ava’s favorite position, which was perfect because it drove me crazy having a perfect view of her ass. There was something particularly sexy watching her tits bounce and sway every time I pounded into her.

  As soon as I pushed my cock in she started rocking back against me. Her beautiful blonde hair cascading down her back, almost reaching those dimples at the small of her back. My hand roamed her back brushing her hair off to one side so I could lick her neck.

  “Turn your head, I want your mouth.”

  She did as I asked and licked my bottom lip before sucking it in her mouth. Fucking hell. She was killing me. For someone who told me she wasn’t very sexually experienced, she sure could make me blow my load faster than I wanted to admit.


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