Red (Siren Publishing Menage Amour)

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Red (Siren Publishing Menage Amour) Page 15

by Eden French

  Celeste knew if she continued like this much longer, he would surely lose his control. Zev yanked her back by her hair, and she released her grip. He pulled her to a standing position. Zev drew her into him, his mouth and tongue invading where his cock had just been.

  Celeste melted into his arms. She was overcome with a sense of peace, a sense of belonging, as Zev dominated her physically, enveloping her entirely in his energy. She gasped loudly. She knew that her love for Calen was still there, strong and burning for him, but she could no longer deny Zev was a part of her existence. She belonged with him like the moon belonged with the sun, two halves of a completed system.

  * * * *

  Zev unbuttoned Celeste’s jeans with haste. Unable to control his wolf any longer, he knelt in front of Celeste and yanked down the pants in one rough motion. Celeste kicked off her flats and stepped out of them without hesitation. Still on his knees, Zev tucked the tips of his fingers into the top of Celeste’s black lace panties and rubbed along the edge. He carefully pulled on the fabric.

  Zev’s face was so close to her pussy he could nearly taste it. Her scent washed over him in heated waves. A wet spot soaked into the thin panties and he clenched his jaw, all his muscles tightening as he leaned in close. He yanked the undergarments from her body, tossing them to the ground, and inhaled deeply, his nose buried in the neatly groomed hair that covered her more sensitive parts.

  Her aroma drove Zev wild. His cock jumped as the sweet, pungent perfume wafted out from between her thighs and completely covered his being.

  “Oh, God, Celeste,” he whispered. “You smell so sweet…I want to taste you. Please give yourself to me.”

  Celeste separated her legs so she was standing open to him. Her sticky honey dripped from her hot cunt and trailed down the top inner part of her thigh.

  Zev was immediately there to catch it. Celeste jumped as he plunged his head into the crook of her groin, his mouth greedily lapping up the cum that came from her.

  Celeste’s hand found Zev’s head. She ran her fingers through his hair before clenching a fair amount in each fist and began pulling him up to where she wanted his tongue.

  Zev understood. He turned his head and thrust his face into her delicious cunt. His tongue took long, slow strokes up and down her pussy, his nose bumping up against her engorged clit as he moved.

  * * * *

  Celeste jolted each time the swollen organ was nudged. It sent sparks of fire down her legs, up her torso, straight into the pleasure center of her brain. She threw her head back in ecstasy. Zev’s tongue felt amazing in its repetitive dance against the knob between her legs that grew larger and harder with each swipe. Celeste felt a flood of moisture collect at her opening in response.

  “Zev,” Celeste cried as she felt her body suddenly rise to release. “I want to feel you inside me. Please tell me you have protection because I don’t think I’ll be satisfied until I have your cock deep inside me, until I feel you fill me up totally, fucking me with everything you are.”

  Zev growled into her center before pulling his face away from her pussy. His breathing was ragged, untamed. It drove Celeste wild. She wanted him.

  Zev found his wallet in his pants and dug through it, eventually producing a square foil packet. He ripped it open and rolled it onto his throbbing erection. She couldn’t wait for him to plunge himself into her. Zev tugged Celeste down to his level. She fell to her knees and looked into his eyes.

  “I want to feel myself inside you, Ms. Wolfe. I want you to come around me so hard you lose yourself to me.”

  He leaned and pressed his lips against hers. Celeste responded in kind. Suddenly, Zev grabbed her by the waist and turned her around. Her hands fell forward and kept her from hitting the tree house floor. She looked up behind her and watched Zev placed both of his hands on her firm, round ass, taking in the view. He shuddered. She was dripping wet, her scent was thick in the air, her nether lips swollen and spread apart with arousal.

  Please be rough with me!

  “Fuck me, Zev,” Celeste begged. “Fuck me hard. Fuck me like you’d fuck my wolf.”

  Zev didn’t need another invitation. He plunged into her pussy in one smooth movement, passing through her opening with only a bit of resistance.

  Oh God, he’s so big!

  Even through the latex barrier, Celeste could feel his heated cock as it speared deep into her. She adjusted her legs wider, and raised her ass higher to accommodate his girth as he pushed deeper still. Zev’s fingers dug into her hips, his hands pulling her onto him in short, rough bursts.

  Celeste released a choked grunt with each movement. She could feel herself tighten more and more around him with each impalement, practically milking his orgasm out of him.

  She was building quickly. Celeste was surprised at how responsive her body was to him. The slightest touch sent her whirling, never mind the exquisite pounding he now gave her.

  “Yes,” Celeste said, breathless. “Yes, yes, yes.”

  She grit her teeth as the orgasm pushed rhythmically up to her brain, climbing higher and higher until she thought she would go mad in the desire.

  Zev sensed her climb. He reached around her body and played with her clit, rolling it around with two fingers, making sure she would feel the orgasm from both the inside and out.

  “I can’t hold on any longer, Zev,” she panted, desperate to give in to her release.

  “Then let go,” Zev said playing with her, his fingers swiping her hardened clit at a furious pace, his cock impaling her from behind. “Let go and I’ll catch you.”

  Celeste let herself go, and with one more shift in position to ensure Zev’s cock was as deep as it could physically get, she reached the apex of a very long and intense orgasm that seemed to both pulse and radiate, come in waves and hit explosions as she became consumed in the feeling behind the response.

  * * * *

  Zev felt her come around him, above him, and in front of him. Unable to restrain any longer, he finally released into her, his cock jutting and thrusting into her opening for what seemed like too long to be humanly possible. His senses went on overdrive. He was completely consumed by the way she sounded, the way she smelled, the way she tasted…all of it. He felt the sensations only an alpha would know of his true mate. Zev knelt there and was lost in a dream, trapped in his own realm of pleasure, amid the tree branches and worn boards that held them together in their sensual ecstasy.

  He knew his union with her was binding. She was the one.

  He knew she could feel it, too, as her body continued to twitch and jerk in the last aftershocks of her orgasm. He was hers. But what would she make of it, and how she would reconcile this with Calen? Zev had no idea. In that moment, he didn’t even care.

  Celeste bowed her head and looked down. Zev’s hands still firmly gripped her hips. He would not let her go, not now.

  Not ever.

  * * * *

  Celeste was positive she would never let Zev go.

  Zev was her air.

  “I don’t know what I’m going to do about Calen,” Celeste whispered when her breathing returned to normal. Zev slowly pulled out of her and sat back on his feet. Celeste turned and sat on her backside, bringing her knees to her chest. “Zev, I can’t leave him. I love him.”

  “I know,” Zev replied.

  “But, it’s been made vividly clear I cannot ignore us, what’s between us, either.” The words were barely audible. Zev waited hesitantly. “I…I need some time to figure this out.”

  Zev nodded. “I can give you time. What I’m not sure I can give you is space. Celeste, we’ve bonded. My mind, my body, everything will yearn to be with you.”

  “Can we be discreet?” Celeste asked. She didn’t even argue. She knew what Zev was talking about. She had already been drawn to him. Now, that magnetism emphasized her need. “At least for a few weeks while I figure this out with Calen. Oh God, Zev, I love him so much.”

  Tears sprang forth, and Celeste covered her face
with her hands as she released them into her palms. Zev was immediately at her side comforting her.

  “It’ll be okay. We’ll figure it out together.”

  At any other moment, Celeste might have construed that comment as suffocating. But, in that moment, in Zev’s arms, she couldn’t have imaged anything else to be more right.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The next morning, Celeste’s phone rang. She and Zev had slept in the tree house curled up together under some old blankets that had been stored there. Celeste pushed Zev’s arm off from her chest and sat up. He stirred and wrapped it around her waist, pulling her close into him.

  “Zev, the phone. It’s Calen.”

  Zev opened his eyes and released Celeste. She dug around their pile of clothes and fished her phone from her back pants pocket. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath before answering the call.


  “Celeste? I went to your apartment this morning, but Heather said you had left for your parents’ house? Is everything okay? Are you okay?” His voice held a tone of genuine worry.

  Celeste’s heart ached.

  “Calen, hi. Everything’s fine…well, I mean, it’s not fine, it’s…” Zev placed his hand on Celeste’s shoulder. His touch immediately calmed her. It brought her back into her center. “What I mean is, I am feeling better, but I had to make a quick trip home. I had something important to talk about with my mother.”

  “You just drove six hours after fainting? Celeste, I wish you would’ve told me you needed to get home. I’d gladly have missed practice this morning and driven you.”

  “Oh, I know that, Calen. I just didn’t want you to have to do that. You always take such good care of me, and I didn’t want you to sacrifice practice. I know how important that is to you. Besides, I made it fine, and I’m feeling well. The whole fainting bit I think was just a freak thing.”

  “Believe me, I’d have much rather missed practice than deal with what I’ve had to deal with this morning. I mean, a few of the guys are already out sick, and a few more got sick on the field. Coach called the practice. Zev was a no-show today, so Coach sent me to go find him and see if he got what the others got. So, I head back to the house, and he’s nowhere to be found, car’s gone, too. Then, I stopped by your place and you’re not there! Thank goodness Heather was home to let me know what was up. I was starting to think everyone was disappearing on me.”

  Celeste bit her lip. She squeezed her eyes tight as Calen went into detail about his morning. He continued.

  “I just wished you would have let me know. I was worried, that’s all.”

  “Calen, I’m really sorry. I left right after we spoke last night. It was a last-minute decision. I’m so sorry to not have called you, really, I am. I guess I was just thinking I didn’t want you to worry about it for no reason.”

  “Celeste, you are a very good reason. I don’t want you to take this the wrong way because I don’t want you to feel like I’m trying to stifle you or control you or whatever, but I want to know what you’re up to. I want to know what you’re doing, where you’re at, because you are important to me. I…I love you. I guess I should’ve waited until we were face-to-face, but I love you, Celeste, and I want to be the person who is there for you for all the times…not just the fun ones.”

  Celeste clenched her jaw to keep herself from crying out loud. Tears escaped her eyes and slid down her cheeks in salty tracks of sorrow and regret. She could hear Calen breathing on the other end. After a minute, he spoke again.

  “Did I lose you?” he said through a nervous laugh. “You still with me, C?”

  Celeste took a long, steadying breath.

  “I love you, too, Calen. I love you more than I know what to do with.”

  * * * *

  Zev squeezed her shoulder gently and rubbed her back. He sent her as much strength through his touch as he could. He knew she loved Calen. But, he also knew her love for Calen did not change her need for him. She loved him, too. And if the histories were accurate, he would have his true mate in his life no matter what. Right now was just a moment.

  Zev tried to comfort her silently while she finished her conversation. Honestly, he was amazed at how well she was handling the entire situation. To find out you are a wolf shifter the same night you unite with your alpha? Zev shook his head at how strong his mate was.

  Celeste hung up the phone and sobbed in her hands. She let Zev comfort her. He was gentle and non-demanding. Celeste cried for a good twenty minutes before they heard Regina call her name from the back porch.

  “Celeste, honey. We’ll be eating breakfast in twenty minutes. Your father and I would like you and Zev to join us.”

  Celeste looked at Zev and shrugged. Zev brushed a long strand of hair from out of her face. He rubbed his thumb across her lips.

  “They want to greet your alpha,” he said with a strange smile. “It’s this weird custom after a unification, that the family of the female greet her true mate with a meal.”

  Celeste’s eyes grew wide as saucers. “Oh my God! I didn’t even think that they would…you know…know what we did last night.”

  Zev laughed. “Celeste, you really need to read up on shifter customs. You’re still hung up on human ideas of sex. Last night, our joining was expected, at least in your parents’ eyes. And, especially since your family invited me into their home. That was their signal of approval.”

  Celeste’s mouth dropped open.

  “My parents expected us to have amazing sex last night?”

  “Amazing, huh?” Zev flashed a wicked half-smile. “Next time, I’ll shoot for mind-blowing.”

  “Next time?” Celeste’s pussy began to throb. She brought her legs together and squeezed. She clenched her thighs, trying to stifle the fire beginning to grow to flame between her legs.

  “I can smell your arousal, you know,” Zev said, his eyes suddenly growing dark. He leaned in close, his voice husky. “I can tell when your heart starts beating fast, when your breath is shallow, and when you press your thighs together…as if that would keep my mouth from finding your clit.”

  Zev lifted Celeste up and sat her on his lap. She straddled him, her legs open. His hardened cock pressed up against the crook of her leg. She began to shift to try to give him more room for entry.

  “Oh, baby girl, how I would love to sink myself deep into your warm, soft, luxurious cunt, but I’m out of protection, so we’ll just have to get creative this time.”

  Zev lay down on his back and grabbing Celeste by each ass cheek, pulled her up along his body until she was sitting on his chest. Spread open, Celeste’s fluid began to drip down her edges, moistening Zev’s torso.

  Zev looked at Celeste’s eyes. The yellow ring was shining bright. It practically glowed, even in the morning light. Zev growled. With a sharp movement, he lifted her up slightly and pushed her forward until her pussy was spread open across his face.

  Celeste gasped at the motion. Zev’s hands spread across her ass and pushed her downward until her soft pussy smashed against his mouth. She threw her head back as his lips began kissing and tugging at her swollen flesh. Her fluid dripped wildly like a faucet. Zev lapped up every drop.

  He worked his lips and tongue on her pussy, giving equal attention to both her insides and outsides. His tongue ran over her clit in circles, moving around and around the tiny knob until it was swollen to twice its size.

  Celeste was frozen atop his mouth, unable to move, the sensation of Zev’s masterful mouth work was overwhelming. After a moment, he stopped. Celeste looked down at him with questioning, panicked eyes.

  He lifted her body slightly, just enough for him to speak, a small laugh escaping his lips.

  “Don’t worry, baby girl, I’m not finished yet. I just want you to fuck my face, Celeste. Do you hear me? I want you to let loose and ride my face hard.”

  Celeste’s mouth dropped open.


  “Don’t think,” Zev interrupted. “Just do wha
t I ask. Just do what feels good.”

  He pushed her down on his mouth again and began working her with his tongue.

  * * * *

  Celeste was immediately assaulted by the feeling of ecstatic pleasure. She couldn’t believe what he’d told her. The very words made her insides squirm.

  ‘I want you to fuck my face.’

  Celeste closed her eyes and moved her hips forward. She discovered when she moved her body forward a bit, the pleasure Zev’s tongue gave her was amplified. Celeste’s breath caught in her throat as she continued to slowly, carefully grind her hips, moving her swollen, wet cunt against Zev’s face.

  She felt his short stubble rub up against the bottom of her opening and squirmed when his chin pushed up just inside her hole. But, it was nothing compared to when his nose nudged up against her clit. Even the barest touch against the sensitive organ sent ribbons of pleasure through Celeste’s body, reaching far out to the very tips of her extremities.

  She looked down at Zev. His eyes had rolled to the back of his head, and he groaned into her pussy. She looked over her shoulder and saw that he held himself, his hand grasping his long erection and tugged at it in a rhythmic fashion.

  Celeste closed her eyes. She saw her wolf peek out. It scented Zev’s wolf immediately. She jumped into Celeste’s consciousness, overtaking her completely.

  Celeste growled. Her movements became sharper, rougher as she ground her flesh against Zev’s face.

  ‘I want you to fuck my face.’

  The directive appeared in her mind’s eye again. Who was she to ignore a request from her true mate? Celeste’s hips began to pick up more momentum until the only way she could continue was by grabbing Zev’s hair and holding his head still.

  Back and forth, Celeste rode Zev’s face until she felt herself nearing her edge. Climbing closer and closer to the precipice, higher and higher, she fucked him hard and rough, wetting everything from his chin to his forehead with her slick, sticky fluid.


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