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Red (Siren Publishing Menage Amour)

Page 19

by Eden French

  With effort, Zev stood on all fours and arched his back. He looked up at the moon in the sky and howled loudly. If he shifted now the flesh wound would heal. It was another perk to the curse, quick healing. Calen sat speechless as Zev released a low growl and stretched out long, allowing his human form to come back through.

  Celeste looked up to see a naked Zev crouching at the spot where the wolf previously stood. She reached and pulled him into her embrace.

  “I thought you were dead,” she sobbed. “I thought you and Calen were dead.”

  She pulled away from Zev and looked into his eyes. She looked over to Calen. Back and forth between the two.

  “I thought you both were dead…and, I almost died.”

  Back and forth. Back and forth.

  “I can’t…I can’t do this anymore.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Celeste made it back to her apartment before sunrise. She left the two men outside her door. The drive back had been silent. They were all a bit shell-shocked by the events of the evening. Celeste closed the door and leaned up against it.

  Thank God Calen had pulled her out of her rage. She was ready to kill that man, and even though he deserved it for threatening both her lovers, they hadn’t been fatally harmed, and she wasn’t sure she’d be okay with herself if she had indeed killed him.

  After Zev had recovered, he pulled out a set of extra clothes he had hidden before Jake had arrived and dressed. The hunter had been knocked out cold. It was easy to move his body and his gun to a different area of the woods and leave it lying there surrounded by a couple of empty bottles of vodka. Even if he could recover his memory from the night before, the vodka bottles would tell a different story, and considering he was there illegally, the three were confident their secret was safe.

  Celeste slid down against the door and brought her knees to her chest. She buried her head and wrapped her arms around her legs and cried. When the sun was fully risen, she stood and walked down the hall. She peeked in on Heather, who was still sleeping soundly.

  “I’m so sorry, Heather,” she whispered out loud.

  She closed the door quietly behind her and went to the shower.

  Standing in the stream of the hot water, Celeste tried to come to some sort of understanding about her current dilemma. Madly in love with one man and completely and fully bound to another. She couldn’t comprehend how this could work out.


  No, she wouldn’t entertain such nonsense. It was her own selfishness that even put the thought in her head. After nearly forty minutes in the shower, Celeste found herself staggering to her bed. Her empty, lonely bed. She collapsed from exhaustion and, pulling her comforter over her head, fell into a restless sleep.

  * * * *

  The soft tap on Celeste’s bedroom door was followed by a hesitant voice.

  “Celeste, are you in there?”

  Celeste sat up straight at the sound of Heather’s voice. She jumped out of bed and ran to the door, flinging it open. Heather stood in the hall, pale and broken, her eyes puffy and red.

  “Can I rest in here for a while? I really don’t want to be alone.”

  Celeste opened her arms to her friend. Heather fell into the embrace and sobbed. Celeste ushered them to her bed, and the two women climbed in like they had in the past, only this time there was a sorrow to the action that made Celeste’s throat tighten. Heather sat back against the wall and looked at her friend with tears in her eyes.

  “Celeste, I…I—”

  “You don’t have to talk about it if you’re not ready.”

  “I feel so stupid…I can’t believe I—”

  “Heather, stop right there.” Celeste felt the fire of anger flicker in her body. Jake Pierson was a rapist, and Heather blamed herself. Celeste’s body grew hot. She forced herself to swallow before she continued. “You are smart enough to know nothing that happened last night was your fault. Nothing. That piece of shit is a predator and trash.”

  “I’m so embarrassed…I’m so ashamed.”

  Celeste’s heart broke. “I know you are, sweetheart, I know. And, it’s not fair. And, nothing you did caused last night to happen. This is his fault, do you hear me? His.”

  Heather took a sharp breath in.

  “And, I know that it may be too soon, but hon, you really need to see a doctor.” Celeste heard Heather take another sharp breath. “We could go to the free clinic over in Ridgefield. It’s two hours away, and we don’t have to tell them anything, Heath. We don’t even have to give them your name. And, I’ll be right there to make sure you’re safe. But sweetie, you have to make sure that everything’s okay. Don’t let him take away your health.”

  “I’m so scared, C. I...I…”

  “Heather, I’m so sorry this happened to you. It’s gonna take lots of time and work to get through this, but if there is anyone I know who will come out the other side, it’s you. And, I want you to know I’ll be with you every step of the way.”

  “What if I see him again? Celeste, what am I going to do? I can’t imagine looking at his face.”

  “You don’t ever have to worry about him again. I promise you that. You will never have to see him again. He will never, ever, touch you or any other woman—ever.” Satisfaction settled in Celeste’s stomach as she recalled Jake’s pieces strewn over the woods. He’d never touch anything again.

  “How could you possibly know that?”

  “It’s just a guess. But, there’s a special place in Hell for people like him, and I’m pretty sure he’s already there.” Celeste’s voice was icy. Heather shuddered, and Celeste paused to regain her composure. She didn’t want to traumatize her friend any more than she already was. “Let’s try to focus on you right now, okay? We’ll figure everything out as it comes…together. Sound good?”

  Heather nodded and drifted off. Celeste stroked her hair and promised she’d do anything in her power to protect her friend.

  * * * *

  It was Thursday morning. Five days after Calen witnessed Zev’s transformation. Five days since Jake Pierson was killed. Five days since he had spoken to Celeste. Calen’s heart ached. The last time he saw her, she closed the door on him. Him and Zev. She closed the door and had gone off the grid.

  Calen sat in the president’s office and thought about calling her again. The least she could do was let him know how Heather was doing. But, she had made it crystal clear the night of the murder she needed space from them both. She needed time.

  Calen played with his phone, flipping it over and over in his hand. A loud knock on the door barely preceded Zev as he barged into the office.

  “Please, come in.” The sarcasm was thick as Calen eyed the other man.

  “I got a text from Celeste.” Zev’s voice was rushed.

  Calen’s heart nearly burst. Why had she contacted Zev? He had been so sure of her feelings for him and was certain he’d be the one whom she would call. He was injured by the news Zev now relayed.

  “And?” Calen’s voice was cold.

  “Don’t start with that, Red.” Zev stared him down. “It was only one response to the nearly hundred messages I sent her, and I’m pretty sure she replied simply because I’m her alpha, not because she wanted.”

  Calen didn’t even try to hide the smug smile spread across his lips. Zev scowled.

  “Don’t look so torn up about it.” He held his phone up and read the message aloud. “I’ve convinced Heather to go to the doctor. She’s as good as is expected. Convinced her to open up to her sister. She’s taking a long weekend to visit. Her sister will pick her up at four. Once they leave, I’m coming over to the house. We need to talk. All of us.” Zev put the phone in his back pocket.

  Calen looked at the clock on his desk. It was quarter to four. His heart flipped. He’d see her soon.

  “Was there anything else?” Calen tapped his fingers on the top of his desk.

  Zev sat in the chair opposite of Calen and leaned back. “I would have told you if there was
. Look, I get that this is…complicated.”

  Calen snorted. “You think?”

  Zev took a deep breath before continuing. “Whether you accept it, or not, Celeste and I are bound together. And, whether you accept it or not, she does have feelings for me just as I have them for her.”

  Calen huffed. “I am beginning to accept there is something connecting the two of you, something I will never understand, something biologically inclined. But, listen up, Zev, and hear this. I may not have some strange DNA link to draw her to me, but I didn’t need it. Celeste chose me of her own free will. While you cannot be denied, I was her choice. So, don’t think you can just swoop in and steal her away. ’Cause I plan on fighting for her.”

  Zev grit his teeth together. He hated the truth behind Calen’s words. His stomach twisted every time he thought about why Celeste had united with him. Was it because she had real feelings for him, or was it solely because of a genetic blip, an ancient gypsy curse? He despised Calen for it and hated that he would never know the true answer. Despite his inner feelings, Zev was determined to act like a true alpha would.

  “I don’t want to fight with you, Calen. We’ve been friends for four years. More than friends…teammates, brothers. I trust you with my life. I owe it to you. If you hadn’t pushed me aside, that bullet would have been more than a flesh wound. Why, Calen? Why’d you save my life? If I had been shot, you’d have Celeste to yourself. She’d be yours. This”—he gestured in between them—“us, it wouldn’t be an issue.”

  Calen looked down at his lap.

  “I don’t know, Zev. I’ve been thinking a lot about that night these past few days, and how things could have gone had I made a different choice.”

  “Then why didn’t you?”

  “Because when it came down to it, right in that moment, I had only a second to decide what was really important. What I could live with and what I couldn’t live without. When I saw his gun raised and I knew he was going to pull the trigger, I knew I didn’t want you to die. As much as I am angry and hurt, I don’t want you dead. I couldn’t stand around and do nothing while your life was in danger, not if there was a chance I could do something to save it.”

  “Even if it means you might lose Celeste?”

  “I won’t lose Celeste.” Calen sat up straight. “She’ll choose me. She told me what her mother said about her father. Her father is not her mother’s true mate, did you know that, Zev? He’s her true companion. Celeste’s mother chose a life with her companion over one with her alpha.”

  Zev was stunned into silence. He hadn’t considered a female would choose a companion over an alpha. His father was alpha, and he assumed that when it was time to settle, the companion gave way to the alpha. Now, he had no idea what to think. Calen read it on his face.

  “Oh, I guess she didn’t tell you that small detail, did she?”

  Zev stood abruptly and in a few strides, was halfway around the desk. Calen stood and met him there.

  “Don’t push it, Red.” Zev felt his wolf wake from a slumber and shake his fur out. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  They stood with their chests touching, each man staring down the other, their faces so close they could feel the others’ breath. Calen felt an electricity crackle between them.

  “You can’t hurt me, Zev. Not anymore. Only Celeste can do that now.”

  * * * *

  Celeste walked up the stairs to the SAE house and entered. She headed straight to the back room where she knew they would be. There was much to talk about, and she was doing everything in her power not to lose nerve. Would she be brave enough to ask for what she wanted from the two of them? Would they think she was crazy?

  Celeste shook her head. No, she wouldn’t talk herself out of this one. The past five days without the two of them had been excruciating. She could barely function. Her only solace was being with Heather and working in the lab developing photographs. Tuesday night, Celeste pulled an eight by ten from the processing liquid and revealed a test photo of Calen and Zev, arms draped over each other’s shoulders, wide smiles on both men’s faces.

  Celeste had held the photograph in the tongs, frozen. She loved both men. With all her heart, she desired and needed both of these wonderful men in her life. It was just a matter of how she could make things work. How would she be able to have the type relationship she wanted with both men?

  Celeste took a deep breath as she reached for Calen’s office door. She heard talking inside and knew both her lovers were already in the room. Swallowing hard, she turned the knob and entered.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Celeste stood in Calen’s office shaking, her alpha and her companion stood body to body staring the other down. The room was silent. The air heavy with unspoken words. Celeste could feel the tension rub against her body, pull at her arms and legs with a fever as it screamed the demand both men wanted to say.

  Make a choice!

  Celeste choked. She had to decide. It’s what they wanted, she could see that clearly. It’s what was fair. It’s what needed to be done. But it wasn’t what she wanted. It wasn’t what her heart told her to do. Celeste approached the desk, closing the space between them until the only barrier between her and her men was the large wooden piece of furniture.

  “I know what you want me to do,” she said, her voice barely audible. “I’ve known it for some time”—she paused—“but before I choose, make my final decision, I think it’s only fair you two try things my way first.”

  Celeste looked from Calen to Zev. Calen’s green eyes were filled with questions as he waited for her to name her man. Zev’s dark orbs were filled with knowing. He knew what she wanted, she could tell in his expression. He knew she needed a companion and a true mate. Somewhere deep inside she had known all along. It definitely explained the confusion she felt between Calen and Zev. She had wanted them both from the beginning. But, would they be able to share her? Zev eyed Celeste as her tongue peeked out of her mouth and wet her lips.

  “What exactly does that mean?” Calen asked, his eyes filling with lust as he watched her.

  “That means,” Celeste said, climbing slowly onto the desk. “I will choose. But only after I have each of you once more. It means that if both of you want me, both of you can have me…together.”

  Celeste reached over and grabbed Calen by the shirt. She pulled him toward her and kissed him full on the mouth. His response was immediate. She could taste his confusion, but she knew he’d understand soon enough. Celeste’s belly tightened as Calen’s hands found her body and rubbed the length of her torso before finding her breasts.

  With a free hand, Celeste reached out for Zev’s belt. Her fingers hooked the brown leather strap and tugged, pulling him close to her and Calen.

  She pulled her mouth from Calen’s with a huge gasp for air and let him feast on her neck. Turning to face Zev, Celeste wrenched him closer until his mouth was inches from hers.

  Zev’s eyes were dark. His breathing feral. Celeste knew he waited for her to grant permission.

  “Kiss me,” she said. “Kiss me, Zev. Please.”

  Zev’s resolve melted. His mouth found Celeste’s and met it with the intensity hers held. Celeste burned hot with desire as Calen bit at her neck while Zev devoured her mouth. She felt their tongues explore her with need.

  And she needed them, as well. Celeste felt the wetness between her legs begin to pool, her belly clenched at the possibilities now unfolding before her. She pulled and tugged at Zev’s lower lip, sucking and licking between breaths. He let out a deep moan. The sound roused her instincts.

  Calen had her breasts grasped in his hands and squeezed them in need. They were full and round and firm in his palms. He eagerly cupped them as he worked on her neck. She squirmed underneath his mouth. He licked the sweat off her skin as it began to rise to the surface.

  Celeste’s body erupted in desire with both Calen and Zev so near. Their energies bumped into each other, and Celeste briefly wondered if they would be abl
e follow through with her request. Could they share her sexually? Celeste ran her fingers through Calen’s hair urging him on. She repositioned herself on her knees, facing the two men who were now on either side of her.

  Zev pulled back from Celeste’s mouth. His chest was heaving.

  “Do you know what you’re asking for?” Zev’s voice was hard, raspy. There was an animalistic quality to it. It spurred Celeste on. Her animal paced to get out.

  She looked into his dark eyes and met his fire with her own blaze.

  “I know.” Her voice was breathless, barely contained. “And, I want it, Zev. I want it all.”

  Zev clenched his jaw. He buried his head on the other side of Celeste’s neck and ravaged her with his tongue.

  Celeste reveled in the feeling of being sandwiched between the two men she lusted over, two men she loved with her entire existence. She tilted her head back and opened her mouth, releasing a gasp of delight.

  She felt each man move from her neck to the tips of her breasts with their lips, pulling open each side of her shirt and exposing her chest. She looked down to see Calen’s light brown hair buried deep on her right side. Zev’s dark hair contrasted with Calen’s and nudged at her left side, as he pulled and tugged on the rough tissue of her nipple, teasing every drop of ecstasy from her body.

  Celeste held each man by the back of the head, pushing them further into her chest, crushing her breasts with their faces. A fire burned in her heart, and she knew what was next. She nudged the two men together, coaxing each toward the other. When their faces were just centimeters apart, both stopped. They released her breasts from their mouths.

  Their breathing was torn, their chests heaving in excitement, their eyes locked as they stared at the other, each one wondering what would happen next. Celeste froze in anticipation as she watched her men. Her breath caught in her throat. The tiny noise was barely audible, but each man heard it, nonetheless.


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