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Page 2

by Sapphire Knight

  “Yeah, I spoke to him. And he ain’t my Russian. He’s practically my brother-in-law with how close London and Emily are,” he says and tips his whiskey back to drink it in one swallow, then bites into his lemon. He’s a weird dude, eatin’ lemon with his drink all the time. I scrunch up my nose and shoot him a disgusted look, and he just laughs.

  “Well, did you talk to Prez ‘bout it and what did you find out?” I ask the million dollar question since he’s not offering shit up like a normal person would when talking.

  “I told Prez what Tate said as soon as he walked out of Church. You were too busy takin’ a piss then screwin’ around behind the bar,” he says. I scoff and cross my arms.

  “I wasn’t screwin’ ‘round, none of you fucks wash the glasses so I was cleanin’ my shit to drink out of. Excuse me if I’m tryin’ not to get Mono from the nasty ass glasses.” He just rolls his eyes and I shoot him an icy glare.

  Come on, already. He likes to drag shit out ‘cause it gets me goin’. It always ends up with us trading arm punches and that fuckin’ hurts. He’s the club Brawler so he’s always lifting. Every time we play arms, I end up with like twenty bruises and can barely lift my arm the next day. I’m no small man by any means but he punches fuckers for a livin’. I’m six foot two and I think he has an inch on me and probably about twenty more pounds. I’m lean but muscular, and Cain is just solid everywhere.

  “Alright, alright! Geesh,” he says sarcastically and his eyes widen marginally. “Tate said he doesn’t have shit to do with the Twisted Snakes but he’s going to ask his brother, Viktor. I guess when Tate took over as Big Boss a few months ago, his uncle and him started talkin’ to Viktor to take over the Bratva shit. He thinks the Bratva might have had some dealin’s with ‘em but he’s not one hundred percent sure. He’s supposed to call me back tonight. Prez is probably gonna call another meeting when he finds out what Tate says, so be prepared,” he says and stands up. I nod up at him.

  “You bouncing?” I ask him and pour myself another shot.

  “Yeah, man, gotta get back to the baby momma and all.” I smirk at his baby momma comment, they’ve been calling each other that shit since she found out she was pregnant almost a year and a half ago.

  I can’t believe it’s been that long already and Jamison is his own little person now. Little dude’s cool, too. All the brothers treat him like their own when London brings him around here. Only a few of us actually have kids, so I guess that makes us all the really cool uncles. I’m undecided ‘bout havin’ kids. I could see the enjoyment, but I’m just not at that point in my life yet. I wanna enjoy someone for a while before I start planting my seed.

  “Cool, tell her what’s up for me. Ride safe, Cain.”

  “Always. Take it easy.” He chin lifts then he turns and places his cup in the bar sink. He shoots me a two finger salute then walks out the club door.

  I sip on my whiskey and savor the burn as it slides down my throat. Lucky fucker, going home to his Ol’ Lady. This life is a great one and you’re surrounded by your brothers all the time, but it can still get lonely sometimes. I finish up and put my glass in the bar sink. I had to wash my own, so these lazy asses can wash theirs too.


  I set yet another college student’s coffee down on the counter. I really have to stop working in these damn coffee shops. I go from A Sip of Heaven to Brewed. Brewed at least lets me drink free coffee as long as I make it. Woohoo, that is if I was a coffee drinker. I like it sometimes but not a crazy amount or anything. The other shop made me pay for everything, except faucet water. Their faucet water had a yellowish tint to it, so that was a serious no-go. The owner tried to play it off as the Tennessee water system—yeah right, my ass. He was full of shit too. I have the same tap water at home and amazingly, mine comes out clear. I’m thinking his pipes were full of rust and he’s slowly poisoning the city of Knoxville. It wouldn’t surprise me since he’s a penny pincher on everything else.

  Gosh, I’m so sick of being here. I’m almost finished with school though. These accounting classes are so boring, I could watch paint dry and get more of a show. One more semester of summer college life, then it’s off to the big world. I’m going to school for accounting; Mom and Dad say it’s a real job. Truth is, I don’t know what I will do with my degree. It’s terrifying to think of. I could try to get a job at an accounting firm. Who knows if they would even call me for a damn interview. No matter how much I try, I just can’t imagine my life sitting behind a cubicle or in a box-sized office. That does not sound fun or life fulfilling at all. Some may enjoy it, more power to them.

  This growing up crap has me thinking about my age. This shit is for the birds. I miss my biggest worry of eating cereal and watching cartoons on Saturdays. I can’t believe I’m twenty-three years old. God, when did that happen? It seems like I just blinked from being twenty-one. Now that was a fun age for me. It’s amazing I didn’t ever have my stomach pumped from hitting the fraternity parties. Those were some good times.

  I suddenly feel a scorching-hot burning sensation. It’s like my hand is touching a stove burner lit up with a hot flame. I glance down quickly. “SHIT,” I yell and drop the metal milk steamer thingy. Damn it. I am forever getting burned by these stupid coffee machines. Well, in this case the container that you use to steam milk. What happened to the good old fashioned cup of coffee? I mean if you like sweet, just add a shit ton of sugar to it. Wha-la! Done!

  I shake my hand fast beside me and bring my fingers to my lips, hoping my saliva will cool the burn. It doesn’t work, it only makes it hurt worse. I yank my fingers out and blow on them hard. Flailing my hand around manically like I’m an injured bird or something. Fuck, that hurts, bastard devil coffee machine! These things could be torture devices if someone were creative enough.

  “You alright, sweetie?” Dillian asks me.

  I look over at her and she has concern written all over her features. She’s such a sweet girl and absolutely gorgeous. She has bright red hair and tan skin. She has a little Monroe piercing and it makes her look hot. I’m not against kissing a chick, and her I’d kiss. Just saying. I really like Dillian a lot. Some people you have to work with are total dicks and slackers, but not her. She is always in a decent mood and isn’t afraid to help someone out if they need it. I hope I come off as the same. Well, when I’m not busy burning myself and yelling at coffee machines.

  “Yes, ma’am, I am. Thanks for asking. You mind finishing his order so I can clean up though?” I wheeze and give her a defeated look. I’m so over this day today. I need like a yearlong vacation to an island, with lots of rum. Or Vodka, Tequila, whatever, I’m not picky. Oh and a bottle of sunscreen, yup, sounds perfect.

  “Yeah, hun, go ahead. Why don’t you just take your break now too and have a cuppa.” I nod and make my way to the closet-sized break room.

  The last thing I want is a cuppa right now. I want a freaking strawberry lemonade and they only have those at Sonic. I take the room in, looking over the rack we hang all of our crap on and the tiny desk-sized table with plastic chair. The light is dim and the walls are a dreary beige. Fantastic. It’s so boring in here I could take a nap. I grab a clean apron off one of the hooks on the walls.

  God, I have to get out of here. I’m so sick of the everyday responsibilities and routine. All this work, for what? For bullshit, that’s what. Ugh, who am I kidding, I’m probably never leaving this shithole. I’ll end up being a barista for the rest of my life and let my accounting degree go to shit. Or maybe I’ll be lucky enough to find a few people who need me to do their taxes on the weekends. My phone alerts me to a text message and I snatch it out of my pocket quickly, ignoring the stinging ache radiating throughout my palm.

  Niko – A! You want to party tonight?

  It’s just my buddy, Nikoli. That’s the extent of our relationship now, partying and buddies. We were friends with benefits for a while. He was pretty decent in the sack, too. He’s also pretty freaking hot at like six foot five and c
overed in tribal tattoos. He has blond hair and strong Russian features. I always tease him with the line from Rocky, ‘I must break you’. He watched the movie just because I kept teasing him. He says it’s crap, that he looks nothing like him.

  Riiiiight. That man is built just like Niko! Niko is straight eye candy for your girly parts and the Tennessee chicks here eat that shit up like crazy. We are much better as friends though, we’re too much alike. It got to the point where it was like sleeping with my brother. Well, if I had a brother, that’s what I imagine it would be like. But I never imagined my brother being so hot. Anyway, it just became awkward.

  When London started seeing Cameron, I started seeing Niko. I got away from Cameron as quick as possible. That controlling shit he tried to pull all the time was not for me. Sometimes I’ll look for him at school, but I’m guessing he graduated. He’s not living at Tate’s anymore either. Niko moved into Tate’s house full time now. It’s like Cameron just up and disappeared one day. I asked the guys but they both said he’d left the country. But still, leave and not contact anyone? Seems strange to me. Especially since he was best friends with Tate and Niko. But whatever, no skin off my back.

  Do I want to party with Niko tonight? Hmm, no, I’m really not in the mood like I usually am. Guess I’m going to be a shitty wingman tonight and not help him out.

  Me – Nope getting fat from Snickers ice cream. Welcome to join.

  Niko – No way José! I’m going to bar.

  I burst out laughing. It’s pretty freaking funny to see a Russian using José in a sentence. Any kind of silly line or shirt Niko finds he implements into his speech and wardrobe. It’s even more comical since he’s this monster sized bodyguard to the Russian Mafia Boss. I wouldn’t change him for the world though. Some days he’s my sunshine on a cloudy day. I bought him a t-shirt for his birthday that says BEEF in big bold letters across his chest then has a picture of a slice of cake underneath. He loved it and put it on right away. I thought it was hysterical and great all at the same time.

  Me – Your loss, taco

  Niko – Taco? That has nothing to do with ice cream. If you make food I come.

  Me – Hahahaha Nevermind. I’m having ice cream. You have fun, and stop by if you get bored.

  Niko – K later gator

  Me – After while crocodile

  Niko – O I like that one!

  I giggle some more. I love his Russian language and accent. It’s beautiful and makes him even sillier sometimes. He even texts like he would say it. I’m not texting him back. Once you get him started he can go all day.

  I wonder what Emily’s up to. I miss my bestie. Ever since she found out she was prego a few months ago, Tate has been following her around like he’s wearing a leash. Who knew a little baby could turn hard asses into mush. Same goes for Cain. He has had baby fever since I first met him. He and London have the cutest little boy I have ever seen. I know Tate and Emily will be the same way. I’m so happy for them all. I just don’t have that same need right now. I want to have fun and live as much as possible, save the growing up for later. I’m trying to only drink bottled water in case that prego dust is in the tap water.

  I guess I would have to have sex first. Normally that wouldn’t be an issue for me. I really enjoy the male anatomy. Ever since the last time I saw 2 Piece though, no one has even made it past my front door. They just don’t compare to him at all in any department. I keep asking London if they are planning a trip to visit anytime soon. Hopefully with Emily prego then they will. Tate and Emily always go to Texas. I know Emily likes to check on her grandfather’s house and visit London’s family too. If they visit here, then 2 Piece will ride up with them in case they run into any shit. Cain’s funny about being protective when it comes to London and the baby. I’m guessing he’s paranoid something will happen since he’s a biker.

  It just sucks because each time Tate and Emily go there, if I can’t get enough time off then I can’t go with them. I’ve only been able to make two of the trips they’ve gone on, out of six. I can’t afford to drive down there by myself or I would. I barely squeeze by as it is on my wages. I was going to work at one of Tate’s businesses, but I just couldn’t. If I just decided to up and quit or something, I didn’t want it to affect our friendship in anyway. It’s kind of stupid to piss off the Mafia, even if he swears they aren’t after me. There’s always that little doubt in the back of my head that they aren’t as sweet as they try to come across as. I would hope with my friendship to Niko and Emily, they would at least try to save my butt. Who knows, so yeah, I just find my own way to make it. I walk out of the break room back to the front counter, I’m sure my break is way over by now. I’m a little bad about time. I end up running late or early frequently.

  “Feeling better, sweetie?” I look up as Dillian approaches me and nod.

  “Yes, thanks. Sometimes I just get a little overwhelmed is all. Sorry about that and thanks for taking over for me.” I give her a side hug and a small smile. The boss would probably write me up if he were here to see me freak out like I did. Good thing it’s just us two in the evenings usually.

  “Of course, girl! I don’t mind at all. I was just coming to tell you that I told Justin how dead the place is. He said we could close up thirty minutes early, so start your side work.” She starts to jump up and down, clapping her hands. I smile big at her and start to jump up and down with her.

  Thank god there are only a few cameras or we would look like a bunch of fruit loops. One positive thing about working in a coffee shop close to campus is that we get to close in the evenings instead of late like I’ve seen some coffee houses do. Everyone’s usually out with friends, partying or doing homework. Plus, I’m sure safety wise it’s smarter to just close up shop. That way there’s no battling with the drunks coming in at three a.m.

  “God, you’re freaking awesome! Thank yooooou!” I sing out and blow her a kiss. She catches it dramatically and brings her hand to her chest.

  I start giggling and turn up our little radio. ‘Sex on Fire’ by Kings of Leon comes on and we both dance around and sing while we clean. I know I’m not a kid, but I love to have fun and act silly. My life would be so much more boring if I never did anything like this. I pretend to air guitar and she pretends to play drums. Yeah, Dillian totally has a thing for drummers. I don’t blame her with that Hawk guy at Tainted. He’s über hotness, with his blue mohawk and muscular drummer arms. They would make an adorable couple too with Dillian’s model-like looks and wild, bright red hair.

  After finishing up the cleaning duties as quickly and efficiently as possible, we both hightail it out of there. I plan to go home and eat copious amounts of my favorite ice cream that Emily and London got me hooked on. Damn heifers, I now own every sundae topping imaginable too. Dillian takes off to get her own food and probably take Hawk something as usual. What is it about men and food? If it’s not sex, then they seem to be hungry!

  2 Piece

  Chapter 2

  Called into Church again…

  I’m guessing Prez and Cain must have found out some shit, since Prez called us into Church again. It’s not our usual meeting time or day. I take my seat three spaces down from Prez. It goes in pecking order, and while I’m slowly making my way up, there’s still a few people ahead of me. It’s a good thing, though. I don’t want to be in charge of all the club shit, too much of a hassle. Prez slams the gavel three times. Everyone shuts up and gives him their full attention.

  “Listen up!” he grumbles. I look up at his scruffy, tired face. He’s stressed about something. Every time he gets worked up over something he doesn’t sleep. He rubs his left hand over his face in irritation and sighs loudly. “We got word from the Russians. They know ‘bout them fuckin’ Snakes but aren’t supplying them with anything. Looks like they get their shit from Mexico. Who has any contacts with the Mexican Cartels?” He looks around the table but we all stay quiet. “Fuck, nobody? This day just keeps getting better.” He shakes his head and looks
down at the table in front of him for a second. He glances back up, frustration clearly written across his face. “Well, boys, then I have no choice. I’m gonna have to call Tate back and let him send up his man he offered.”

  Chaos breaks out with the brothers. Many start complaining and Twist hits the table with his fist angrily. With all of us in here, it tends to get a little crowded and with several griping comments such as bullshit and other protests the noise lever raises rapidly.

  “The fuck’s this ‘bout?!” Smiles jumps in, hollering loudly.

  Prez shoots his chilling glare at him and snarls. Nobody yells at the table except Prez, it’s the only time he really demands we all show him the respect of his patch. Prez leans over the table and slams his palm on the table sharply in front of Smiles. There’s an audible growl, but I’m not sure who it comes from. They stare each other down for at least a minute if not longer. It’s like watching two savage animals about to rip each other apart. Smiles eyes bug out and the Prez breathes loudly through his nose, like a bull about to charge.

  Prez blinks then shakes his head and sits back in his chair. There’s always been a little rift between the two of them. I heard Smiles was keen on Prez’s ex-wife. I’m actually surprised the fucker’s alive still, if that really was the case. “Just calm the fuck down, everybody. Tate offered to send up his right hand man, Niko. They want this problem to disappear as much as we do. Trust me when I say we don’t want the cartels into our shit. I’m goin’ to tell Brently to stick close to the club ‘til we have this figured out. Right now it’s just a Snake problem. I want it to stay that way so we can take care of it.”


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