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Relinquish Page 5

by Sapphire Knight

  “Ares!” he yells out into the hallway. Seriously, this better be good. I’m staring at him for a few seconds before he finally backs away from the door a few steps. He turns toward me and Ares steps inside. Ares looks me up and down, his jaw muscles flexing from him clenching his teeth and he breathes out of his nose heavily. Shit, 2 was just saying he could smell me turned on. I wonder if that was true and that’s what Ares smells. Just great, kind of mortifying when I think about it.

  “Dammit! I’m naked over here genius! Throw me your shirt or something.” I quickly cover myself as much as possible with both of my hands. It’s a lost cause; no matter where I have my hands, something is exposed. I’m not very shy, but this is a little awkward. Ares looks like a Gladiator standing in his jeans and nothing else. He must have been in his room. He has no shirt or socks on, just a pair of light, relaxed fit jeans that hug his hips. Ares is magnificent. His chest is broad with a few jagged scars decorating his ribs. I’m sure there are a few wild stories to go with them. I glance at 2 Piece and he has a cocky smirk on his face. I don’t know what that’s about, but he better hurry up with a shirt for me.

  “Oh no, Shorty, you told me you wanted to do this. Let’s do this.” He spreads his hands wide and motions with his hands like ‘bring it’. Freaking fuck head is crazy, stirring stuff up with Ares in here.

  Ares eyebrows raise and he smiles delightedly at 2 Piece. Holy shit balls! He seems elated about this situation, while I’m just trying to get my head to stop spinning. He can’t be serious. I can’t believe this is happening. What exactly does he expect me to do here? I’m not feeling so pissed off now, as I’m feeling more intrigued. Certainly he doesn’t expect me to fuck him then fuck Ares too. I wonder if maybe Ares is just here to watch or something. I’m sure watching and stuff has to be a normal situation around a biker club.

  “Get on the bed,” Ares barks and I think I squeak. I have to speak up before who knows what happens. I give Ares a crazy look and stare at 2 Piece, a little frightened. I know he would never hurt me but he has to tell me what’s going on here. I’m about two minutes from bolting. I will not be bossed around and used up like a club slut. Nothing against them or anything, it’s just not how I roll.

  I would love to get with Ares in a hot minute, normally. However, I haven’t been able to really be with anyone besides 2 Piece. I know we are just a random hook up when we see each other, but I’ve started to develop more feelings for him. I wasn’t planning on it, but it just started to happen each time we would meet up. I find myself missing him more and more when we are apart. I know it’s too soon. I know I’m stupid to develop feelings for a biker. We are completely different. I live one way and he lives another. I go to college full-time so I can get a degree to be an accountant, while he rides his motorcycle, parties and sleeps with random women. I gulp in air and draw on some courage.

  “I-I don’t think I can do this. I’m sorry,” I say and rush my way back into the bathroom. I turn and quickly close the door behind me, clicking the lock in place and slowly sliding down to lean against the door.

  Scrubbing my hands through my damp hair, I scream inside my head. Was he going to give me to Ares instead? How could he just call him in there and not talk to me about it? Clearly I am not what he is used to. Did he think he could just get me all turned on, give me an orgasm then share me? How can he be so thoughtless? He obviously means more to me than I do to him. I know they pass club whores around, but I am not a fucking club whore. I can hear their voices through the door but can’t make out what their saying. Quiet thoughts, dammit! I shift so my ear’s pressed against the door. Maybe I can catch some of what they are saying. I can make out Ares better; his voice is deeper so it carries through the door.

  “I don’t know, brother. You need to talk to her, she’s a skittish thing. Appreciate you callin’ me, wish she would reconsider.” I hear some mumbling after that. “Good luck, brother.” Then I make out the room door closing.

  “Fuck!” 2 Piece yells angrily and something slams against the wall. “So fucking stupid.” Slam. “Had to fucking fuck it up.” Slam. The door behind me rattles with the force of the bedroom door slamming shut. I exhale and the tears start.

  I close my eyes tightly and rub furiously at my cheeks. I fucked it all up. He just said so. I didn’t even have him yet and I already lost him. ‘Please Don’t Judas Me’ by Nazareth comes on his radio a few minutes later, how freaking ironic. It just brings on the tears heavier with each word I relate to.

  2 Piece

  Chapter four

  I’m sitting at the bar knocking back shots to try and drown my fuck up. I’m such a damn idiot for thinking she would like it if Ares joined us. I thought she was comfortable enough with me to know I’d only do what pleases her. How could I have been so wrong? I’ve never messed up with a chick like that. There haven’t been many chicks at all, but sex wise, never had an issue.

  When she slammed the bathroom door I was concerned but then I heard the lock click. Hearing that tiny click felt magnified and that’s all I could hear in the room for seconds afterward. She felt conflicted enough she had to lock the door in order to keep me out. She’d never have to worry about me doing anything to hurt her. I may be a little rough around the edges, but when you hang around the brothers and club whores so much, it becomes a part of you.

  I try to treat her with kid gloves but when she gets snarky toward me, I forget she’s not used to this life. She’s stubborn and can be a pretty feisty bitch when she wants to be. It’s one of the things I enjoy most about her. I love it when a chick can handle her own, but isn’t scared to ask her man for back-up when needed.

  I don’t know how to deal with bitches’ emotions. I fuck, I don’t date, and I don’t marry. Damn it, I have to figure out a way to fix this somehow. She’s a good girl and if I keep fucking it up, I really will end up alone forever. While I want to be free, at some point I want a bitch riding on the back of my bike with me.

  Ares is a really good guy. He has his demons. From what little I’ve heard, he had a real shitty childhood. The brothers said his best friend found Ares locked in his basement when he was about fourteen years old. According to them, Ares was this tall gangly-looking kid who always got the shit beat out of him. He was dirty with raggedy clothes, covered in bruises and cuts. He stayed with his friend until he was seventeen then found the Oath Keepers MC. When Ares came to the club he was full of anger and would go ballistic if he got into a fight. He became obsessed with working out and getting as big and strong as possible. The man’s a fucking giant beast.

  The brothers talk of the fights like they were horror stories. Ares would try to rip body parts off the challenger while they were still alive. At first he would break down afterward. Now he just zones out and gets quiet. He likes to blank out, so people never know what he’s thinking or feeling. Ares’ head is warped and Prez found it was best to have him as the Enforcer. I mean, since he can blank out, it’s like he’s the perfect machine to get information or torture someone. Everyone wins, Ares gets to relieve his anger and the demons plaguing him inside, and the club gets their business handled. He’s become much better over the years.

  You can tell he also uses sex as an outlet. He’s very dominant and loves for people to watch. I think it’s a fucking turn on from hell. I figured Avery might think it was a turn on too, since she likes me to get kinky with her. Ares loves that stuff, he likes to tie bitches up and spank them and shit. He enjoys control and violence in club situations, but at the same time is often the voice of reason in certain circumstances. I’m sure he’s a lot more twisted when he’s with certain women who enjoy it. Ares and I have shared many times. He’s not bisexual but we enjoy watching each other with a woman and having threesomes.

  I hear a loud commotion and look toward the door. What the fuck is going on now? Not enough alcohol on the planet for me right now, with all the fuckin’ drama.

  “PREZ! PREZ!” Capone yells as soon as the main club door is open. He
hobbles in, helping someone through the doorway. He looks panicked and he’s covered in blood. . His arm is wrapped around Brently and there is blood all over the front of Brently’s shirt. FUCK. I jump off the barstool and move as quickly as possible to get to them. Reaching out, I help Brently. I’m a lot bigger than Capone is, so it will be easier for me.

  “Fuck, Cap, go get the fuckin’ Prez. He’s gonna freak the fuck out!” I turn to Capone and say sternly. He may be the weapons expert but my ass is closer to the head of the table than his. He nods and takes off down the hall to the office. I help Brently to a couch and lie him down. “Fuck, man, what happened?” I lift his shirt up high and carefully, trying not to touch what might be underneath. Christ, that has to hurt. Spanning the width of his stomach and about six inches high, the word ‘SNAKES’ has been tattooed. It could’ve been carved in for how angry the skin looks. It’s bloody and surrounded in burn marks but there’s no way that’s the source of all this blood.. “What’s all the blood from?” I ask, frantically scanning his body.

  Brently takes a deep breath and winces, “It’s not my stomach, there’s a slice by my ribs under my arm pit. They said they hoped I’d bleed too much, that they know Dad and some Russian are sniffin’ around.”

  Double shit. This is so not good if those Twisted Snakes know we are checking into them. At least, I guess we are checking into them. I bet that’s what those fucking looks were between Ares and Cain when I was asking to be filled in. Looks like those assholes left out some shit.

  I hear multiple footsteps pounding down the hall, the sound echoing off the walls. I know that’s Prez. He loves his kids so much, he’s going to be heated about this shit. I stand up to greet the storm I know is coming. Prez’s face is awash with worry and concern when he rounds the corner.

  “Brently? The fuck’s goin’ on here? 2, that your blood? Where’s my kid?” Prez scans the room as he barks questions. He can’t see Brently since he’s lying on the couch.

  “Your kid’s on the couch. Fuckin’ Snakes got to ‘im.” I nod toward where Brently lies beside my legs. Prez follows my motion and looks down.

  “Motherfucker! Give me a name!” he snarls loudly and rushes to Brently’s side. I jump out of his way. I know he will want to thoroughly check him over again.

  Capone comes to stand beside Prez and it annoys the fuck out of me. Sometimes he acts like he doesn’t know what the fuck to do without directions laid out. “Capone! Get a clean fuckin’ bar towel, man,” I growl and look at him like he’s a fuckin’ dim wit. He nods and quickly snatches a towel off the long, polished oak bar top. We keep a folded pile right at the end of the bar. We are men; we spill shit all the time. Figured it was the most convenient place for them. I snatch it out of his hands and wad it up. “Prez, put some pressure on that cut for him. I’ll get the med kit.” He looks over at me for a second then down at my hands. I wave the towel wad a few times before it clicks. I know he must be thinking a million things right now, processing what his next move should be.

  This is one of the main no-nos you do to the Oath Keepers MC. You don’t fuck with members or their families. Ares and Twist are going to have a field day with these dumb fucks when we get a hold of them. No telling what their creative methods will be. Those Snakes have no clue just how twisted our Twist is, they haven’t seen nothing yet. Prez grabs the wad and kneels next to Brently to apply some pressure on the gash. I’m going to need some ointment to put on those burn things and the stitch kit. I hate doing this shit, but it’s got to be done.

  “Shiiiit!” Brently groans when Prez puts the towel on him. Poor dude, I bet that shit hurts like a bitch. I make my way to the large grey bathroom down the hallway. It has four stalls and two sinks in it for when we have get-togethers and company. I walk straight to the closet and dig out the med kit. It’s nothing special, but has the basics such as gauze, cotton balls, super glue, peroxide, alcohol swabs, Q-tips, needles, ointments, Ace bandages, thread, etc. for random injuries. Snatching that up, I jog back to Brently.

  Brently wheezes a few painful sounding breaths, breathing heavily out of his mouth.“Fuuuuck, this hurts. How am I going to get rid of this ugly-ass tattoo?” Capone and I both chuckle. Brently is such a huge pretty boy. Now he has this ugly-ass tattoo and a gash that is going to leave a pretty sick ragged scar as well.

  “Don’t you worry ‘bout that fuckin’ tattoo, boy. I’m going to skin those little fucks for this shit,” Prez growls savagely.

  “Nah, Dad, seriously, they are nasty guys. I don’t want to see any of the brothers get hurt because of me.” Brently’s a good kid, always keeping his nose clean. Kid should be away at college, but decided to stay local. Looking at Prez, it’s hard to imagine he has a kid this old. I guess he is in his forties though.

  “It’s club business. You didn’t want to be a part of it, so it’s not your decision,” Prez cuts him off and I nod. He’s been trying to get his son to be a part of the club for years now. “Capone, call Spin and tell him to get the fuck over here as soon as possible to look at this shitty tatt.”

  “Sure, Prez. I’m on it.” Capone sits at the bar and pulls out his flip phone. Good little minion. At least that will keep him busy for a little while. Don’t get me wrong, Capone’s not a bad guy. He just comes off as naïve sometimes and it’s annoying as fuck. Hopefully Spin can get here soon. I don’t know what to do with that nasty looking tattoo besides clean it up. Gotta give this kid some credit, telling us to hold off on getting those reptiles. If it were me, I’d be pointing and shooting the first chance I got. Fuckin’ kid has some balls, layin’ here hurtin’ and not seeking revenge. Prez walks a few paces away and gets on the horn. I’m sure he’s calling another fucking meeting. We can’t seem to stay out of Church here lately.

  Dumping peroxide all over his stomach, it sizzles and Brently clenches his teeth. Bet that burns like a bitch. There’s so much that needs fixing, and I ain’t no doctor. Thank god they didn’t really gut him, or I wouldn’t be able to help him.

  “AAAAARRRGGGHHHH FUCK!” Brently lets out a strangled yell after clenching his teeth for a few seconds.

  I wince and softly say, “Sorry, bro, gotta get this shit cleaned up. No tellin’ how dirty that shit was that they did this to you with.” I pat it dry with the bloody towel and thread my needle. “Want anything for the sewing?”

  “I already took something Capone gave me,” he says as he shakes his head slowly. Carefully I start sewing him up.

  “Well, deep breaths then hold still. Don’t want to fuck this up, or you’ll have an even more jacked up scar.” I exhale deeply and attempt to concentrate on my task.

  “I know, 2, it just hurts so bad. Those guys were such dicks. I’m just glad I wasn’t at Mom’s house or my sister’s apartment. I couldn’t imagine one of them getting hurt like this.”

  “I know, just try not to worry about it. Your dad will take care of things and make sure your mom and sister is safe.”

  “That’s one thing I do worry about though. I don’t want my dad or any of you guys getting hurt, all because I fell for the wrong girl,” he whispers and closes his eyes.

  I can’t blame the kid, fallin’ for some good pussy. Speaking of, I wonder if Avery is feeling better now. I need to go check on her and fix my fuck up. I can’t imagine being kept away from the woman I want. It’s bad enough she lives in Tennessee and I have to put up a front so people will leave me the fuck alone about it.

  “It’s all good, kid, a lot of us have fucked up somehow when it comes to chicks.” I finish the last stitch, wipe around the stitched up area and wrap his wound in some sterile gauze. “All set. Just make sure you keep it clean. If it starts oozing or anything fucked up, go to the Doc. Yeah?” He nods. I grab his hand and help pull him to sit up carefully.

  “Agghhhh.” He moans, scrunching up his face and lays his hand over the gash I just sewed up.

  “Easy ‘bout touchin’ that shit, don’t wanna fuck up the stitches,” I scold. Ares and Cain come rushing into th
e room.

  “The fuck’s up, boss?” Ares asks and looks at Prez. “I called Twist and Smiles. They are on their way in here now.

  “Good, Capone is at the bar and Spin is on his way. That’s enough for an emergency vote. The other brothers running behind will just have to be caught up later. Cain, go call Niko to come to the club so I can fill in everyone at once. Ares, call The Nomads when we are out of Church and tell them it may be time to ride in.” Cain walks to the side and quickly pulls his phone out.

  “Sure, boss, no problem. You want them all?” Ares asks as Twist and Smiles come walking in.

  “Ah, no, just call Nightmare and Exterminator for now. Those big boys should be the right kind of force I need for this issue.” Prez walks to the bar and grabs a bottle of Johnny Walker Red and a tumbler. “Everybody get the fuck to Church!” he booms and Twist jumps. He gets crazy eyes for a minute then walks to the meeting room. Twist doesn’t like yelling, it seems to trigger something in him and sometimes he flips out.

  I shift closer to Prez and lean in so nobody knows my business. “Prez. I need to check on something real quick.”

  “2, it’s time for Church, brother.” He gives me a once over and turns back toward Brently.

  “Yeah, I get it, but I need to peek my head in my room, I argue stubbornly.

  “The fuck you do. That shit can wait. This is muthafuckin’ club business and it’s time for Church. Other bullshit gets dealt with after Church.”


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