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Relinquish Page 6

by Sapphire Knight

  I know he’s pissed because his son’s hurt so I just nod and head in with the other guys. It irritates the fuck out of me but Prez deserves my respect and compliance. I know if it were me I would want immediate action. I’ll have to do some major ass kissing to Avery at this point. I should have just stayed in the room ‘til she came out. Jesus, did I dig myself into a mess with her or what. I’m not cut out for this woman shit. You’d think I learned something from my sister, but nope. She didn’t date much growing up, ‘cause I’d chase the losers off. Fucking women. I shake my head and take my place at the table. I chin lift to my brothers and give the head of the table my full attention. Club business, now that I understand.


  I sit up off the floor and scrub my hands down my face. Fuck, I must have passed out after my crying fit. I haven’t been doing anything really, but that car ride from Tennessee must have worn me out. Sixteen hours in a truck with only pee breaks is no joke. I feel like I ran a marathon, especially with my tidal wave of emotions.

  2 Piece is probably asleep in his room. I bet he thinks I’m a hot-ass mess, locking him out of his own bathroom. I smack my lips a few times. Ugh, I need something to drink. My face feels swollen and my hair feels like it’s in every direction. I stand up and lean over the sink to stare into the mirror. Yep. I look like a freaking monster. I have Medusa hair and dried slobber on part of my left cheek. I turn on the cold water and let my hands sit under it for a minute to wake me up. Cupping my hands, I wash my face and attempt to pat my hyperactive hair down. Deep breaths. Okay, time to pull myself together and go out there. I want to see how he acts or if he’s asleep. Hopefully we can talk this over and everything will be good again. I don’t want him to disappear from my life when he’s barely in it as it is.

  I open the bathroom door and look around the room, glancing at the bed first—nope, empty—and the corner chair—empty too. Shit! He never came back. I bet that fucking asshole went and found another girl! To think I was feeling bad and sorry for freaking out so much. He has some freaking nerve. I came all this way from Tennessee, for him to do this shit to me? I don’t fucking think so.

  I storm through the clubhouse. I’ll give him a piece of my mind once and for all. He will learn to not make a fool out of me. He doesn’t like drama? Well, he hasn’t even seen drama yet! Turns out, he’s nowhere to be found. He’s not in the kitchen, the bar, the bathroom, nowhere! Men can be so infuriating and I have to pick a bull-headed biker out of all of them.

  In fact, the only person I saw was some young guy on the couch with a bandage wrapped around his chest. He was pretty good looking. He looks a few years younger than me perhaps. Poor guy looked really miserable. I bet whatever happened to him hurt. He probably wrecked his motorcycle or something. Well, there was that awful looking tattoo on him too. Yuck.

  Fuck this shit. I’m calling Nikoli and telling him all about this bullcrap. If anything, 2 will get his ass beat for leaving me like a dick. I might like cocks, but I won’t date one.

  I step out the front door and into the Texas warmth. God, even at night time this place stays warm. I think so far I kind of love it here. I can see why London was so happy to come back here. She’s so lucky to have Cain. I wonder if I will ever have what she has. Well, not exactly the same, but just someone to grow old with at least. I don’t want the fifty kids they will probably end up having. Maybe one, someday down the road, but that’s it. I pull my Galaxy S4 out and find Niko’s picture. I press the call icon forcefully. Yep, pressing it hard makes me feel a little better. It rings twice then he picks up. It sounds like he’s driving, there’s a little echo and noises like he’s rolling up the window.

  “Yes, Bean?”

  “Niko! I need you to come get me from the club please.”

  “Okay, I am coming now.”

  “Thank you so much. See you soon.”

  “Yes.” he says shortly and hangs up.

  Niko’s the type he will text you all day long, but he hates talking on the phone with a passion. I guess probably because he’s a man and they all say they don’t like it. I think Niko likes to be able to read your expression and the way things are said, so he can react appropriately. God, I’m so glad I didn’t have to come from another country and have to worry about speaking another language, or people’s different body language and stuff. It must be such a pain in the ass for him. Hmm, I’ve never thought of that before. I’ll have to stop giving him so much crap about it.

  Anyhow, back to that asshole. I’m going to tell Nikoli everything. He is my best friend and I have no problems sharing with him. I hear rocks flying and see his truck approach, speeding through the lot as soon as the prospect opens the gate. I can tell it’s him because of his new truck’s headlight shape. The Silverados are such nice trucks. That thing drove like a Cadillac the whole way here. He parks quickly and jumps out. He looks all flustered and rushed. I wonder what he was up to. Maybe he met a girl? Could everyone be finding booty in Texas? Well, everyone but me obviously.

  “Yes, Bean, what’s happening?” He seems way too upset for just a little call from me. I mean, he got that I was that upset from just a few words? He’s crazy good! No wonder he and Tate can communicate with just certain looks.

  “Ugh! I have to tell you what happened with 2 Piece,” I say dramatically and go into detail about everything that had happened. “I can’t believe you got that I was so upset from just a few words on the phone. You’re good, you.” I wink and he shakes his head sternly.

  “No. Cain called first. I was on my way, and then you call too.”


  “Yeah, shit fucked up,” he says earnestly and it peaks my interest.

  “What’s going on?” I ask nonchalantly in a breezy attitude. Hopefully he won’t think I’m being too nosey and he will tell me. I know he had business here, but I have no clue what it is.

  “I do not know. First I teach 2 Piece manners, then I speak to their leader.” He walks past me to the door and I practically run to keep up with his powerful legs.

  I’m clapping inside because I can’t wait to see Niko punch 2 Piece. Fucker wants to hurt me; I’ll get my best friend to teach him not to be so rude to me. 2 and I could have worked everything out just fine without Ares, but he chose to take off and get with who knows who. This club will get a nice little taste of drama and it’ll take a while for him to forget me.

  “Where is Cain?” Niko asks the cute guy on the couch. If it wasn’t for the nasty gash-like marks on his tummy, his stomach would be phenomenal. He could have been a model before he mutilated himself. He definitely doesn’t look like he’s a biker. I wonder if maybe he did that stuff to himself to get into the club. I bet you have to do some crazy shit to join. The brothers I saw earlier in the garage were all good looking, but also had a sinister kink to them.

  The guy looks surprised when Niko speaks to him. “Oh, um, they will be out in just a minute. Are you Niko?”

  “Yes,” he scoffs. Geez, you can tell Niko is pissed, he’s normally very friendly when he meets someone for the first time. My fluffy man-kitten is strutting around with his chest out like a blond bear about to pounce. I want to feel sorry for 2 Piece, but I’m not quite there yet.

  Right as the guy answers Niko, the door opens and out walk a group of huge bikers. Fuck, do they eat steroids in their oatmeal every morning here? I feel like they should be on a beach commercial for board shorts instead of leather. They look mean, but they are hot as fuck. I wonder if I turn on some Beach Boys’ songs, if these bikers would strip down to their underwear and play some backyard football. I could use a good show.

  As soon as 2 Piece walks out the door Niko is on him. He grabs his shirt fiercely by the neck and slams him into the wall behind him. He stretches the shirt material out as 2 Pieces’ chest and shoulder muscles contract, ready to defend himself. Niko’s arm muscles bulge in every direction, flexed and ready to do destruction. “Hey, man, what the fuck!” 2 yells, puting his hands up in a placating gest
ure. Niko growls down at him.

  “You hurt Bean, I hurt you,” he snarls ferociously and lets loose a solid body shot right into 2 Piece’s stomach.

  “Son of a bitch!” 2 roars deafeningly and it appears as if they may kill each other.

  Ares and Prez quickly try to separate them. Ahhh… seeing 2 Piece get hit hurts me inside. I didn’t think it would affect me this way. I hope he’s okay. I can’t believe I was such a fool to let Niko hurt him. Who am I kidding? I don’t let him do anything. He’s powerful enough to do anything he wants to. I try to move a little closer to Nikoli.

  “No, no, Niko! Please just stop. I’m sorry I got you so upset, but please don’t hurt him anymore. Please,” I plead with Niko but stay out of their way. They are men and I’m not stupid enough to jump into the middle of something like this. I could get hit and that would hurt immensely with these big, burly men. I know they both have something to prove to each other at this point. Niko will want to prove that he will defend his friends, and 2 Piece—that he won’t be disrespected in his club, in front of his brothers. God, what have I done? I may have just gotten one of them killed. I’m such a fool.

  Niko begins to calm down and takes a step back. His head held high, proud Russian cheekbones flushed, he stood up for me and is strutting like a peacock. The brothers all relax; they drop their arms and take a step back from blocking the two angry men.

  “I don’t fuckin think so, Russian!” 2 hollers loudly and rushes toward Nikoli. 2 tackles Niko around the waist and they go flying to the floor in a heap of flailing arms and legs, attempting to get in the better position. I can’t see. Fuck, I don’t know what’s going on. Ugh, there are too many bikers around them.

  I raise my voice amongst the chaos, hoping to be heard and helped. “Move! Somebody stop them. They are going to kill each other, please. Niko! 2 Piece!” I push against some tall biker to try to get him out of my way. He turns and glares down at me. I look up and am met with one steel-grey eye and one deep blue eye. He looks evil. He snarls and I duck beside a different biker. These fuckers are going to let Niko and 2 kill each other. I see Cain and head over to him as fast as I can. “Please, Cain, please. Niko will hurt him,” I say desperately and pull on Cain’s large muscular arm. He smirks down at me.

  “Look, Avery, I can try to separate them in a bit, but first you just have to let them tire each other out for a few minutes, babe. I’m not tryin’ to get hit or some dumb shit.” He shoulders me off and turns toward the fight, effectively blocking my view again. Fucking bikers!

  “Ahhhhhh!” I let loose a high-pitched scream and I swear it’s like a freeze button. Everyone turns toward me and halts, staring at me with wide eyes. 2 Piece and Niko are wrapped around each other on the floor staring at me like I just got stabbed or something.

  “Please,” I whimper. Niko stands up, adjusts his clothes and holds his hand out to 2 to help him up. 2 Piece looks at it for a second, glancing at Nikoli’s face, then takes it and stands up. His nose it bleeding pretty badly, it’s swollen with a greenish purple hue and Niko has a cut above his eyebrow. He looks handsome but flushed. I’m sure their faces are going to be black and blue tomorrow. Great, just great. God, I had no idea I would be so conflicted inside about either of them getting hurt. I never guessed my stomach would be in knots and I would want to puke. I figured Niko would punch 2 Piece one good time and yell at him, then that would be the end of it. I didn’t think they would roll around on the ground like wild savages trying to kill each other, while everyone stood around watching like it’s cable TV. Fucking dicks.

  “Y’all are a bunch of fucking dicks, for letting them beat the shit out of each other,” I spit angrily. I feel my muscles begin to tingle and feel like Jello, my adrenaline starting to crash. I wrap my arms in front of me, trying to ward off the sudden chill I feel spread through my body. My eyes are starting to fill with tears. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Jerk-offs got me ready to cry. Just great, I swear. I turn toward the hall and rush to the bathroom. I refuse to cry or puke in front of a room full of men.

  I shut the door quickly and check out the room as I make my way to the sink. Not bad, it’s all grey, but everything in this club house seems pretty grey: the concrete floors, the walls, the metal separators between the toilets, and the outside of the building, all of it. If it wasn’t for the bar being oak and the couches being black leather, I’d suspect them all being color blind. I grasp the counter tightly and stare into the mirror. I can’t believe I’m spending the entire day locked in bathrooms. Thank god I didn’t attempt to wear make-up today. That would have been a massive disaster with all of my bawling. I take in my tear-stained face once again today and shake my head in disgust at myself. Well, you found him, Avery, and fucked it up all over again. I cup my hands and wash my face once more, as I let the hot tears stream down my cheeks and chin, coating my skin in saltiness.

  2 Piece

  Chapter 5

  “What the fuck is your problem, motherfucker!” I turn toward Niko, panting heavily. This idiot just jumped me for no fucking reason and I’m about five seconds from putting a bullet in him if he doesn’t have a real legit reason for it.

  “Me? You have to be kidding. You treat Avery like whore, then question me for standing up to her. I will crush you, you little Oath fuck,” he barks and I have to stop myself before I cause a rift between us and the Russians, all for me killing him.

  “Treat her like a whore?” I ask incredulously. “I’ve never treated her like no fuckin’ whore, you Russian taint. It was a misunderstanding and she freaked the fuck out before we could talk ‘bout it like rational adults. I didn’t know you were her personal guard dog. Does she fuck you to pay you?” I snap back.

  I thought these two were over with a long time ago, before we first hooked up. Now this fool’s here acting like she’s his girl and shit. Do they still fuck? She told me it had only been me. She better not be lying to me, I don’t fuck with liars or druggies. Dealt with that shit too much growing up, I won’t go back there again.

  “Pay me with fuck? No, you idiot, she is hung up on biker dick from what I hear. Now who is going to tell me why I was called?” He turns his shoulder from me and gazes at the other brothers.

  I swear, if he answers sarcastically one more fucking time I’m going to throat punch this motherfucker. I may be smaller than his ass by about two inches, but that makes me the perfect height to hit him low. I’m not some bitch. Around here you have to earn your respect. The brothers are friendly and shit, but you still have to continuously prove yourself that you won’t take no shit from nobody.

  “You tellin’ me she called you, upset, ‘bout some shit and you drove over here to threaten me? All because she’s hung up on me? She knows this is just a good time, it always been that way.” This woman is gonna be the damn death of me, just watch. I knew she wouldn’t be able to separate this after so long. She’s a woman; and women tend to get attached more quickly than men. I’m not gonna lie, I have some feelings for her too. I didn’t realize we were gonna start to move in this direction though. I mean Christ; she lives in a whole other state. Figures I’d pick a bitch to start having feelings for and she’d live sixteen hours away. I’m gonna have to talk to her ‘bout this. I need to find out what her true feelings are for me and if I wanna give it a go with her. It’s been a long time since I had a chick to call my own. After earlier though, I don’t know if she can even handle this lifestyle.

  “Yes. That is what I said. Any good vodka here?” he asks, friendly now, and just like that, Niko has moved past this fiasco.

  Me on the other hand…it’s just starting to sink in. It’s hitting me like a kick to the nuts. I mean, Avery’s a good girl. She’s fun, smart, gorgeous and I like being around her. She’s been right in front of me this whole time and I never even noticed what could be. I’ll have to show her I can be what she wants. But what does she even want? God, I know fucking next to nothing about what she actually wants or cares about. I’m a damn idiot. I gotta pull my head
outta my ass or she’s gonna pass right on by.

  I gesture to the bar, “Yeah, man, there’s vodka.” I nod at the prospect, and he rushes over to the bar to get Niko his tumbler of Absolut on the rocks.

  “Hey, Scratch, get me a beer too,” Ares pipes up and I start to fix my clothes. I always forget this dude’s name. Hell, I was called prospect the entire time until I got patched, so it won’t hurt ‘em. Pull yourself together and find her.

  “Спасибо (Thanks)” Niko sits at the bar and takes a sip. The prospect nods, face full of shaggy hair, and hands Ares his bottle of Budweiser.

  “I’mma go check on Avery, make sure she’s straight,” I grumble and pat down my shirt. It’s caked in blood, I can feel it stiff in certain spots. At least it’s a black shirt this time.

  “She was sad. I do not like her sad, fix it, 2 Piece.” I roll my eyes at Nikoli and he smirks. This Russian is going to be a pain in my ass.

  I start to walk toward the hallway. I don’t even know what to say to make it better. I probably shouldn’t start with something like, ‘Hey, sorry you sicced your friend on me to kick my ass’. I feel bad, and I know I can be an ass, but I don’t roll over either.

  I knock softly on the bathroom door and I can hear her little sniffles through the ply board. My muscles in my stomach clench tightly. I need to do some major ass kissin’. I can’t believe Shorty is in there crying over me right now. I must really mean something to her. How did this shit spin out of control? It went from us having fun, us both storming away, to getting into a fight and making her cry. I can’t stand drama and this is turning right straight into drama city.

  “Shorty, come on, open the door, babe.” I rest by forearms on the door frame and speak against the door so she can hear me and I don’t have to yell. She sniffles then she blows her nose.

  “No,” she says softly, stubbornly. There’s my feisty girl. She’s upset but still her normal stubborn ass. Good, make me beg, babe. I deserve it right now.


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