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A Date for the Goose Girl_A Middleton Prep Novella

Page 2

by Laura Ann

  “When did you have time to meet someone that doesn’t work here?” Piper finally asked, a slow smile growing on her face.

  “Well ... you see ... I haven’t actually met him?” Lucy’s voice rose at the end as if it were a question instead of a statement.

  Rory squinted her eyes and put out her hand in the universal ‘stop’ motion. “What do you mean, you haven’t met him? How can you like someone you haven’t met?”

  Lucy’s heart felt like it would push right out of her chest. Just tell them! They’ll support you! “I may have signed up on an internet site.” Lucy’s voice was so quiet all of her friends had to lean in to hear her.

  “The internet,” Rory stated.

  Lucy nodded, her hands fiddled with her napkin and she couldn’t bring herself to meet anyone’s eyes.

  “Like a dating website?” Charlotte’s sweet voice asked.

  Lucy simply nodded again, biting her lips as she prepared herself for their reactions. Silence followed her answer and she didn’t know what to do. Taking a deep breath she finally looked up.

  Charlotte’s smile was soft and supportive, letting Lucy know she wouldn’t judge her.

  Rory had an eyebrow raised, but otherwise didn’t look angry.

  Piper just looked shocked and she was the first to break the silence. “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me.” The edge of her lips tipped down and hurt passed through her eyes.

  “I’m sorry Pipe,” Lucy stammered, reaching out to put her hand on Piper’s arm. “I really didn’t tell anyone, except Ruby.”

  Piper reared back like she had been slapped. “Why did she get to know and not me? Your best friend.”

  “Ruby was the one who told me about the site to begin with, so she knew by default.” Tears pricked Lucy’s eyes. “I promise I wasn’t trying to hide anything per se, I just ... I don’t know.” Lucy ran her fingers through her shoulder length blonde hair. “I just was, I guess embarrassed. You guys,” she motioned to the three other women, “have all found your happy ever afters right next to you. But me—” She paused, unsure how to express what she was feeling without sounding accusing. “I’m just kinda here in left field. There’s nobody at the school who interests me and I hardly go anywhere else. So a while back I got desperate and when Ruby and I were chatting she told me about her signing up and how it was going. So I took the plunge.”

  Piper took a deep breath and her face softened. “I’m sorry you’ve felt left out.”

  Lucy quickly reached out, “No, no, no. This isn’t your fault, or anyone else’s, Pipe. It’s just life. I’m just a bit slower on the romance movement than anyone else.” Lucy shrugged her shoulders. “I’m super happy for all of you,” she looked around the group. “But I also don’t want to be alone and couldn’t find another way to try and meet someone. Besides ... Ruby has gone on a couple of dates with a guy she met there and things seem to be going ok.”

  “I’m sure it’s going to be great.” Charlotte smiled.

  Lucy smiled back, but it didn’t ease her tension. She knew they probably thought she was crazy for doing an internet site and she partly agreed with them. But M.K.’s emails were starting to change her mind. For the first couple of weeks, they had only come once every few days, but as time had passed, they had come more frequently. It was now a daily ritual for Lucy to check her email before work and reply to whatever he had written. His words made her smile and she created a picture of him in her mind that was more than pleasing. Tall, dark, handsome ... just what every girl dreams of ... right?

  They hadn’t given names yet or talked about meeting in person. True to his word, M.K. was taking things slow, just as Lucy had requested. But as weeks went by, Lucy found herself more and more anxious to move to the next level, she just wasn’t sure how.

  “Have you decided whether or not you’re going to teach summer school?” Rory blurted into the silence.

  The change in topic caught Lucy off guard, but she grabbed the lifeline, grateful to be off the roasting spit for now. I’ll tell them more when I know more. She assured herself. “Yeah. Uh, I think I’m going to go ahead and do it. I don’t really have any reason not to. Plus, I think they’ve been short handed this year.”

  Charlotte nodded, her mouth full of lunch.

  “You’ll be around for the fourth, right? We’re having an engagement party and barbecue,” Piper asked, her eyebrows raised.

  “Yep!” Lucy grinned at her friend. “Wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

  Piper grinned back and then glanced at her watch. “Shoot. The bell’s gonna ring in a few minutes, hurry it up ladies!”

  They all dug in and finished up, dashing out to their individual rooms moments before the bell rang.

  Dear M.K.

  Well ... it’s official. I’ll be teaching reading

  During summer school this year. It will be my

  Second year doing it. Wish me luck! :) Does your

  Business pick up during the summer? I’ve

  Heard house selling does, but I

  Don’t know anything about commercial real estate.

  Someday I will actually use my vacation

  For a vacation! Are you a mountains

  Or beach type of guy? I’m a white sand,

  Tropical drink girl all the way.



  Refute #15: Captain America is a war hero.


  “You really need to go to the doctor Luce,” Piper said while sitting at her friend’s bedside with her hand on Lucy’s forehead. “You’re fever isn’t letting up, you haven’t been eating and to be honest, you look like death warmed over.”

  Lucy tried to respond, but all that came out was a rasping cough. Truth was, she knew she had to go to the doctor, but wasn’t sure how to get there. She was terrified of passing on whatever she had, but after Lucy had been gone from work for a week, Piper refused to stay away.

  “Come on chica. Get up and I’ll take you to urgent care. No where else is open this time of evening.”

  Lucy tried to stand up, but ended up doubled over, coughing yet again. She tried to push Piper away when she came and put her arms around her, but she was so weak, it was useless.

  “You need to go and you need help. If you won’t let me help, I’ll have Nash come and carry you.”

  Lucy shook her head and started walking toward the front door of her apartment. The faster they got there, the faster she could get home.

  “PNEUMONIA AND BRONCHITIS, leading to a nice case of laryngitis. Whew girl, when you get sick, you really get sick.” Piper tucked her friend in and stepped back. “Okay, I gotta go, cause I have work in the morning, but your meds are on your nightstand here,” she pointed them out. “I also have a glass of chicken broth sitting here. You really should try and drink some, your body needs a little something.” Piper looked around. “Can you think of anything I missed?”

  Lucy shook her head slowly. She was so tired and so miserable. All she wanted to do was sleep, but she knew she needed to take the medicine or she’d never get better. In fact, her doctor had threatened to put her in the hospital if she didn’t work harder at taking in some fluids at least. Reaching a shaky hand out, she grabbed her cell and punched in an alarm for when she needed to take her pills and the inhaler.

  “Alrighty then,” Piper rubbed her hands together. “Don’t be afraid to call or text, I’ll keep my phone by my bed. Sleep good.” Then Lucy’s best friend gave her a sympathetic look and walked out the door.

  The house was quiet without Piper’s chatter, but Lucy was grateful for the reprieve. She let her eyes flutter shut and just before she slipped under had a quick thought. Tomorrow I need to let Principal Grimm know that I can’t do summer school. They’ll have to call in a sub.

  TWO DAYS LATER, LUCY was sitting up in bed when Piper came in.

  “Hey Luce. Feeling better today?”

  Lucy nodded. The medicine had done wonders and she was feeling much better, but she was
still very weak and her voice still sounded like a frog with a bubble in his throat.

  “Have you eaten today?” Piper’s eyes darted around, refusing to look Lucy in the eye.

  Lucy narrowed her eyes and scrunched her brows, recognizing when her friend was hiding something. She crossed her arms and sat back in the pillows, waiting for Piper to tell her what was going on.

  Piper peeked from under her lashes and sighed; her shoulders slumped. “So ... I have some not so great news.”

  Lucy raised an eyebrow, but held her pose.

  “Well, you know summer school starts next week and with you getting sick Principal Grimm was kinda desperate to replace you on such short notice ... ” Piper trailed off.

  When she didn’t continue, Lucy waved her arm impatiently.

  “He may have replaced you with Lillith Gresham.”

  Lucy’s eyes widened and shock caused her features to go slack. Are you kidding me? Lillith! Ugh! That woman has been after my job for years!

  “I know, I know!” Piper put out her hands in a placating gesture. “The woman is crazy and sneaky, but at least it’s only a summer school job and you won’t even be there.”

  Lucy huffed and looked at Piper from under scrunched eyebrows. It won’t be a summer job if she can help it. Stinkin’, manipulative, money grabbing—

  “There’s really not anything she can do in this situation, Luc. Principal Grimm only brought her in because you’re sick. If he had more time he would have gotten one of our normal teachers, not a sub. It was too last minute though, he had no choice.”

  Lucy threw up her arms. It’s not like there’s anything I can do about it anyways. Looking around, her eyes spotted her computer. Her heart sped up. I haven’t looked at my emails in a couple of days. M.K. is probably wondering what happened to me..

  “Let’s get you some food, huh?” Piper started to leave the room, but Lucy clapped her hands to get Piper’s attention. Piper spun back, her brown hair swirling with the movement.

  Lucy pointed to the computer. “Please,” she rasped out.

  Piper walked over and pointed at the laptop, raising her eyebrow.

  Lucy nodded vigorously.

  Piper picked it up and brought it over. “Don’t talk chica, you sound horrible.” Piper laughed when Lucy glared at her.

  “What are you in such a hurry for? Got a hot email?” Piper teased.

  Lucy felt heat rise in her cheeks and she tried hard to act nonchalant about the whole thing. It must not have worked, because Piper dropped off the laptop with a smirk on her face before heading toward the kitchen to fix something to eat.

  Lucy watched her go, making sure Piper was out of sight before she opened the browser. Her heart pounded as she clicked on her email icon. It’s so ridiculous to get so worked up over an email! However, she couldn’t seem to help herself. Her heart was falling faster than she wanted to admit.

  Sure enough she found an email waiting for her and she couldn’t stop the goofy grin that pulled at her lips. In truth, she didn’t want to.

  Dear L.G.

  Summer school sounds ... exciting? I can’t say

  I’ve ever had the pleasure of experiencing it.

  (and if I’m being honest, I’ve never had the

  Desire to experience it) ;) But I think it’s great

  You spend extra time helping kids. I’m sure they

  All love you for it. As for travel, I can go either way.

  Mountain nature is glorious, but I have no

  Problem kicking my feet up and enjoying

  A pina colada. Okay, my turn for a question.

  Favorite movie? Or movie genre? I would

  Think my enjoyment of super heroes would

  Give my answer away, but I have to admit

  I’m also a sucker for ... dare I say it? Historical

  Documentaries. There, I said it. I watch

  The History channel every chance I get.

  What can I say? I’m kind of a geek at heart.



  Evidence #16: Superman can’t be killed.

  Lucy grinned at his words. She enjoyed his dry sense of humor and found it a great match for her own sarcastic wit. As she stared at the computer screen, she felt her eyes begin to droop. I hate being sick. Not wanting to wait, she quickly fired off a response and closed down the computer.

  As she lay down she had a sudden thought. Oh shoot. I should have told him I’m not teaching this summer, because I got sick. Maybe he’ll want to meet in person now that I’m going to have more time on my hands ... Her thoughts trailed off as she fell into slumber, pictures of what she hoped he looked like flashing through her brain.

  Dear M.K.

  I have to admit I don’t find your nerdism a strike

  Against you. I mean, seriously, I’m a teacher!

  I love watching documentaries! But! I will say

  They aren’t necessarily my ‘favorite’. I enjoy

  Them, but my favorite movies ... (drum roll please)

  Are underdog sports movies. I love watching

  The scrappy new guy claw his way or his teams’

  Way to the top. *sigh* Gets me everytime.

  Okay ... my turn. Favorite food? At the risk of

  Sounding like a totally cliche female, I will admit

  To having a strong love affair with chocolate.

  But if you needed an answer that was not

  A dessert, I would have to say that I love Italian.

  Pasta, cream sauce, yeasty bread ... what’s not to love?



  Refute #16: Captain America is older than Superman


  Mateo grinned as he read through the email in his inbox. His exchanges with L.G. were not only becoming more frequent, but with each word, he grew more excited to meet her. In fact, he had to keep holding himself back from suggesting it, since she had said in the beginning she wanted to take things slow. But how slow? Is it too early to push another step?

  They had been emailing for a couple months now and he wanted to see in person the woman who was quickly grabbing up pieces of his heart. He knew she was blonde, average height and she was a school teacher.

  His mind conjured up all sorts of possibilities, from plain jane to naughty librarian. He cleared his throat and pushed the last one out of his mind. Her emails did not sound like that kind of woman. Thank heavens. I’ve had enough of conniving females to last me a lifetime.

  He had been drawn to for that exact reason. In his job, he hobnobbed with those who were wealthy and privileged and he had discovered that the women in that particular economic group were often gossipers, liars and as shallow as a wading pool for toddlers.

  Mateo’s dark, good looks and monetary influence had drawn many of these women to his side, helping him to learn more than he cared to about them. It’s not that he had never met any nice women, he had. Yeah ... the married or taken ones. Mateo shook his head in frustration.

  Using this website was supposed to help him find someone with some depth. Someone who didn’t care about looks or money, so much as what was inside. Someone he could talk to, joke with and enjoy being with for more than just one evening at a party. At first, he had been discouraged when he joined the dating site. So many of the women seemed desperate or a little on the wrong side of crazy, but then he had come across L.G.’s resume and his heart had stuttered.

  Her sarcasm and humor had captured his attention and he knew he had to respond. Each email had only solidified his intentions to get to know this woman. She seems kind, fun and intelligent. Exactly what I want to take home to mama. He stopped himself immediately. I haven’t even met her yet! Slow down Romeo. You have to get to know her face to face in order to know how you feel about her.

  His mind continued to wander as he went through his routine of getting ready for bed. Maybe if I can find out where she works, I can go see her. She wouldn’t have to know... that way I don�
�t have to push her before she’s ready.

  “And it would give me a chance to see how she acts around people,” he muttered to himself. With a decisive nod, he decided to do just that. He would find out where she worked and peek in on her summer school class. Then he could put his mind at ease about whether or not they should meet in person.

  Dear L.G.

  Italian, huh? I suppose I can’t fault you for picking

  That, but I was raised on Mama’s mexican cooking and

  If I told you my favorite were anything but

  The food of my ancestors, I would break her heart.

  You haven’t lived until you’ve tasted my mother’s

  Tamales. I’ll be missing her food this Sunday during

  Our usual family dinner. I have a big wig event I need

  To show up at. Comes with the job. All those

  little appetizers can’t compare to what I’ll be

  Missing out on though. You mentioned you teach at

  a private school. I always imagine them as having

  Fancy food. ;) My turn for the question.

  What’s your favorite book? I’ve already

  Admitted to having a love of history, but when I read

  I prefer a little more action. As a boy I loved

  Robinson Crusoe and I don’t think my tastes

  Have changed very much.



  Evidence #17: Superman can shoot laser beams out of his eyes.


  A week later Lucy was feeling much more like herself. Her voice wasn’t back yet, nor her energy, but she could get up, walk around and do things for herself again.

  She bobbed her head to some music as she mixed a bowl of cookie dough. She was going to take them to Piper as a thank you for taking care of her. Summer school had started this week and Lucy was sad she was going to miss being with her students.

  Lillith gets to spend time helping them instead. Ugh! Lucy let her thoughts dwell on the subject. Lillith Gresham was an overeager, manipulative woman who was dying to work at Middleton Prep. She taught elementary school, but there hadn’t been any openings in a few years and the woman refused to back down. She kept her name on the sub list, hoping to turn it into a full time job, but it hadn’t panned out yet, for which most of the staff were grateful. In the meantime, her daddy supported her, buying her fancy clothes and a condo that was way out of most teacher’s budgets. The woman was spoiled and didn’t like when things were denied her.


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