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Brothers- Clan Special - Ash (Book Six)

Page 7

by M. L. Briers

“Fine.” He growled, moving aside for her, and she didn’t hesitate.

  Scarlett wasn’t dressed for outside weather, but the man needed healing, and heal him she would, or try her very best. She figured that she wasn’t given the power to heal for nothing, and when she saw a need, she tried to help.

  Right now it was a wolf shifter. Not normally someone that she wanted to spend any time around, especially when injured. Ash was right – an injured animal was unpredictable, and the wolf inside the man was probably on high alert to protect him from more danger.

  His body would heal him given enough time, but from the amount of blood that caught Scarlett’s attention, he might not have had that much time left for his blood to do the job.

  She drew on her powers and rubbed her hands together as she pushed her magic towards the palms of her hands. White hot magic that had the power to heal – albeit slowly, flowed through her and into him.

  Ash stood beside her. He was ready and waiting for one wrong move on the wolfman’s part. He’d snatch her right up and get her out of harm’s way before he took the guy out completely.

  “Oh look, a useful witch.” Connor announced, dropping to his knees in the snow beside the man and offering his wrist.

  George growled at the scent in the air. He could barely lift his head, but he dragged it sideways anyway to glare up at the man – his wolf demanded it in the presence of a vampire.

  “Take my blood if you want to live.” Connor saw the man’s top lip curl in anger. It appeared that he still had some fight left within him, not much from the look of him and the amount of blood that he’d lost…

  “I’ll take my damn chances.” George bit out. His voice sounded as weak as the vampire knew his body to be.

  “The hard way it is then.” Connor fisted the man’s hair and dragged his head back on his neck at the same time as he allowed his fangs to lock down.

  He bit into the palm of his hand, literally squeezing his blood within his fist before he yanked hard enough on the shifter’s hair to make George open his mouth…

  “A man that doesn’t take no for an answer.” Scarlett eyed Connor across George’s body as the wolf tried to break free from the grip he had on his hair, but he just didn’t have the energy within him to do it.

  “I find digging graves so tiresome, and when you’ve already climbed out of one yourself, you appreciate life a little more than most.” Connor teased. Then he let go of George’s head without warning and the man’s face fell back against the snow. “He’ll live.” He bit out, pushing back up to his feet, and he would have offered Scarlett his hand to get up, but he knew better where her mate was concerned.

  Ash didn’t waste any time in reaching down and lifting her back up to her feet.

  “You’re shivering.” He growled, his beast rising protectively within him.

  “Well der, its cold and I don’t have that internal radiator thing you have going on.” Scarlett sidestepped him, going back inside the cabin as the adrenalin started to wear off and she shivered down to her very bones.

  “So, Ethan did this…” Landon was mainly talking to himself.

  “Those two butt heads a lot. Wrong time – wrong place for the wolf.” Ash was making excuses for his friend.

  They all knew that if Ethan was losing control of his bear there was only one possible outcome, but none of them wanted to put those words out there.

  “I’ll put this guy in the spare cabin…” Connor reached down and hefted George up and over his shoulder. “Be right back.”

  “I’ll come out and help you search for…” Ash went to turn back inside to get some clothes on, but Landon put paid to that idea.

  “You’ll stay here and woo your mate.” Landon growled.

  He had one rogue bear on his hands he didn’t need the possibility of another. He also knew that deep down, Ash’s heart wouldn’t be in the hunt.

  He’d be thinking about his mate, and that could be dangerous, but not as dangerous as wilful blindness to whom his friend might have become should the beast have taken over.

  “Landon…” Ash started to protest.

  “You’re the one I don’t have to worry about… so much.” He still didn’t like the idea of leaving the man alone with his mate.

  She was a witch, and a rowdy one – but he didn’t see as he had a choice. He couldn’t be in two places at once, and Ash’s bear was pretty level headed compared to the rest of them.

  “Me?” Ash wished that he had that kind of faith in himself, but his bear could be unpredictable at times.

  “You’ve got this.” Landon assured him. “Just woo the woman.” He offered as he turned on his heels and stalked away.

  “Easier said than done.” Ash sighed.



  “Why’d you help that wolf?” Ash stalked towards the bathroom as Scarlett sat wrapped up inside a blanket on the end of his bed – shivering down to her damn purple toes.

  “He needed it.” She tried to shrug but her movements were choppy at best.

  She looked frozen to the bone and he wanted nothing more than to wrap his body around hers to warm her, and yet he didn’t think that she’d allow that – not yet…

  Ash stalked into the bathroom and flicked on the shower. Adjusting the temperature for her body, he stalked back out and without another word, he snatched the blanket from around her, and the moment that she opened her mouth to protest – he reached out and scooped her right up off the bed…

  “What the hell…?” She squealed, louder than he’d like for the sake of his ears.

  “You’ll get sick.” Ash bit out, carrying her in his arms into the bathroom, and with them both still in their clothes, he took her straight into the shower…

  The sound of her groan of pleasure as the hot water hit her body filed his ears and made his damn cock twitch like it was trying to break right through his jeans.

  He loved that sound.

  He really wanted to hear her make that sound for a very different reason.

  “You’re an idiot.” She bit out – still shivering – and yet she curled her body against his for the warmth that it provided.

  He liked that too. It felt like she needed him, and it soothed the protective nature of the beast within him.

  “Well, I’m male. I guess you can’t expect much else now, can you?” He grinned down her when she flicked her eyes up to his. He watched that smile break on her lips – even through the slight chattering of her teeth it held in place.

  He definitely like the sight of that.

  “I can’t argue with that logic.” Her eyes said teasing and he relaxed a little inside. Maybe he was finally making headway with her.

  “We’re still wearing clothes and…”

  “You don’t want to be wearing clothes?” He shot back, breaking her chain of thought.

  “No” She bit out in disbelief. Who went into the shower in clothes?

  The sound of a deep, hungry growl rolled through his chest. He had a damn mind to take her at her word, but the way her eyes widened told him otherwise…

  “Yes. I mean, yes. I mean we’re in clothes in a shower, but yes…” She nodded fast and swallowed down hard.

  Scarlett watched the slow to burn sexy as hell smile that took his lips. She held her breath a little, waiting for the moment when it was done – in full force, and she wasn’t disappointed.

  He was her mate alright, and fate was playing underhand dirty tricks with her body. She was drawn to him, and yet, it was just so much more potent than that, so much more complicated.

  “I can get us naked. It’ll only take a moment or two.” That grin was wedged on his lips now, and his eyes were more than teasing, they were alight with playfulness and looking at her as if his words had already come to pass.

  “I do not want to be naked with you.” Scarlett rushed out, even though the thought of it was playing images in her mind.

  “Well, that’s an out and out lie.” Ash chuckled. That sound
was low in his chest, deep, and dirty sounding to her ears.

  A rush of heat swept through her body that had nothing to do with the hot water and everything to do with the fact that he was right. She’d lied, and then some.

  Right then and there she couldn’t think of much else than being naked with him… oh how she hated fate.

  “Not only can I see that lie in your eyes, but I can scent it on you, and you wanna know what else I can scent…?”

  “Nope.” Scarlett really didn’t. She could probably guess what it was already, but she didn’t really need him to say the words…

  “Arousal.” Ash grinned like all of his Christmases had come at once and she groaned inwardly.

  “You don’t understand the word no very well, do you?” She had a little squeak in her voice, a small catch in her throat, and her eyes were giving him a little plea for mercy.

  Scarlett knew that she could keep denying it until the cows came home – the damn truth was, as fate had more than intended, she was attracted to him, and every moment that she spent in his company she found something else about him that was reeling her in…

  But did she need to be reminded of that, and by him?

  “Now that just depends on the circumstances, sweetheart.” His grin was more than a grin – it was like victory without the words, without the smug look. Just knowing that he was winning the wooing game seemed to be enough for him.

  “Like what?” She hoped that she was going to derail the subject at hand, but from the hungry look within his eye she should have known better.

  “I would never take you without your permission…”

  Yep, there it was. He was like a dog with a damn bone, a bear with a pot of honey. Funny, he didn’t look much like Winnie the Pooh.

  “I might try to charm you into it.”

  For a bear that grin looked awfully wolfish in nature.

  “You have charm?” Scarlett tried to deflect from the problem at hand, and the problem at hand was him.

  She really should have told him to put her down. Back off. But being in his arms like that was just too sinfully good.

  “I think you like my charms just fine.” Ash’s voice was playful, teasing, and her body responded as did her traitorous mind.

  Scarlett wasn’t about to open herself up to that can of worms.

  “I think you should put me down.” Before I do something I might regret…

  “I think I like you just fine where you are. In my arms. Against my body…” There was another deep rumble that went through his chest, and it didn’t take a damn genius to know what he was thinking, especially as she was thinking it too.

  “I’m not really against your body…” She could have bitten her own tongue off. It was as if her body had a will of its own and was bypassing her brain to come out with bait for a hungry bear.

  A heartbeat later and she found herself turned in his arms. Her legs automatically wrapped around his hips and she felt that tantalizing tease of his cock pressed against her sex…

  Still not naked… Heaven help her but she’d almost said it aloud. Wasn’t it bad enough that she’d talked herself into this position in the first place without goading him for more…?

  But didn’t she want more?

  Her body was heated inside and out and it was because of him.

  Her womb was dancing to a tune, and he was the damn piper.

  “Better?” He growled. The kind of growl that made her toes curl behind his back.

  “That’s a damn leading question…”

  “I already know the answer, Scarlett.” He breathed against her lips before he claimed them in a punishing kiss that made her head spin and her whole body melt against his.

  It’s just a kiss… it’s just a kiss… She tried to warn herself not to go too far too fast, when everything inside of her was screaming for just that.

  She wanted him.

  How could she deny that?

  Why did she need to?

  He was her mate and as night followed day – she was meant for him.

  The man was sex on a stick and she could feel the hard press of his length against her sex, and as sure as hell that curiosity killed the cat – so she might just die right there and then without ever finding out what it felt like to have him inside of her – locking her inner muscles around that length…

  I can’t do this… I’m not mate material…

  I’ll screw up. I’ll push him away… I’m already trying… and failing…

  What if I fail at being his mate?

  What if I don’t try? He’s going to go crazy bear and lose it…



  Ash could feel her getting closer and then pulling away from him again. It wasn’t a physical thing. She was arguing with herself, and he knew that well – he did it all the damn time, but this… her… this he was absolutely certain of.

  He could already feel her inside of his heart. He already knew that his life would be over without her in it.

  His bear wanted her more than life itself. That feeling was echoed deep within his very soul.

  His body ached for her. He wanted to be buried deep inside of her – look down into her eyes while he brought her pleasure. He turned her back to the tiled wall and held her there with the press of his hips against hers.

  His hands needed to touch, to feel, to get to know her body, every inch of her body, and imprint it on his mind.

  He needed her scent – not just the scent that swirled around them in the shower, but her feminine scent – the taste of her on his tongue, every inch…

  He broke away from her lips with regret, but he had a need to explore and right then and there she was soft, melted to him, pliable in his arms, and he had the desire to devour her one little bit at a time.

  His bear was clawing within him to be set free. The beast wanted to mark her, claim her as theirs, but he didn’t want that – he wanted the bond, all or nothing, and he wasn’t about to walk away with nothing.

  He needed to woo her, and things were going pretty damn well right then, but he knew that might not last. Not if she panicked and rushed to deny him…

  He trailed his tongue down her neck, nipping gently, but just the feel of his blunt teeth against her skin was enough to give him the desire to bite, to taste her blood on his tongue…

  He knew that he needed to disengage from that feeling a little – needed to know that she was fully on board before he even considered letting her show him her back. If she did that then he might not be able to keep control of his beast side.

  What if I can’t control the beast within?

  What if I hurt her?

  I’m a screw up… we’re all screw ups in this clan and the others seem to have managed to keep control.

  Landon said he trusted me more than the others…

  Am I really worthy of that trust?

  Is my bear?

  He was drawn to that spot on her shoulder where he’d put his mark – claim her – show the world that she was his and that he’d die to protect her…

  His fingers pulled at the wet cloth that covered it.

  He felt his beast push forward. Felt his fangs start to elongate…

  Ash pushed back harder. Tried to keep his beast at bay… but the bear was strong and it knew what it wanted – knew its own mind…

  He could feel his heart start to race. Hear the blood rushing through his body – the sound almost deafening in his own ears…

  A heartbeat later and he’d unwrapped her body, put her down unceremoniously onto her feet, and was backing away from her like she was a grenade with the pin out…

  His chin was down near his muscled chest, and that chest rose and fell like he just couldn’t drag enough oxygen into his lungs. His hands were closed fists at his sides, and his eyes were jet black and haunted…

  It took Scarlett more than a moment or two to realise what had happened. One moment she was revelling in the feel of her man all around her, and the next
she felt cold and so very alone as he backed away – the look in his eyes was painful to behold…

  “Ash…?” Scarlett didn’t move one inch. She couldn’t. She sensed the danger in the air – she didn’t have to see it written all over his body…

  “I don’t trust myself with you.” Ash growled. His beast was right there – still pushing – still demanding that they claim her.

  Scarlett knew one thing – that she needed to hold it together for the both of them or this could go very wrong, very quickly.

  “You want to kill me?” She asked and saw his eyes disappear under the downward turn of his scowl…

  “No…” He growled out, those eyes of his must have been flicking about wildly because his head was moving about too, as if he was searching for something that he just couldn’t find. “Why would you ask that?”

  “Because anything other than you wanting to rip my throat out is not as big a deal as you might think right now.” Scarlett took that first step towards him and he backed off two.

  “I can’t control my beast…” Ash felt ashamed to admit, especially to his mate, but there it was – she needed to know that he was a grade A screw up.

  “Most men have that problem.” Scarlett tried to keep her tone light, even – she needed to lull him – sooth the man and his beast, and she didn’t rightly know how the hell to do that.

  It wasn’t as if she was a bear whisperer.

  “I don’t want to hurt you, Scarlett.”

  “So you do want to kill me?” She smiled. An honest to goodness smile that made his brain hurt.

  He’d just told her that he could hurt her and she was smiling at him. What was wrong with her?

  “I want to bite. Bond. Claim you as mine. I just don’t think that I can control my bear…” He dropped his head in shame.

  There was so much tension within those broad shoulders of his that she couldn’t believe that they actually sagged under the wright of his worries.

  “That’s natural, right?” Scarlett took another step and his head snapped up – she held in place, and he didn’t back off.

  “For a screw up bear, yeah.” Ash ground out as he ground his teeth together and tried to fight the bear…


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