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Light His Fire: Paranormal BBW Dragon Shifter Mail-Order Bride Romance

Page 8

by Anya Nowlan

  “I don’t care, Ares. I don’t care that you’re not ready yet. I didn’t mean that you have to be perfect. I’m not. I barely know what I’m doing, and I’ve only now found the courage to really try and go for what I want. It’s scary as hell, and every day I fight with the urge to just pack up and go waitress at a shitty bar again. It’s easier that way, you know? But that’s not who I want to be. And it’s fine that it takes some time to get to that point where you’re sure of who you are, sure of who you want to and can be.

  I’m happy to be with you on that road if you’re with me on mine. We can lean on each other. I just can’t deal with lying or posturing, being someone you’re not. Show me who you are inside and that’s all I’ll ever need.”

  Ares looked up and her heart skipped a beat. There, in his eyes, she could see their future, clear as day. As different as they were, they couldn’t have been more similar. And they couldn’t have been more right for each other.

  “I really am a pain in the ass,” he said, grinning.

  She laughed, throwing her arms around his neck.

  “That’s okay. I am too. Scout’s honor.”

  She kissed him, and her world did that lovely thing where it bent and undulated around their kiss, focusing only on that moment and only on him, in it, with her. His arms wrapped around her safely and he pulled her into his lap, his cock already hardening. He was still dirty and sweaty from working in the mountains and damn if that didn’t make him taste better.

  Her tongue slipped into his mouth and she moaned softly as he tugged on it with his teeth. Ares undid the front of her robe and slipped it down her shoulders, revealing her round, heavy breasts and soft stomach. He tugged at the fabric and removed the robe completely, discarding it on the floor. She gasped as he sucked her nipple into his mouth, growling as she wiggled on his lap.

  With smooth, lightning fast movements, he settled her down on the couch, leaving her covered in nothing but the dragon stone around her neck. He pulled off his shirt and she tugged at his zipper and loosened his belt, her eager hands pushing his jeans down his hips. In a moment, he was on her, his naked skin against hers, sending jolts of heat coursing and skittering through her.

  His hungry mouth sought out hers and they drank from one another. Ares parted her legs with his strong hands and she gasped, loving his calloused skin against the silkiness of her thighs. He was gentle with her and Pearl almost wanted to beg him not to be. Her hands caressed his hard body, inching down to his narrow hips and that maddening V that tucked down into his huge cock. Her fingertips brushed lightly over the head and she heard Ares’s breath catch in his throat, making her grin wickedly.

  He didn’t let her toy with him for too long, though. Supporting himself with one hand on the armrest, he cupped the back of her neck with the other and leant in to kiss her. With a slow, almost agonizing movement, he filled her with his thick cock, stretching her around him. Immediately, she rose up against him, meeting him, pleading for more. It was excruciating sweetness, his cock fitting into her wet pussy so perfectly.

  With an easy rhythm, they started moving against one another, two bodies coming together. Soft and hard, combining together just right. Pearl hid her face in the crook of his neck, tearing her lips from his. Muffled cries sounded as she shook, her orgasm quickly building and threatening to take her with it. Her nails raked at his sides and moved down to grab his ass, loving the way his muscles flinched as she let her hands cascade over him.

  “You’re perfect,” Ares growled through gritted teeth, and the words spread through her, making her glow.

  “I want you,” she whispered feverishly, little moans turning into bigger ones with each thrust that buried him deeper into her pussy.

  She was on fire, every nerve on edge, anxiously awaiting the relief she knew only he could bring her. Ares grunted, his dusty skin now slick with sweat, and when he pulled out almost completely and then buried himself deep inside her again, she came. Her body convulsed under his and her moans turned into incoherent strings of words even she couldn’t decipher. Pearl dragged Ares along with her and, a moment later, he emptied his seed into her, pumping her full as she eagerly took it all.

  Then, her lips found his again, breathless but still wanting, and kissed him quickly and violently. He flipped them over, letting Pearl land on top of him, cradled in his arms – she felt safe there.

  “I don’t think I’m ever going to let you go,” he said, his words raspy.

  Pearl chuckled, kissing him lightly on the tip of his nose.

  “You’re going to have to.”


  “What do you mean why!? We have a store to open up!”



  “Sure thing, Sonya. We can look into getting something sexy in,” Pearl said with a conspiratory smile.

  She was leaning on the counter, having a lovely chat with her favorite female werepanther! Diesel firmly held the male spot in that listing, but that wasn’t saying much seeing as there were only two werepanthers in Shifter Grove, currently.

  “Well, you better! Until we get a decent boutique around here. You know how long of a drive it is to a store that stocks something other than working boots and plaid? Too damn long!” Sonya scoffed, grabbing her groceries and waving at Pearl.

  With a satisfied sigh, Pearl pushed herself off the counter and stalked deeper into the store. It had been open for a few months now and everything was falling into place. Not only with the store, but with Pearl’s life as well.

  When she came to Shifter Grove, Pearl just had one plan. To succeed. She’d been single-minded and determined in the pursuit of it, ignoring everything else. Like making friends, building a life for herself. Noticing cocky dragons who wanted to make her purr with satisfaction…

  Pearl blushed slightly, making herself busy with evening out some shelves. Things were getting hot and heated with Ares and she didn’t mind it one bit. In fact, other than dealing with her store, messing around with the wild-eyed dragon was her favorite pastime. Nothing could measure up to the feeling of complete, all-encompassing joy she got when Ares took her out for another adventure, or even just curled up with her in front of a cozy fire. She loved it. It wasn’t just a casual fling. It was growing into everything she had thought it couldn’t and while it would have scared the ‘old’ Pearl, it excited the new and improved Pearl. The Shifter Grove Pearl.

  Speaking of the devil, Pearl heard the little bell ring that signaled someone stepping into the store. She looked up, preparing to greet one of the locals, but before she could get a word out, Ares was already at her side. He picked her up easily, swinging her around in a circle around him.

  “What are you doing!” she laughed. “Put me down! You’re all covered in soot and dust!”

  “I’m a dragon, baby. Of course I’m covered in soot and dust. What do you think we do all day? Sleep around on our gold and expect to be waited on hand and foot?!”

  Ares gave a cheeky grin, putting her down on the ground again. Pearl gave him a look and Ares just chuckled, leaning in for a kiss. As dirty as he was, she never denied him that. How could she, when it felt so good!? His tongue slipped into her mouth and the moan of pleasure that bubbled up right after it was information enough about how much she liked it.

  When he pulled away finally, Pearl thought it was much too soon. Sheepishly, she glanced around if there was anyone to see their passionate exchange, but they were alone in the store. It was one of those sleepy mid-day hours where Shifter Grove seemed to stand still.

  “What are you doing in town? I thought you wouldn’t be coming home until late today,” Pearl asked, keeping her palms in his hands.

  There was a look in Ares’s eyes that made Pearl frown a little. He always looked excited and ready to go, but this time, it was like he was boiling over with the need to tell her something. Taking his sweet time with it wasn’t appearing to be one of his strong suits.

  “Did you… find it?” she asked,
her heart starting to beat faster.

  Ares nodded and Pearl threw her arms around his neck, squealing. Ares drew her into his embrace again and held her tight.

  “I’m so proud of you!” Pearl said with a beaming smile.

  “You wouldn’t believe it, Pearl. There’s so much of it,” he said.

  It was easy to see that Ares was completely ecstatic about finding the gold he had been searching for. It seemed like he was almost standing taller because of it. Pearl leant back a bit, expecting him to let her go, but Ares held his grasp on her. His blue and golden eyes met hers and another emotion came over them. One that was even easier to distinguish. Love.

  “Pearl. I vowed to myself that I wouldn’t ask until I thought I was worthy. Until I found my hoard. But I’ve found it now,” he started.

  If Pearl had thought her heart had been beating fast before, it was going into overdrive now! Her throat went dry. Something inside of her told her that she’d been waiting to hear exactly this for a long time.

  “And I think I can be the man you need me to be. I’ll spend every damn day of my life trying, at least. Pearl, would you be my mate?”

  She didn’t need to think about it. In her heart of hearts, she knew that he was everything she’d ever wanted. And so much more.

  “Yes,” she said, tears welling up in her eyes.

  “Are you sure? I mean, I can’t promise I won’t make any more mountains collapse,” he asked, smiling widely.

  “As long as you collapse them around me, not on me, we’re fine,” she laughed.

  “I can promise you that much,” he said, his voice a raspy whisper.

  He kissed her deeply on the lips, slower now.

  “I think you need to lock the front door for a while.”

  “I think so too.”



  Sleeping Dragon Hill wasn’t that sleepy anymore. At least a dozen men in their heavy machinery skittered back and forth, trucks moving in and out to carry away the rubble every now and then. Locke, Ares’s new second in command and a werewolf with enough attitude to keep the unruliest of crews at bay, was calling the shots and making sure everything ran smoothly. The entire side of the mountain was a teeming body of activity, alive and breathing as much as Ares himself was. He watched over the worksite with barely hidden satisfaction – it was his, all his.

  He hadn’t expected to feel so at ease in the middle of nowhere, but he did. Of course, there were many things in Shifter Grove keeping him happy – things he never had living in the capitals of the world. Firstly and most importantly, Pearl was there. Mae’s General Goods had been quickly renamed Pearl’s General Goods and she was now busy expanding, having rented some space in the neighboring building as well. She’d bought Ares out within a few months and he didn’t mind one bit. She wanted to make her own way in the world and he could respect that.

  Secondly, his growing hoard was in Shifter Grove. He’d been right about Sleeping Dragon Hill and when he finally managed to drag himself out of bed and away from Pearl, he found the thick veins of gold he’d been searching for. Now, he had rotating crews working on extracting it from the mountainside and a whole industry ready to sprout up around it, if he so decided. Secretly, he had already started building wide, safely hidden tunnels and vaults in the surrounding mountains to store his precious gold. Though the biggest chambers would be built under his home, of course – the home that he shared with his mate.

  Pearl’s car pulled up behind his truck on a narrow mountain road that overlooked the gold mining operation. She stepped out and smiled at him, and the sight of her made his heart swell with happiness. She still wore a pendant around her neck, but instead of the ghostly stone, it was now the beautiful design of gold and lustrous pearls that had formed during the ceremony – sometimes dragon magic took the most beautiful shapes.

  They hadn’t taken long to make their bond official, only waiting until the next gold moon. Apollo and Alexander had both come, leaving the hoard for one night to be present for their brother’s wedding. Ares appreciated that more than he could put into words.

  “Overseeing the riches, hmm?” Pearl asked teasingly, holding a bag of what Ares knew to be delicious veal sandwiches.

  “Someone has to,” he replied, gently pulling her close to him and kissing her on the lips. “How are you feeling today? The babies not giving you any trouble?”

  Pearl put a hand over her belly. She was barely showing but Ares just knew she was carrying twins, and he couldn’t wait!

  “They’re not big enough to give me trouble yet,” she said, beaming.

  “Oh, you’re not giving the little dragons enough credit. The size of the dragon doesn’t matter, the heat of his fire does.”

  “Well they better keep their fire to themselves as long as they’re in my belly or we’re going to have a very stern conversation. Don’t go putting any ideas in their heads!”

  Pearl giggled as Ares kissed a trail down her neck, snatching the bag of sandwiches from her hand.

  “I figured you would forget to eat again unless I came and shoved these in your hands.”

  “You’re probably right,” Ares admitted, fishing out one of the sandwiches and biting into it like a man on the brink of starvation. “I don’t remember to eat when there’s gold around.”

  “There’s always gold around.”

  “But never enough,” he said, avoiding the light punch she was aiming at his arm after he spoke the words.

  “Will you ever be satisfied?” Pearl queried, smiling.

  “With my hoard? No, never. With my life? I already am.”

  And that was no lie. As much as it gave him joy that he was making his mark on the world by growing his hoard, the gold alone wasn’t what made it all worthwhile. He was building jobs in Shifter Grove, allowing the community to grow, and his mate and the soon-to-be mother of his babies was right by his side, letting him lean on her as much as she leaned on him. He couldn’t really imagine what more to want.

  His mate, his hoard, his pride – now he had it all.

  The next book in the series is out now:

  Bear My Love

  Loved what you read and can’t wait to find out what happens to the rest of the Shifter Grove gang? Join Anya’s newsletter to be the first one to hear about new releases, catch sneak peeks and receive advanced reader’s copies if you want to read the books before anyone else does!

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  Did you miss the first books in the Shifter Grove Brides series?

  Make Him Purr

  Billionbears’ New Honey

  Don’t miss an excerpt of Anya’s next novella, Bear My Love, on the next page!


  He kicked open the door and let down the two rickety steps that constituted as stairs. Slate reached out a hand to Keesha and she took it gladly, testing her luck on the stairs.

  “Thank you for not killing me!”

  “Thank you for not getting killed with me. Never seen turbulence this bad around here!” he said, wearing a cheeky grin.

  Choppy ride her ass. She gave Slate a glare and he shrugged good-naturedly, before pointing towards the tarmac.

  “I think someone’s waiting for you.”

  Keesha whipped her head around. She almost dropped her purse when she saw the mountain of a man that had come to greet her. He stood at a respectful distance from the stairs, looking both sheepish and completely ready for action at the same time. Keesha gulped.

  Holy shit, he’s big. What if I don’t like him? What if he doesn’t like me? Then I’ve come all the way to Idaho on some bird-brained scheme and I’m suddenly stuck with psycho pilots and freaking man-bear-trees to keep me company. God, why can’t I just think things through…

  That internal monologue was cut short by Battle smirking slightly, his gray eyes roaming up and down the length of her body. He’d looked as awkward as she’d felt, but as he took in the sight of her, he seemed to relax. Curiously enou
gh, so did she. Keesha knew that look. She’d never seen it burn quite so intensely in someone’s eyes, and it had never lit her aflame like a Roman candle, but she definitely knew what it was – lust.

  And she knew what to do with that.

  She conjured a smile on her lips and heaved her purse over her shoulder.

  “You going to stand there or are you going to come and say hello?” she asked, her teeth grazing across her lower lip.

  A muscle in his jaw twitched at that and Keesha felt herself completely flooding with expectation. It wasn’t just that he was checking her out, but she was doing the same to him. She was practically gaping at him and she couldn’t muster the strength to stop.

  He was just so… built.

  Big and strong seemed like words that were nowhere near large enough to describe him. Battle was impressive and not just for a man. If he was so broad and muscled now, she had to wonder how he looked as a bear. She’d never seen a shifter in their animal form, but she was definitely burning up with curiosity to see him change.

  Battle crossed the few feet separating them and before Keesha could make another snappy remark, she’d been drawn against him in a long embrace. She couldn’t swallow the little mewl that bubbled up when he pressed her against him, her soft curves tight against his hard body. One of her hands rested on his bicep and the other was clinging to her purse, though she was seriously considering just dropping it and holding onto him instead.

  It was like her breath was kicked out of her. He hadn’t said a word yet and already she felt like she’d known him for an eternity. And being against him just felt so good she couldn’t fathom letting go of him. All the stress that had been building inside of her over the last few days seemed to waft away for a few moments, leaving her just simply… happy.


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