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Vegas Is Burning

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by Trinity Blacio

  Vegas is Burning: Book One in the Ring of Fire Series Copyright © 2017 by Trinity Blacio

  All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

  For more information contact:

  Riverdale Avenue Books

  5676 Riverdale Avenue

  Riverdale, NY 10471

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  Cover by Scott Carpenter

  Digital ISBN: 978-1-62601-391-9

  Print ISBN: 978-1-62601-392-6

  First Edition July 2017


  Old man of the mountain below,

  His passions boil over, the ground shakes, groans and rolls.

  Only two passions born separate can once more calm the earth below.

  Tied together for life, will not answer those fires inside, cooling the molten rock below.

  He’s shaking and rolling, ready to blow.

  Old man, guide your children. Mother Earth, lend your gentle guidance

  For the millions of souls that dwell on Earth depend on their ring of love.

  The legend, passed down through generations in whispers, was scrawled on cave walls long before man learned to write.

  Two families born worlds apart hold the fate of millions in their hands. Their children, those of the Earth who are sworn to protect others around them, will come to understand the true sacrifice of their heritage.

  They have two choices: follow their destiny or risk unknown future for all. Four children born as two different species are intertwined together to soothe the beast from down below, the ultimate individual, whose heart and passion ignite the two worlds in a haze of fire.

  The journey started long ago with the mistakes of Adish.

  One man who made the simple mistake of ignoring his destiny by turning his back on his chosen one.

  Now his children suffer—those born with his genes, but birthed through a stranger’s arms.

  For they are cursed to repeat history. They will be given the same opportunity as their forefather: to find and accept their chosen. By a twist of fate, they will have to save not only themselves, but the very world on which they live.

  Saving Adish and easing the Ring of Love.

  As foretold, the time has come. Will his children repeat his devastating mistakes? Will their passions, their very destiny, go unanswered as they ignore the fires raging inside them? Or will they sacrifice all and choose to save those around them? Should they reject the one and only person who could ease the fires burning inside them, their fate will be sealed just as Adish’s had been so very long ago, leaving them to suffer through the building fires raging inside them.

  Born of a king of another world and the Mother of the Earth, their four children were raised as humans, suffering the same as they did.

  Not knowing their own destiny, or who they were,

  will they submit their bodies and their hearts, so destiny could be fulfilled?

  Two different souls, fire to fire.

  Destiny is knocking; will you answer the door?

  Chapter One

  The sound of groans as whips hit skin, and the scent of pleasure filled the air around Raul. Even in his private room, he could hear conversations going on outside the walls. He glanced back at the submissive on his bed, one of his wolves.

  Her skin was flushed, and a small smile rested on her lips. Her hips and breasts were curvy, but still, he wasn’t satisfied with the bounty before him. Nothing seemed to help lately. The woman in front of Raul was not meant for him. This would be their last night playing.

  Raul moved back to the bed where Frankie lay, her back red from the flogging she had taken. She had tried to give him what he needed, and she’d submitted to him well, even if she wasn’t his mate. He grabbed the lotion from his bag.

  “Don’t move, pet,” he ordered.

  She didn’t have to be told twice and she groaned, as if knowing this would sting as much as the actual flogging. “You didn’t... Didn’t I please you?” she asked, looking over her shoulder at him. Worry marred her gaze.

  “It’s not you, Frankie. I’ve been restless for the past six months. Don’t you dare say a word about the legend, or I’ll take a whip to your sore back,” he growled, and glared at her. Her pupils were just starting to return to normal, but she still trembled.


  Raul put a finger on her lips. “No, you are not meant for the whip or cane. As it is, you shouldn’t have these marks. You are not one for pain. I was stupid to allow you to goad me. It won’t happen again.” He leaned down and placed a kiss on the top of her head. “Thank you for trying, though, but you need someone else who isn’t a full-time master.” He rose and moved to the window of his private room in the club. “You are free, Frankie. I will not take you again.”

  “But you can’t keep that bottled up inside. You know that,” Frankie dared saying. She slid off the bed and crawled to him with her head bowed in respect to the alpha of their clan.

  She was a spitfire; Frankie never kept anything back from him. “Oh, little wolf, if only you were the one that could ease this, but you are not. I will not take out my needs on you.” He cupped her cheek, staring into her big brown eyes. Her body was made to pleasure any man. She was full-figured and portioned perfectly for someone of his size.

  “Come, the night is young, and I know for a fact there are two scenes you wanted to see outside.” He nodded to the teddy that lay at the end of the bed, but she didn’t listen and took his cock in her hand.

  “Please, at least allow me to help a little,” she whispered before running her tongue up the underside of his cock.

  He snarled and laced his hand through her thick mane of hair. “Frankie!” He pulled away, but she knew what he liked. She grabbed his balls and squeezed as she placed a kiss on the top of his cock. “All right, take me, little wolf, but there will be consequences for your actions,” he snarled and thrust forward into her hot, wet mouth, reaching the back of her throat.

  She stiffened at first but relaxed enough to take more than she ever had down her throat. She had been practicing since the last time she’d taken him into her mouth.

  “You will tell me later how,” he growled and placed both hands on her face, guiding her. He watched her every move, making sure she could do this. The master in him would not fail her this time. “That’s it, pet; take me,” he ordered as her gaze lifted to his. He saw the need to please him deep in her eyes, yet he didn’t see the passion that ought to be there when one connected with someone during lovemaking.

  Frankie had been taught well. In a matter of minutes, he pulled out of her mouth right before releasing, and his burning seed poured over her ample breasts. After he took a few minutes to get his thoughts together, he noticed her small smile. The slight relief helped, but still, his cock was hard.

  He took a deep breath and moved to the small bathroom. “Don’t move, little wolf,” he ordered, getting a warm, wet cloth to clean her. Raul bent down in front of her and gently cleaned the submissive. He pinched and played with her breasts, getting her aroused again.

  “Sir? I would have...” She gasped as he covered her mound and pushed a finger into her.

  “No, you are not meant for me, Frankie. I would like nothing better than to bury myself in your pussy again, but you have someone waiting for you. You know this. Plus, only the one who is meant
for me will take my seed,” Raul said. He lifted his finger and licked it before standing.

  “But…” She frowned. “You haven’t gotten...” Her cheeks were flushed again, and Raul knew she needed a cock buried inside her pussy.

  “No, and I never will again till I find her. You see, I do listen to some parts of the legend.” He snorted and threw the washcloth into the bathroom before moving to the single chair in the room. He pulled on his pants and looked to where she was kneeling. “Go find Master Jose; tell him what you have done. He can dish out your punishment.” He laughed at her shocked expression.

  “Just because I can’t find what I need doesn’t mean I don’t see to the needs of my wolves. It’s time to go to the one you were meant to be with. Both of you need to stop behaving like fools and admit he’s your mate.” Raul gave her a look, and her face turned pink.

  “I’m sorry.” Tears came to her eyes, and he sighed, sitting.

  “Come here, Frankie.” Raul held his arms open and she flew to them and curled up in his lap. “What you feel for me is what any other wolf feels for their alpha. You want to please me—no, you need to, and you know this.” He pulled back and stared into her face. “I know you can feel the difference when you are around Jose, am I right?” he asked, and she nodded.

  “It’s scary, though. I mean, there is so much...” She gasped and looked up at him. “That’s what you feel, isn’t it?” She finally seemed to understand, and he nodded.

  “Yeah, but try ten times that for someone that isn’t even here yet.” Raul set her back on her feet and nodded to her teddy. “Go, and take that with you. I’ll be out in a few minutes,” he ordered, and this time, she listened, as if knowing he needed the time alone.

  As soon as the door shut, Raul released the breath he’d been holding. He shouldn’t have shown her the need that was ripping at his insides.

  “Shit.” He jumped up and started to pace. “Stupid; now they’ll all be hounding me.” He lunged at the wall in frustration and his fist went through it. He regretted the action instantly.

  Behind him, the door banged open, and his younger brother, Mario, rushed in.

  “What?” his brother asked, ready to take on anyone who threatened his family. His gargoyle side shielded his skin instantly.

  “Nothing, I’m fine, just releasing a little steam.” Raul shook his head. “No, I didn’t mean that. Do me a favor. I have to get out of here and run. Would you watch over Frankie for me? I sent her to Jose. He’s her mate. But I want him watched since I don’t know him personally,”

  Raul grabbed his shirt and shoes, not bothering to put them on.

  “Wait, you shouldn’t run alone; you know this.” Mario grabbed his arm, stopping Raul before he could leave.

  Raul let loose a growl that surprised even him, yet Mario held on.

  “Please, at least take your guard with you?” Mario asked.

  All Raul could do was nod; the beast was strong in him tonight. A few seconds after Mario released his arm, Raul headed to the door. The night air called to him, offering freedom from responsibilities for just a few minutes. His brother followed him out of the room and Raul’s personal guard came up behind them.

  Raul ignored them, throwing open the door to be greeted by the hot air. He needed to run right this minute; it was the only way he knew to release the frustrations that weighed heavy on his chest. He shifted into his wolf-gargoyle form. As far as he knew, only his family carried traits of both species.

  He took off, knowing the guard would struggle to keep up, so he kept his pace steady but didn’t stop until exhaustion started to creep up on him.

  * * *

  Below the ground, an old man shook his head, looking down at the ground. Tears of fire rolled down his cheeks. The destiny of his first child was still up in the air, but his son Raul needed this wake-up call. The old man only hoped it was enough. In some ways, his oldest reminded him of himself when he was younger, so, so long ago in another world and time.

  Adish looked to his right, where she stood with tears rolling down her round cheeks. His woman knew hundreds would perish this day, but they could do nothing about it. Fate was one person you did not piss off.

  “I’m sorry,” he said, once more feeling like a failure as he had that time so long ago. He leaned over and brushed a kiss to her head. “If only I had listened to the signs.”

  She turned to him with love and trust in her eyes. “Each of us makes mistakes. We have made ours, and now, we live with the consequences. Let’s hope our children learn from our mistakes where we didn’t.” She placed her hand on his cheek. “Get it done.” She turned back to their home and prison, the only cool place among the fires of the earth below. Maybe someday they would be able to visit other worlds again when this test was done.

  Calling on the curse placed upon him long ago, the king of the fire did the only thing he knew how to: remind the humans who they were and what they were destroying—their world. He only hoped his children who’d been born above would listen to the fate they were destined to. Adish didn’t want them to live the life he had, the one he had thrown away so long ago, repeating his mistakes four times over. Would his children give him the rest he needed, easing their own personal hell? Adish could only hope his clues were enough to guide them. Adish dissolved into flame and moved through the tunnels of the earth, knowing where the pressure was the worst and needed to be released.

  “Forgive me, my children,” he whispered before he released the pressure and flames below Metropolis. The ground shook, destroying what was up above; flames burned whatever they could reach; and he could hear the screams of thousands below.

  * * *

  Bella awoke from her nightmare shaking and with sweat covering her body, though she was cold. Something was wrong; Bella’s gut never lied, and she always listened to it, except for that night. She glanced over at the clock; it was time. She was going to face what had been bothering her since she was a child. The doubt and the treatment she’d gotten all her life would end today. Once more, she’d give them a chance, and she would move on if nothing happened. She would cut them from her life for good.

  “Well, it’s time, Rosey,” she said, moving her golden tiger cat as she swung her legs off the couch, taking in her small apartment. She had worked hard for what she had, with no help from her so-called family.

  “A shower first,” Bella said, laughing at her cat as she seemed to give her that I was comfortable, fool look. “Hey, you knew I had to leave, and you have a bed.” She could have sworn her cat snorted as she jumped off the couch. Following her cat’s progress, Bella moved to the bathroom.

  Her stomach was in knots, but this was nothing new. Bella had gotten used to living with not knowing what was going to happen, especially when dealing with her family. She stripped out of her T-shirt and panties and stepped into the shower. The warm water eased some of the tension in her shoulders but did nothing for her nerves as she tried to remember one time her parents ever showed her some love, but she couldn’t recall it.

  “Maybe that’s why I need a change,” she muttered, thinking of the last time she’d gone to the local BDSM club—just last night. Her backside was still a little tender from the spanking she’d received. But even that hadn’t quenched her need . Sure, the masters there knew how to get her body to sing, but something else was missing. Never once had she gone into that special zone—“subspace” as her best friend, Charley, had called it.

  She shook her head, trying to clear her foggy brain to stay on the task ahead of her and ended up with soap in her eyes. “Damn it.” She reached out of the shower and grabbed the towel, then rubbed it across her face. Could she handle her parents’ rejection again? What were they hiding from her? Because she knew they were hiding something.

  Bella finished her shower quickly. The timing had to be perfect or she would miss seeing them, including her sister, Daisy, the bitch. Her sister and parents met every day at a specific time. They had always tried to hide it from he
r, but she wasn’t stupid, as they believed she was.

  “Tonight I will find out the answers. Let’s just hope they aren’t ax murderers,” she mumbled, sliding into a pair of her favorite jeans and a tank top. Fall was late coming to Oberlin, and it was actually warm outside.

  Ten minutes later, Bella stepped outdoors. The stars were bright, and as soon as she turned to the south, she felt as if something were squeezing her heart. Something was wrong, but she didn’t know what. She shivered even though it was warm out. For years now, Bella had known she was different, connected to the earth and animals but told no one. But her friend, Charley, and her family seemed to understand.

  She unlocked her little bug and tried to shake the feeling her life was about to flip upside down.

  “I swear you’re a witch, but a good one,” Charley had teased her. “Just like my momma.” Bella had actually looked into it, reading all the books she could on the subject. It was one of the reasons she wanted to confront her parents. They had been holding back something. Did they know who her real parents were and didn’t want her to know? Her questions were endless.

  “There’s no reason to dwell on it now,” she mumbled. Her favorite songs on her favorite pop station soothed her while she drove toward her parents’ home in Medina. She had once called it home, but now it was just a house. She’d had shelter there and adequate clothes and food most of the time, but that was it.

  The land was beautiful, and Bella had loved taking walks away from the house when her mother went on one of her rants. It was one of the few things she missed about living there. But she sure didn’t miss the hateful glares she got from her sister and mother.

  Bella stopped at the light in Wellington and turned left, debating whether she should go there or not. Yet she knew she had no choice. It was time to finish this so Bella could move on.


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