Vegas Is Burning

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Vegas Is Burning Page 8

by Trinity Blacio

  “She was in and out of the hospital for weeks, and then, one day, she was fine,” Bella said. She sucked in a breath.

  “Yeah, that bitch of a mother learned not to touch you again. We knew it was her, not him, hurting you. Daisy was too small to cause those bruises. So after that warning, again you were physically fine, but mentally, we watched you shut down emotionally. Charley was the only one who could get you to be you,” Maria said and looked up as Herme came over.

  “The last time I stepped in, you came to live with us. One night, Danny came home and told us about the night that bastard cornered you in the woods.” Herme growled. “Don’t you look down, child. You have nothing to be ashamed of. He’s a sick man, and he was at fault, not you,” Herme said, placing a finger under her chin and applying pressure until she looked up.

  “So, you see, you are as much our daughter as Charley. We will always be by your side.” He leaned over and kissed her cheek.

  “And?” Charley asked. “What are you? Vampire, werewolf? I know you’re a princess; you’ve told me that.”

  Her mom smiled and waved her hand. “Hell, all the females in our family are princesses, that’s nothing, but your father’s side of the family is where our immortality comes from. Go on, tell them, Herme.”

  “My father is a demon.” Herme’s hand changed and sharp claws replaced his nails. His eyes glowed red. “Why do you think my daughter has a temper on her? She hasn’t come into her full power yet, but I have a feeling when her young man claims her, things will change.”

  Charley’s brothers came onto the plane carrying suitcases.

  “Your mother knew something was wrong, and she ordered the boys to go and collect everything they could. Sorry, but your purse collection is gone, but we have most your clothes and pictures. We had to take out what we did, without others around noticing.” Herme glanced over at Mario and smiled.

  “So, why don’t we have a little chat about your brother?” Herme stepped back and waited for Mario, who cringed.

  “He’s so going to owe me big-time,” Mario mumbled again.

  Bella laughed and shook her head, pulling the blanket Mario had given her up around her. She yawned and looked up to see Maria shaking her head.

  “You both look exhausted. Go to sleep. We’ll talk more tomorrow, when you’re fully awake,” Maria said.

  Charley mumbled, “I still can’t believe you didn’t tell me.”

  “We couldn’t. You had to appear to be human so you could be near Bella. Even as an infant, you would look around as if you were lost. As soon as you found her, we could see the difference in you. It’s like you two were twins, born in the same womb.” Maria tucked the blanket around Charley, leaning in and kissing the top of her head, then she did the same to Bella.

  “We’re going to have fun finding a place for everyone,” Bella mumbled.

  “No, we’re not. Your man has been building your home for the past couple of months; we’re taking that over. He thinks he’s going to put you in his apartment, but that’s not going to work. You will not be moved twice. Plus, the house plenty of room for all of us until we find a new home. Now rest.”

  Bella smiled, and Charley giggled as her mother walked up front to talk to Mario and Herme.

  “I almost feel sorry for Raul. He’s so not going to know how to deal with Momma or Daddy,” Charley whispered.

  “I hear you, Charley Marie. Go to sleep,” her father growled.

  “I always wondered how he heard us. Now we know,” Bella said.

  “Girls, do I need to come over?” he growled, and Bella giggled just like she did as a child.

  “Thank you, Pops,” she whispered, knowing he heard her, and closed her eyes.

  * * *

  Bella must have slept hard, because the next she knew it, she was in some man’s arms in the back of an SUV.

  “Aww, she awakens,” he said before kissing the top of her head.

  She leaned back and looked up. It was the man from the TV. “Raul,” she whispered and he smiled.

  “You are as beautiful as my brother said,” Raul growled, and someone snorted next to them. She looked over to see Danny, Maria and Herme looking at them.

  “Where are we going, and where is Charley?” she asked and tried to slip into the seat next to him, but he wouldn’t release her.

  “Nope. You’re not leaving my arms, and we’re going to your new home as your momma, Maria, has informed me,” he said, looking at Maria and Herme.

  “So I missed the chat, I take it?” Bella couldn’t help but laugh.

  “Actually, no, we haven’t had that chat yet; we will when we get to the house and see what he’s provided for you,” Herme stated and Raul grumbled.

  “Does he always make you feel like a child?” he asked her, and Bella smiled, nodding.

  “Yep, but if it wasn’t for their family, I wouldn’t be here. They’re the true parents of my heart.” She looked over at Maria. “Did you tell him the story?”

  She shook her head. “No, but there is time for that later. With you here, the ground will stop rolling for a little while.” Maria glanced out the window. “But this fight isn’t over. I was hoping we would get here before the group arrived, but that isn’t so.” She looked at Raul, and he nodded.

  “I was informed tonight that some of them had come. The vampire community and a few demons are keeping track of them,” Raul said, rubbing his chin on Bella’s head. “I bet it will feel good to get in a real bed, yes?” he asked her, and her face warmed.

  “Oh knock it off already, Bella. We know all about what you and Charley were up to last summer. Do you really think Danny was about to let you out of his sight? It’s him who pulled you out of your car,” Maria stated.

  “You knew? The clubs?” she squeaked as Raul growled.

  “I don’t think I want to hear about the clubs,” Raul said, making her frown.

  “You’re acting a little possessive. You said we were going to take it slow, that you didn’t know if I was your mate.” She looked down, hiding the smile when Herme and Danny growled.

  “Maybe she should sit over here with me.” Danny leaned over to take her, and Raul snarled, baring his teeth and his eyes actually changed.

  “Mine” was all he said, and Danny held up his hands in surrender, smiling from ear to ear.

  Chapter Eight

  Raul carried his mate into his house, ignoring the shocked expression of his sister, who was curled up on the couch.

  “Karina, show Bella’s family to the other rooms while I put this one in bed.”

  “I expect you out here in ten minutes, young man,” Herme said. “Tank, you can follow him and put Charley in the same bed with Bella. They’re both out for the night now. Their mama has made sure of that. Boys, take shifts; two of you together on guard at a time. Danny, call your uncle and inform him what is going on. Make sure someone stays on the Ozters’ home. I want to know everything they’re doing. I still believe they’re all connected to this damn mess.”

  “Raul?” Karina looked confused.

  “Show him the files. Maybe he can make sense of who and what we’re dealing with,” Raul said and motioned with his head for Tank to follow him. “In my own home and I’m being ordered around.” He looked down at the sleeping beauty in his arms.

  “Join the club, and be prepared for the talk,” Tank said and actually shivered.

  “That bad?” he asked, placing Bella on the part of the bed where he slept, glad he had changed the sheets, and the room was clean.

  “I’ll just put it this way. I hate the fact I have to sit out there with you and listen to it again,” Tank grumbled and placed a kiss on his woman’s cheek. “But for her, it’s worth it.”

  Raul sat on the edge of the bed and stared at Bella. She had dark, curly hair and was built just like she’d been depicted in the carvings, but she was more beautiful in person. She was his mate; there was no mistake. His destiny was finally in Raul’s bed, but could they face the task toget
her? Could he keep her safe, and would she be able to handle his dark passion?”

  “She’ll handle everything you have, son, but earning her total trust will take time. Come, allow my wife to stay with them while we talk,” Herme said. “Then you can head to that apartment you’d planned to put my daughters in.”

  “What?” Raul growled as he and Tank followed Herme out. “I’m not leaving her. If I have to sleep on the floor, I will, but she is not leaving my side.” Raul stood in his living room and glared at the man who claimed to be her father.

  “Really. Then you admit she’s your destined mate? That you will take care of her no matter what happens?” Before his eyes, Herme turned into a full demon, and he was massive, even compared to Raul’s size, standing close to eight feet tall. His tail lay on the floor behind him.

  “You are alpha here, and I respect that, but Mother Earth has put me in charge of that girl in there, and she is my little girl and always will be, understood?” He moved forward until he was inches from Raul.

  At six five, Raul was considered big, but he felt small standing before Herme. “You have my word that Bella will be well taken care of. No one will touch her as long as I live,” he promised and the Herme smiled.

  “You have a true heart.” Herme stepped back and bowed as the room lit up.

  The smell of the Earth rose inside his house. Mother Earth appeared before him, and he bowed. “Mother,” he whispered in awe.

  She walked around him, studying him. “I’ve spoken with your parents, both sets.” Her voice was like a finely tune piano, and the sound soothed him. “I tried to protect my daughter, and even I failed her as I did all of my children, I’m afraid. I should have been able to see what was going to happen, but I didn’t. Even I was blocked from interfering in her fate. You have your work cut out for you, young man, but I do believe you are up to the challenge. My Bella will try your patience.”

  She looked over at Tank then back to him. “I warn you both, they are twin souls and not to be separated. Your brother will leave soon to his destiny; look no further for your second than Tank. If it wasn’t for him and Herme’s family, our Bella would be gone from your world.” She moved up and touched Raul’s cheek, smiling. “Oh yes, you will do fine. Keep a firm hand with her, and you’ll have her heart forever.” She placed a kiss on his head. “Welcome to the family.” She disappeared from the room.

  “Holy shit!” Karina said, drawing everyone’s attention.

  “Karina, go to bed. It’s going to be a very busy day.” Raul glanced at the clock and saw it was 3:00 a.m. “Are we okay?” he asked Herme, who nodded.

  “My family will be moving here, and we are large. We will be right beside you, protecting them. If you’ll excuse me, I’ll claim my wife and see you in the morning.”

  Raul fell onto the sofa. “Sit. We need to talk,” he said to Tank and pointed to the chair opposite him. “I’ve already talked with the alpha in Cleveland; all I need to know is are you staying?”

  Tank sank back and studied him. “What position do you want me to have? It’s your pack, Alpha, so you have the final call.”

  He snorted. “For some reason, I doubt that, but Mother Earth was right. Mario will be leaving soon, and you have already proved your worth. I’ve assigned my man Garth to be her personal guard, and I suggest we assign one to your mate, also. I have a feeling those two are trouble when together.”

  “You have no idea,” Tank growled. “How they got by two of my men...” He shook his head. “Not to mention, the thought of them coming into their full gifts.” He whistled, just as Herme came back into the room.

  “I forgot to mention that once you’ve claimed your woman, her powers are easily controlled by you, her mate,” he said, earning a smack on the back from his Maria.

  “What happened to waiting until they’re claimed?” she snapped, glaring at Herme.

  “You just hit me, Little Queen.” He looked down at the small woman and she gasped, taking a step back. “I’m sorry, please, but you promised.”

  “I said I would take care of our daughters, and I always have. Go to bed, Little Queen, before I make that ass red,” he ordered, and she spun and ran for one of the guest rooms. “As Mother Earth said, a firm hand, boys; they’ll need it. Now, excuse me while I warm my hand.”

  Raul smiled and turned to Tank, who snorted. “Why don’t the two of you stay here? There is a piece of property to the left us that would be great for a house, and the size of land isn’t bad, either. The girls will be together, and I could use you here to keep an eye on them when I can’t be around.”

  “I’ll look into it.” Tank stood and stretched. “Will you have a problem if a few of my family follow me here?” he asked, moving toward the bedroom.

  “No, we can use all the help we can get. Cleaning up after what happened to Metropolis is going to take a long time. Over half of those living in that area will never be found. Half the city sunk into the ground that night.”

  Tank stepped into the room and looked at the pillows and blankets on the floor. “Seems like it’s camping night tonight,” he grunted and moved to the makeshift bed.

  “I’ve had worse, believe me.”

  Tank mumbled something and looked up at Charley. “I have a feeling I’m going to need a very firm hand with this one.” He smiled and nodded to Bella. “She’s a quiet one from what I’ve gathered, until she gets heated. Very, very protective of Charley. Hell, they’re both protective of each other. Yep, we’re not going to have a dull life, that is for sure.” Tank settled down on his blankets. “It’s going to a very long day.”

  Raul snorted his agreement, seeing the carvings from earlier as he closed his eyes. They had been a perfect replica of both of them.

  * * *

  Bella didn’t move, trying to get her bearings. The last thing she remembered was being in the car with Raul; just the thought of him had her squirming in the bed.

  Damn, this is bad, but what happened? “Oh crap.” She sat up and looked around. Charley was also up, looking around too.

  “Damn it, she did it to us again. I hate when she does this. I wonder what day it is?” Charley grumbled.

  “It’s Friday, and you two should still be sleeping,” Tank mumbled, his head popping up at the end of the bed.

  “Please tell me you’re not a morning person,” Raul said as he lifted his head up from Bella’s side of the bed.

  “This is so not right, and I need a damn shower,” Bella said, seeing she was still fully clothed. “Do you know...? Never mind, I see them. She nodded at the suitcases as she flipped the covers back and glared at her legs.

  “Move, damn it,” she muttered, but only her toes and part of her ankles seemed to listen.

  Charley squeezed her arm. “It’s only been a few days; give it time. Remember, your car was totaled. You’re lucky to still be here.”

  She sighed and nodded.

  Raul sat down next to her on the bed. “Which I’m very grateful for. This destiny thing, with the volcano and the Earth moving? I’m still waiting on it, but I know you’re my mate.” He brushed her hair back and leaned down to kiss her, but she shook her head.

  “Oh no, I need a toothbrush, shower and my own clothes in that order.” She laughed as Raul kept trying to kiss her. “Stop, I mean it,” Bella giggled while he attacked her, placing kisses all over her face as he held her.

  Without a word, Raul scooped her up and carried her to the bathroom, where he set her down on the countertop. “Toothbrush was first on your list.” He opened a drawer and handed her a tube of toothpaste and a brand-new toothbrush. She looked at them, and he shrugged.

  “I always have extras around. Sometimes members of the pack stay with me. Since I just moved in, I shoved everything in here until I could go through it. But no other woman has been in this room, Bella, if you were wondering. You are the first and the last,” he said, tilting her head up with his finger under her chin. “Beautiful,” he mumbled and put a glass of water next to her.
“When you’re done here, let me know and I’ll help you into the shower,” he stated and moved to the door. Before he left, he turned and gave her a look. “Do not, I repeat, do not try and get into the shower by yourself.”

  He shut the door, and she stuck her tongue out at him.

  “If you’re going to stick your tongue out, I have better uses for it,” Raul said through the door.

  “How the hell…?” She glared at the door. “Arrogant fool,” she muttered and started to brush her teeth while taking in the master bathroom. He had definitely spared no expense, that was for sure. It had a separate shower and a huge garden tub. “Oh yeah, I’m using that,” she murmured before rinsing out her mouth.

  She glanced at the door. Bella wasn’t a shy person by any means, but this was the man she was supposedly going to spend the rest of her life with. Did she really want to flash herself at him now, this early?

  “Nope,” she mumbled and looked at the door lock. She smiled as it clicked into place by itself.

  Charley’s giggle had her smiling. Yep, her friend knew her too well. Bella grabbed the large bath towel and laid it next to her as she started to strip out of the shirt and bra. She had kicked off her shoes when the doorknob turned. She grabbed the towel and wrapped it around herself before stripping out of her pants and undies.

  “Go away; I’m doing fine,” she called out and reached over to shut the toilet lid.

  Bella carefully managed to slide herself onto the toilet before he growled.

  “You don’t listen too well, do you?” Raul said.

  “I’m not ready for you to see me. Raul, please, give me this. It’s bad enough I’ve come to you injured and without a damn thing. Not to mention who knows how many people trying to kill me. Give this to me. I can do this. If I can’t, I’ll call.” She’d looked over at the corner where the tub was when the door flew open. Bella placed her hand on her chest and jumped, almost falling off the seat. “Damn it, Raul.”


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