Vegas Is Burning

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Vegas Is Burning Page 9

by Trinity Blacio

  She should have guessed he wouldn’t listen. He stalked into the bathroom with an even gate and turned on the faucet in the tub. That done, he turned his glare on her.

  “I don’t appreciate having to break down the door I just put up no less than two weeks ago.”

  Bella looked at the floor. “I’m sorry,” she mumbled.

  “Look at me, Bella,” Raul said, kneeling in front of her.

  She looked up into the darkest blue eyes. “I can replace a door, but I can’t replace you. I just got you here, so there will be no closed doors. I need to be able to see and touch you. I know you’re not ready for my loving yet, but there will be nothing between us, understood?”

  “Even when I go the bathroom? That’s kind of yucky,” she teased and he growled.

  “You know what I mean, but no, you can have your privacy for that.” Raul walked back to the door and closed it. “I don’t think you’re ready for a public scene yet. Come on, Little Mite, let’s get you into the tub.” He grasped the top of the towel covering her, but she held on.

  “Raul.” Her face heated.

  “Put your hands down, Bella,” he said.

  The bathroom door opened again.

  “I’ll take care of my daughter for now. You have a guest in the living room,” Maria said and winked at her.

  Raul stood slowly, growling. “She’s my responsibility now.”

  “Yes, she is, but with a house full of men, I think it best I help out. Plus, let her have the day to get to know you before you see all that she has for you?” Maria asked, and damn if Bella’s face didn’t heat again.

  He leaned down and kissed her lips softly. “This once I’ll allow it. But tonight, you sleep in my arms.” He glanced over at Maria, and she nodded.

  “Of course, you’ll proclaim her as your mate today in front of the pack, then?” Maria asked when he stepped into the bedroom.

  “We shall see. We do have a city that was destroyed and people who don’t want this union. I’m not too sure an announcement would be safe for her,” he said, walking away.

  The reasons didn’t matter; his words still hurt. Was he ashamed of her? Maybe he wanted time to get to know her too? She looked up at Maria, who was frowning.

  “I don’t know about that man. He’s more stubborn than mine ever was,” she grumbled and shut the door. “Now let’s get you into the tub.”

  For the next hour, Bella soaked and talked with Maria and Charley as they sat with her.

  By the time she was back in her stupid wheelchair, Bella felt halfway better, but that changed as she wheeled herself into the room. At least ten of Raul’s men were there, going over some kind of map.

  All heads turned to look at her, then at him. One man even growled and leaned over to Mario.

  “This can’t be her. She’s not all there. She can’t be alpha,” he said.

  Big mistake.

  Raul attacked the man, and the other men turned their glares on her, like his attitude was her fault. Bella looked up at Herme as he stepped up next to her and smiled gently.

  “Get me out of here, would you? I think it’s time I look for some place of my own,” she told her father.

  “You will not go anywhere!” Raul snapped and straightened after he threw the man down. “You were almost killed by someone with a truck. You’re still healing, and for any man to say anything against you is wrong is absurd. This is your home. I will not have others disrespecting you in our home.” He stomped over to her and lifted her out of the chair, then covered her mouth with his.

  The kiss was so aggressive and hot that she didn’t know what was going on as she held on to him. This was a claiming, right there in front of everyone. He tasted of coffee and Danish as his tongue explored every inch of her mouth, dueled with hers and dominated the kiss, just like she knew he would.

  He broke the kiss and smiled, placing a little kiss on her nose. “Mine.”

  “Are you sure?” Bella asked and he nodded.

  “Look where your legs are, Bella,” he said.

  Bella frowned and looked down. Sure enough, she had managed to wrap her legs around him without even knowing it. “But how? Put me down, Raul. I want to check to see if I can stand.”

  Slowly, he lowered her before pulling away from her, but he kept his arm around her.

  Maria moved to stand next to her and they hovered over her watching.

  Bella placed her feet on the floor.

  “Are you ready?” he asked and she nodded.

  He released her, and Bella stood there. Her legs were wobbly and she was shaking.

  “Any pain?” Raul asked.

  “No, no pain. I’m a little shaky. Let’s see if I can walk,” she mumbled and prayed. Bella willed her leg to move in front of her. She took one step, then two and looked over her shoulder and smiled. “I can walk. The doctor said I would heal fast, but this is something.”

  “Okay, enough, we don’t want you to strain yourself.” Raul picked her up and moved her to the couch, glaring at the men around him, who stepped back, giving them room. None of them said a word but they were staring at something.

  She followed their gaze to what used to be her wheelchair and cringed. “Damn, um, if this keeps up, I might burn the house down,” Bella grumbled. The arms of the chair were caved in and the metal melted. “How are we to... if I keep heating things up?” she whispered.

  “Once you’re mated, you and your mate will work together to control each other’s heat,” a strange woman said, appearing in the middle of the room. The huge men who had been standing around them were now on their knees, bowing to her. Even Raul was bowing.

  “Okay, I’d bow too, but I’m afraid I’d fall on my face, sorry,” Bella said, trying to figure out what was going on. “How do you know this?”

  “I’m your mother.” The woman moved forward and bent down to take Bella’s hands. “I’ve waited for a long time to finally meet my daughter. You see, I can’t carry my children physically. I’m so sorry you had such a hard life, my little butterfly. If I could have changed it, I would have. Just know you’re where you are supposed to be...” She looked at the man who had attacked her.

  “Your anger is clouding your judgment, son of Noel. I suggest you go speak to your father. He will be able to help. But do not fret; your mate is coming, and she is going to give you such a hard time.” Her mother laughed, and the sound was beautiful.

  “Be warned, Raul, your fight has just begun; prepare yourselves, because even my daughter is not safe yet.” With those dreadful words, she disappeared, but not before Bella could feel her place a kiss on the top of her head. “You have always been loved, my butterfly, now spread your wings.”

  Bella looked up at Charley, who moved to the side of the couch and rubbed her hands together. “You ready to explore Vegas? Remember, Mario owes us purses.”

  “You’re nuts, but you are right,” she said as Mario stood and laughed.

  “I sure do. Raul?” Mario asked as everyone rose, staring at Bella.

  “I need to stop at the command center, and we still need to go through those files our sister pulled up,” he said, looking down at Bella.

  “Well, why don’t we do this? Command center, then breakfast, where we can look at the files, and then shopping? Plus, I’d like to look around to see the damage. Maybe I can help a little?” she said, earning a snort from a different man.

  “I’m sorry, but what is she going to be able to do? She needs to be protected, not out there running around. I, for one, sure don’t want Mother Earth angry at me,” the obnoxious man stated.

  “Well, then, it’s good I don’t have to listen to you now, isn’t it?” Bella snapped, getting a little tired of these men’s attitude. “Really, who are these guys anyway?”

  Chapter Nine

  “Bella!” Herme snapped from behind her.

  “What?” she yelled back, turning to look at him. “I’m not going to be put on a shelf surrounded by guards, not being able to move. If I’m g
oing to live here, I will have a life, and I won’t be dictated to by a bunch of men.”

  “‘A bunch of men’? Last I knew you were my mate,” Raul said.

  “Supposedly,” she mumbled and scooted to the end of the couch before standing. “If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to see if there’s any coffee in this place.” Bella had turned to look for the kitchen when a woman she didn’t know came in, carrying a tray with a pot of coffee and mugs.

  “I didn’t know what you liked in your coffee, so I brought the regular creamer and sugar. I have some French vanilla creamer if you want some of that too. Oh, I don’t think you’ll remember me from last night. I’m Raul’s sister, Karina,” she said, putting the tray on the coffee table. “Please, sit and relax. We’ll let them talk, and if you want, I can take you wherever you need to go.”

  Bella glanced over her shoulder at Charley, who nodded. “Sure, but I don’t want to take up your time. I do want to help as much as I can, but I really don’t know how much I can do. I just hate sitting here feeling useless.” She took the cup of coffee and nodded for Charley to come over.

  “By the way, thank you. I’m Bella, and this is my best friend and sister, Charley.” Bella took a sip of the black coffee and moaned. “God, this is good.”

  Charley nodded and took the cup Karina handed her. She took a sip. “Oh yeah, you are a life saver, but we really do need to get new cars. How much do you have in the bank?” Charley asked Bella, who snorted.

  “Not enough for a damn car. Remember, we need to find jobs too. I was thinking I could work at one of the hotels until I speak with the local government officials. What do you think, Karina? Do you know anyone who could get us in, please?” Bella batted her eyes and smiled wide.

  Karina busted out laughing. “I do know a few people, but I don’t think they’re going to allow you to work.” She nodded behind them and Bella knew Tank and Raul were standing there.

  “No job, ladies, but it’s too risky. Maybe when things settle if you really want one, but I think you’ll both be too busy with pack stuff to be worrying about a job,” Raul said.

  “As far as a car goes, I have two of them, Bella. You are more than welcome to one of them, but once more, until this mess is taken care of, you’ll be driven everywhere.” Raul held out his hand. “Come, let’s go. We’ll have breakfast delivered at the compound.”

  “You want more coffee to go?” Karina asked and Bella smiled.

  “Yes, please. Charley, are you Tank coming with us too?”

  Raul shook his head. “No, I thought they could go into town and buy what we need for food. They’ll meet us in Vegas this afternoon when we take you to the pack house.”

  She looked up. “Pack house? Why?” Bella set her coffee on the table just in case her legs gave out, but Mario picked it up for her.

  “I’ll carry it. You concentrate on walking,” he said and followed them toward the door.

  Raul wrapped his arm tightly around her, and Bella looked behind her to see Herme following them.

  “Maria and Karina will go with Charley. We’ll have supper with the pack tonight,” Raul said, escorting her out the door to the waiting car.

  Once inside, she looked up at him. “Isn’t it a little soon to take me to the pack house? And isn’t a limo a little overboard? Won’t it draw attention when we don’t want it?” Bella asked, taking the cup of coffee from Mario.

  “Not here in Nevada it won’t. You see more limos than SUVs. Now tell me about that outburst earlier.” Raul gave her a look, and she squirmed as all three men stared at her.

  “I’m sorry, but those men had no right to decide what I do. Hell, I don’t even know who they are. You’re lucky I’m listening to you right now.” She turned her full attention to Raul. “I understand that there’s something between us, Raul, but I’m not a wolf, so how do you know I’m your mate? Remember, I was raised as a human.” She sat back in the limo and looked out the window as she moved closer to the closed door.

  “I used to go into the woods when my adoptive family did their stupid ceremonies. I couldn’t stand hearing the animals’ death cries every time they went downstairs. What I’m saying is I just got out of one prison; I’m not going to be put in another.”

  She pointed to where she could see smoke. “Is that where we’re going?”

  “Yes, even though most of the fires are out, the ground still burns; the heat below keeps triggering the fires.” He lifted her hand and kissed it. “There’s so much to do, and I’m sorry I can’t give you the wedding you deserve, but I promise when this mess is over, we will have that wedding.” He kissed the top of her head.

  “Now, as to who those men were. They were the elders of the pack, and I often call them when I need advice. But I do have to say a few of them were out of line. Still, I would ask that you show a little respect for them.”

  She sighed and nodded. “I’ll try, but please don’t try and put bubble wrap around me. I want to help. I’d go stir-crazy if I was made to stay home. Also, they might help you decide what’s best for the pack, but they will have no bearing in my life. I govern that until I decide to allow another to guide me, understood?”

  “Are you going to give me that honor, Bella? Let me be your master?” Raul turned his deep blue eyes on her.

  “I don’t know yet. How would I when I just got here? There is a connection between us, but I meant what I said—I won’t be put on a shelf.”

  “No shelves at my side. Oh, there will be plenty to do. We’re here.” Raul said, and she looked out the window, gasping at the destruction.

  She saw miles and miles of burned buildings, mangled roads, piles of rock and even spots where spouts of lava had come out. She went to open the door, but Raul put his hand on hers.

  “Always allow your guard to open the door for you. That way you’ll know it’s safe,” Raul said, and she nodded, but all Bella wanted to do was get out and walk. She needed to touch. “There’s so many different poisons leaking into the ground, it almost hurts.” She rubbed her chest as the door opened.

  She stepped out and headed straight ahead, needing to go somewhere.

  “Bella,” Raul said, walking up beside her and holding on to her. “What is it?”

  “Ever since I was a child, as soon as I stepped into the woods, something would call to me. A bird that was hurt or a plant that was dying. But now I hear the ground screaming, Raul, and I need to see if I can help.” She stopped where a road used to be and looked around. “I need to be over there.” She pointed to a spot about fifty feet away.

  “Sweetie, it’s not safe,” Raul said.

  “But I have to go.” She looked back at Herme. “Could you take me, please?”

  Raul stepped up next to her and frowned. “Why is this so important?”

  “There is something there. Please, Raul.” He looked over at Herme and nodded.

  “Then I’ll take you.” What Raul did next shocked the crap out of her. Bella knew he could shift into a wolf, but what he changed into had her stepping back. He’d been tall before, but now he had to be close to seven feet tall, and talk about scary. Dark skin that looked almost like stone covered his body. He almost looked like a character in that cartoon...

  “Don’t say it, and I would never hurt you,” he said inside her head, sweeping her up into his arms and jumping over to where she’d asked him to go. Raul carefully lowered her feet to the ground. “Hurry, Bella, it’s not safe here.” He scanned the area.

  Bella sat on the ground and sank her hands into the loose dirt. Closing her eyes, she allowed her spirit to search the ground bellow them, seeing everything. She glanced up at Raul. “You have men missing?” she asked and he nodded.

  She pulled a hand out of the soil and pointed to a spot about 100 yards to the left. “Ten people are trapped in something over there, but they’re alive.” She shifted, looked to the south and shivered. “There are people alive but many dead under that building. It fell over and trapped them when the ground opened. But
you’ll have to get in a different way. I need to go over there now.” She pointed to where a high mound of dirt had piled up.

  He pulled her up and rubbed his muzzle against her face. “Thank you,” He said before jumping to the next spot.

  “Yes, under here is a way into that spot under the building, and this way won’t cave in. You’ll have to dig about 12 feet down, and you’ll come to the staircase. Your tents are going to be packed, so call in others.” Bella swayed and her stomach growled.

  He scooped her up again and moved to the tent where Herme and Mario stood with ten others. “Sit before you fall; you’ve done too much already.” Raul shifted and placed a kiss on the top of her head.

  * * *

  Not only did his Little Mite just save ten of his men, but also many others. Raul glanced back at the ground where they’d been buried and was amazed at what he saw.

  “You did more than what you said,” he stated, and she shrugged.

  “I couldn’t allow the ground to scream like that. The poisons spilling into it are no more, and the fires shouldn’t happen again unless someone purposely pours some on the ground. I’ve shut off all the leaking gas and any chemicals that would hurt the ground and people. You won’t be able to put any gas lines around here for a while, I’m afraid. The natural elements will see it as a threat right now. And yes, the ground is alive, like my mother.” She lowered her head and blushed as the others watched them.

  “Understood. Bella, I’d like you to meet my father, Sergio Lombardi. You’ll meet his mate, Sunshine, later.”

  Sergio stepped forward, staring at her for a second before engulfing her in a hug. “You will keep my son occupied, I do believe. Welcome to the family, daughter of the Earth,” he said and stepped back. “Sunshine will bring food in a few minutes.”

  “You should eat; you are going to be busy. There’s a chance more people are alive and trapped.” Raul squeezed Bella’s shoulder and motioned his men to the edge of the destruction. “Ciro, take 20 of our men and start digging where you see those flowers blooming on the hill. Go down about 12 feet and you’ll find a stairwell. It’s in the small area where the fair sank; there are some survivors. Mario, take ten men and hit the other area. Our men are still alive but they’re trapped there. Let’s do this now and give some hope to the human families.”


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