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Vegas Is Burning

Page 15

by Trinity Blacio

A path opened up through the pack, and they made their way through the crowd until Bella heard a growl just before the pain hit her.

  * * *

  The growl and her scream had Raul spinning around as he shifted ready to kill anything that would touch what was his. But Herme was there, wrapping his arms around him.

  “It’s her time” was all he said, holding him back with a grip of steel while the three wolves surrounded his woman. One bit her left leg, another bit her right arm as she went down, and the last one bit her left shoulder.

  But what had him holding his breath was the fourth wolf near her. He wasn’t supposed to be there and wasn’t from the pack.

  Raul roared as this wolf went for Bella’s throat, but her guard, Sanders, rushed forward and killed the wolf instantly. The other three wolves whined in fear and backed away from Bella now their assignment was done. They would be connected to his woman now, needing to protect her at all costs. Mario had picked the three most experienced hunters in the pack exactly for that reason, and because Raul could trust them.

  The steel arms released him, and he rushed to Bella’s side and lifted her as Sergio came up next to him.

  “Take her to the medical unit now. They came too damn close to her main artery,” Sergio said.

  “What?” Raul spun and ran toward the treatment room. “I want to know the name of that fourth wolf now, and how the hell did he get inside without us knowing about it?” he shouted.

  “Please stop yelling, and by God, someone better have some painkillers, because this fucking shit hurts! Where’s Charley?” Bella asked.

  “Tank has her. He brought her here the same time Raul brought you. Since you’re connected, we wanted to have your conversions done at the same time,” Herme said, looking behind them at Tank carrying Charley.

  “I’m going to rip someone’s ass for not telling me about this. Do you know they ruined my pants and my shirt?” Charley whined.

  A small smile formed on Bella’s lips as Raul cried her into the room. “Charley doesn’t do pain well, unless it’s something else,” she whispered.

  “Ha, look who’s talking,” Charley said, but Sergio’s gaze never left Bella.

  Something was wrong.

  “Dad!” Raul cried, panicking as Bella convulsed and her eyes rolled back in her head.

  “Hold her down, Raul,” Sergio said as he came up to Raul’s side. “I was hoping she wouldn’t go through the rougher part of the conversion, but it looks like she is.”

  “What? You knew this could happen?” he growled and glanced over at Charley, who watched as tears rolled down her cheeks.

  “Bella,” she whispered.

  “Sometimes other species have a different reaction to our bites. Look, she’s’ starting to relax; the worst is over.” Sergio ripped the shirt away from her shoulder and growled. “Find the wolf that did this bite, now!” Sergio’s worried gaze met Raul’s. “That wasn’t from the conversion. Look at this bite mark; it’s not healing. This wolf had Hoppler on its fangs. This drug could have killed her. We’re very lucky her parents are who they are or she’d be dead.”

  “So two of them went after my mate?” Raul pushed the beast back and turned his gaze on Thomas and Sanders, who stood by the door. “Find Mario now, and Thomas, I want all six of those assholes that spoke out earlier brought down to the interrogation room.” He glanced at Charley, who was now sitting in Tank’s lap.

  “There’s a shower in the back and a change of clothes for you. Your mother brought one for both of you,” Raul said.

  “Will she be all right?” Charley asked as Tank lifted her to take her to the back.

  “She’ll be fine. Her shoulder will take longer to heal, but otherwise, her wolf is healing her as we speak. It won’t be long before she opens her eyes.” Sergio covered Bella’s wound with some clear goop and bandaged it. “That should heal by tomorrow. The other wounds are fine; they’re almost gone.”

  Bella’s moan drew everyone’s attention. “Why do I feel like I’ve swallowed something very...?” She rolled to the side and lost everything she’d eaten earlier.

  “I’m going to kill whoever did this,” she said right before another wave of sickness took over.

  “No need to worry; they will not survive this night,” Raul said, holding her hair away from her face and rubbing her back.

  Bella took the cloth Sergio handed her and wiped her mouth. “I take it this isn’t normal?”

  “No, someone tried to poison you. They didn’t know you couldn’t be killed—at least not by poison.” Sergio grabbed the glass of water Maria handed him. “But your shoulder is going to be sore until it heals.”

  “I need a toothbrush,” she mumbled, frowning. “Was that why I smelled something sweet right before she bit me?” Bella asked.

  “How do you know it was a female?” Raul asked. “Those that were picked were male.”

  Bella shook her head and groaned. “She might have looked like a male, but that wolf was female. I do have some gifts, Raul. Where’s Charley?”

  “In the shower. She’ll be out in a few. I want to know what happened to the man that was supposed to bite you.” Raul looked up as Mario entered the room with a fresh bite mark on his arm.

  Sergio grabbed his arm. “That bitch didn’t bit you, did she?”

  Mario frowned and shook his head. “No, but her mate did. They vanished. One minute I had her, and the next both of them were gone.”

  “I knew those we ran into earlier weren’t the only ones in town.” Maria handed Bella a piece of gum. “This will help until you can get in the bathroom.” She looked up at Raul, smiling. “Not to worry, my family will be here tomorrow morning.”

  Herme growled from the corner of the room, and Maria and Bella laughed.

  “You keep that up and you know Momma won’t hesitate to show you some loving,” Maria told Herme.

  “I want to sit up.” Bella grabbed Raul’s arm and started to pull herself up.

  “Easy, you don’t want to set your stomach rolling again,” Raul said against the top of her head before kissing it. “You scared the living shit out of me, woman.” He leaned nipped her ear. “Let’s not do that again.”

  “I have to agree with you. God, I hate getting sick.” she frowned, looking at the floor. “Sorry about the mess,” Bella said, and Maria waved her hand and everything was cleaned up.

  “Okay, are you ready to go home?” Raul asked her.

  “No, then they win. I need a bathroom, clean clothes and to brush my teeth, then I’ll be fine. Plus, I want to meet that boy your brother was talking about. He and his sister shouldn’t be alone.” She ran her hand through her hair. “I feel like I’ve tied one on without the damn whiskey.”

  “You and me both. I say we grab a bottle somewhere and head home,” Charley grumbled, coming in the room.

  “Right now, it’s my turn in the shower, then we’ll mingle and go back to Raul’s home,” Bella said, trying to get up from the table.

  Raul lifted her into his arms. “It’s our home now, Bella, and I have whiskey there. Mario, as soon as I’m done, I’ll meet with the others,” he said, carrying her into the bathroom and setting her on the counter.

  “Didn’t we do this before?” Bella asked and smiled at him. “You know I can do this by myself. You can go take care of your business while I get ready.”

  He studied her. “Are you sure?”

  “Go, get out. I’ll be careful.”

  “Wait.” Sergio knocked on the door. “Put this on her bandage. I don’t want it to get wet after I just put antibiotics on the wound.” He cracked open the door and slid his hand in, holding a plastic piece to go over her bandage. “There’s waterproof tape in the drawer.”

  Raul covered her bandage, got her a toothbrush and kissed her cheek softly. “Stay here. I’ll be back to pick you up in about 30 minutes.”

  “Go on, I’ll be fine.” She shoved at his chest, and he grumbled.

  “I won’t be long.”

nbsp; Chapter Fifteen

  Bella soaked under the hot water, just letting the day’s events wash away for a few minutes. She was really looking forward to meeting Teddy. Bella didn’t know why he was important, but he was to them. The last week had been crazy, and she knew it was only a matter of time before her brain would shut down.

  “Maybe Charley was right. A whiskey night is starting to sound good,” she mumbled as she turned off the shower and opened the shower door, only to see Neftali standing there.

  “Need this?” he asked, holding a towel up. His gaze slid up her body and Bella remembered she was standing there naked.

  “Get the fuck out!” she tried to slam the shower door, but he grabbed it and held it open.

  “Time to leave, pretty lady.” He grabbed her arm, then yelped, jumping back. His hand was covered with blisters.

  “Bella!” Raul called, beating on the door.

  “I’ll be back,” Neftali informed her before vanishing.

  “I’m so going to buy my own damn bottle of whiskey.” She shivered as the door burst in half and Raul stepped in, roaring in rage.

  “Neftali?” he growled.

  She nodded, stepping into his arms. “Is your meeting over? I want to meet this Teddy and leave. He’s supposed to be with us, Raul. I feel it.” She rubbed her cheek against his chest as he held her.

  He was shaking with fury. “You are not leaving my sight from now on!” he growled and reached for the towel Neftali had held out to her.

  “No, give me that one, please.” She shuddered, remembering the heated look on the creep’s face.

  Raul studied her for a few minutes. “Did he touch you?” he asked as he picked up another towel and dried her slowly and carefully.

  “No... well, yeah. He tried to take me out of the shower and said we were leaving, but I guess I have defenses built into me, because when he touched my arm, his whole hand blistered. It was like my skin was fire. Nothing like this has never happened before.” She slipped Raul held out a shirt for her and she slipped into it. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, comforted by his scent. When Bella opened her eyes, Raul was in front of her.

  He cupped her face kissed her possessively. His tongue touched every crevice in her mouth, dueled with her tongue and won. She slid her arms up around his neck and hugged him tight, giving him everything he wanted, but he pulled back and nipped her nose.

  “Not here, my Little Mite, but soon.” He slid his hands around her and cupped her ass cheeks. “Very soon.”

  “I hate to break this up, but we need to get going. The pack needs to see that you’re safe. They’ve felt the unrest and are all nervous,” Mario stated from behind them.

  “Let go, Raul. I’m flashing your brother here,” she whispered and tried to pry his hands from her butt. She wasn’t wearing anything but Raul’s shirt, and Mario was getting an eyeful of her ass right now.

  “Hold still; he’s seen plenty of butts, plus yours is cute,” Raul grumbled and squeezed her ass cheeks tighter.

  “Very cute indeed. Everyone is waiting.” Mario nodded and moved away from the splintered doorframe.

  “I mean it, Little Mite; do not leave my side. It’s taking everything in me to control the beast when all he wants to do is claim you right here.” He growled and bit the muscle between her shoulder and neck.

  Bella relaxed against Raul and gave him total control. He released her neck and licked it before placing a kiss on it. “Get your pants on.” He stepped away from her, staring at the door. “Why do I have a feeling I’m going to be busting down more doors with you?”

  She smiled. “At least I know not to lock the door if I get mad at you,” she teased, earning a smack on the ass as she wiggled her pants on.

  “There will be no locked doors in our home or I’ll take all the doors off. Our bathroom one is gone already.” His gaze slid up to hers and he smiled. “I have a feeling I’ll be giving you your baths a lot.”

  “There should be a door on the bathroom, Raul. I sure don’t need you staring at me as I go the bathroom,” she mumbled, stepping over the debris, careful not to step on any wood, but of course, that didn’t work.

  “Son of a bitch,” Bella mumbled and glared at Raul as she hoped to a nearby chair.

  “What?” He knelt beside her and took her foot.

  “Stop, it’s just a splinter, I’m sure,” she mumbled and tried to lift her foot out of his hand, but he growled at her.

  “Damn it, Raul, I can get a splinter out.” Bella glared at him, but he was already pulling the offending piece of wood out of her foot.

  “Here, clean her foot with this and put her shoes on,” Sergio said as he walked in. “I’m taking Sunshine home. I don’t feel comfortable leaving your sister and brother there now, even with the guards.” Sergio glanced at Sunshine as she came into the room, and his mate nodded, gathering their things.

  Raul stood after putting on Bella’s shoes and helped her up. “We’ll also be leaving shortly. Call me when you’re safe at home.” Raul looked over at Maria. “I hate to ask this of you, but is there a way to protect my parents’ home from people who don’t belong there entering, like Neftali did earlier here?”

  Maria nodded. “I can do a simple spell for now that would protect your home, and no one would be able to penetrate it. When my family comes, we’ll be able to install more permanent wards that will stay with the home for as long as it stands. Baby, you ready to take me there and then back to Raul’s home? I want to do before they get there so their house will be safe.”

  Herme nodded and glanced at Charley. “You will listen to Tank, or I swear I will personally tan your ass, understood?” Charley nodded, clearly knowing he was serious. Herme turned his attention to Bella. “And you!”

  She smiled and went over to him and gave him a big hug. “Thank you, and yes, I’ll listen to Raul. We’ll see you soon; be safe.” She stepped back into Raul’s arms. “You ready?”

  He nodded to Mario before leaning down and kissing her nose. “Do not leave my side,” he said again, and she nodded.

  “I know, but don’t forget we need to see Teddy, please.”

  Raul smiled and shook his head. “You are something. Mario, when Thomas joins us, have him find this boy and bring him to us so we don’t have to go searching for him. I, too, want to get home and relax. It’s time we just sit back and have a quiet evening.”

  Mario snorted. “You, relax? Yeah, right,” he muttered and opened the door as Tank and Charley moved in front of them. The guards spread out as they entered the hall.

  “Do we really need this many men?” Bella asked, nodding to the men who surrounded them.

  “I’m afraid so. The pack heard about the attack, and the second guard showed up. See, each pack has power when they use their voices together. This is one of them. They know what losing you would do to me,” he said as they turned another corner, and Bella could smell the night air. They were close to the courtyard.

  Ahead of them, three men shifted while walking and sniffed the air.

  “Wolves can smell better than humans,” Raul said as he scanned around them.

  Bella tilted her head to the side and studied the man next to her as they stopped at the entrance to the courtyard. The muscles in his chest rippled when he moved, but the way he handled himself in front of others and alone with her was even more of a turn-on.

  “You keep staring at me; you’re going to give me a complex here.” He turned and looked down at her.

  She snorted. “I truly doubt you could ever have a complex, but if you do get one, I’ll be sure to help you with it.” She leaned in close and looked around before whispering. “Didn’t you know, I’m some sort of a counselor, but don’t let it get out.”

  Raul stood there for a minute before he burst into a full barrel-roll laugh. “Honey, you can try and counsel me all you want, but I’ll still have the final say.” He looked around, just as she had and leaned down to her. “After all, I wouldn’t be much of a master if
I allow you to play your head games with me. That’s supposed to be my job, and I’ve been told I’m very good at it.”

  * * *

  Bella’s eyes lit up and his woman actually growled. “You don’t need to remind me of the others. Or do you want to hear about my past too?” she countered, and Raul snarled.

  “You’re right,” he admitted and looked up at Mario, who nodded, indicating it was safe to continue walking. “That wasn’t very nice of me, and I’m sorry. It’s time; let’s make this quick, shall we?” he said and kissed her cheek.

  She nodded and inched closer to him as they moved around the corner, and Raul saw the guards Agar had sent. One stood in front of the group and one behind them.

  Mario glanced back at Raul with a questioning look as the wolf guards turned and growled at the men. “Don’t mess with them; they’d eat you for breakfast, Victor, one of his guards. My mate’s father sent them to be her personal guards.” All three wolves instantly backed away. Any shifter knew not to mess with demons, and the ones associated with the king were especially bad news. The guard in the front snorted but continued to scan the area as the crowds of Raul’s people scattered out of their way.

  “Are my guards really that bad?” Bella asked, looking up at him.

  “Yes, they could eat one of my wolves easily. I believe your demon heritage is one of the reasons Neftali couldn’t touch you. The part of you that’s demon reacted to the threat.”

  The demon guard in front of them frowned and glanced at her. “What threat?” Casper asked. “Your father summoned us only a few minutes ago.”

  “I’ll inform you what happened later.” Raul nodded to Thomas, who stopped with Teddy and Teddy’s little sister at the edge of their group of guards. The boy’s gaze went to Casper then to Bella’s as the girl wiggled in his arms.

  Bella smiled and looked up at Raul. “Can I?”.

  “We both will.” Raul guided her over to where the kids stood. “Thank you, Thomas. Teddy, I would like you to meet my mate, Bella.”

  Teddy bowed his head


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