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Vegas Is Burning

Page 17

by Trinity Blacio

  “We tried, but with those fucking assholes, we were only allowed to do so much.” Raul turned to see Charley standing in the doorway with Tank behind her. “Find her and tan her hide. I need my sister.” She took a deep breath. “God, she’s hurting so bad. I can feel it in here.” Charley rubbed her chest.

  Once more, the ground shook, but this was different. The beast inside him came roaring forward. Someone had his woman, and they would pay. “Tank, call the pack; we run now. Charley, I’ll get her back, and believe me, her little butt will carry my mark on it. Please, watch Teddy and Sandy for me?” he asked and Charley nodded.

  “Go and kill the pricks,” she yelled as he rushed through the house, following his mate’s tracks. She had changed and was running full-out. This was as much his fault as hers. He’d been wrong to start something they couldn’t finish when Bella was obviously crashing after everything that had happened to her.

  “Slow down or you’ll break your freaking neck. Plus, we need to think. Whoever has her is prepared,” Mario said as he ran next to Raul.

  Raul stopped running and stared at him. “This is the first time I’ve screwed up so bad. Why didn’t I see what she needed? Any normal person would have cracked long ago. She needed to be held, and I walked away from her, thinking... I was so stupid.” Raul roared his anger and the ground shook. There was no denying it anymore, his destiny was Bella, and he’d effectively walked away from her, but he was going to get her back.

  “Show me who?” Raul said, calling on his gargoyle’s gifts, allowing the other creature to come to the forefront in his body. Wings spread out behind him and his skin hardened like stone, ready for the coming battle.

  His father and uncles landed in front of him.

  “You know where they’re at?” his uncle asked.

  Raul nodded. “The pack will follow us in, but we don’t have much time left. They’re trying everything to kill her, but she’s protected right now. I can feel her fatigue, though. I don’t know how much longer she can hold out.” He ran and took off into the air, feeling the strike that slipped through Bella’s shield and hit her. Her back was now bleeding.

  “He will be the first to die this evening,” Raul hissed, knowing Neftali and his group were responsible for this.

  After what seemed like hours but only took minutes, he finally arrived. Eight men surrounded his woman while at least twenty others formed an outer ring around the group.

  “I’m going into the middle. North, south, east and west,” Raul said, and his family knew the plan. The four of them would each take up a position outside the ring and fight the outer circle.

  He landed right in front of his woman. The men surrounding Bella stopped for a few seconds, before starting to back up attacking. Bella stared up at him and nodded, turning to Neftali. “All right, asshole, now let’s get it on!” she shouted at him, but Raul wasn’t about to let her touch that scumbag. Spinning around her, Raul took out three men with his razor-sharp claws. He then turned his attention to the thorn that had been in his side for years—Neftali.

  Neftali threw out his hands, and Raul flew backward, barely missing Bella as he landed. Apparently the prick had learned a few tricks since the last time Raul had seen him fight.

  Raul sneered at him. “What’s wrong, Neftali, need to rely on magic to defeat me? Try it again,” he taunted, covering himself in the gargoyle’s shell. This fight was about to get nasty. Even magic couldn’t penetrate his skin, as Neftali found out when Raul ripped at the man’s knee, sending him backward and giving Raul the opening he needed.

  Raul leapt on him and sank his claws into Neftali’s neck. Neftali was dead in seconds.

  Raul whipped around and saw Bella fighting off two men as one came up behind her. Raul leapt and landed on the man’s back. He ripped the man’s head off and turned his attention to the others who had surrounded what was his.

  When he’d destroyed the threat, he turned to see Bella on the ground, hugging her legs as tears ran down her face.

  His heart jumped and Raul rushed to her. He gently picked her up, careful of her back. Behind him, his family who had been joined by others from the pack worked at rounding up the stragglers.

  Sergio walked over to them and frowned, looking at the claw marks on Bella’s back.

  “Dad, we know there are others. Have Uncle Thad do what he can to find out, and yes, I know how to clean the wounds. Thank you.” Raul took off with Bella in his arms.

  He was worried when she didn’t even look up at him as he flew toward their home.

  “If you can just find a place for me to stay somewhere, I’ll leave tomorrow. That way you can find the person meant for you,” she said at last as he landed and walked toward the house.

  “You are all I need, and you’re not going anywhere.” He stopped before the door, knowing her family was waiting for them inside. “I’m sorry, Bella. I should have seen what you needed. It won’t happen again, but your taking off was stupid and you know it. You should have talked to me instead of leaving. You’re hurt and tired, and on top of that, I have to punish you for putting yourself in such a position.” Raul rubbed his cheek on her head.

  “What are you talking about? I have a right to leave if I want,” she growled, and Raul had to hide his smile.

  “Yes, you have the right to leave, but not to take off without giving me a chance to explain. You should have talked to me.”

  The door opened, and Maria stared at them. “Are you going to come in or stand out there all night? And he’s right, young lady, what you did was childish, and you could have been killed. Did you think about your family, and I don’t mean those assholes.” Maria glared at her, and Bella started to cry in his arms.

  “I’m sorry, I just couldn’t...” She shivered and Raul frowned down at her.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  “Nothing, just cold.” She looked up at him. “Well, my back is burning.”

  “Damn it, I’m sorry. Excuse me, Maria.” Raul rushed to their bedroom, where he gently set her on the bed. “Let’s get this off, Little Mite.” He helped her slowly peel his ruined shirt off her back. “Stay still.” He moved into the bathroom and got the antiseptic and a warm, wet washcloth to clean her.

  “May I make a suggestion?” Maria asked as she entered holding a small jar. “I make this myself. I think it would help her better than that.”

  “Eww, you’re going to make me wear that stinky stuff again?” Bella wrinkled up her nose.

  “It works and you know it. Plus, it’s got extra healing properties, which you might need if they were using magic,” Maria pointed out.

  Raul frowned and took the container. “I didn’t even think of that. I didn’t see anyone but wolves there, but you’re right and thank you.” He turned and stared at Bella. Her back was to them, and she was resting her head on her knees. He could feel the sadness coming from her.

  Raul moved to the bed and sat behind her. He placed a kiss on her shoulder. “You’re wanted, Bella. I’ve never wanted a woman more in my life than I do you, and there will never be any others. I wasn’t telling you I didn’t want you. I just believe our first time needs to be in that special room I mentioned earlier.” Raul took the cloth and cleaned her back. “It has engravings on the wall showing you and me in certain scenes. My gut is telling me this place is a stepping stone for us,” he said while picking pieces of his shirt out of her cuts.

  She looked over her shoulder at him. “You really believe this?”

  “Ever since I’ve seen this place, I’ve wanted to take you there. I called Lucid, and those I trust will be there tomorrow night. Tomorrow you will do nothing but pamper yourself. I’m taking you shopping and to a special spa in the city. Of course, I’ll be watching everything they do to you, just to make sure nothing goes wrong or that you’re harmed.”

  “You want our first time together to be in front of others? Who will be going with us to these places?” she asked, closing her eyes.

  Chapter Sev

  Bella sighed before she crawled off the bed. “I’m going to take that bath, then we can put that stinky stuff on.” She looked over her shoulder at the man of her dreams.

  “We’re not done. Come here, Bella.” He held out his hand.

  She went to him and placed her hand in his. “You’re holding back again.”

  He ripped off her panties, then gently picked her up and put her over his lap. Bella tensed when he ran his hand over her butt. This wasn’t a turn-on for him and it wasn’t about sex, but Bella could handle his punishment. She had acted foolishly and endangered him and his family.

  “Do you know why I do this?” he asked.

  God, that was one of things she always hated—explaining things. “Yes, I didn’t think. I left while I was upset and allowed the stupid assholes to get the better of me. My behavior risked you and your family’s lives.”

  His hand came down hard on her butt. “Lose the attitude, and you’re forgetting the main issue here.” He landed two more hard slaps on her other butt cheek. “Talk to me, Bella. Don’t bury your feelings. I’m here, and I can’t read everything going through your mind.” He didn’t raise his voice, but the slaps kept coming, and they hurt bad.

  Automatically she raised up, but he pushed her back down.

  “Let me up.” Bella would not cry; she’d lose it just thinking about this last week: getting hit by a car, having all her things burned, being attacked by her so-called family...

  “Please,” she whispered as a single tear rolled down her cheek. She was close to breaking down, but she refused to.

  “You are a stubborn one. Little Mite, you were meant to be with me. You need me as I need you. I want... no, that’s not true. I need to take care of you, pamper you, Bella, but I can’t do it if you shut me out. Let me in.”

  Four more quick smacks to her ass had her sobbing like a child, and she hated it.

  “I’m sorry... I took off,” she mumbled. Bella tried to wipe her tears and get up, but he held her down again.

  “And...?” he said, his hand running over her ass and squeezing it.

  “And I’ll talk to you,” she whimpered.

  He lifted her and stood her in front of him. “So talk. Tell me what you’re keeping bottled up here.” He tapped her head. “Let it go.” He slid his hands down her arms, grasped her hands and squeezed them.

  “Our first time should be alone. What if I do something to embarrass you? Why can’t you just love me here in your bed?” She looked down as her lips quivered. “Is that the only time you’ll have me, when we’re around the others so they know you’re doing your destiny?” she snarled the last word.

  Raul lifted her again and sat her on his lap, where he hugged her tight. “Little Mite, I want nothing more than to throw you on this bed and take you. But our first night must be in that room. But after tomorrow night, rest assured, I’ll be taking my mate in every room in this house. Well, maybe not the children’s, but every other room is up for grabs, and don’t think there is only one place to play. Have you been down to the end of the hall?” Raul asked and she shook her head.

  “We have our own playroom. The room is locked, but a staircase goes up into a hall that leads to a smaller building—our own dungeon. It’s far enough away that children can’t hear, because, honey, I’m going to make you scream. But, Bella, never doubt I want you. I agree this destiny thing is annoying as hell. I’d like nothing more than to whisk you away from all of this, but I realized we have no choice.”

  She sighed and rubbed her cheek against his chest. “I know you’re right, and I feel awful that I want this over with. But I’m so tired of having to give up everything. Haven’t I given up enough? I want a normal life—well, as normal as we can get.” Bella looked up at him. “You do realize that tomorrow morning this house of yours is going to be overloaded with people. I was thinking we should bring Teddy and his sister into our room for the night, until Maria and Herme get their own place.”

  He growled. “No one will be sharing our room tomorrow night; however, I do believe Teddy and Sandy should stay with my parents tomorrow. If the others are going to make their move, it will be then. They’ll be safer there, away from it all. I’ll have Mario call Sunshine tonight.”

  “Will we be safe tonight?” Bella asked, looking toward the door.

  “We’ll be safe. Maria worked hard tonight to put charms or wards on our home and my parents’ house.” Raul kissed her cheek and lifted her. “Go take your bath. Teddy is waiting for us.” He pushed her toward the tub but not before he squeezed her sore butt cheek. “And make sure you keep talking to me, Bella. In, tomorrow, we’ll pick you up a journal. Every night, you will write in it. Questions about the day or anything else you think of. I might even throw in assignments for you.” He smiled, standing and cracking his neck.

  “I need a shower before I cook.” He followed her into the bathroom. “I’ll make it quick so you have hot water.” Raul started stripping as she turned on the water for her bath and added the foaming bath salts Maria had put in there.

  Bella smiled, staring down at the bubbles forming.

  “What are you thinking?” Raul said, kneeling next to her.

  “I was just thinking how lucky I am to have Charley and her family in my life. I don’t know how many times I’d have been lost without them. Maria always seemed to know something was wrong at my house, and she would wait for me at school when she brought Charley, just to make sure I was okay. Even when Charley and I got our own place, she was there every other day bringing us things.” Bella picked up the jar of foaming bath salts. “Maria knows that certain smells give me migraines, but I always loved my baths, so she made me this scent special for me. I tried to have her teach me how to do it, but she said it wasn’t time to teach me and not to worry about it.” Bella nodded at something behind him. “If you look in that closet, I bet she put least four more bottles of this and my shampoo.” She smiled.

  “I’m glad you had them to help you, and I think they’ll make a wonderful addition to our family.” He kissed her cheek and stood, then walked to the shower.

  Damn, does he have a fine ass on him.

  “Are you staring at me?” he asked, stepping inside.

  “Hey, I have to admire a fine ass when I see one.” She stood and stepped into the tub, squeaking when her sore ass hit the water. Bella glared at the man next to her.

  “You better not be glaring at me over there, Little Mite. I do have a nice paddle I haven’t tried out yet,” he said and she moaned.

  “Shhh, I’m trying to relax here, and that kind of talk is not going to help,” Bella grumbled and dipped down into the water.

  His laugh had her smiling as she lifted a leg and sighed; it was sill bruised and needed to be shaved badly. Bella looked around and saw the lady’s razor, knowing Maria had placed it there.

  After lathering up her leg, Bella grabbed the razor and started to shave her legs. She didn’t understand why they were so hairy; She’d shaved right before the accident. “Raul, does changing make me have more body hair?”

  “What?” He came over with a towel wrapped around his waist, frowning at her.

  “Look at my leg; there’s more hair on it than usual. It’s like I haven’t shaved in months, and I know I shaved before the accident.” She lifted her leg, and he smiled.

  “Afraid so. I’ve heard my sister and Sunshine grumble about having to shave every other day,” he stated and she groaned.

  “Great, just great. I’ll have to stock up on razors. What else will happen?” she asked, looking up at him.

  “Our women go through a heat cycle where they are very fertile. I’m afraid you’ll be stuck in this house for a week until it’s over,” he stated casually as he watched her.

  “I see, and what happens if I sneak out to go shopping or something?” She didn’t rise to the challenge and kept shaving her legs.

  “There will be no way you can leave, unless you’re impregnated with my child, which
would stop the need to fuck.” He knelt by the tub, eye-to-eye with her. “If I have to lock you in the dungeon, I will. No one will take what is mine, and believe me, once you stepped out that door, every male wolf around would be able to scent you. They would chase you until they had their cocks buried deep in you, and fuck you until your scent changed. And then I’d have to kill every man who touched you.”

  * * *

  “And then it would take me a very, very long time to trust you again.” He sighed. “I’m not going to lie to you; this time is special for mates. It’s like a honeymoon, but we have one every year. Would you deny us this week of love?”

  She cocked her head to the side. “But what if we’re not ready for children yet? I mean, we have two already, and look at the hell we’re going through right now just to commit to each other.” Bella cupped his cheek. “But I would never allow anyone to touch me but you. Even though it’s been only a couple days, the thought of another man touching me...” She shivered and shook her head.

  “Then I take it you wouldn’t want any other man playing with you at the club?” he asked.

  Bella sighed. “See, that would be up to you, but if you touch another woman, I’ll rip her apart. Sorry, I know that sounds wrong, but I couldn’t handle that, at least now, and even with the men... I just don’t know.”

  He cupped her cheek and lifted her head so she was staring at him. “Will you trust me to know when the time is right?” he said.

  For him to protect his woman, she needed to bond with two other males in their pack.

  “There’s something else; spit it out, Raul. It’s better to get it over with now.”

  “I was going to wait until tonight, but maybe you’re right. Our world isn’t the safest. Others will always be waiting to challenge me or take what I have, including my mate. Every high-powered alpha always protects what is his. To protect his mate, the alpha picks two of his most trusted men to bond with her. They would have a physical connection to you, and they would protect you as if you were their mate.”


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