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DIANE D In The Headlines - Volume 2 - Part 1

Page 26

by Doris Miller

One evening, there is a large crowd of people standing at the concert hall. A male announcer is on the side of the stage behind the curtain with a microphone in his hand. He turns around to Michael and asks, “Are the Dianettes gonna perform with Diane D tonight?”

  “No,” Michael says. “The girls aren't here. They're visiting their families right now so just announce Diane's name. She's gonna perform with the male dancers.”

  “Okay.” The male announcer turns back around. He goes in front of the curtain and walks out to the front of the stage. He speaks into the microphone and shouts, “Ladies and gentleman, here is, Diane D!” The crowd screams and cheers. Music starts to play as the curtain opens. Big bold lighted up letters that read: DIANE D are on the back stage wall. A double platform is on the stage with two black male dancers standing on opposite sides of it. Diane D, dressed in a light blue shirt with elbow length sleeves and light blue jeans and thick black shoes, bangs across her forehead, her long hair all around her back, shoulders and sides and wearing a head microphone comes out on the platform singing, ‘Heeere I am. Heeere I am. Heeere I cooome. Heeere I cooome’. Here I am. Here I am. Heeere I cooome. Heeere I cooome. She sways a little as the crowd screams and cheers more. Diane D then walks to the male dancer all the way on the left side of the stage as she sings to him and gently touches him. The male dancer sways as Diane D sings to him. Diane D finishes singing to the male dancer and gently moves away from him. She goes toward the male dancer all the way on the right side of the stage as she sings to him, gently touching him also. The second male dancer sways also as Diane D sings to him. Diane D finishes singing to the second male dancer and gently moves away from him. She goes toward the center of the stage as the two male dancers start to follow her. Ten other black male dancers come out of nowhere and go toward the center of the stage. They and the first two male dancers start to dance around Diane D as she continues to sing. Diane D stops singing and dancing as the male dancers face forward and start to dance in sequence with Diane D. The crowd continues to scream and cheer. The crowd is struck in aw as they see Diane D and the twelve male dancers dance in perfect sequence with each other.

  In the audience, a four white male reporters, Matthew, Ted, Scott and Morgan are in the center of the crowd watching Diane D's performance. They are in aw of Diane D and the male dancers performance also. As Diane D starts to sing again, Matthew yells out to Diane D shouting, “Oh my God Diane D! Did you drug these dancers too! Huh? Did you drug these dancers too!”

  Diane D stops dancing and angrily looks at Matthew. The male dancers puzzled look at Diane D and slow down.

  Matthew, Ted, Scott and Morgan puzzled look at Diane D.

  The male dancers are no longer dancing and look towards the reporters. They then look back at Diane D as Diane D angrily turns her body to her left and points her finger at Matthew, singing to him, 'Here I Come'. Diane D then angrily leaves the male dancers and heads to the side of the stage as she angrily jerk the head microphone off her head. The music stops.

  Matthew, Ted, Scott and Morgan nervously look towards Diane D as Scott says, “Oh oh, I think she's coming over here.”

  An angry Diane D steps down to the side of the stage right near the crowd and two security guards as she tucks her head microphone into her jean pocket loop. The crowd at the front of the audience scream and become excited as Diane D comes near them. The security guards hold their arms out to Diane D as one of them shouts, “Diane D! Where are you going? You can't go in the crowd!” Diane D angrily shoves the security guards arms away from herself and goes right past them and the crowd at the right. The crowd excitedly stretch out their arms and hands and gently try to touch Diane D as she goes right past them around to the front of the audience. The security guards go and follow Diane D. The male dancers hurry off the stage and follow the security guards and Diane D.

  Matthew, Ted, Scott and Morgan continue to see an angry Diane D coming their way. Scott nervously shouts, “She's gonna chew us out right here in front of everybody! I think we better hurry up and hide from her!” Scott, Matthew, Ted and Morgan nervously back up. They turn around and ease towards the back of the crowd, trying to hide away from Diane D.

  Michael and the band members are in the upstairs booth looking on through the glass as Ralph shouts, “What’s Diane doing?! She walked right off the stage!“

  “What the hell is going on down there?” Melvin says.

  “I don't know,” Michael says, “but I'm definitely going down there to find out.” Michael and the guys turn around and hurry out the door.

  Diane D angrily goes through the center of the crowd with the security guards and the male dancers following right behind her. The crowd in the center scream and become excited as Diane D goes past them also. Some of them stretch their arms and hands out trying to touch Diane D as she goes past them while others stretch their arms and hands out trying to give Diane D a Hi-Five. Diane D ignores the crowd and continues to head to the middle of the crowd as the crowd scream and stretch out their arms and hands trying to touch her as she goes past them. Some of the crowd excitedly start to follow Diane D, the security guards and the male dancers.

  Matthew, Ted, Scott and Morgan see and angry Diane D approaching their way with the two security guards, the male dancers and the crowd right behind her. Diane D catches up to them. She angrily approaches Matthew. She points her finger right in his face and shouts, “Listen asshole! I am sick, and I am tired of you goddamn reporters making that fucking statement and that fucking accusation about me!”

  “I didn't say anything!” Matthew shouts.

  “Don't hand me that bullshit! I heard what you said while I was on the stage!” The crowd surrounds Diane D as she shouts to Matthew, “First of all, you interrupted my performance, humiliating me while I was on stage and made me look like a fool!” The crowd tries to calm Diane D by gently patting her on both of her shoulders and holding on to both of her arms as she continues to shout to Matthew, “Now if you and your partners keep fucking with me with that statement and that accusation, I swear there's going to be trouble, right in here!” Some of the women in the crowd gently touch and admire Diane D’s long black shiny wavy hair. They gently move her hair away from her face and eyes as she continues to shout to Matthew, “Don't you or any of your partners or any other reporters out there ever humiliate me or disgrace me again, especially while on stage, you got it!”

  “I don’t have to listen to this!”

  “You're the one who started this whole bullshit and I'm going to finish it!”

  “Oh yeah?! Well I’m outta here.” Matthew turns away from Diane D and is about to walk away.

  Diane D takes her right hand and quickly grabs Matthew by the collar. She stops him and shouts, “I'm NOT finished with you yet!”

  Matthew turns back around towards Diane D and pushes Diane D's hand away shouting, “Don't be grabbing me!”

  Diane D violently jerks Matthew by the collar again as the crowd continues to hold on to her arms! She suddenly gets superhuman strength and quickly swings her entire left arm and fist into a circle throwing an uppercut, bashing her left fist right underneath Matthew’s throat and jaw practically lifting Matthew off his feet into the air! Her left arm and fist continue to go straight up in the air practically bringing the crowd up in the air with it as she bashes her right fist right into Matthew’s nose! Matthew falls backward onto the crowd behind him! Matthew and the crowd behind him fall hard to the ground which causes Matthew to land right on top of the crowd behind him! The security guards and four of the male dancers grab Diane Das the crowd lets go of her! The security guards and male dancers wrap their arms around Diane D, struggling to hold her back as she tries to go after Matthew again as Matthew lays motionless with his face and nose bleeding!

  Diane D is still trying to go after Matthew as the security guard shouts to her, “No leave him alone Diane D, stop it! Leave him alone!” The sec
urity guards and the four male dancers have a tight grip on Diane D as she breaths heavy, angrily staring at Matthew! Security and tons of people crowd around Matthew and the injured people on the floor and bend to them! “Is he breathing?!” one of the security guards asks.

  “I don't know,” another security guard says. “It looks like he might be unconscious!” The security guards try to snap Matthew out of being unconscious. Matthew suddenly gasps for air.

  “He came out of it,” the third security guard says.

  “Thank God,” the fourth security guard says.

  Matthew starts to hold his bloodied nose. More security race through the crowd. The security guard looks up at the other security guards who are holding on to Diane D and shouts to them, “Take her away!” The security guards and the four male dancers take Diane D away.

  Matthew continues to lay on the ground in agony with a lot of the crowd surrounding him and several security guards bending down tending to him. One of the security guards turn to the other and asks, “What did he say to Diane D that made her come off the stage and attack him?!”

  “I don't know,” the other security guard says. “Obviously he said something she didn't like.”

  The other security guards continue to take Diane D away. Diane D pulls her arm and hand away from the security guards as they let go of her. Michael and some of the band members finally get through the crowd! They approach Diane D and the security guards as Michael shouts, “Diane what happened?! Are you okay?! Why did you walk off the stage?!”

  “Yeah what happened Diane?!” Melvin asks.

  “Nothing happened!” Diane D shouts. “We gotta continue the performance!”

  “What!” Michael shouts. “Continue the performance?! What do you mean continue the performance?!”

  “We're gonna get back on stage and continue the performance right where we left off! We're gonna finish it then get the hell out of here! Tell the guys upstairs to start the music again! Tell them to start where we left off!”


  “I said tell the guys upstairs to start the music again! Tell them to start where we left off!” Diane D reaches into her pants loop for her head mic then turns to the male dancers and shouts, “Come on guys get back on the stage!”

  “Get back on stage?!” one of the male dancers shouts. “What do you mean get back on stage Diane?! We can't get back on stage! You just assaulted that reporter! He and other people are laying back there hurt! I'm sure the police are gonna come after you!”

  “That's why we gotta hurry and finish the performance before the police get here!”

  “You just assaulted a reporter Diane?!” Michael shouts. “A reporter and other people are hurt?! My God, what happened?!”

  “Why did you assault a reporter Diane?!” Ralph asks.

  “I don’t have time to tell you about it now!” Diane D shouts. “I’ll tell you about it later!” Diane D turns to the male dancers and shouts, “Come on guys let's hurry and get back on the stage! These people paid money to see this show so we‘re going to finish it for them, let's go!” Music starts to play again. Diane D starts to run towards the front of the crowd near the stage as the male dancers and the security guards run right behind her.

  Diane D starts to run to the right side of the crowd in the front as the male dancers, the security guards and the crowd follow her. The right side is blocked with screaming excited fans shouting, “Diane D!”

  “My God we can't get through there!” one of the male dancers shouts.

  The crowd at the left side scream out, “Over here Diane D! Over here!” Diane D turns around and starts to head towards the crowd at the left as the male dancers and the security guards follow her.

  The left side is blocked with screaming excited fans also shouting, “Diane D!”

  “My God we can't get through there either!” the male dancer shouts.

  The crowd at the right side scream out, “Over here Diane D! Over here!” Diane D turns back around and starts to head towards the crowd at the right as the male dancers and the security guards follow her.

  The crowd at the left side of the stage scream out again, “No over here Diane D! Over here!” Diane D turns back around and starts to head towards the crowd at the left as the male dancers and the security guards continue to follow her. Diane D turns around to the dancers and shouts, “We don't have much time guys, we just gotta finish the performance right here!”

  “Right here?!” the male dancer says.

  “Yeah right here, let's go!” Diane D quickly puts her head microphone back on her head. She turns and faces each side of the crowd back and forth as the entire audience scream and cheer. Diane D starts to turn her body around real fast as the twelve male dancers join her and turn their body's around real fast. The crowd backs up a little and looks on as Diane D and the male dancers continue to turn their bodies around with the male dancers practically surrounding Diane D. Diane D and the male dancers stop spinning and face the crowd as they perform a dance routine right inside the crowd. Diane D and the male dancers jump. As Diane D spreads her legs apart, a short black male dancer spins and jumps right in front of Diane D and bends to the floor doing the dance routine right between Diane D’s spread out legs. Diane D practically dances right over the short guy as she angrily sings into the head mic. Diane D and the male dancers do several more steps. The music stops. Diane D and the male dancers stop dancing as Diane D angrily points her arm and finger towards Matthew and shouts, “You don't fuck with me!” Diane D quickly backs up, turns her head to her left and shouts to the male dancers, “Okay guys we're out!” Diane D turns to her left and races towards the side of the concert hall as all the male dancers turn and race right behind her! The short male dancer grabs onto Diane D's pants loop and races along the right side of her as the other male dancers race behind them! The security guards race behind them!

  The crowd on the side move out of the way as Diane D and the short male dancer race right past them! The rest of the male dancers continue to race behind Diane D and the short male dancer as the security guards follow right behind them! Diane D and the short male dancer race right through the exit door and disappear out of sight! The other male dancers race right through the exit door and also disappear out of sight! The security guards race up to the exit door and stop! The crowd tries to follow Diane D and the male dancers through the exit door, but the two security guards and several other security guards stop them. They then push the crowd back! Michael, Melvin and Ralph approach through the crowd as Michael says, “We gotta get through officer!”

  “Okay!” the security guard says. The security guard lets Michael, Melvin and Ralph go through the exit door as the crowd stare towards the exit door.

  Several more security guards rush through the crowd where Matthew is laying! They lead several paramedics through the crowd with a stretcher. The police also rush through the crowd! The paramedics, the police, the security guards and Ted bend down to Matthew. The entire crowd surround them looking on. They see heavy blood all over Matthew’s face. “Aaaah!” Matthew screams.

  “My God,” one of the paramedics says. “His nose is all broken!”

  “It is?” one of the officers asks.

  “Yeah, so is his jaw I think his neck might be broken too and I think he has a concussion! His eyes are all swollen, my God his whole face seem broken! He was practically unconscious for a minute!”

  “Really? A broken nose, a broken jaw, maybe a broken neck and a concussion?! My goodness!”

  “We're gonna have to hurry and turn him sideways before he chokes on his own blood!” The paramedics turn Matthew over to his side.

  “Aaaaah!” Matthew shouts.

  The police officer turns to Ted and asks, “You said Diane D did all this to him?”

  “Yeah,” Ted says.

  “My goodness, what did she hit him with?!”

er fists! She just walked right off the stage, came up to us, yelled at Matthew then assaulted him when he started to turn away from her and tried to push her arm away from him!”

  “Assaulted him? In front of everybody?!”

  “Yeah right in front of the entire crowd! She didn't seem to give a damn who was around when she assaulted him!”

  “Where's she at now?!”

  “I don't know.”

  The police officer turns to the security guards and asks, “Do y'all know where Diane D is at this moment?”

  “I don't know,” the third security guard says. “Last thing we know is that she and her male dancers raced right out of the exit door. I'm gonna radio the security upstairs and see if Diane D is still in the building.”


  The third security guard gets on his walkie talkie and says, “Hey Officer Jones, is Diane D upstairs, is she and her male dancers still in the building? .... They left a couple of minutes ago? ..... Because the police are here right now ..... Okay, I'll tell them, thanks.” The third security guard gets off his walkie talkie. He turns to the police officer and says, “The security guards upstairs just told me Diane D and those dancers left the building a couple of minutes ago. He says they're going back to her family's organization.”

  “Diane D and the dancers are going back to her family's organization?”


  “Okay. We're gonna make a stop at the Diaz-Davidson Organization.”


  The paramedics and security guards lift Matthew into a stretcher. They then carry the stretcher out the back. The police follow after them.

  Outside the concert hall, several police officers get into four separate police cars as Ted gets into one of the police cars. The police cars put on their sirens and pull off! They start to speed down the street!

  Around an hour later, Ted and three police officers approach the front door of the Diaz-Davidson Organization.

  The front door of the Diaz-Davidson Organization is wide open.

  Ted looks in the open doorway. “There she goes!” he shouts. “That's her! That's the one who did it! That's the one who broke Matthew’s jaw and nose! I want you to arrest her!”

  “Okay we'll handle it,” the police officer says.

  Inside the lobby of the Diaz-Davidson Organization, Mary, Barry, Margarita, Tomas, Gracy, Grandpa Mike, Michael, Nicolas, Mickey, the band members and male dancers completely surround Diane D having their bodies face her as they have their heads back looking towards the front door. Diane D firmly leans against the wall very calm with her head back against the wall, motionless and expressionless, staring outside the front door at Ted with one foot on a stool, one hand resting on her lap as she holds a can of beer.

  Back outside the front door, Ted shouts to the police, “Go ahead and arrest her officers!”

  “We are going to arrest her sir!” the police officer shouts. “Just let us handle it!”

  Another officer takes Ted to the side as the other officers turn towards the front door.

  Mary, Barry, Margarita, Tomas, Gracy, and Grandpa Mike approach the officers. “What's going on officers?” Mary asks.

  “We understand there's been a problem at the concert hall where your daughter Diane D was performing,” the police officer says. “We understand that she assaulted a reporter there, so we have to take her in.”

  Mary, Barry, Margarita, Tomas, Gracy, and Grandpa Mike sadly look at the officer.

  Inside the police station lobby, a police officer comes from the back and walks into the lobby. Diane D's entire family approach the officer as Barry asks, “So what's gonna happen officers?”

  “We're gonna send your daughter Diane D to jail,” the officer says.

  “To jail?!” Diane D’s family shout.

  “Yes. She has an assault charge against her.”

  “But officer!” Tomas shouts. “We heard that this reporter was harassing and heckling my granddaughter while she was performing on the stage!”

  “That's right!” Mary shouts. “That reporter had no right to harass and heckle our child!

  “Especially while she's performing!” Margarita says. “We didn’t send her to perform on stage so she can be harassed!”

  “I understand that Miss Margarita,” the police officer says, “but that still doesn’t give your granddaughter Diane D the right to just come off the stage, come up to the reporter and hit him! Those reporters are still pressing charges against your granddaughter!”

  “Oh really!” Grandpa Mike says.


  “Well if those reporters press charges against our granddaughter, we're gonna press charges against them for harassment!”


  “Yeah, for harassing Diane while she was performing on stage!”

  The officer worriedly looks at Mike.

  The next day, a man is sitting on the bus reading a newspaper article with a headline that reads: DIANE D GETS OUT OF CONTROL AGAIN!

  Another man is sitting on a city bench reading a newspaper article with a headline that reads: DIANE D GETS ARRESTED AND THROWN IN JAIL AGAIN!

  A man is sitting in a barber shop reading a newspaper article with a headline that reads: DIANE D ANGRILY STEPS OFF THE STAGE RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF HER PERFORMANCE TO CONFRONT REPORTER THEN ASSAULTS HIM!

  Inside a beauty salon, a woman is sitting reading a newspaper article with a headline that reads: DIANE D STEPS OFF STAGE DURING HER PERFORMANCE AND GOES RIGHT INTO THE CROWD OF SPECTATORS AS SHE CONFRONTS A REPORTER WHO HECKLED HER!

  A man is standing on line inside a supermarket reading a newspaper article with a headline that reads: DIANE D SOCKS IT TO REPORTER RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF STUNNED FANS!

  A man is sitting in the subway reading a newspaper article with a headline that reads: DIANE D LITERALLY KNOCKS REPORTER OFF HIS FEET RIGHT IN FRONT OF SHOCKED FANS!

  A man is sitting in a coffee shop reading a newspaper article with a headline that reads: SHOCKED FANS WITNESS DIANE D BREAKING A REPORTER'S NOSE AND JAW AND PRACTICALLY KNOCKING HIM UNCONCIOUS RIGHT BEFORE THEIR EYES!

  Inside the jail lobby, Diane D's family and relatives stand around anxious. Michael approaches Mary and says, “Mom, did you call the girls?”

  “I didn't have to call the girls Michael, they called me,” Mary says. “They saw all the headlines and articles in the papers about Diane getting arrested for viciously assaulting a reporter.”

  “They saw the papers?”

  “Yeah. They all got upset and hysterical and now they're all on their way here.”

  “They are?”


  “Okay. So we're going to speak to the lawyers later, right?”

  “Of course we are!” Grandpa Mike shouts. “We're gonna counter sue that reporter and his whole staff for harassing and heckling Diane while she was performing.”

  “That's right,” Margarita says. “We gotta meet up with the lawyers this afternoon.” Everyone continues to stand around anxious.

  The next day, a man is sitting in the barber shop reading a newspaper article with a headline that reads: DIANE D'S FAMILY THREATENS COUNTER LAWSUIT AGAINST REPORTER FOR HARRASSING AND HECKLING DIANE D WHILE SHE WAS PERFORMING ON STAGE!

  A man sitting on the bus is reading a newspaper article with a headline that reads: WITNESSES COME FOREWARD AND SPEAK AGAINST REPORTER'S HECKLING!

  Inside the hospital room, Matthew’s face is till slightly bruised and broken as his wife Jill and fellow reporters Scott and Morgan stand around him. Scott then says, “I think you should really consider dropping the charges against Diane D Matthew.”

  “What?!” Matthew shouts. “Are you crazy?! She came right off the stage and attacked me! Didn't some witnesses from the concert come forward?!”

  “Yeah witnesses from the concert did come forward alright! The witnesses who were standing very close to you claim, that they heard you yell someth
ing out to Diane D while she was on the stage!”

  “Yeah,” Morgan says. “They said they heard you yell out asking her, ‘did she drug her male dancers too‘! The next thing they know, is that she stopped right in the middle of her performance and came right off the stage and came after you! In other words, these witnesses are claiming that you provoked Diane D!”

  “What!” Matthew shouts. “They're saying that I provoked her?!”

  “Yes! They're saying that you provoked Diane D to come off the stage and come after you! They said if you had never yelled out what you yelled out to her, she would have never come off the stage and come after you in the first place! They said she would have stayed right on the stage and went on with her performance as usual and there would not have been any problems!”

  “I can't believe these witnesses are speaking against me, saying that I provoked Diane D to come after me and attack me!”

  “Well that's what they're saying Matthew,” Scott says.

  “She still had no right to hit my husband!” Jill shouts.

  “She might not have the right to hit him,” Morgan says, “but still, no witnesses came forward and spoke against her! They all spoke against your husband instead!”

  “Why didn't these witnesses speak against Diane D? She still does not have the right to attack my husband! Why didn't they speak against HER!”

  “Well obviously these witnesses are her fans!” Scott shouts. “They seem to be kind of loyal to her and not speaking anything against her!”

  “That‘s right,” Morgan says. “I saw the way they all crowded around her, trying to comfort her when she first came and confronted you Matthew. I saw the way they were all giving her a pat on the back and shoulders while she was chewing you out!”

  “Yeah I saw it too. So Matthew, you should really think about dropping the charges against Diane D because her entire family is talking about bringing harassment charges against our whole staff!”

  “What!” Matthew shouts. “Bringing harassment charges against our whole staff?”

  “That’s right! You know Diane D’s family is not going to take this thing lying down, especially her grandfather Mike! He's ready to legally go after ANYBODY who causes trouble for his family! You see how he’s always bailing his other granddaughter Dana out of trouble! He doesn’t play.”

  “That’s right Matthew,” Morgan says. “You mess with Diane D, then you got her entire family to deal with. That reporter Felix Green learned that the hard way.”

  Matthew worriedly looks at Morgan.

  Two days later, a man at a news stand is looking at a newspaper article with a headline that reads: REPORTER DROPS ASSAULT CHARGES AGAINST DIANE D!

  A group of people are sitting in an office building reading a newspaper article with a headline that reads: DIANE D IS RELEASED FROM JAIL! SHE IS PLACED INTO HER FAMILY'S CUSTODY AND PUT ON PROBATION! One of the men turns to the others and says, “Hey. This article says Diane D is released from jail and placed into her family's custody,”

  “Yeah I heard,” one of the women says. “I heard that reporter dropped the charges against her. Why did he drop the charges against her?”

  “He kept getting pressure from his colleagues and the community to drop the charges against Diane D.”

  “He did?”

  “Yeah. Plus Diane D's family was threatening a counter lawsuit against the reporter's company for harassment, saying that the reporter started the whole entire thing by heckling Diane D in the first place while she was performing on stage, and some witness told the cops that they heard the reporter heckling Diane D, so I think the reporter and Diane D's family made some kind of out of court settlement.”

  “They did?”


  “Isn't Diane D's cousin Dana still in her family's custody too?” a second woman asks.

  “Dana? You mean the one who chased that newspaper reporter Felix Green on the highway and shot at his car three times and the one who shot that dear in the Upstate woods and did those other alleged shootings?”

  “Yeah, her.”

  “Yeah she‘s still in Diane D‘s family‘s custody. Now Diane D and her cousin Dana are both in their family's custody. They’re like two peas in a pod.”

  “They sure are. I wouldn’t want to cross those two.”

  “Neither would I.” The people continue to look at the article.

  A man is at a newsstand looking at a newspaper article with a headline that reads: DON'T HECKLE MISS D!

  A month later, a car pulls up to the curb outside of Gracy and Mike’s house. David is in the driver‘s seat as Christine sits on the passenger side. The back door opens. Dana comes out of the back seat and steps out the car dressed in dark green pants, an opened short sleeved white buttoned shirt and a mint green corset underneath. She closes the back door behind herself then goes to the back of the car to the trunk as it opens. She bends into the trunk and pulls out a few garments inside some plastic cleaner bags. She then closes the trunk back and walks towards the front gate carrying the garments as David asks, “You got it Dana?”

  Dana turns towards David and says, “Yeah I got it Dad.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah I’m sure.”


  “And make sure you get some rest Dana,” Christine says.

  “Okay Mom,” says Dana. Dana turns from her parents and walks to the front gate. She reaches the front gate and opens it. She closes back the front gate and walks through the front lawn towards the front door. She reaches the front steps then goes up the steps. She opens the mail box and looks into it. She takes a little mail out and closes back the mail box. She then takes her keys, unlocks the front door and opens it.

  “Okay we’ll be right back Dana!” Christine shouts.

  Dana turns her head towards Christine and waves a little. She then turns her head forward and steps into the house carrying the garments with her. The front door then closes and locks behind Dana.

  David then pulls out the curb and drives off down the street.

  Thirty minutes later, Gracy is in Dana’s room standing over Dana as Dana lays face up on the bed still fully dressed as she has her eyes closed. Gracy says to her, “Are you sure you okay Dana?”

  “Yeah I’m okay Grandma,” Dana says as she annoyingly rubs and scratches the back of her head. She then says, “I still have a slight headache and feel pain all over myself,” as she sucks her teeth.

  “You do?”


  “Well the CAT scan you had on your head after you fell off the ladder came out normal. You shouldn’t still be in pain from that fall.”

  “I don’t know wahs happening Grandma. All I know is that I need some rest right now.”

  “Okay Dana. I’ll bring you something to eat later, okay?”

  “Okay Grandma.”

  “Have you spoke to Tony today?”

  “Yeah he called me earlier.”

  “Oh yeah? When is he and his family suppose to come back from Maryland?”

  “I think they’re suppose to come back next week.”

  “Next week?”


  “Okay. I’ll let you get some rest. See you later.”


  Gracy sadly stares at Dana. She then turns and heads towards the bedroom doorway. She reaches the doorway and looks back at Dana as Dana rests with one knee up, one hand across her belly and the other hand behind her neck with her eyes closed. Gracy then turns and leaves the room.

  Gracy comes down the stairs and turns towards the living room. Suddenly the doorbell rings. Gracy goes to the door. She looks through the peephole. She then opens the door and says, “Hi Michael.”

  Michael steps inside the house and says, “Hi Grandma, how you doing?”

  “I’m doing okay. How is everything?”

  “Everything is good. Diane told me earlier that Dana wasn’t
feeling too well, so I came to see how she is. Is she here?”

  “Yeah she’s upstairs. David and Christine dropped her here from a doctor’s appointment a little while ago.”

  “They did?”


  “Well can I see how Dana is?”

  “Yeah go ahead up there. Just knock on the door before you enter the room.”

  “Okay Grandma.” Michael turns away from Gracy and heads up the stairs as Gracy goes into the kitchen.

  A minute later, Michael is coming down the upstairs hallway. He heads towards Dana’s bedroom doorway. He stops at Dana’s bedroom doorway. He looks into the room and sees Dana resting on the bed with her eyes closed. He then sees Dana scratching the back of her head then sees her turn her body over resting face down on the bed with both her arms beneath her head as she faces away from the bedroom door towards the window with her legs and feet slightly spread apart. Michael knocks on the opened bedroom door and calls out “Dana?” Dana does not answer. She continues to rest with her arms beneath her head. “Dana are you okay?” Michael calls out. “I heard you weren‘t feeling well. Dana?” Dana still does not answer. Michael knocks on the bedroom door again and calls out “Dana?” Dana still does not answer. Michael then steps inside the bedroom.

  Michael goes around the bed on the side facing the window. He approaches Dana. He looks down at Dana as she lays on the bed with her eyes closed not responding to Michael. Michael again says, “Dana?” Dana still does not respond. She is fast asleep. Michael stares at Dana. He then looks up towards the bedroom doorway. He suspiciously looks back down at Dana. He looks back up towards the bedroom doorway again then turns and heads towards the bedroom doorway. He reaches the bedroom doorway and pokes his head out the bedroom doorway looking out into the hallway. He doesn’t see anyone around. He then pokes his head back into the bedroom. He turns and looks back at Dana. He looks back out in the hallway, then he suddenly closes the bedroom door behind himself.

  Out in the hallway, the bedroom door suddenly locks.


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