Shattered Destiny (Reclaiming The Throne Book 1)

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Shattered Destiny (Reclaiming The Throne Book 1) Page 11

by Yumoyori Wilson

  I gathered some materials and bandages. I needed to switch out her clothes that were drenched in sweat. I stripped her out of the sopping wet material, using a wet cloth to pat the markings on her back.

  She was so far gone that she didn't even whimper at my touch. I didn't delay, cleaning the wound and applying an ointment we hid in each of the tents, just in case one of us was wounded. It would help them heal, faster. I wrapped her chest with new bandages, making sure it wasn't too tight to bother her.

  Then, I gave her a quick wipe down with a cloth, hoping to cool her down. Once I was done I lifted her up, placing her on a soft blanket. I cleaned up, throwing away the dirty bandages and bundling the sheets for washing later.

  I stripped off my shirt, returning to Abigail's side and lifting her into my arms. I sat down in the corner of the tent, Abby cradled in my lap. Her head rested against my chest; a cool cloth laid on her forehead.

  Her breathing had calmed and she looked to be in deep sleep. I smiled, glad that she would be getting some much needed rest.

  I'd stay there until the morning, at least before the guards switched for the day. She didn't need to know what I did. All I wanted was for her to recover and return to her feisty, stubborn self again.

  I'll protect you, Little Abigail. Just sleep for me.


  I yawned, rubbing my eyes as I made my way into the forest; getting closer and closer to the spring.

  I couldn't remember anything that happened after I fell asleep, only waking up this morning on the opposite side of the tent. My sheets had been changed and I couldn't locate where the others were. My bandages were replaced and even had some type of ointment on my healing wounds.

  I must have got a fever or something and Alyse came in to take care of me. That was the only thing I could think of. Though I had to admit, the shirt I had been wearing smelled like Raphael. My stuff must have been washed in the same set as his.

  I was now heading to the spring, taking Alyse’s advice to have a break. Plus, I felt a tug inside me, urging me to hurry. Frowning, I took hesitant steps through the woods, not sure why I felt the need to be close to the spring.

  The closer I got, the more I felt my heart race in...excitement? That can't be right. I got to the falls and stripped down until I was no longer wearing clothes and eased myself into the water. It was cold at first, but the closer I got to the waterfall, the warmer it got.

  I let my body float in the water, the soft sound of the water soothing me into a blissful state. I floated for what felt like forever when I heard the water move, and I almost submerged myself in a panic to stand up.

  When I regained my footing in the water, it was to see a man staring at me across the spring, his golden hair glinting in the light.

  "It's you," he breathed.

  I felt too stupid to move. How did he know me? Why did I feel the need to get closer to him?

  He took a step toward me as if he could read my thoughts. "What’s your name?" he asked when he was a foot from me.

  I took a step closer, and he wrapped a hand around my waist, pulling me close, my naked body pressing against his. "Abigail," I moaned, his touch sending tingles through my body.

  "Hello, Abigail."

  He leaned down running his nose on the inside of my neck slowly and a wave of need took control of me. I gripped his hair and brought his mouth to mine, claiming him as mine. He didn't stop me, instead groaning and lifting me up by the ass to wrap my legs around him. He walked me up through the spray of the waterfall. I broke our kiss when the world went silent as I looked into the golden-rimmed brown eyes of the stranger in front of me.

  "Who are you?" I asked realizing that I was in a compromising situation with a man I didn't even know. It should feel wrong, but somehow it felt so, so right.

  "My name's Kris, and before you even think of doubting this, I'm your mate. And I'm going to claim you as mine just as you want to claim me as yours."

  He laid me down on the moss-covered floor of the cave, and I looked up into his eyes, feeling as if I should object, but knowing deep down, he was telling me the truth. I'm his mate. I didn't know how, since all mates were usually dragons.

  "Yes, I want you to claim me. Please," I begged as he laid me down reverently, his eyes sparking with an intensity I was not quite prepared for.

  His lips met mine in a slow sensual kiss, but the longer it took, the more frenzied we got. He nipped my bottom lip and pulled it to the edge of pain before releasing it on a growl. He moved his lips along my jaw, taking his time caressing me. As his hands went lower, tenderly touching every inch of my body, his lips grabbed my nipple, and he tugged on it gently with his teeth. He let go when I let out a groan and moved on to the other, growling in excitement. His hand reached down to my clit, stroking it agonizingly slow, almost pressing inside me before bypassing it completely.

  I growled, getting frustrated. "Either hurry up and fuck me, or stop teasing me!” I demanded and watched his head snap up, a wicked smirk in his eyes.

  "As you wish, Abigail."

  He positioned himself at my entrance, and I didn't get to prepare myself before he thrust inside me, a deep ache building within me.

  "I vow to cherish you till the day I die. I vow to protect you when you cannot protect yourself. And I vow to give you all the love I'm capable of."

  He thrust fast and tipped me over the edge into pleasurable oblivion, and he instantly joined me. When our breathing returned to normal, he smiled down at me.

  "Ah, it's nice to meet you, Abigail. I never thought I'd meet my mate." He rolled over onto his side, and I rolled to face him, studying every inch of him.

  "So, you didn't intend to meet me, then fuck me within a few minutes?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

  His smile slipped. "Shit, I didn't even think about how that could look to you. I am so sorry. The mating urge was just so strong, I knew I had to claim you."

  I grinned. "Don't worry, I was just playing with you. I know the calling between mates is strong. I couldn't have pulled away from you even if I had wanted to. I needed to be claimed. What I don't understand is why didn't I claim you? I thought I would have recited the vows you did, but I felt no need."

  He let out a laugh. "No, the female mates only make their vows when they are certain their mate can provide for them. That or when they become pregnant. Then, they have to make the vow so their mate can track them."

  I pondered over his words. It seemed a bit weird. The male had to commit straight up, but the female got a choice? Cool for me, not so good for him.

  "I should go," I admitted, standing up and looking down at him. Something drew my attention, though, when I met his eyes. "What is that?" I asked as silver markings begin to appear just over his heart.

  He looked down and gasped at the crown over his heart. "That's not possible." He looked back up at me. "Who are you?"

  I frowned. "I told you. Abigail. I came here a couple of weeks ago because the King murdered my mother," I revealed a bit defensively not liking the way his tone sounded like I was some kind of foreign object.

  "KRIS? You in there, man?"

  I froze when I heard Raphael's voice shouting from the bank. Crap, crap, and double crap. While part of me wants to flaunt my new mateship with Kris, I couldn't help the small part of me that didn't want to hurt Raphael.

  Before I could say anything, Kris gripped my hands dragging me through the waterfall. Raphael's gaze zeroed in on me, and my heart beat wildly like a caged animal needing to be set free.

  "Well Ab-i-gail. I didn't expect to see you here."

  I tugged my hand from Kris's grasp and crossed my arms, covering my breasts from his view. "Yeah, Alyse suggested I come here to relax my muscles."

  His eyes softened. "Is your back okay?"

  I offered a grim smile. "Good as it was before."

  Kris was watching our exchange, his eyes bright with something I didn't quite understand. "How do you two know each other? And, what happened to your

  He tried to move to look, but I turned, so he was unable to see the scars both old and new. "It's nothing. You should go. Raphael needs you."

  "Actually, Abby, I need you, too. I think the camp is going to be attacked. We have to pack up and move," he said, looking at me. Then, his gaze went to Kris. "Conor still isn't back yet, but we can't let the King take him."


  "Raph, we need to talk!" I called out, trailing after him.

  He ignored me, gathering materials we'd need to survive in the forest.

  "There's nothing to talk about," he grumbled, looking upset.

  I step into his path, glaring at him. "You're fucking pissed."

  "We have to prepare to leave." He brushed off my comment, trying to maneuver himself around me, but I matched his steps until he let out a frustrated growl.

  "We don't have fucking time for this!" he snarled.

  "You’re pissed that I was in the spring with Abigail, admit it." I went straight to the point.

  When Conor and I arrived back at the campsite, I headed to the spring, needing a moment to cool off and relax after the disappointing journey back. I wasn't able to find my blue-eyed angel, and the thought of never seeing her again made me depressed. Conor tried to cheer me up and distract me, but it wasn't doing much justice.

  I decided I'd enjoy the peacefulness the springs always gave me. My body felt a type of tugging sensation, urging me to head to the spring like I'd miss something spectacular. I had assumed that my heart just wanted a moment of peace to accept the reality that I'd never find my potential mate again. I hoped she was well and safe. That was all I asked.

  I walked into the hidden oasis, taking a deep breath. I closed my eyes, smiling at the sweet fragrance that tickled my nose. I simply loved nature. No matter how cruel our kind could be, nature would never change.

  I lower my head, opening my eyes. I blinked, quickly rubbing my eyes and opening them once more to make sure I wasn't seeing things.

  There she was. My beautiful blue-eyed angel. She was floating in the calm waters, her naked body floating on the still water.

  She's here...and safe.

  After that, everything happened so fast. The pull to mate with her was too strong for me to resist. I could barely recall how I hovered over her on the moss-covered floor, ready to claim her as mine.

  The dominance she displayed when her hand gripped my hair, pulling my head down to meet her lips.

  A part of me wanted to think logically, realizing we'd just met, but my mind was clouded; like I was in a trance and my sole purpose was to mate with this wondrous woman called Abigail.

  I could feel her growing frustration at my delay. I craved to go slow and show her that I respected her curvy body. I wasn't making love to her out of benefit, but because she was mine. I needed her to feel how desirable she was and teasing was always a little fun.

  I would always remember her commanding words.

  "Either hurry up and fuck me or stop teasing me!” she growled.

  "As you wish, Abigail."

  All I needed was her confirmation and my hint of hesitation vanished. Once I'd said the words to claim her as my mate, I slid my cock into her. The moan that escaped her as her head fell back was music to my ears; my hips, having a mind of their own, began to pound into her. Our breathing was fast, coming out in short pants in between our moans.

  I didn't know if it was the mating call at work, but with only a few more rapid thrusts, her pussy tightened around my cock as she screamed out my name. I came at the same time, sinking my cock deep within her and letting my cum flow within her. It felt absolutely amazing to be one with her, enjoying how well I fit inside of her.

  Our conversation after that was enjoyable until Raphael decided to interrupt us. I didn't know how they knew one another and I didn't know whether I liked the way she smiled at him. A part of me wanted to be selfish and have her to myself. She is my mate. Why would she need to be friendly with anyone else?

  "Yes, I saw you. Now, exactly what were you two doing, huh?" He turned to face me, walking right into my space.

  I grinned. "What do you think?" I boldly asked, knowing exactly why he was acting this way. He must have heard us and was coming to investigate.

  "You don't fucking know her. You literally just met her and BAM you’re fucking her?" Raphael roared.

  I guess it's a good time to tell him.

  "She's my mate, Raphael."

  He gave me a weird look.

  "She's not."

  "She is."

  "She is not your mate! What fucking evidence do you have?" he countered.

  I didn't want to show him the silver marking just yet. I wanted to confirm whether he was falling in love with her, something I would never expect from Raphael.

  "I claimed her, Raphael," I confirmed.

  He bit his lip; clenching his fist as he glared at me.

  I continued, deciding to get straight to the point, "You like her."

  "I do not."

  "Why are you fucking lying?"

  "I don't like her! And you’re not her fucking mate either. You're just trying to make up some stupid excuse to hide the fact you fucked her like she's some type of prosti—"

  I don't know what came over me, but my fist hit his right cheek; the force strong enough to make him fall on his ass.

  "She's NOT some type of prostitute, Raphael! She's my fucking mate and I'd never let anyone take advantage of her! That includes me," I declared, rage boiling through me.

  He looked up at me in shock, his expression turned into confusion.

  "You did not just punch me."

  "I certainly did, and I'd do it again if we didn't have to get going. Stop being a fucking ass and take a good moment to think about what you want. I don't know if I like the fact that you like Abigail, but you better think twice if you think I'll let you play with her heart only to break it into two!" I shouted, turning and stomping out of the tent.

  I could feel the pull tugging me forward; urging me to return to Abigail's side. I'd deal with Raphael when we got this whole issue over and done with. Keeping Abigail safe from harm's way was all that mattered.


  I rush around the camp helping others pack up their tents and making sure the children were taken care of. Raphael and Kris were off god knows where. I imagined they were preparing the warriors in case of attack.

  There was so much to do and so little time. I debated on leaving, but I knew I had to help before I did. The King may be after me, but I wouldn't let him hurt innocent people in his mission to get me. All the children were forced to leave camp with Raphael. He was one of the strongest who could lead them and protect them. A few other people went with him to keep the children safe.

  “I don't want you to stay behind. You should come with me," Raphael demanded before he left, his eyes staring me down as Alyse and Kris watched on. Kris tried to intervene, but I glared at him until he backed off. Mate or not, I didn't need anyone to stand in the way.

  "Excuse me? Are you seriously trying to send me away with the other women and children when you know just how much I'm capable of?" I asked, my eyes narrowed to slits. How dare he think I was some weak woman? I could fight like any of the other men.

  "Fine! You stay here and get yourself hurt. See if I care!" He stomped off like the ass that he was, leaving me to wonder if he'd even care if I was hurt. I noticed the bruising on his right cheek, but since he was being an arse as usual, I’d brushed it off.

  Kris wrapped me in his arms, and Alyse watched Raphael with a frown. “I swear, sometimes that man is not the man I raised. He’ll realize you’re his mate soon enough,” she comforted me while Kris and I both absorbed her words.

  “Mate? But Kris is my mate.”

  “I’m her mate,” Kris said at the same time I spoke.

  Alyse smiled at us as if we were naïve. “Yes, you’re mates, but I could tell the moment I met you, that you were meant for more. I have a feeling you
will have three mates.”

  Kris looked at me, his eyes widening in shock. “You don’t mean...”

  “Mean what? If one of you doesn’t explain, I’m going to get extremely pissed off.”

  A roar split the sky, and Alyse’s hand went to the sword on her hip. “We don’t have time for this. Abby, go get your sword. We need to give Raphael as much time as we can to get the kids far from here.”

  I took off, not needing to be told twice, while Kris remained behind to get instructions from Alyse. People were running around, terrified, and I waited for the impending flames the dragons would bring.

  I reached my tent and hurried to grab my sword. When I turned to leave, a man was standing at the entry. “Abigail Fiammetta, you’re coming with me.”

  His tall, intimidating form looked familiar. I thought he was one of the guards who worked for the King. “I’m not going anywhere,” I boldly said.

  He pulled a sword from his sheath and let it dangle at his side threateningly. I grinned and lifted my sword up to meet his challenge.

  I guess he wasn’t expecting me to be armed or to fight him off because a wariness crossed his eyes. “Don’t make this hard, Abigail. Drop your sword and come with me,” he demanded with a bit more hesitance in his voice, yet still demanding.

  “You want me to go with you, well you’re gonna have to make me,” I challenged, my sword raised to meet his.

  He lunged at me, and I attacked. It was over in a matter of seconds when my sword plunged straight through his chest.

  He dropped to the ground, and I pulled my sword from his torso, leaving him to bleed out on the floor of my tent.

  I ran outside, gasping in shock. The whole camp was under attack. People were killing each other, and I ran to help those I recognized. By the time I’d dispatched fifty people, I started to wonder if the fighting was ever going to end.

  People were screaming, yet I still heard Alyse’s scream above the rest. I didn’t think, I just ran toward her screams, and what I saw had me stopping in my tracks.


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