Shattered Destiny (Reclaiming The Throne Book 1)

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Shattered Destiny (Reclaiming The Throne Book 1) Page 12

by Yumoyori Wilson

  The King stood above her body, his sword plunged through her stomach as he smiled down at her maliciously. Something inside me snapped at seeing my friend’s body impaled by the King’s sword.

  “You sick son of a bitch!” I screamed as I ran toward him, my sword raised in anger. I would fucking kill that bastard! How dare he come here and ruin my life again? It was bad enough he took my mother from me, and now he was going to take my mentor? Hell fucking no!

  The King yanked his sword from Alyse, causing her to cry out in agony, and a haze of rage descended on my vision as I attacked him. He was not prepared for the ferocity of my attack, and I couldn’t help the smirk when he stumbled backwards.

  He flipped to his feet, and we circled each other, calculating our next move. “Look how well you are trained, Abigail. And here I thought you knew nothing about the dragons who were in our lands?” he mocked, trying to distract me.

  “No, I didn’t know them. But you, you brought this on yourself.” I swung my sword, aiming to hurt him, and he just blocked my attack, a cocky smirk in place.

  “I see you’ve made yourself at home. Tell me, where is Conor?” he asked as he flung my sword from me, advancing slowly.

  My mind raged that he’d disarmed me as if I was nothing but a mere child. As he approached me, his sword poised to strike, but another blade blocked his attack.

  The King was thrown back by the appearance of a man dressed in armor. His arrival was followed by dragons roaring through the sky, many mixes of purple and gold. Red dragons respond to them and I looked back at the man. How could he cause so much loyalty from the camp?

  A fierce expression was on his face as he battled the King. The more he swung, the more frustrated the King grew. I smirked, getting to my feet when arms help me. Kris stopped my elbow from hitting him in the face. “Relax Abby, it’s just me.”

  I saw Alyse still on ground and made my way to her, Kris joining me. My knees scrape across the dirt as I collapsed at her side. Blood trickled from her mouth and I dug deep inside me for my powers, but she grabbed a hold of me.

  “Abby, it won’t work. There’s something you need to know,” she rasped out.

  Tears streamed down my face. “No, don’t talk. I can try my powers. They will work, I will make them work!” I gritted out, determined. I tried and tried to no avail, my powers remaining buried deep inside me.

  “ARGH! Why won’t they work!” I cried out.

  Kris wrapped an arm around me as Alyse smiled up at me softly.

  “They won’t work on me, honey. I’m destined to protect you, not the other way around.”

  “What? No, I have these powers, I should be able to protect you.”

  She smiled at me sadly. “No, Abby. It doesn’t work like that. I need you to trust me ok? You are meant for bigger things. Come closer,” she begged.

  I moved out of Kris’s arms, tears still falling while the one person who had given me a chance was dying. I should have protected her!

  She reached up, holding both hands on either side of my face, a small whimper of pain escaped her at the jostling of her wound. I went to move away, but her grip tightened. She closed her eyes and whispered, “Let the truth set you free. Reveal your birthright.”

  Images slammed into my mind. Standing on a hill with Raphael, our hands intertwined as we looked down at the castle before us. “Don’t worry, Abby, we will save them,” he murmured comfortingly.

  The image faded to another. Raphael and I were in a cave, his eyes lighting up. “I don’t want to fight this anymore. I wanted you the moment you saved Conor. I saw in you the spirit of someone who fights for what they love.” He pulled me close, kissing me passionately and the vision faded to black.

  Kris, Conor, and Raphael were smiling at me across a green field. They all shifted at once into their dragon forms. I gasped and I was thrown back into the present into Kris’s arms. Alyse’s hands had dropped from my face, her eyes glazed over in death.

  I sobbed in Kris’s arms, the reality of my friend’s death sinking in when I heard a man’s pained cry. Kris and I both shot up to see Conor’s unconscious form being dragged away by one of the King’s guards. Kris ran after him, picking up my fallen sword as he went, but the King intercepted him.

  They fought while I stood by, my brain still struggling with the onslaught of information. Kris, Raphael and Conor were the three dragons I saw. The dragons I saved. The reason my mother died.

  Anger and sadness raged in my mind and when the King struck at Kris, something inside me snapped. I walked back to my friend’s lifeless body, picking up her fallen sword.

  The moment it touched my hand, a burning pain infused it, but I was beyond caring. The King would not take what was mine without consequences. Power ran through the sword and into my body, colliding with the powers already nestled inside me.

  I heard Alyse’s voice whisper through my mind, “This is your destiny, Abigail.”

  Her words rang true deep in my soul, knowing I was meant to be the one to destroy the King.

  Kris was being hauled away as the King stood there watching me, a look of satisfaction on his face. “Well Abigail, that’s two of the dragons you supposedly didn’t know. How about you just make this easy and tell me where Raphael is?”

  I took slow steps toward him, and he seemed to think I was giving into him until I lifted the sword in my hand, a soft hum coming from it.

  “Impossible!” he growled when I swung my sword at him, and manage to leave a nice slice on the side of his face.

  I grinned, excitement bubbling up inside me. “Come on, your Majesty. Surely you’re not afraid of little old me?” I asked, my body in a defensive stand waiting for his attack.

  “I don’t know where you got that sword, but you are to hand it to me this instant!” he demanded as if he actually had any say in what I did.

  The sword swung in my hand as if it had a mind of its own and clashed with the King’s just barely missing his face. I held his eyes, my fierce determination empowering me. Now was my chance to destroy him once and for all.

  The King recognized my resolve and I saw a flicker of fear before he pushed back, attacking me with everything he had. I thrust my sword at him when he had an opening, but he was too fast. The longer we fought, the weaker I got and I knew I couldn’t hold out for much longer.

  I got lucky and thrust at him, cutting him along the arm. He hissed in pain, dropping his sword and sending a blast of power at me, throwing me backwards.

  The sword went flying and I crawled toward it, but the King stopped me, his foot holding me down. He pushed and I heard a bone crack, a sharp pain followed immediately, but I refused to scream. He’d gotten enough of my screams.

  “You pissed off the wrong person, Abigail!” He kicked me over and over again, aiming for my stomach and ribs.

  I gasped as the pain in my ribs intensified, meaning one of them had to be broken.

  I spat at him, the dribble of blood landing on his face, giving me a small glimmer of satisfaction. “Do what you want to me, you sadistic bastard! I won’t tell you anything!”

  “Oh, Abigail. That’s exactly what I wanted to hear.” He reached down and touched his hand to my shoulder and I felt the pain in my back intensify until I yelped.

  The last thing I wanted was to show him how much his touch pained me, yet here I was, in his clutches again. The power inside me raged to be set free and I battled the anguish, unsure how to let it go.

  He got up and gestured to a man off to the side who had hold of Kris’s unconscious body and the guard started walking away. When he disappeared into the trees, many of the King’s other guards followed, taking off into the sky in their dragon forms or running through the woods. I watched as Conor and Kris were taken from me and my power broke free in a wave. The force of it sent the King and his two remaining guards crashing into the ground across from me.

  The King got to his feet as I slowly stood, the pain in my body nothing compared to the anger I felt. He too
k my mates from me!

  The King glared at me, seeing the fear behind his slowly crumbling facade. “Abigail, Abigail, Abigail. Looks like you’ve been hiding a lot more than I thought you were.” He turned to his guards. “Grab her,” he commanded, a smug look on his face as he returned his gaze back to me, but I was done playing games.

  I let instinct drive me and held my hands facing each of the guards, and they froze where they stood. I smirked and aimed my hands at the King, but nothing happened.

  I frowned confused. The King took a step toward me and I back away.

  “Well, I guess no one told you how to use your power yet,” he mocked, as my heart hammered away. “Maybe it’s time for you to learn a valuable lesson, Abigail. Don’t mess with those more powerful than you.”

  His eyes shone full of power and my own rose to meet his. It exploded out of us and met in the middle causing an explosion that sent us both flying.

  I laid on the ground, the pain consuming my body and I knew I was dying. I closed my eyes, regretting that I hadn’t followed my heart further; that I hadn’t told Raphael how I felt. That I didn’t get the chance to know Conor. That I didn’t get more time with Kris. The last thing I saw before death claimed me, were vibrant purple eyes filled with tears.


  I saw the explosion of power and while I should have done my duty and killed the King, my only concern was the still, bleeding form of the woman I was starting to love.

  She looked broken, as if the life had seeped from her body and I knew I had to save her. I shifted, letting the power take over me before gently grabbing her in my claws and taking her to our new camp. Most of the people were slowly starting to trickle in, using the measures we all instilled in them.

  Only members who had been with us for more than a year knew of our procedures. If we were attacked, you were to wait three to four days before joining up to the new camp. Others were told to sneak into the outlying villages because at one point or another we would send someone down to bring them back. It was our way of assuring safety, but that didn’t matter now. It was the first time the King had found us and it was all my fault.

  I let a traitor in our camp. I found him, the man who told the King exactly where we were when I had set up the new camp. He left me no choice but to exterminate him, especially when he made veiled threats about Abigail.

  Abigail, the fearless woman who was hard to forget. Those radiant eyes drew you in and her sense of strength and honor made her that much more attractive to me.

  I looked down at her pale body, knowing I could have lost her. My brothers were taken and she was the only one left to protect. Who knew what the King would have done had he gotten his hands on my beautiful Abigail?

  “You need to rest. Hovering over her isn’t going to wake her any sooner. She needs time to process. Alyse gave her a glimpse into her past and future. That’s a lot for any of us. It’s why the original Queen banned the use of our powers. It can be a terrible burden for one to carry, knowing that the things they see will happen regardless of what they do.”

  I nodded my head in agreement, but I still couldn’t look away from her sleeping form. I requested she stay in the tent with Harold, at least he could watch her.

  “I’ll get some rest, but if there is any change, and I mean even the slightest change, you let me know, ok?”

  “Of course,” he agreed.

  I went back to my tent, and laid down on my pile of furs and looked up at the sun shining through the canvas. How could I possibly rest when my two best friends, my brothers for all intents and purposes, were in the King’s clutches? How could I rest when the woman I loved might never wake up again?


  How do you know Abigail!" the King demanded.

  We both ignored him, sitting in our designated sections in the dark dungeon; the small bar window being the only source of light.

  We didn't give a flying shit about this stupid King. He couldn't kill us; he wouldn't dare to. We were just bait. All he wanted was information. The moment he got it, he'd torture us like the others and free us. But Abigail would be in danger and we wouldn't allow it.

  I glanced over to Kris, his eyes filled with rage as he stared at the dirty cement floor.

  "Stubborn pieces of—" the King began, but he was cut off by the door opening; a guard entering our cell. He immediately bowed to the King, rising up in attention.

  "What is it!" the King yelled.

  The guard paid no mind to his loud voice. "I've brought news about the girl, your Majesty," he announced.

  I turned my gaze to him, side-glancing to see Kris’ attention on the skinny man in silver armor.

  "What is it? Has she been located?" he demanded.

  "She's dead, your Majesty," he announced.

  "You’re fucking lying!" Kris screamed, tugging at the chains that kept us attached to the wall.

  The King grinned, turning his attention the guard. "Are you sure?" he asked; a glint of happiness flickered in his eyes.

  "Yes, your Majesty. A purple dragon had tried to take her to the next village for help. I let one of our spies follow them and it was confirmed that she'd died from her injuries. They are getting ready for the mourning ceremony. She will be cremated tomorrow night," the guard confirmed.

  I glanced over to Kris whose eyes were wide; tears beginning to pool and began rolling down his cheeks.

  "No," he whispered.

  I bit my lip, my heart dropped at the news. We couldn't protect her. She's...gone.

  "Excellent. Yes! Finally, that nuisance is out of the way," he cheered, laughing loudly. He continued to grin, heading toward the door.

  "Your Majesty, what should we do with these prisoners?" the guard asked.

  "Let them stay the night and mourn their pathetic loss. I need to go celebrate. If they behave, you can release them in the morning. I’ll let you know if I change my mind," the King replied.

  "Understood," the guard replied, bowing.

  The King began to cheer and sing, heading out of the dungeon. I looked up at the guard, his once black eyes glowed a bright blue. I looked at him in confusion, realizing he wasn't a red dragon, but blue.

  "Who are you?" I mouthed, not wanting the guards outside to hear my question.

  "In time. Tomorrow we move," he mouthed back. His eyes returned to normal, turning his gaze on Kris who was sobbing. He gave him a sad smile, turned, and exited our dungeon; closing the metal door behind him.

  In time? I pondered his words, trying to ignore the tears that rolled down my cheeks. The woman I didn't even get the chance to know was taken from us. If this was the world we lived in, a cruel place where innocent people were murdered for showing kindness, I didn't want to be a part of it.

  As we cried in the cold, dark cell, I made a vow. I would rid of this King of his existence and bring an end to his cruel way of ruling. I'd bring peace and harmony to all our lands, and reunite us once more.

  In Abigail's memory, I would become King.


  A fog surrounded me, images passing by me in quick succession. I see myself with Raphael, we’re both clad in battle armor as I hold the sword Alyse gifted me tightly in my hand.

  The expression in his eyes is different than what I’m used to. Instead of irritation, I see love.

  “We will save them.”

  The scene fades and I see myself in a small cave system, blood running down my arm as Raphael cradles his chest, a rib is obviously broken.

  He smirks at me, as my eyes light up the cave, my power easily coming to our aid and engulfing us into a soft silver glow.

  Our wounds heal and lust flares in Raphael’s eyes as he moves toward me, his intent clear. “I don’t want to fight this anymore. I’ve wanted you the moment you saved Conor. I saw in you the spirit of someone who fights for what they love.”

  He pulls me close, kissing me passionately. We fall to the floor in a tangle of limbs and he leans slightly back, his eyes piercing mine.
br />   “I love you, Abigail. I’m sorry I didn’t say it sooner.”

  My heart beats wildly through the vision and I try to pull myself from the abyss I’m sinking into, but I’m too weak. It's weird that now that I'm faced with death, I have no more power to fight. I'm helpless to the darkness that was trying to consume me; drowning the remaining specks of life I had left.

  Regret sank in. I wished I'd spent more time with Alyse. I wished I’d gotten to learn more about Raphael. I wondered if Conor was my mate too? And Kris...poor Kris. We just met, yet now he was in the King's clutches with Conor and I wouldn't even get to say my last goodbye.

  The image of my grave flickered in my hazy mind. Maybe that was not a dream, but a vision of the future. Maybe they would be better off without me. I couldn’t even protect them from the King. I let my revenge cloud me and here I am, dying.

  The King didn't need them. He needed me. If I died now, it would be for the best for all parties. Sure, they would mourn me, but eventually...they would move on and forget about me.

  I was just Abigail...

  Abigail Fiammetta.

  A female who helped three magnificent dragons and paid the price for these actions.

  I tried to get my revenge. I truly did.

  But here I am.

  Fading away.

  But even though my hope was all for nothing, the last thought I had was to get a second chance. To be able to somehow survive this and have a fresh start. I wouldn't let revenge cloud my judgment. I would keep this promise...

  I promised if I had a second chance...I would bring justice and peace to our corrupted lands.

  To Be Continued.

  Coming Soon…


  About The Authors

  Yumoyori Wilson

  Yumoyori.W.Wilson lives in Toronto, Ontario with her lovely Mother, Queen Loulou. When she’s not working the night shift as a Community Registered Nurse, she’s out relaxing with friends or sipping bubble tea while playing Elsword with her gaming friends.


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