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Princess (The Dark Shadows #1)

Page 12

by Ariel Marie

This war between the necromancers and vampires ultimately would come down to the survival of the fittest and she was confident that her father and brothers would be the ones left standing.

  She rushed up to her room, running into her walk-in closet, and quickly changed her clothes. She threw on black pants, a tight-fitting black long sleeve shirt with dark running shoes. It was the perfect outfit to debut her fighting skills to her brothers. She would do as she must to save Cooper.

  Teague always made sure that during her secret training sessions, she wore clothes that were comfortable but not too loose. She threw her hair up in a high ponytail, and then walked towards the back of her closet to access her hidden safe. She punched in the code, unlocking it, to reveal her twin short swords that Teague had given her for a birthday present.

  The Japanese twin stainless steel swords were perfectly made for her. The light gleamed off the perfectly polished metal. She took a deep breath knowing that what she was about to do would be out of character for her. She never thought that she would actually need to go into battle.

  She was a healer. Helping save lives had always been ingrained into her. However, for her mate, she would kill tonight if she had to and if he had passed on to the afterlife, she wouldn’t hesitate to kill to avenge him or die trying. Rage simmered in her chest as a vision of his broken body floating in the air came to her mind.

  Her brothers would shit bricks when they saw her. Teague had been surprised at how she exhibited natural skills with her swords. As she recalled, he would joke around calling her his ‘secret badass.’ She was not even sure how she and Teague were able to keep her training a secret from the rest of the family.

  She quickly grabbed her harness out of the back of the safe, quickly donning it and placing her swords in the sheaths on her back. She grabbed a few small daggers, strapping them to her ankles. She hurried out of the closet, stopping to view herself in her floor-length mirror, almost not recognizing herself.

  She made her way out of her room, running towards the back stairway to avoid Cyran from catching her. A fleeting moment of guilt passed through her but she didn’t stop. She would fight to ensure that Cyran would not get in trouble this time. Cooper was her focus and she was going after her mate.

  She arrived to the first level of the house, finding that utter chaos had taken over the Olaru mansion. She headed silently towards the front of the house. The sound of angry voices carried through the air. She paused, recognizing Nicu’s voice giving commands. She changed direction and ducked into the kitchen. Luckily, no one was there. All of the house staff must have been sent away to safety.

  She hid in the kitchen for a few moments, hearing her father barking orders as he walked past the closed kitchen door. She released her breath, not realizing that she was holding it. Glancing around the kitchen, she remembered the kitchen staff’s side entrance that she could use. She paused by the door, hearing the sounds of battle. She peaked out the glass windows into the night, noting the lightning that flashed, highlighting the darkened sky. Her hand gripped the doorknob as a loud screeching noise filled the night sky. She sent up a quick prayer and walked out the door into the middle of the mêlée.

  The Olaru family courtyard was filled with vampires fighting the versi. Her eyes widened at the amount of versi that were fighting. Vampires from surrounding clans must have arrived to assist. There had to be at least a hundred versi locked into battle with the vampires. With this amount of versi, it could only mean the necromancers army was here. The few that were with Cooper’s body couldn’t be strong enough to control that many versi.

  Nadira quickly pulled one of her short swords from the sheath and disappeared into the night.



  “I want them all dead!” Nicu shouted fiercely as his brothers and other Dark Shadows warriors met the necros and their versi head on in battle. Vampires from other clans had begun to swarm the Olaru homestead to aid in protecting the Royal family. Nicu sliced his broadsword through another versi as he stormed towards Xalak. His fangs descended as rage consumed him.

  They dare bring this war to our home?

  Two bodies crashed into him causing his steps to falter for a second. He straightened his stance as he grabbed one by the throat, plunging his sword into the belly of the dead puppet slicing it from navel to sternum. He whipped out his short dagger from his waist, severing the head from the body. The other versi jumped on his back, wrapping its forearm around Nicu’s neck. He quickly threw the body over his head, slashing his sword swiftly taking the head before the body even hit the ground.

  He growled again, glaring at Xalak who smirked at him as he watched Nicu make his way to him. Nadira’s human, Cooper, continued to float in the air, controlled by Xalak.


  A piercing scream filled the air, gaining Nicu’s attention. He scanned the battlefield, noting his brothers and other Dark Shadow members were handling the versi. He knew his father would call in reinforcements from neighboring cities, noticing even more vampires had joined in the fight. However, one small figure with twin swords slashing her way with flawless precision caught his eye.


  What. The. Fuck?

  She made her way to him, avoiding his glare. “Is there something you forgot to mention to me, little sister?” Nicu growled, as five versi surrounded them. This forced them into a defensive stance, back to back, and he didn’t like it. She shouldn’t be fighting.

  Who in the hell trained her?

  She was a healer, and his responsibility to protect. Their father would have his balls for this and he would have the balls of whoever trained Nadira.

  “Maybe,” she answered. “You can yell at me later! I have to get to Cooper.”

  The versi attacked and he found himself impressed with his little sister’s fighting skills. He tried to keep pride from showing on his face. He took on three while she quickly handled the other two. He glanced around and saw that the vampires had handled almost all of the versi. The surrounding yard was filled with the unmoving bodies of the versi. Vampires continued making their way around the grounds, decapitating the last of the versi, ensuring that they remained dead and useless to the necromancers.

  “Xalak, you have signed your death warrant for coming here!” Nicu said, stalking towards the necromancer.

  “Hand over my betrothed and we will leave,” Xalak said, pulling his hood off his head, staring at Nadira.

  “Not a chance in hell,” he growled around his fangs, stopping one hundred feet away from the necromancer prince.

  “There is no stopping us, we grow stronger every day,” Xalak said with a deadly look in his eye. “This was just a taste of what we can bring.”

  “You may be able to control a few more dead puppets now but you’ll never beat the entire vampire nation,” Nicu said, clenching his fists.

  “Do you want to save your precious human, my dear?” Xalak addressed Nadira. He waved his right hand, causing Cooper to float forward. A moan escaped the unconscious human. Nadira stepped forward but Nicu blocked her with a hand.

  “Move, Nicu,” she hissed, fighting against his hold. He didn’t take his eyes off Xalak or his necromancers. He could feel a non-threatening presence at his side.

  “They are all defeated, my Prince.” Gadiel’s deep voice murmured to the left of Nicu.

  “Looks like all of your puppets are dead,” Nicu said, cocking an eyebrow. He pushed Nadira behind him. His brothers and warriors surrounded them now, waiting for his cue. Nadira tried to struggle but someone behind him secured her. “Let’s see if you are strong enough to defeat me in hand to hand combat?” Nicu taunted Xalak, hoping he took the challenge. Nicu itched to rip his throat out.

  “We will defeat you,” Xalak looked around at the vampires. “Today was just the beginning. Do you really think—” he gasped, turning his eyes downward to look at his chest.

  A silver dagger was now embedded into his chest while a dark shadowy outline quickly spread aro
und the dagger. Nicu turned to find Nadira standing at his side with her arm still extended.

  “Now,” Nicu growled, commanding his vampires to attack the necromancers. Nadira’s human crashed to the ground as the other necros pulled Xalak away. A blinding light flashed for a second then disappeared, revealing that the necromancers had vanished, escaping through a magical portal in an instant.

  “Cooper!” Nadira exclaimed, rushing towards the battered human. A sob escaped her as she turned his body over, cradling him to her chest. “No!” her grief stricken moan tugged at Nicu’s cold distant heart.

  “Get him to the infirmary!” Nicu commanded, hating to see his sister in such agony. Gadiel and Teague tried to take the human from Nadira. In her despair, she hissed at them, bearing her fangs, protecting him.

  “Let us help him, Naddy,” Teague said gently, kneeling down next to her. Tears slid down her face as she looked down at her mate. She ran her fingers down the side of the human’s face before looking back up at them. Her crimson eyes, held a pain that Nicu would kill a thousand rogue vampires to erase. She quickly nodded her head before placing a kiss on the human’s forehead.

  * * *


  “He’s not going to make it, my child,” Nadira’s mother said softly. Nadira gazed down at Cooper’s pale form. She had not left his side since they brought him into the infirmary last night.

  Adrian and Toma led the cleanup of all of the versi bodies, burning them to ash. The necromancers attacking the family’s private estate had her father and Nicu working throughout the night, arranging a massive hunt for Xalak and his necros. Vampire leaders from all over the world had begun arriving to the city.

  “He’ll be okay,” Nadira whispered, grabbing onto Cooper’s hand. “He has to. I can’t live without him.” Tears blurred her sight, as they fell down her face.

  “Then turn him.” Her mother’s voice was cold and sharp, causing Nadira to pause.

  She glanced at her mother who knelt down at her side, her face softening. “Mom?”

  “He is your mate, turning him will save him,” the queen said, with a pleading look in her eyes.

  “But what if he hates what he will become?” Nadira asked, looking at Cooper who seemed to grow paler by the minute. “What if he hates me?”

  “We will deal with it if he does,” her mother said, grabbing her hands. “But I refuse to let you wither away and die because your mate dies.” The queen’s voice was stronger as she looked at Nadira.

  Nadira got up from her chair and sat next to Cooper, brushing his hair away from his face. They had cleaned him up as best as they could. Bruises, cuts, and bite marks lined his pale body.

  “I’ll do it,” she whispered. She couldn’t bear the thought of losing him. She would take the chance. Her life would have no purpose without him. Even though they had not bonded, her heart had already grown attached to him. Her mother rushed away, clearing out the few attendants from the medical room.

  “Do you need me to help you?” her mother asked standing by the door.

  “No, I know what to do. I’ve done this before.” She looked over to her mother. “Don’t let anyone in the room.” Her mother nodded and quickly walked out of the door, shutting it behind her. Nadira walked over to the door and flipped the lock, securing the room.



  She slowly walked back over to Cooper’s bed, moving the side table out of the way. She had only turned one vampire in her almost four hundred years and that was almost two hundred years ago.

  Phaelyn had been the daughter of a neighboring farmer, who had gone looking for the family dog that ran off after a rabbit. Phaelyn had gone to search for the dog and did not return home that night. She had been attacked, beaten, and left for dead. Nadira found Phaelyn’s broken body the next morning as part of a search party. Phaelyn was close to death and Nadira turned her friend into a vampire.

  Phaelyn made a vow to always serve the Olaru family. Two hundred years later, Phaelyn kept that promise. She fought as a member of the Dark Shadows for the last one hundred and fifty years.

  Nadira climbed into the hospital bed with Cooper, turning his head to the side. She felt her gums burn as her incisors slowly slid into place. “It’s going to be all right, Cooper,” she softly whispered in his ear. She sent up a prayer to the Gods, begging for strength that will be needed to turn her mate. “I love you, Zac Cooper,” she said, pausing a breath away from his carotid artery. “I hope you forgive me for what I’m about to do.”

  She pierced his neck with her fangs, instantly holding back a moan as the taste of his warm, tangy blood hit her tongue. His blood had a unique taste, one she had never consumed before. She had to be careful, knowing that she had to take almost all of his blood before returning the favor of feeding him from her.

  The excitement of fresh blood had her breaths quickening, coming in short pants as she gripped him tighter to her. She was lightheaded with the rush of adrenaline that coursed through her veins. She squeezed her eyes tight as his memories surfaced in her mind. She witnessed him riding his bike with his friends as a child, him older passing a note to a young girl while in school. It flashed to him playing football, his high school prom, and then his graduation. She followed his memories, catching snippets of his life.

  Someone moaned and she wasn’t sure if it was she or Cooper, but she wanted to take it all. His blood was intoxicating but she would have to stop. She had to bring him close to the brink of death. Her vampiric senses became extremely sensitive, allowing her to hear the rate of his heartbeat slowly lower. She continued until she heard the thump of his heart skip a beat and she knew it was time.

  She gently pulled away from Cooper, licking the puncture holes to seal them. She turned his head towards her, placing a small kiss on his lips tenderly before she bit her own wrist. She held his mouth open slightly with her free hand so she could hold her bleeding wrist up to his mouth.

  “Cooper, drink, honey,” she pleaded, trying to coax his mouth to her wrist. His eyebrows bunched together as she continued to try to get him to swallow. He pulled his head away, turning away from her. She grabbed his head again, patiently putting her wrist back to his lips. She rubbed his throat, speaking softly to him, willing him to latch onto her.

  His hand rose up to grip her wrist, drawing it deeper into his mouth. Finally! His draw on her wrist became stronger as he continued to draw her blood into his body. His color slowly crept back. She smiled as he continued to drink his nourishment from her.

  “That’s it, Cooper, keep going,” she whispered as his grip tightened. His eyes flashed open, unfocused. She gasped as his brown eyes deepened to a crimson red. He let go, moaning in agony, as the change began. She jumped off the bed, licking her own wound closed as he thrashed around in the bed. His body contorting, his muscles getting larger and firmer, his bruises, cuts, and bite marks disappearing. A howl escaped him as she watched his newly developed fangs descend from his gums.

  The door handle rattled as someone tried to open the door. “Nadira!” Nicu yelled, banging on the door. More shouting could be heard from the other side of the door as they tried to gain access to the room.

  Thud! She quickly turned her attention from the door, not seeing Cooper on the bed anymore but on the floor. She rushed to him, kneeling on the floor, drawing him into her lap. “It’s okay, Cooper,” she said as he groaned again, his red eyes now focused on her.

  “Nadira,” he groaned her name.

  “It’s okay, the pain will go away,” she whispered as the banging continued on the door. “Soon, everything will be okay.”

  “What… is… happening to me?” he asked, his muscles twitched, his eyes rolled into the back of his head as the change hit him again. His body stiffened before going still.

  The door burst open with Nicu, Toma, and Adrian storming into the room. “Nadira!” Nicu shouted. She peeked around the bed, still holding Cooper. They spotted her on the floor, and rushed towards her. />
  “Shit!” Adrian exclaimed, seeing a recently healed Cooper. “She’s turning him!”

  She pulled Cooper’s stiff body closer to her as she looked up to her brothers.

  “Nadira, what have you done?” Nicu demanded, scowling at her. He snatched her from under Cooper, ignoring his body hitting the floor, bringing his face closer to hers. “Știi ce ai făcut?”

  What have you done?

  Before she could answer, a growl resonated from the floor, shaking the room and gaining everyone’s attention. Cooper stood next to the bed, glaring at Nicu. A very naked Cooper. Curses filled the room as Cooper bared his newly developed fangs, his sanguineous eyes locked on Nicu.

  “Shit! He’s an alpha!” Toma cursed.

  “Of, all guys, Nadira…” Adrian’s voice trailed off as they all went on alert, not knowing if Cooper would attack. Cooper’s feral gaze didn’t leave Nicu. Nicu’s grip tightened on Nadira, as he growled back, bearing his fangs. Toma was right; Cooper was an alpha vampire. There was no way that if Cooper were a regular newborn vampire, he would be standing and ready to fight. Most newly turned vampires took months, if not at least a year before they gained all of their strength. Cooper’s alpha vampire vibes were radiating across the room.

  “Nicu, let me go,” she said softly, trying to pry Nicu’s hand off her arm.

  “He’s not stable,” Nicu said, not letting her go as she struggled to get free. She could hear her other brothers drawing out their weapons. She finally broke away from Nicu, running to stand with Cooper, facing her brothers head on.

  “He won’t hurt me,” she said, pleading with her brothers. “Leave us.”

  “Fuck no!” Toma growled, his steel dagger gleaming in the light.

  “Mine,” Cooper growled, grabbing her arm and turning her toward him.

  “Get out!” she yelled, knowing that Cooper would attack her brothers since he viewed them as a threat to her. As a newly turned vampire, his body had finally recognized her as his mate.


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