heroin, 20, 54, 68–69, 79
Kathy and Diane Ford interview, 293–96
Kathy Ford, 20, 29, 32
liquor bottles, 150, 276
marijuana, 18, 34–35, 49, 51, 107, 158, 297, 298, 304 “smoked a lot,” 275
move for mayor to go to rehab, 152–53, 195–96
offered to buy for HIV-positive man, 98–103
OxyContin, 100, 102, 150, 298, 299
public inebriation
Blue Jays Way, 127
Garrison Ball, 189–93, 195–97, 201–2, 268, 277
Maple Leafs game disruption, 11, 15–16, 79–80
outside neighbourhood bar, 159
St. Patrick’s Day, 142, 146–50
Randy Ford, 32
staff buying mayor’s liquor, 184
See also crack video; lie and deny
Eagleson, Alan (lawyer), 27
East York Argos (football), 27
Eaton Centre shooting, 252–53
eHealth, 95–96
elections, 2004 federal, 93
elections, municipal
1995, 38–39
1997, 51, 60–61
2000, 62–63, 65
2003, 47
2006, 82–83
2010, 7–11, 14, 17–18, 85–87, 91, 304
2013, 7–8, 17–18
2014, 305–12
what is needed to win, 106
elections, provincial
1995, 29–30
2007, 11
245 Dixon Road, 98
amalgamation consequences, 60–63
Ford’s family move to, 26
hash trade rumours, 32–33
mayoral campaign (1994), 38–39
mayoral debates (2010), 95–96
population, 90–91
provincial election (1995), 40
Rexdale/Little Mogadishu, 211
See also Dixon City Bloods street gang; Dixon towers (Etobicoke);
15 Windsor Road
Etobicoke Civic Centre, 81
Etobicoke General Hospital, 31
Etobicoke Life, 29–30
fab magazine, 12
Fair Elections Toronto, 164
Farah, Mohamed (video broker)
arrested, 270
contacted Doolittle about video, 1–4, 204–5
Gawker story, 222, 262
releases photo to Star, 226 (see also photo with Anthony Smith)
video deal, 212–13, 261
See also crack video
Ferris wheel, 128–29, 130
Fickel, Chris (former staff), 281–82, 298
Filion, John (city councillor), 291–92
Florida, Richard (urbanist), 129
Flynn, Dennis (mayor), 60–62
coaching controversies, 17, 70–71, 103–4
East York Argos, 27
Grey Cup playoff game, 301
in high school, 36–37
mayoral schedules, 123
private football foundation, 72–73, 95
use of city resources, 161
Ford, Diane (wife of Doug Sr.)
background, 24
CP24 interview, 293–96
Deco, 28
Doneit-Henderson recording, 102
in mayoral campaign, 91
meeting with John Tory (2003), 47
Rob Ford as career politician, 62
socialite, 31
Ford, Doug Jr. (Douglas Robert)
background, 20
birth, 30
brother relationship, 39–40
Deco, control of, 28–29
on drug dealing, 35
“Gay men have slept in my bed,” 96–97
high school years, 32–33, 34–35, 35–36
marijuana, 34
ambitions to be premier, 47, 311
Atwood and libraries, 126
budget 2011, 130
campaign manager for brother, 62–63, 85–86
city councillor, 77, 92, 266
Code of Conduct, 164–66
crack video, 229, 232–33, 289–90
Doneit-Henderson recording, 102
Ford family as mayor, 121–22
love of, 39–40
mayoral campaign for Holyday (1994), 39
mayor’s conflict-of-interest case, 173, 182
mayor’s drinking, 289
post-2010 election transition team, 113
press relations, 121
questioned Minnan-Wong on drug use, 296–97
Sheppard LRT vs. subway, 120
waterfront plan, 128–29
Ford, Doug Sr. (Douglas Bruce)
background, 20–25
birth, 23
community contributions, 31
death and will, 57–58, 80
Deco Labels, 25–30
eccentricities, 31
father, 31, 36
children seeking approval, 19, 39, 50–51, 296
gun collector, 45
marriage, 24
meeting with John Tory (2003), 47
political career, 27, 29–30, 40–41, 45–47
polygraph of family, 20–21
Ford, Kathy (Kathryn Diane)
background, 20–21, 30
CP24 interview, 293–96
Deco administration, 28–29, 38
drugs and crime, 20, 29, 32, 53, 79, 80, 294–95
Scott MacIntyre
accidentally shot by, 42–45, 77, 79
threatens Mayor Ford, 54–56
white supremacists, 34
Ford, Randy (Randal Douglas)
background, 20, 30
connection to kidnapping, 33–34
Deco, 29
Doneit-Henderson recording, 102–3
drugs and crime, 32, 38, 235
high school reputation, 35
meeting with John Tory (2003), 47
Ford, Renata (wife of Rob Ford)
alcohol, 52
concern for mayor’s drugs, 111–12
domestic disputes 911 calls, 133, 138
assault charge against Rob Ford, 16, 77–78
“eat at home” aftermath, 300
election night, 8
Florida charges, 48, 50
marriage, 51–52
in Mexico for Pan Am games, 133
Ford, Rob (Robert Bruce)
birth, 30–31
birth, 52
coached to say “no comment,” 16, 78
and Garrison Ball, 190
used as shield, 140–41, 188
death of father, 57, 80–81
Deco Labels, 29
drugs and alcohol (see also crack video; drugs and alcohol; photo with Anthony Smith) increased after father’s death, 80–81
Renata’s concern, 111–12
high school years, 32–33, 35–38
marriage, 51–52 (see also domestic disputes)
police investigations (see also Project Brazen 2 under police [Toronto])
meetings and handoffs with Lisi, 274–76, 282
private football foundation, 72–73, 95
relationship with Doug Jr., 39–40
sports (see football)
weight, 81–82, 97, 295–96, 311
city councillor
1997 campaign, 60–62
2000 campaign, 63–64
constituent work, 14–15, 73, 87
controversies, 11, 15–16
favourite issues, 12, 66–67
heckled by fellow councillors, 82
loved, 15–16
missed votes
contracting out cleaning services (2003), 70
recycling plan (2001), 70
office budget spending, 75–77
politically incorrect quotes, 68
(see also quotes)
relationships with city bureaucrats, 73–74
saving tax dollars, 75–77
speaking reputation, 67–68
mayor (see also crack v
ideo; photo with Anthony Smith)
2014, 305–12
accused reporter of spying, 156–59
approval rating, 18, 275, 305–6
ass-grabbing accusation, 186–88
bobble-head dolls, 296, 311
budget 2011, 130, 139
budget process, 119–20
campaign finances, 161
casino, 231
City Hall spending reduced, 125
city parkland purchase, 155–56, 184
conflict-of-interest accusation, 143, 160–61, 172–78, 181–83, 186
daily schedules, 122–23, 153
defamation lawsuit, 161, 172, 179–81
Doug Jr. and libraries, 127
early victories, 119
executive committee recruited, 114–17
first press conference, 118
Ford family as mayor, 121–22
Garrison Ball, 189–93, 195–97 (see also Garrison Ball)
inauguration, 108–10
Marg Delahunty ambush, 131–33
missing in action, 151–52, 153–54
powers removed, 286–87, 291–92, 301–3
Project Brazen 2 documents’ release, 280 (see also under police [Toronto])
public-sector unions contract, 130, 184
response to police confirmation of video, 286–91 (see also crack video)
Sheppard LRT vs. subway, 120 (see also transit)
staff and special assistants, 128, 149, 184, 276, 282, 298
staff left or fired, 233, 235, 236–37
transparency, 120–21
use of city resources, 70, 161
mayoral campaign
allegations of council corruption, 107
better than opponents, 304
debates, 94–96, 107
finances, 161
Ford Freeze of Star, 104
Fords unable to follow orders, 90
gravy train, 88
immigrants, 107
interference, 91–92
phone-in town halls, 89
polls, 94, 101, 107–8
saving tax dollars, 108
sole-sourced contracts, 171–72
the team, 85–87
three-point platform, 88
Tory cartoon attack ad, 105
voter database from constituent phone calls, 87
political ambitions
to become prime minister, 47, 311
to be mayor, 73–74, 81–82, 83
politics (see also Ford Nation)
campaign style, 61, 64
career politician, 20, 62
Code of Conduct violations, 70, 165, 174
election campaign controversies, 16–17, 48–51
genius, 65–66
meeting with John Tory (2003), 47
Ford family
Canadian Kennedys, 48, 311–12
meeting with John Tory (2003), 47
police confirmed crack video existed, 287–88
Ford Nation
abuse of public purse, 298
constituent work, 15, 74, 87
Maple Leafs game disruption, 80
mayoral inauguration, 108–10
office expenses, 75–77
percentage of electorate, 306
provincial elections 1995, 41
Forum Research, 305–6
Foulidis family, Boardwalk Pub, 170–71, 179–81
Fox News, 243, 311
freedom-of-information requests, 122, 135, 137, 150, 153
Gallup, 243
garbage collection privatization, 114, 306
garbage strike, 2009, 83
Garrison Ball, 189–93, 195–97, 268, 277
organizing committee’s response to Star story, 201–2
Gawker website
broke crack video story, 5, 230
Crackstarter, 232, 233, 261, 262
“For Sale: A Video of Toronto Mayor Rob Ford Smoking Crack Cocaine,” 222–23
See also international media
Gawur, Roman (campaign policy), 85–87, 97
Gee, Marcus (Globe), 178
Gentle, Irene (Star), 207
Giambrone, Adam (mayoral candidate), 10, 18
Giansante, Mario (city councillor), 60–62, 63
Giroux, Det. Sgt. Gary, 229–30, 288
Global News, 35, 290. See also international media
Globe and Mail newspaper
called for Rob Ford to step down, 286
on conflict-of-interest verdict, 178
domestic assault charge, 78
Doug Jr. as hashish seller, 235, 247
forcible confinement story, 34
Ford brothers’ high school years, 32–33, 34
Garrison Ball story response, 201
media ethics public hearing, 250–51
Newtonbrook coaching altercation, 104
political correspondent, 309
use of city resources, 161
visit to Toronto West Detention Centre, 277
See also international media
Goldsbie, Jonathan (Grid), 144, 152, 222
Gondek, Olivia (staffer), 149–50, 297, 299
gravy train, 8–9, 14, 87–88, 119, 125, 129–30. See also taxes
Great Depression, 22–23
Grey Cup playoff, 301
The Grid, weekly Ford roundup, 144, 152
Guardian newspaper, 242. See also international media
Hackland, Justice Charles, 173–77
Hall, Barbara (mayoral candidate), 308–9
Hallandale (Florida), 48
Hamilton Spectator, 81–82
Harris, Mike (Ontario premier), 13, 41, 59–60, 87, 308
Hebert, Jason (witness), 127
heroin. See under drugs and alcohol
Herriott, Ted and Patricia (Deco Labels), 24–28, 30, 62
Hills, Victoria (friend of staff), 298
hockey game disruption, 11, 15–16, 79–80, 193
Holyday, Doug (deputy mayor), 38–39, 76, 107, 117, 178, 198, 228
on AIDS, 15, 69, 96–97
mayoral debates, 94–95
remarks in video, 3, 207, 217–18
same-sex marriage, 106
strategic, 65
See also racism
Hope, Dan and Rebecca (at hockey game), 79–80
Ibbitson, John (The Big Shift), 309–10
Iceberg Vodka, 301
immigration, 17, 107, 309–10
influence leveraging, 70
integrity commission and Rob Ford
as city councillor, 15, 72–73, 74–75
office expenses, 76–77
solicitation of donations from lobbyists, 165–68
international media
crack cocaine confession, 292
Crackgate, 232
crack video, 5, 221–23, 228–30, 232–33, 261–62
Doug Jr. on dealing, 35
“eat at home” quote, 299
Ford brothers, 301
livestreams of council, 297
trust of journalism, 242–43
See also journalism and trust; radio; individual outlets
Ipsos Reid, 107, 238, 242, 245, 248, 305
James, Royson (Star), 309
Jenkins, Jonathan (Sun) “Council ‘Corrupt,’” 172
Jimmy Kimmel Live, 232. See also international media
Jobin-Davis, Camille (NY Open Government), 137
John Oakley Show
“What’s Eating Rob Ford,” 81–82
See also radio
Johnson, Elena Basso, 265, 267. See also
15 Windsor Road
journalism and trust
accountability mechanisms, 247–51
news as entertainment, 244–46
partisanship and bias, 242–45
reporting vs. “seeing” news, 238–41
statistics on, 241–43
truth coming out, video recovered, 284–85
See also international media; individual media outlets
p; J-Source (website), 239
Kari, Shannon (Globe and Mail), 32–33
Kassim, Monir (in Rob Ford photo), 270
Keenan, Ed (columnist), 70
Kelly, Norm (deputy mayor), 287, 302
Khattak, Muhammad, “Sosa Grindhard” (in Rob Ford photo), 260–61, 270
kidnapping, 33–34
Kiklas, Michael (Kathy Ford friend), 22, 34
Kouvalis, Nick (campaign manager), 84–89, 92–94, 96–102, 105, 107 mayor’s team, 113–15, 120, 122
KPMG investigation into City Hall spending, 125–26
Laschinger, John (politico), 106
Lastman, Mel (mayor), 308
Lauer, Matt (Today Show), 301
Lawson, General Tom (chief of defence staff), 189
LeDrew, Stephen (CP24), 83, 254, 293–96
Leiper, Janet (integrity commissioner), 72, 165, 168
Lenczner, Alan (lawyer), 172–73, 182
Levant, Ezra (political pundit), 308, 312
Levy, Sue-Ann (Sun), 102
Lewis, Chris (OPP commissioner), 132
libel laws (Canada), 224–25
Liberty Grand banquet hall, 189, 190
libraries, suggested cuts to, 126
lie and deny
confessed to crack cocaine, 290–91
crack video, 228, 229, 235, 268, 272–73
Doneit-Henderson recording, 101–2
Florida charges, 16–17, 49–51
Garrison Ball, 198–99
Maple Leafs incident, 15–16
See also drugs and alcohol
Lindsay Luby, Gloria (city councillor)
Rob Ford “waste of skin” comment, 68
municipal elections 1997, 60–62
municipal elections 2000, 62–63
Lisi, Alexander “Sandro” (Rob Ford friend)
arrested, 278
charged with extortion, 285
crack video story
texted, phoned, contacted, 230–31, 235, 282–83
Garrison Ball, 190
meetings and handoffs with Rob Ford, 274–76, 282
police investigation of, 255, 274–77
lobbyists and donation solicitations, 72–73, 165–68
Loki Lounge nightclub, 3, 204
Lorinc, John (journalist), 161–63
Doug Jr.’s, 33
Doug Sr.’s, 28, 47
Ford brothers’, 296
Ford family’s, 19, 40
Ford Nation’s, 15, 74
Ford staff’s, 149
Macdonald, Fraser (campaign), 86, 89, 98–99
MacDonald, Jude (activist), 77
Macdonald, Judge John, 180–81
MacIntyre, Chris (son of Scott), 42–45
MacIntyre, Scott (Kathy Ford friend), 42–45, 53–54, 54–56, 55
MacKay, Peter (minister of national defence), 189
Maddison, Paul (commander of the Royal Canadian Navy), 189
Magder, Paul, 169–70, 183
Mammoliti, Giorgio (city councillor), 15, 68, 69, 75, 124
Mandel, Michele (Sun), 90
Mann, Arshy (Star), 258–59
Marg Delahunty ambush (Mary Walsh), 131–33
marijuana. See under drugs and alcohol
Marks, Officer Timothy, 48–50
Crazy Town: The Rob Ford Story Page 33