Matlow, Josh (city councillor), 245
McArthur, Greg (Globe and Mail), 32–33
McConnell, Pam (city councillor), 76, 119, 302
McLachlin, Chief Justice Beverley, 225
McLean, Jesse (Star), 211–13, 215, 219, 258
media. See international media; radio; individual outlets
Mendel, Toby (Centre for Law and Democracy), 135
Metrolinx, 118
Metro Morning (CBC radio), 128–29. See also radio
MFP Financial Services scandal, 72, 166, 179, 309
Mihevc, Joe (city councillor), 124, 178, 200
Miller, David (mayor), 12, 82, 105, 107, 109, 116–17, 119, 309
millionaire and councillors’ office expenses, 75–77
Minnan-Wong, Denzil (councillor), 291, 296–297 2014 election, 310
Moloney, Paul (Star), 226
Morris, Dennis (lawyer), 34, 77, 226, 287
Mullan, David (integrity commissioner), 72, 74–75
Nair, Reshmi (CBC), 227–28
National Post
called for mayor to step down, 286
crack video story, 231–32, 239
Garrison Ball story response, 200–201
mayoral campaign expenses story, 161–63
Rob Ford’s speeches, 67
Scott MacIntyre shooting, 45
Navarro, Leo, 146–47, 148, 151, 255
Navarro, Leo (Bier Markt), 142
newspapers. See individual newspapers
newspapers, journalism and trust, 239–46
Newstalk 1010 radio. See under radio
Newtonbrook Secondary School (North York), 71, 103–4
New York Times, 241, 243. See also international media
Nordheimer, Superior Court Justice Ian, 279, 297
NOW magazine, 309
“Ten Teens Taking Over,” 161–63
Nunziata, Frances (city councillor), 117, 126–27, 302–3
Nunziata, John (candidate), 105
Oakley, John. See under radio
office expenses
budgets reduced, 119, 306
statistics on spending, 75–76
Olbermann, Keith (TV host), 132. See also international media
Ontario Press Council, 247–51. See also journalism and trust
Ootes, Case, 113
executive committee, 117
Orlando, Marco, 33–34
Overtown (Miami), 48
OxyContin. See under drugs and alcohol
Pan American Games, 131
Pantalone, Joe (city councillor), 18, 67
Parker, John (MPP), 25, 129
Parley, Graham (Star), 143, 146, 159
Pennachetti, Joe (city manager), 307
personal use of city resources, 70
Pew Research Center, 241–43
photo with Anthony Smith
confirmed as real by police, 272
Gawker published, 222–23
Khattak identified, 260–61
location, 37, 207, 215, 230, 256–58
attacked, 231
relationship to video, 208
Star printed, 226–27
viewed, 3, 207
See also 15 Windsor Road
Pileggi, Stefano, 17, 88
Pitfield, Jane, 82
Poisson, Jayme (Star)
15 Windsor Road story, 265, 267
crack video story, 213
gun smuggling story, 261–62
Project Brazen 2 documents, 280
Project Traveller discovery, 269
police (Toronto)
press access to information, 139–40
Project Brazen 2, 230, 255, 275–76, 278–79
documents released, 279–83, 297
phone records, 282–83
second relevant video, 285
Project Traveller, 230, 234, 254
Dixon tower raids, 268–72
Star learns of, 262
Rob Ford not cooperated, 288
See also Blair, Bill (police chief)
2010 election, 94, 101, 107–8
Canadian news sources, 245 crack and approval rating, 305–6, 310
crack video, 238
CUPE city services, 129–30
Fords from Rob’s voter database, 87
Jan. 2010 Fords commissioned, 83
public trust of media, 241–43
response to Florida charges, 17
on Toronto Star believability, 248
Pollstra Research, 107
Price, Dave (staff), 33, 230, 235, 236
Proskow, Jackson (Global News), 35, 290
provincial government, 300–301
Provost, Earl (chief of staff), 149–51, 288
public inebriation
Blue Jays Way, 127
Garrison Ball, 189–93, 195–97, 201–2, 268, 277
Maple Leafs game disruption, 11, 15–16, 79–80
outside neighbourhood bar, 159
St. Patrick’s Day, 142, 146–50
public-sector unions, 130, 184, 307–8
Pugash, Mark (police spokesperson), 140
on AIDS, 15, 95
“a lot of them are in gangs” comment, 70–71
“Anything else?,” 236
“eat at home,” 299–300
“eat her box,” 150, 297
“Gay men have slept in my bed” (Doug Jr.), 96–97
“Gino boy,” 15, 69
“I’ve never read this before” (Conflict of Interest Act), 176
“just attacked Kuwait,” 302
“Oriental people work like dogs,” 11
“smoked a lot” of marijuana, 275
“stay in your basement” [to drink] (Doug Jr. to Rob Ford), 289
“war on the car stops today,” 118
“waste of skin,” 15
crack video remarks, 3, 207, 217–18
in early Toronto, 23
“Gino boy,” 15, 69
Maple Leafs game disruption, 11, 15–16, 79–80, 193
“Oriental people work like dogs,” 11, 69
“Paki” (to taxi driver), 150, 298
white supremacists, 34
See also homophobia
102.1 The Edge, 146
Doug Jr. on Oakley show, 196–97, 251, 289–90, 311
Mihevc on Garrison Ball story, 200
“What’s Eating Rob Ford?” on Oakley show, 81
journalism and trust, 244–46
Metro Morning (CBC Radio), 128–29
Newstalk 1010 (Jerry Agar), 244–45
The City, 70, 160, 210, 229, 245, 277, 288, 301
John Tory, 11
Rob Ford, 157, 171, 276
Ransom, Isaac (staffer), 149–50, 297–98
Reed, Max (lawyer), 163–64, 168–69
Remembrance Day ceremony, 296
Remtulla, Amir (chief of staff), 113, 154
Rexdale Rotary Club, 31
Richview Collegiate, 35
Rider, David (Star), 98, 199, 226
Robinson, Jaye (city councillor), 112–15, 116, 129, 268
Rosenstiel, Tom (API), 239–41
Rossi, Rocco (candidate), 94
Royal York Plaza, 33–34, 80
Ruby, Clayton (lawyer), 143, 160
donation solicitations (conflict of interest), 168–70, 173–77, 182, 183
Ruby Shiller Chan Hasan, 172
Rushowy, Kristin (Star), 103–4
Ryerson University, 238–39, 290, 291
Saunders, Mark (deputy police chief), 271
Scarborough, 254, 307
Scarlett Heights Collegiate, 35–36, 40, 52, 266, 275
Schertzer, Det. Joyce, 229–30
Sewell, John (mayor), 309
Shapiro, Ivor (journalist professor), 239
Shiller, Brian (lawyer), 172, 179–81
Shiner, David (budget chief), 75
Siad, Mohamed (dealer), 213, 230–31
, 234, 283
sibling rivalry (Rob and Doug Jr.), 19, 40, 121–22, 296
Smith, Anthony “Rondo” (murder victim), 3, 204, 206, 208, 257, 259
Smitherman, George (mayoral candidate), 7–8, 10, 11, 17–18, 94–96, 99, 101, 107, 108
Sosa Grindhard. See Khattak, Muhammad
Star.See Toronto Star newspaper
2000 municipal elections, 65
2006 municipal elections, 80, 83
2010 municipal elections, 17–18, 94
Deco Labels & Tags, 29
Etobicoke population, 90–91
journalism and public trust, 241–43
office expenses, 75–76
Toronto amalgamation, 60
Toronto in the Depression, 23
Transit City, 118
winning municipal elections in Toronto, 106
Stewart, Jon (TV host), 299. See also international media
Stintz, Karen (city councillor)
2014 election, 310
Doug Jr.’s waterfront plan, 129
Rob Ford constituency work, 74
Sheppard LRT vs. subway, 120
support of libraries, 126
TTC chair position, 115–17, 118, 119–20
Stirpe, Ennio (Kathy Ford husband), 21–22
St. Patrick’s Day and Bier Markt
Rob Ford before and after Bier Markt, 149–50
Ford brothers bickering, 147–48
police investigation, 255
Project Brazen 2 revelations, 297–98
Toronto Star story, 193
waiter and “blow,” 142, 143–44, 146–47
suburbia. See downtowners vs.
subways, 118, 120, 143, 184, 307. See
also transit
Sullie Gorman’s pub, 159
Sun. See Toronto Sun newspaper
Sun Media chain, 71, 244, 245, 308, 312
Taste of the Danforth street festival, 277
Taverner, Police Supt. Ron, 138
election promises, 9, 14, 306–7
land transfer and vehicle registration, 83, 88, 114, 119, 307
“respect for taxpayers,” 117
See also gravy train
Team Ford, 115
Telegraph newspaper, 242
This Hour Has 22 Minutes (CBC), 131–33, 138
Thomson, Sarah (mayoral candidate)
accusation against Rob Ford, 158, 186–88, 193
#Assgate, 158
mayoral race, 94
The Ticker (blog), 228. See also international media
Tighe, Gavin (lawyer), 179–81
Tim Hortons and library cuts, 126
The Today Show, 301. See also international media
The Tonight Show, 232. See also international media
amalgamation (Bill 103), 46, 60
amalgamation consequences, 13–14, 18, 63, 85, 308–9, 312
Great Depression, 22–23
meaning of “Torontonian,” 18
Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, 155, 184
Toronto city council
accountability safeguards, 82, 124, 164
coalition to boost mayor’s power, 87, 114–17
Rob Ford’s allegations of corruption, 107
mayor has single vote, 87, 114–15
removed mayor’s powers, 286–87, 291–92, 301–3
voted mayor to step aside, 297
Toronto City Hall
city staff under Rob Ford as mayor, 123–24
description, 197–98
leaner operation under Rob Ford, 125
managers can be fired by council, 73–74
See also Toronto city council
Toronto District Catholic School Board, 71
Toronto Life, 16, 37, 109. See also international media
Toronto Public Library, 126–27, 142–43
Toronto Real Estate Board debate, 94–96
Toronto Star newspaper
absenteeism story, 153–54
backlash to Rob Ford stories, 248–49, 268
called for mayor to step down, 286
called liars by Rob Ford, 157
Cooke, editor-in-chief, 184–85
cost of crack video, 209–10, 214, 216–17, 219–20 (see also crack video)
crack video backlash, 238–39
domestic assault charge against Rob Ford, 78
Doug Jr. accused paper of vendetta, 210, 268, 290
elections, municipal 2000, 64
endorsed Rob Ford for city councillor (2000), 64
forcible confinement story (1986), 33–34
“Rob Ford 911 Calls Raise Questions,” 140
Rob Ford coaching ban (2001), 17
Ford Freeze, 104, 121
“Ford in ‘Crack Video’ Scandal,” 227, 247, 250
Rob Ford raging and inebriated video, 292–93
Rob Ford’s drug scene connections, 277
Garrison Ball story response, 201
Giambrone profile, 10
gun smuggling story, 261–62
“‘Intoxicated’ Ford Asked to Leave Gala” (Garrison Ball), 2, 192–93, 194–95, 198–200
Khattak story, 261
“Mayoral Candidate Tells HIV-Positive Gay Man: ‘I Feel Terrible,’” 96, 98, 101
mayor’s expenses, 76
media ethics public hearing, 247–51
Newtonbrook coaching altercation, 103–4
photo of mayor and reporter, 133
photo with drunk Rob Ford and girls (Blue Jays Way), 127
polls 2010 elections, 94
profile of Chaleff-Freudenthaler, 178
Project Traveller raids, 271
responsible journalism defence (for libel), 224–25
Toronto Sun newspaper
called for mayor to step down, 286
on conflict-of-interest verdict, 178
“Council ‘Corrupt,’” 172, 180
crack video story, 232
Doug Jr. on surveillance, 278
Rob Ford and OxyContin offer, 102
Rob Ford and tax dollars, 76
“Mayor Nabs Reporter,” 158
mayor playing with his children, 140
Michele Mandel, 90
Toronto Transit Commission (TTC)
essential service designation, 85, 114, 119, 306–7
fare increase stopped last minute, 120
Stintz as chair, 115
Transit City killed, 118
Toronto West Detention Centre, 277
Tory, John, 10–11, 94
2014 election, 310
mayoral race 2003, 47, 105
mayoral race 2010, 105–6
Towhey, Mark (chief of staff), 113
crack video, 225, 226, 236
fired, 233
Rob Ford conflict-of-interest case, 173
Rob Ford mayoral campaign, 86
Rob Ford’s drinking, 298
Garrison Ball, 190, 201
Sheppard LRT vs. subway, 120
Rob Ford and subways, 118, 120, 143, 184, 307
vs. gravy train, 87–88
Sheppard LRT vs. subway, 120
Transit City, 118
Trudeau, Justin, 3, 217
Tuggs Inc. See Foulidis family, Boardwalk Pub
#Assgate, 158
in conflict-of-interest case, 174
#Crackgate, 158, 232
Doug Jr. Code of Conduct violation, 165
#Fencegate, 157–58
Rob Ford buying alcohol, 152, 193
Garrison Ball story response, 202
@QueensQuayKaren, 99
St. Patrick’s Day, 144–45
used to track mayor, 121
unemployment, 14, 23
unions. See public-sector unions
United Way, 296
University of Toronto, 244
USA Today, 243. See also international media
vandalism, election, 61–62
Vaughan, Adam (city councillor), 117
video. See crack video
video of raging and inebriated Ford, 292–93
Walsh, Mary (Marg Delahunty), 131–33
Warmington, Joe (Sun), 140
Washington, DC, 229
waterfront plan, 128–29, 169
Waterfront Toronto, 129
Webster, Gary (TTC), 118
Weir, Bill (CNN), 35, 301
Westway United Church (Etobicoke), 57
Wexler, Mitch (mayoral campaign), 87, 91
15 Windsor Road, 3, 37, 230, 231, 255, 257–58, 262–65, 267
water bills, 282
See also photo with Anthony Smith
Wounded Warriors charity, 189
Wynne, Kathleen (provincial premier), 300–301
YouGov, 242. See also polls
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Doolittle, Robyn, author
Crazy town : the Rob Ford story / Robyn Doolittle.
Includes index.
ISBN 978-0-670-06811-1 (bound)
1. Ford, Rob, 1969–. 2. Mayors—Ontario—Toronto—Biography.
3. Political corruption—Ontario—Toronto. 4. Toronto (Ont.)—Politics and government—21st century. I. Title.
FC3097.26.F67D66 2014 971.3’54105092 C2013-907940-8
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