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Seducing the Laird

Page 15

by Marrero, Lauren

  "Good day, milord," she replied with false gaiety. "Mary’s son, Robert, fell out of a tree so I brought her some salve. The lad is fine, just bruised. Is something amiss?"

  "Nay, but I would have you stay closer to the castle. It is not safe to wander the lands unescorted."

  "Of course, I …"

  Verena gulped as the meager contents of her stomach threatened to erupt. What was wrong with her? For the past few days she had been unusually fatigued and nauseous. She opened her mouth to speak and was sick all over Cairn’s boots.

  Chapter 33

  Someone was stroking her hair. That was strange. No one ever stroked her hair. She opened her eyes to find she had been carried to her chamber. Cairn was perched on the bed waiting for her to awaken.

  "How do you feel?"

  A pitcher of cold water was beside her bed and some fennel. Verena gratefully rinsed out her mouth and chewed the herb to freshen her breath.

  "I am much better. Thank you for staying with me, but I am sure you have more important things to do."

  "Not now."

  Verena eyed Cairn suspiciously, startled by the gentleness in his voice. He was always passionate, but this was the first time he tried to woo her with romance. Why now after they made love? She expected Cairn to loose interest as their love affair continued. Instead she found herself counting the minutes until she could be with him again. It was a relief to know he felt the same.

  "I will be alright."

  "You are always alright," Cairn replied. "But I have never seen you happy."

  "I am happy now."

  Cairn tightened his arms around her, pulling Verena closer to his heart. She pushed Cairn onto his back, covering his mouth with a lingering kiss. She cared for this man. Verena’s heart ached with the certainty that she would directly cause his destruction. She didn’t want to hurt him, but she knew she must. She couldn’t betray her family of spies.

  Verena kissed him to hide the turmoil in her heart. She spread her kisses across Cairn’s chest and down his torso, using her lips and tongue to work him into a fever. She traced his nipples with her tongue before gently sucking the dark orbs.

  Her head moved lower, across the tight muscles of Cairn’s abdomen. She loved the way they contracted under her mouth. She felt his disappointment as she avoided his male organ and instead brushed her lips against his firm upper thigh. Giving Cairn a saucy look, she lowered her head again and kissed his opposite thigh.

  "Tease," Cairn ground out through clenched teeth. Another kiss was placed less than an inch above his manhood.

  "Did you want something?"

  "You know exactly what I want."

  Verena could feel the heat radiating from his skin and smell their lovemaking in the air. She felt intoxicated with passion, savoring the salty taste of his sweat.

  Finally she took him into her mouth. She heard a sound that was part sigh and part groan, and decided to take her time, letting his reaction guide her. She loved the feel of him in her mouth, the power of knowing she controlled his pleasure. Verena went faster, using her lips and hands to drive him wild.

  The muscles of his thighs and abdomen tensed as he came closer to ecstasy. Suddenly she found herself on her back. Cairn lifted her legs and drove himself deeply inside her, tired of the maddening caresses. She gasped at the sudden, intense pleasure, growling and arching her back. She wrapped her legs firmly around Cairn’s torso, grinding her hips to his.

  Verena tried to go slowly and draw out the intimacy of the moment, but Cairn would have none of that. She nearly drove him insane with her mouth and now Cairn showed her how much he desired her.

  It wasn’t what she planned, but she couldn’t complain. She was mindless with pleasure. When she reached her climax, Cairn was right behind her, letting out a guttural roar as he released his seed deep inside her.

  She collapsed with a smile of contentment; their arms were still loosely entwined. It was a long time before Cairn broke the perfect stillness, raising himself on one elbow to gaze at her naked flesh.

  "How do you feel?"


  "Is there something you would like to tell me?"

  "About what?" she asked in puzzlement. Had Cairn somehow discovered her secret? Was he now interrogating Jon in the dungeon? Cairn’s satisfied smile belied that thought.

  "About the child."

  Verena froze, sure she had misheard him.

  "What child?"

  He laughed a deep, rumbling sound and once again drew Verena into his arms.

  "You didn’t know?" he asked in astonishment. "I forget how innocent you really are. My child, the one you are carrying."

  She was pregnant! Hadran had diligently instructed Verena on how to avoid this. She had been so careful, never missing her daily dose of bishop’s lace. Verena didn’t understand how this could have happened.

  What would she do with a child? She certainly wasn’t in a position to raise one. Verena’s life was inherently dangerous. It was ludicrous to even contemplate it, but that didn’t stop the slow rush of joy that enveloped her heart.

  Secretly, she had always wanted a real family, it just never seemed possible. She knew what it was like to grow up without parents. If Hadran had not found her, she would certainly be dead. No matter what, she would ensure this baby never experienced that life.

  "Don’t worry," said Cairn, sensing her growing panic. "All will be well."

  If not for Lord Gundy, she might believe him. Already the cunning lord was amassing an army to sweep across the lowlands. The McPhersons would be destroyed and Cairn would be the first to die. Verena had to make sure she was far away before the English armies arrived. Now she had something infinitely valuable to protect.

  Chapter 34

  Late that evening, when she was sure he slept; Verena slowly extricated herself from Cairn’s embrace. She retrieved her dark cloak and tiptoed out of the room. She carefully made her way past the sentries; glad she had taken the time to learn their rotations. She silently moved through the forest, her form concealed by the deep shadows of the trees. Verena softly signaled her presence to Owen, and after a few moments, he stepped from the gloom. They stood before the Old Lord’s burial mound with the heat from their breath clouding the air.

  "Is the McPherson dead?" Owen asked.

  "Nay. I thought I would have more time."

  "There is no time. Gundy’s men will be here in less than a fortnight."

  She felt her body go cold. This assignment was different from the ones of the past. Lord Gundy didn’t want something stolen or damning evidence to blackmail a neighbor. He wanted Verena to prepare for an invasion. So many people would die because of her, people that she called friends.

  "I need to be removed from this assignment. Jon has integrated himself into the McPherson household and can replace me."

  She knew Hadran would be displeased by her failure, but more than her life was at stake. She couldn’t risk her unborn babe.

  "Are you in trouble? Has your position been compromised?"

  "There is … another reason," she admitted hesitantly. "I am with child."

  Owen stared at her for a long moment. Verena could see confusion, anger and sadness cross Owen’s face as he absorbed her startling words. She had been so focused on the babe; she didn’t think how this would affect her friend.

  Before she could react, Owen slapped her hard. Verena fell to the ground, momentarily shocked by his aggression. They had practiced together many times, often Owen had given Verena bruises that hurt for days, but he never touched her in anger.

  Abruptly Owen changed. He lifted Verena to her feet and wrapped his beefy arms around her in a crushing embrace.

  "I am sorry," he said, burying his face in her hair. "I am so sorry for what Gundy has made you become."

  "I merely wish to withdraw until after the babe is born," Verena replied, uncomfortably pulling away. She was shocked by Owen’s violence and was not ready to be coddled by him. "I have some money

  "No. You will return to the castle and find the treasure."

  "Jon can search for it. Gundy need never know."

  "Jon was a fool to be so easily caught. I need you there."

  "But …"

  Why was Owen being so unreasonable? The agents had always looked after each other in the past. Verena remembered several occasions when she covered for Owen while he was drinking, wenching, or fighting instead of working. As long as Gundy got what he wanted, there was never a problem.

  "This isn’t for Gundy. It is for us."

  "I don’t understand."

  If Owen didn’t intend to give the treasure to their lord … Verena felt goosebumps break out across her skin. She knew what happened to those who tried to steal from Lord Gundy. Verena had often fantasized about running away from this dreadful service. The other agents must have felt the same, but acting on their desires was another thing entirely.

  "We have worked our entire lives to make Gundy richer, living in fear of his displeasure. No more! Your babe is the sign. I have been waiting for the perfect time to act and this is it. The next few weeks will be chaotic as Gundy tries to lead an invasion into Scotland. He needs us now, but by the time he realizes how powerful we have become, it will be too late."

  "He fears our power. Gundy will never let us go."

  "He won’t have a choice. He risks too much on this foolish quest. Gundy knows he does not have the full support of his neighbors and plans to murder a few of them during the battle. I doubt anyone would be disappointed if the tragedy befell Gundy instead."

  "You will kill him?"

  Verena backed away from her friend. She had no love for their master, but turning against Gundy was tantamount to turning against each other. Everyone in their group had been picked up off the streets. What would happen to them without Gundy’s patronage?

  "What about us? What about Jon and Hadran?"

  "You don’t need Gundy. Trust in me. With our skills we will have more wealth and power than Gundy could imagine."

  "Financed by murder and deception? You don’t want to free us from Gundy, you want to replace him. Aren’t you tired of this?"

  "Never. I will make us great, but I need you by my side. I can’t do it without you."

  Owen pulled Verena into his arms. He ground his lips to hers, bruising her with his kiss. She tried to pull away, but Owen crushed her body to his. His hot tongue delved between her lips like a burrowing worm.

  Had he always been like this, secretly plotting his rise to power, and she was too blind to see? Owen had always been censorious of Lord Gundy. He loudly criticized each of their missions. Why had Verena refused to believe he was capable of open rebellion? Perhaps she didn’t want to believe that the man who had worked with her and fought beside her for so many years dreamed of vengeance.

  They heard shouts from behind as an enraged man crashed through the trees.

  "You were followed!"

  Owen roughly pushed Verena away. She saw his instinctive grab for a knife and knew whoever was out there had only moments to live.

  "What is this?" Cairn demanded, glaring at Owen with the wrath of his grandfather behind his gaze. Had he overheard their conversation? Cairn paused; his burning eyes racked her bruised and disheveled appearance before hurling himself at Owen.


  Recklessly she threw herself in his path, unsure whom she was protecting. She knew that one hand was gripping the handle of Owen’s favorite dagger, ready to plunge it through Cairn’s heart. But she doubted one knife would stop Cairn in his current rage, despite the skill of its user. He looked ready to take on Gundy’s entire army.

  "Owen, run!"

  "We can finish this," said Owen in puzzlement.

  "No! Not like this."

  Cairn grabbed Verena, shoving her aside as he saw Owen melt into the shadows. Verena knew it would take Owen a moment to disappear. Nevertheless she reached for Cairn, hoping to slow him and give Owen a little more time.

  She was a hellcat. Verena clung to him, willing her body to be heavier. Another man might have knocked her to the ground. She half-expected the blow, but it never came. Even in his rage, Cairn held himself back, unwilling to hurt her.

  "Unhand me, woman!"

  Verena stopped struggling, hoping she had given Owen enough time. She knew he wouldn’t abandon her, regardless of the circumstances. Owen was probably hiding just out of sight, the better to watch these curious proceedings.

  Why didn’t Cairn strike her? His rigid jaw was clenched; hands were tightly curled into fists. Cairn’s eyes burned into Verena like live coals.

  "Who was he?"

  Cairn roughly grasped her arms. A moment ago she had been a tigress, fighting tooth and nail to keep the men apart. Now she went limp, knowing she couldn’t explain her presence in the forest.

  "Answer me!"

  "Someone from my past."

  Verena had never felt more foolish. How could she not know Cairn was awake? How could she not have known he followed her? Not only had she compromised her cover, she had also lost Owen’s faith in her abilities.

  "Why did you meet him?"

  If Cairn asked that he couldn’t have heard their conversation about Lord Gundy. Perhaps she could salvage this, but her mind was reeling with the night’s events. Verena needed a moment to think of a plausible lie.

  Infuriated by her silence, Cairn dragged her toward the castle. Behind his back she gestured urgently to Owen. Don’t follow.

  Cairn crashed noisily through the underbrush, dragging an unresisting Verena in his wake. Branches slapped painfully against her arms and face, but Cairn didn’t slow his brutal pace. A raised tree root caught her foot and Cairn effortlessly caught Verena and set her back on her feet. The whole time his body vibrated with rage.

  The castle sentries watched their procession in silence, not knowing if they should offer assistance. One look at Cairn’s fierce expression silenced them. Verena recognized a couple of the guards and though kind, they knew better than to interfere in their lord’s business.

  Cairn threw Verena into her chamber, bolting the door behind them. She instinctively backed away, though she knew that was moot. If Cairn wanted to hurt her, he would have done so already.

  "I want answers now!"

  Perhaps it was better for Cairn to think he caught her in a tryst. Verena knew the depth of his hatred for Gundy. If he knew she worked for him, things would be much worse.

  "Is he the man you ran from in Langthorne?"

  "Will you let me go?" she asked softly. "I can run away and never return."

  "Nay! Do you think I would abandon you now? You are carrying my child."

  Her heart fluttered at Cairn’s answer. Was he trying to protect her? Cairn was furious, but he didn’t hit her. Owen, the man she had looked up to for years, didn’t have such restraint.

  "Was I not enough for you?" Cairn demanded, pushing Verena back until she fell on the bed, still rumpled from their lovemaking. "Was I too gentle with you, too weak? If I knew you liked what that English bastard did to you …"

  "Stop! You don’t understand!"

  "Then explain it to me. Explain how you ran from me into the arms of another."

  "He didn’t mean to hurt me. He was confused, but he has always protected me in the past."

  Cairn stared at Verena as if she were a stranger. She was surprised to realize her lie was dangerously close to the truth. She didn’t believe Owen meant to strike her. He was merely stunned by her pregnancy. For years he had been her family and protector. Now she didn’t know what to think.

  "You will not leave this chamber."

  Cairn turned and left the room. Though the door had no lock, Verena would bet a soldier would soon be guarding the outside. She might be able to fit through the small window, but there was no point in trying to escape now. The McPhersons would be watching for that.

  If only Hadran were here! She desperately needed to talk to him and warn him of his most dangerous ag
ent’s defection. Now Verena must concentrate all of her efforts on helping Jon locate the treasure and hope Owen contacted her before doing anything foolish.

  Though she would do anything to be free of Gundy’s yoke, she had no interest in trading him for Owen. Hadran had thus far been able to protect Verena from Gundy’s lusts, but who would protect her from Owen? Verena was finally forced to acknowledge that she no longer trusted her friend.

  Chapter 35

  Jon entered her chamber moments after Cairn departed. He was investigating a dried-out well as a likely hiding place for the treasure when he saw their curious return, and knew something was wrong.

  "Does he know?"

  "Nay, Cairn believes he interrupted a lover’s tryst."

  "Poor fellow," replied Jon with a slow shake of his head. "He loved you."

  "Why do you say that?"

  Verena unconsciously tensed, clenching the covers beneath her hands. She had worked so hard to gain Cairn’s trust. Could his feelings run deeper than physical affection? Was that the reason for his restraint?

  "I have seen the way he looks at you. He wants much more that what is beneath your skirts. The kitchen brats agree."

  "It is no matter. I am restricted to this room so I cannot do much to assist you."

  "That’s easy," replied Jon. His roving eye skimmed over the embroidered pillows and bedspread, noting the semiprecious stones sewn into the fabric. He was always looking for an opportunity, just as Hadran instructed. "I’ll spread a rumor that you’ve come down with a horrible sickness. The clan will be tripping over themselves to show their support."

  "If Cairn doesn’t share the details of my incarceration."

  "He won’t. I know how the laird thinks. He wants everyone to feel at ease and believe they are safe. He’ll tell them you are unwell or my name is King Henry."

  "I think you are right. He will try to keep this quiet. Stir things up a bit and see how he reacts. While we wait, I want you to take my tools. You’ll have more use for them than I at the moment."

  Jon’s eyes lit up. He was in the process of building what he called ‘the perfect collection’ of useful items and was intrigued by Verena’s tools. Each of Hadran’s associates had a personalized set that changed depending on the assignment. Jon’s enthusiasm for collecting made Verena cautiously add:


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