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Great Poems by American Women

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by Great Poems by American Women- An Anthology (epub)

  Never think she loves him wholly

  New Colossus, The

  New-England Boy’s Song About Thanksgiving Day, The

  New Ezekiel, The


  Night, and beneath star-blazoned summer skies

  Nightingale Unheard, The

  Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame

  Now let no charitable hope

  Now the noisy winds are still

  O beautiful for spacious skies

  Ode to Sappho

  Oh, grieve not, Ladies, if at night

  Oh, I would have these tongues oracular

  Oh! would I were as firm and cold

  Old Time, thou’rt a sluggard; how long dost thou stay

  O, my strong-minded sisters, aspiring to vote

  On Being Brought from Africa to America

  One lily scented all the dark. It grew

  One Night

  One Perfect Rose

  One sweetly solemn thought

  On Imagination

  On our lone pathway bloomed no earthly hopes

  On the Birth of Her Sister Margaret

  On the Death of the Rev. Mr. George Whitefield—1770



  Other World, The

  O thorn-crowned Sorrow, pitiless and stern

  Over the river, and through the wood

  O wife, wife, wife! As if the sacred name

  O wind, rend open the heat

  “O World-God, give me Wealth!” the Egyptian cried

  O world, I cannot hold thee close enough!

  O yes, I love you, and with all my heart

  Painted Fan, A

  Parting Hymn, A


  Pity Me Not

  Pity me not because the light of day

  Plant a Tree



  Poets make pets of pretty, docile words

  Poet, write!

  Poppies on the Wheat

  Portrait, A


  Pretty Words

  Prologue, The


  Return to Tomhanick

  Rocked in the cradle of the deep

  Rock Me to Sleep

  Roses and butterflies snared on a fan

  Roses Only


  Sad music breathes upon the air

  Sandpiper, The


  Say not of Beauty she is good

  Sea Poppies

  Sea-Side Cave, The


  See how the black ship cleaves the main

  Segovia and Madrid

  She comes—the spirit of the dance!

  Sheltered Garden

  She sat alone beside the couch of death

  She’s Free!

  She was so little—little in her grave

  Slave Auction, The

  Slave Mother, The

  So, because you chose to follow me

  into the subtle sadness of night

  Sojourn in the Whale

  Solitary, The


  Somewhere I read, in an old book whose name

  Song (Brooks)

  Song (Rowson)

  Song Before Grief, A

  Song for Our Flag, A

  Songs for My Mother


  Sonnet V

  Soon as the sun forsook the eastern main


  Sorrow, my friend

  South, The



  Strephon kissed me in the spring

  Strip of Blue, A

  Success is counted sweetest

  Sweet babe, I cannot hope thou wilt be freed

  Taxi, The


  Tell me

  The charms of melody, in simple airs

  The day you march away—let the sun shine

  The garden beds I wandered by

  The heart of a woman goes forth with the dawn

  The illustration

  The night was dark and fearful

  There is no frigate like a book

  There’s a certain slant of light

  The rose just bursting into bloom

  The sale began—young girls were there

  The shell of objects inwardly consumed

  The spicewood burns along the gray, spent sky

  The sweetest notes among the human heart-strings

  The twilight’s inner flame grows blue and deep

  They tell me that I must not love

  This is my letter to the world

  Thoreau’s Flute

  Thou ill-formed offspring of my feeble brain

  Thou two-faced year, Mother of Change and Fate

  Thy various works, imperial queen, we see

  ’Tis true, one half of woman’s life is hope


  To an Amiable Friend Mourning the Death

  of an Excellent Father

  To a Steam Roller

  To Edgar Allan Poe


  To My Dear and Loving Husband


  To show the lab’ring bosom’s deep intent

  To sing of Wars, of Captains, and of Kings

  To S. M., a Young African Painter, on Seeing His Works

  To Solitude

  To the First Slave Ship

  To Time

  To W. S. M.


  Trying to open locked doors with a sword, threading

  ’Twas mercy brought me from my pagan land

  ’Twas summer, and the spot a cool retreat—

  Tying her bonnet under her chin

  Unfortunate Coincidence

  Vainly my heart had with thy sorceries striven

  Velvet Shoes

  Venus Transiens

  Very soon the Yankee teachers


  Voice of the Flowers


  Watcher, The

  We deemed the secret lost, the spirit gone

  We, sighing, said, “Our Pan is dead

  We took it to the woods, we two

  What, can these dead bones live, whose sap is dried

  What lips my lips have kissed, and where, and why

  What songs found voice upon those lips

  When dreaming kings, at odds with swift-paced time

  When I am dead and over me bright April

  When I consider Life and its few years

  When I go away from you

  When I go back to earth

  When the grass shall cover me

  When the peach ripens to a rosy bloom

  When Winter’s royal robes of white

  Whirl up, sea

  White Branches

  Who shall declare the joy of the running!

  Widow’s Wooer, The

  Wild nights! Wild nights!

  Wild Ride, The

  Wild Swans

  Wind, The

  Winter Ride, A

  Winter Sleep

  With the Tide



  Women have no wilderness in them

  Words, words

  World I Am Passing Through, The

  Ye have a kind voice, sweet flowers!

  Yellow Jessamine

  Ye say they all have passed away

  Yes, Nightingale, through all the summer-time

  You are ice and fire

  You do not do, you do not do

  You do not seem to realize that beauty is a liability rather than



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  1 This poem was written the day after Theodore Roosevelt died.




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