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Watch Out for the Big Girls 3

Page 1

by J. M. Benjamin

  Watch Out for the Big Girls 3

  J. M. Benjamin

  All copyrighted material within is Attributor Protected.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Urban Books, LLC

  300 Farmingdale Road, NY-Route 109

  Farmingdale, NY 11735

  Watch Out for the Big Girls 3

  Copyright © 2017 J. M. Benjamin

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior consent of the Publisher, except brief quotes used in reviews.

  ISBN: 978-1-6228-6490-4

  First Trade Paperback Printing June 2017

  This is a work of fiction. Any references or similarities to actual events, real people, living or dead, or to real locales are intended to give the novel a sense of reality. Any similarity in other names, characters, places, and incidents is entirely coincidental.

  Distributed by Kensington Publishing Corp.

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  Edge nodded to the sounds of Meek Mill’s Dreamchasers CD as she looked at the address she had been given for a second time. The last thing she wanted was to invade the wrong house and foul up the one job that would change her life forever. The reality of being home still hadn’t set in, but the old, familiar feeling of putting in work was coming back to her like an adult riding a bike for the first time in years.

  For a second, Edge thought she had heard the sound of shots going off. She peered out of the rental car’s windows. She didn’t see anything out of the ordinary, so she brushed it off. Once she was convinced the coast was clear, she slipped on her black leather gloves, opened the driver’s door, and exited the vehicle. As an extra precaution, she looked left, then right, before making a beeline to the two-story home.

  Diamond had given her a picture of the intended victim, so she knew what, or rather who, she was looking for. Diamond hadn’t told her anything about the victim other than that she had compromised their operation.

  Edge had been familiar with the Double Gs before she had gone to prison. She and Diamond used to have mixed views on what the organization represented, which was why Edge was surprised to discover that Diamond had become a member. Edge had been hearing about the Double Gs while she was away and she found it difficult to believe that Diamond was a part of the stories. Nonetheless, Edge was grateful and appreciative for Diamond’s contribution to her release, no matter what the cost.

  Edge had always been a woman of her word, so when Diamond told her she was ready to cash in on her debt forty-eight hours after Edge had gotten out of prison, Edge accepted the job respectfully. She was sure it would be an easy enough task to fulfill: kill one woman. What Edge was not sure of, though, was whether she wanted to be a Double G. She knew she had to give the idea some more thought. All that Diamond had briefed her on sounded good but, still, the part about Diamond having feelings for and dealing with the head of the organization didn’t sit well with Edge. She couldn’t see herself taking orders from someone who had Diamond’s heart when she still loved Diamond herself.

  Edge shook off the thoughts off and focused on the job at hand. The first thing she noticed was the door ajar. Edge’s spider senses went off. She got that tingling feeling she always got whenever trouble or danger was around the corner. Edge cautiously pushed open the door. She checked to see if there was any forceful entry but she didn’t see anything to support the thought. Edge took one last look back before slipping into the home and closing the door behind her. Immediately, she heard the commotion coming from upstairs. The way the top level was designed, Edge could see shadows in the distance on the top part of the wall and ceiling.

  The story of my fuckin’ life. She realized it was not going to be an easy task at all. She knew turning back was not an option, though. She had committed to a job, and she intended to carry it out or die trying.

  Edge made her way over to the steps. She took the first three in one motion and scaled the side of the wall. She had her .40-caliber in one hand and her 007 blade in the other, both of which she was equally skilled with. The farther she got up the steps, the louder the voices grew. Edge couldn’t make out what was being said, but she could tell there were both men and women in the room. Think, Edge. She was tempted to bum-rush the room, but she laughed off the idea. Bitch, this is not the Wild West, she reminded herself. All types of ideas ran through Edge’s mind. Her thoughts were interrupted by the unmistakable words that came out of the room and bounced off the hallway walls.

  The words were enough to cause Edge to plant her back flush against the wall. She took a deep breath. There was no doubt in her mind she had the right address now. She knew it was either now or never. Edge took another deep breath.

  “One, two, three,” she counted; then she barged into the room like she used to do when she was on the force before she turned crooked. The room was completely caught by surprise as Edge appeared with her two silencer-equipped. 40-calibers blazing.

  Smoke was the first to spin around and draw his attention to the sound of the room door slamming up against the wall. He managed to raise his pistol, but not fast enough. The two shots let loose in his direction were enough to slow him down. Both bullets tore into his chest: one just mere inches away from his heart; the other ripped straight through it. His gun fell from his hand, and his body followed as he stumbled backward, right before he plunged to the plush carpet.

  Still a little shaken by the sudden presence of Edge, Clips dove across Felicia’s bed for cover, but not before one of the three shots Edge sent his way ripped through his right triceps. Who the fuck is that? he questioned as he fumbled and made a failed attempt to cock his weapon. The shot to his arm prevented him from fully cocking it. He could feel the blood oozing out of the back of his arm.

  Edge heard the sound of his weapon attempting to be cocked, but she paid it no mind. She let off two more shots toward the bed area as a diversion. She knew Clips was hit, and she could smell his fear as she stepped over Smoke’s lifeless body sprawled out on the floor. She and Felicia made quick eye contact as she passed her. Edge could tell by the way she looked at her that Felicia had no idea who she was. Wasting no time, she made her way to the other side of the bed, where Clips lay.

  “Who the fuck are you?” Clips growled as he tried to raise his gun to no avail. His brea
thing was now out of control, and he began to feel lightheaded after he asked the question. He was losing a lot of blood, and he knew it. Tears escaped the crevices of his eyes as he blinked uncontrollably.

  Edge stared at him with no remorse. “I’m the last bitch you’ll ever see,” she calmly replied, right before she dumped two shots in Clips’s face and another two in his lower abdomen.

  Clips’s soul exited his flesh before it slumped over and lay on the floor.

  Edge walked back over to where Felicia was. At that point, Felicia didn’t care who Edge was; she was just thankful that she had shown up when she had. She was sure she knew all of the Double Gs members, and she figured Edge was one of the newest recruits.

  “I don’t know who you are, but—” That was as far as she got before Edge emptied the unused .40-caliber into Felicia’s already bloody face.

  “And you never will,” Edge spoke under her breath.

  She pulled out the phone Diamond had given to her, snapped a picture of Felicia’s dead body, and sent it. A thumbs-up emoji immediately appeared on the cell phone screen.

  Edge shoved the phone back into her pocket and then exited Felicia’s home.

  Chapter 1

  Her hair was silky, woven like a ball of yarn, and it was the color of dark, thunderous clouds. It held tight as a crown around a round, full face. For a woman of age, her skin was smooth and radiant as if she were preparing to give birth. A shade of blackberry sat on the windows of her eyes, which heightened the rosiness of her cheeks and emphasized the fullness of her lips.

  Very few people lived to give that description of one of the most notorious gangsters ever to grace this earth. For Mirage, the thought of uttering that description was a warrant to execute a death wish.

  Mirage knew her position and played her role well. Driving wasn’t just her job; it was a passion she had come to love and respect. Every Wednesday, she found a way to treat herself to a simple wash and set. She didn’t have time to be away from her mistress for any longer than an hour. Her role was too important to go unaccounted for for any length of time. In the twenty years she’d been employed by her mistress, she’d rarely looked her or her closest allies in the eye. She’d come to recognize each of them by voice alone. Mirage rarely spoke to any of them, and she’d never once had to identify them by name.

  Despite her position, she saw her family rather frequently. She had a daughter, who decided in her thirties that she would finally go to Spelman and study chemistry and biochemistry in an effort to become a creator of green-friendly products that were less dependent on oil and other precious resources. Her grandchildren, nine-year-old twins, enjoyed the luxuries and privileges that came with attending a private school that emphasized the importance of mathematics and sciences.

  For Mirage, her daughter and grandchildren were her legacy. She made a special effort to rarely speak of them in the presence of her mistress. The less Queen Fem knew of their existence, the greater their chances were of survival. Realistically, she knew Queen Fem probably had them under surveillance and could destroy her whole world without a moment’s notice. She knew the risk when she accepted one of the most dangerous jobs in the world. Her daughter and grandchildren motivated her to be more flawless than Beyoncé.

  “Tell me something,” Queen Fem spoke to her from the back of the black Phantom she rode in.

  “Yes, Mistress,” Mirage addressed her boss.

  “If you were in my shoes, would you play your position any differently than I have?” Queen Fem quizzed her.

  Mirage was dumbfounded. She’d never given too much thought to her role beyond being a well-paid stunt driver who could navigate any vehicle through any challenge Queen Fem found necessary.

  “No.” Mirage was firm in her answer. She knew that was the best way to gain and keep Queen Fem’s respect. “Starr knows what she must do, and if she didn’t, you would’ve killed her the first chance you got.”

  “I suppose you’re right,” Queen Fem replied without any emotion whatsoever. At least, not on the surface. But on the inside, she was troubled. Starr had been the cause of her many sleepless nights in recent months. The Double Gs had been receiving more heat and static in one year than they had ever since she had founded the organization.

  Queen Fem took a deep breath and sighed. She began to relax as she peered out the window. A warmness appeared across her face as she took in and enjoyed the scenic route through Las Vegas. She switched her mind from her troubling thoughts to much more peaceful ones. They were replaced with the view of multimillion-dollar homes they passed by. They gave her ideas for an architectural undertaking she wanted to start and complete before her journey on this earth came to an end.

  “Every now and then it is good to hear constructive criticism and to receive a second opinion.” Queen Fem patted Mirage on top of her hand as she continued to take in the scenery. Next to Starr, there was no one else Queen Fem loved and admired more than Mirage, which was why she both respected and valued her opinion and views on certain things.

  “You’re right,” Mirage answered. “You spent years growing and cultivating the Double Gs to be the women they are. You have too much dirt on the most powerful people for anyone to cross you and live long.”

  Mirage knew her mistress wasn’t worried in the least. She knew and understood her second most important role, her “secret” job. Queen Fem loved and trusted Mirage enough to let her guard down slightly and be a woman. Queen Fem could be soft around Mirage and show her almost every emotion she had reserved for her common-law wife.

  “Stay” by Rufus featuring Chaka Khan sedated the two of them. Mirage had always admired and respected the soul singer. Truthfully, in addition to being a social activist, the legend has it in her to be a Double G if she desires to wander a different path, thought Mirage.

  “Turn that up for me.” Queen Fem smiled and relaxed some more. The late-seventies soul hit reminded her of a time period that she had long ago buried in the back of her mind and heart. She could remember it as if it were just the other day when her first love would cruise Highway 15 in one of his many sports cars, blasting the song. It seemed like so long ago, when she was a different person living a different life. She couldn’t help but think about him and how he had played such an intricate part in the birth of the Double Gs. It was the one thing that she and she alone knew, something she would take to her grave not as Queen Fem, but as Carlita Banks, from her pre-Queen days.

  Without warning, an image of Lewis Steele appeared in her mental movie. It had been a long time since she had thought about him. Queen Fem tried to shake his handsome face out of her mind, but the image refused to remove itself. She grimaced as the images turned into what she had stayed away from for so many years.

  As the limo switched lanes, so did Queen Fem’s thoughts as her last memories of Lewis Steele took over. Her heart skipped a beat, and her stomach fluttered with butterflies as the uneventful evening illuminated on the glass of her window as if she were at a drive-in movie. His laugh echoed in her mind through his smile.

  Queen Fem smiled and closed her eyes. Rather than try to keep fighting it, she embraced where her mind was trying to take her. As she traveled back in time, it was as if she could feel Lewis Steele’s spirit and touch in the limo.

  Lewis’s hand slithered farther up Carlita’s dress as Al Green filled the car with his melodic voice. He slid her panties to the side and began fondling her. She spread her legs wider and pushed his hand deeper under her dress. She slowly gyrated her sex to match Lewis’s fingers fondling her. She could feel her juices oozing down her inner thigh and Lewis’s fingers. Her body quivered. She removed Lewis’s hand from between her legs and reached over into his lap. Within mere seconds, she had his rock-hard dick out of his briefs and in her mouth. She could feel the horsepower of the car as Lewis accelerated on the gas. The sudden speed turned her on. She attacked Lewis’s dick with her mouth. She licked alongside his pulsating veins then took him back into her mouth and deep-t
hroated him. Lewis placed his hand on the back of her head and guided her as she bobbed up and down on him while he navigated the Maserati with his other hand.

  “Yes, baby,” he cooed. “Right there—” The impact of the hit broke his concentration and cut his words short.

  “What the hell?” Lewis boomed. He quickly pulled his hand from Carlita’s head and gripped the steering wheel just in time to gain control of the car and avoid crashing.

  Carlita had now risen up and was fully alert. “Lew, what’s going on?” she cried.

  Lewis peered into his rearview. His eyes widened as the headlights of the car behind them rapidly approached. Before he could answer Carlita, the back of his Maserati was rammed for a second time. This time the impact was more forceful than the first. The hit caused Lewis to spin out of control. Within seconds, the sports car was skidding down the road.

  The last thing Carlita remembered before blacking out was staring into Lewis Steele’s deep brown eyes.

  Queen Fem’s eyes shot open. The chain of events to come after that rehashed a sharp pain that she hadn’t felt in a long time. Priding herself on being a fearless individual, she was hesitant about letting the vision continue. The last thing she wanted was for Mirage to see her in a vulnerable or weak state and she knew thinking about Lewis Steele would put her in one. She had built herself up to be a super woman, but Lewis Steele was her kryptonite.

  “Are you okay?” Mirage asked, seeing the disturbed look on Queen Fem’s face.

  “I’m fine,” she offered in a subtle tone. “Just sorting everything all out in my head,” she added.

  Mirage smiled. “I know. That’s what you do.”

  Queen Fem matched her smile. “Yes, it is.”

  Mirage’s words resonated in Queen Fem’s mind. They made her realize just how far she had come as a woman. It also made her reflect on the many women she had built up, inspired, and motivated who were once considered weak victims and slaves to men. It was because of her strength she’d been able to grow and expand her empire, laying the precursor for the life she enjoyed now. Queen Fem closed her eyes for a second. And, just like the first time, the painful memories resurfaced. She couldn’t fight them. This time she embraced them.


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