Book Read Free

Broken Trust

Page 9

by Lillian Duncan

  “Of course. You went to beauty school. They’d probably jump at the chance to hire you.”

  Marquetta got a faraway look in her eyes for a moment, then smiled. “OK, I’ll give it a shot in the morning. If it works out, I’ll take it.”

  Oh, please, God, let it work out. “Great. Sounds like a plan.”

  After dinner, Chryssie trudged up to her apartment, feeling positive about the night. She might not be able to fix her situation, but she could get Marquetta out of the mess.

  As she rounded the corner, Chryssie froze.


  A man was knocking on her door.

  Her pulse spiked, and then she felt silly. Not everyone in the world was out to get her. He was probably just a neighbor. Still, she took a step down so the man couldn’t see her. She peeked around the corner. Maybe it was the district attorney. She dismissed that idea. If he’d wanted to talk with her, he wouldn’t show up unannounced. As if in response to her unspoken questions, the guy turned toward her.

  Chryssie gasped.

  Their gazes met for a brief moment.

  Run. She stumbled down the steps but tripped, only stopping as she came to the landing. Her elbow and shoulder smashed into the hard wooden floor. Ignoring the pain, she jumped up as he came bounding down the steps. Run.

  He grabbed a handful of her hair and yanked her close. His fingers bit into her arm. “You seem to like running from me. Don’t worry. I’m not here to hurt you. I just want to talk to you.”

  He was hurting her arm. Chryssie looked into the eyes of a killer—Roman, Marv’s cousin. She twisted away. “Let go of me. I don’t want to talk to you.”

  “That’s OK, I’ll do the talking and you can do the listening.” As he spoke he moved up the steps, dragging her along.

  Her eyes filled with tears. “Help! Help!” She screamed.

  Her neighbor’s door opened. “What’s going on?”

  His fingers gripped harder into her flesh. “I will kill her if you say a thing,” he whispered. Looking back at the neighbor, he smiled. “Nothing to worry about ma’am. Just a small misunderstanding. You know how relationships can be.”

  The woman looked at Chryssie as if waiting for her to deny it.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to disturb you.” Chryssie forced a smile.

  “Are you sure? Are you OK?” Her neighbor’s gaze was skeptical.

  Something pressed against the small of Chryssie’s back. Roman would have no qualms about killing her neighbor just as he’d killed that man in the alley.

  “I’m fine. Thanks for checking. I sort of fell down the steps. Clumsy me. Good thing he was here to catch me.”

  “And I always will be, sweetheart.” He twisted her arm.

  The woman nodded and stepped back inside her own apartment.

  The gun stayed pressed against Chryssie’s back. He propelled her forward to her apartment door. “Open it.”

  Her hand shook as she slid the key into the keyhole. He pushed her inside. She stumbled and fell to the floor. Her gaze moved to the knife block on the kitchen counter. Could she grab the butcher knife and stab him? She wasn’t sure, but she’d…

  “Forget about it, girly. You don’t have the guts even if you could get to it before I shoot you.” He aimed the gun at her. “But we both know I have the guts to use this, don’t we?”

  She stood up, pretending not to be terrified. “Why are you here? I already confessed to the murder. Marv—”

  “Yeah, Marv seems to have a soft spot when it comes to you. He assures me that you won’t cause me any problems. I’m just not sure I agree with him.” His hands moved to her chest and shoved her. She fell backwards on the sofa.

  “I’m not going to cause you any problems. I promise. If I have to go to jail, then that’s what I’ll do.”

  “Yeah? That’s what Marv tells me, but why would you do that?”

  “Because…because…ask Marv. The whole thing was his idea. Didn’t Marv tell you?”

  “Don’t worry about what Marv told me. I want to hear it from your own sweet lips. Why are you doing this?”

  Marv had told her never to mention Gabriella to anyone. If he didn’t know and she told him, her sister might not ever be safe from this maniac. Mustering up her courage, she looked at him. “Ask Marv if you want to know. I’m not telling you anything else. He’s my boss. Not you. I do what he tells me to do. Not you.” Summoning her courage, she stood up and met his gaze. “And—”

  “And what?” His hand shot up and he punched her in the stomach.

  Chryssie’s already sore stomach radiated so much pain she screamed in agony. She crumpled to the floor, arms cradling herself, gasping as tears gushed.

  “I think that’s enough.” Zack stepped in front of Chryssie, with a gun aimed at her attacker. “Marv won’t be happy about this when I tell him, Roman.”

  What was Zack doing in her apartment? How had he gotten in? And why was he protecting her?

  Roman lowered his gun slightly, no longer pointing it at Zack. “Well, you know, I was just doing what I had to do. I wasn’t going to kill her or anything. Just wanted to scare her so she knew I meant business. In case she thought about changing her mind.”

  Zack kept his gun aimed. “Well, I’ll be sure to tell Marv that when I tell him what happened here tonight.”

  “There’s no reason to tell Marv anything. I’m not going—”

  “Oh, there’s plenty of reason.” Zack motioned at the door. “Time to go, Roman. And don’t come back. Ever.”

  Roman walked toward the door with Zack right behind. He turned to Zack. “This isn’t over.”

  “Oh, it’s over. Time to go.” He held the door open as Roman walked out. Zack turned back to her and mouthed, “Are you OK?”

  Chryssie, still curled on the floor, managed a nod.

  “I’ll explain everything later. Be sure to lock the door.”

  Chryssie crawled to her knees and then collapsed on her sofa, her legs shaking. She put her head in her hands and sobbed. When will this nightmare end? Gabriella will never get to be with me…

  How had Zack gotten in? Did he have a key? Why had he been here—waiting for her?

  Chryssie shivered and shook the crazy thoughts away. In all of their non-dates he’d been sweet and kind, not pushy at all. But when Marv had ordered him to shoot her, he acted as if he’d do it. She just couldn’t reconcile the Zack she knew with the Zack who was now working for Marv. None of it made any sense.

  But one thing made perfect sense now. No matter what Marv had agreed to, no matter what he’d promised, his cousin wasn’t willing to go along with it. It would only be a matter of time before Roman decided she needed to be dead. And that meant Gabriella would never be safe either, despite Marv’s promises.

  Chryssie would have to disappear. When Marv heard what his cousin had done, he’d figure out why she left. She could only hope Marv would keep his side of the bargain. When she was safely away, she’d call Annie Dargols, not to inform her of where she was, but to keep contact in case charges were filed.

  In that case, she’d come back. She didn’t want to end up on a wanted list somewhere. Stuffing her clothes in the suitcase, Chryssie sobbed.

  Gabriella would never understand why her big sister had deserted her, but at least she’d be alive. Being in foster care was preferable to being dead. Maybe in a few years, she’d be able to contact Gabriella. Reconnect and start a new life with her.

  Once again, Chryssie had messed everything up by taking the easy way out. But she had her nursing license and would be able to find a job somewhere… where Marv and Roman couldn’t find her. She picked up Gabriella’s picture from the stand and placed it in the suitcase. Someday, she’d come back for her little sister.

  She couldn’t change the past, but the preacher had assured her that God could change her future. Chryssie picked up her keys. Only you hold the key to your future. Her grandmother had told her that often. She took a deep breath. “It’s my future, and
I don’t have to be Marv’s victim.”


  Chryssie sat on her sofa and stared at her packed suitcase. The knock she’d been expecting startled her. Taking a deep breath, she opened the door. “Thanks for coming, Detective Dargols.”

  “Please, call me Annie.” She said with a sweet smile that seemed genuine.

  “I can’t believe you came as soon as I called. I just planned to leave a message and then make an appointment to see you tomorrow.” It was close to midnight.

  “I wasn’t taking a chance on you changing your mind. Besides, you sounded sort of desperate. I was worried about you.”

  “That’s because I am desperate. Come—”

  A motion from around the corner drew her attention.


  Annie turned at the same moment, reaching for her waistband.

  “Don’t make a sound. Either of you.” He aimed a gun at Chryssie. “Don’t try it. You touch that gun and she’s dead. In the apartment. Now.”

  Annie held up her hands in surrender. “No problem.”

  “I knew you couldn’t be trusted.” He motioned them through the door and then slammed it shut. “I tried to tell Marv. He wouldn’t listen.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I didn’t do anything.”

  “Then why is she here?” He pointed the gun at Annie. “Give me your weapon. And be careful about it. I won’t hesitate to shoot both of you.”

  “Don’t do it, Annie. Don’t do it.” Chryssie cried. “He’ll kill us anyway.”

  “If you don’t, I’ll kill her right now.” He pointed the gun back at Chryssie. “Your choice, Annie.”

  Using two fingers, Annie lifted the gun from her waistband and laid it on the dinette table.

  Chryssie wanted to lunge for the gun but didn’t dare.

  Roman started opening kitchen drawers. He tossed a roll of duct tape to Annie. “Tape her hands. And her mouth. I’m tired of hearing her talk.”

  Annie’s expression seemed to be reassuring. As she wrapped the tape around Chryssie’s wrists, she mouthed the words, “Don’t worry.”

  “Make’em nice and tight. No funny business.” Roman sneered. “Now her mouth. But first tell me where your keys are.”

  Chryssie pointed at the keys with her head. “Over on the counter.” To Annie, she whispered, “I’m so sorry. I should never have called you.”

  “Shut up. No talking.”

  “You did the right thing.” Annie patted her cheek as she placed the tape across her mouth.

  “Good. Now you get over here.” Roman motioned.

  Annie walked over.

  He lifted the gun and shot.

  Annie’s eyes widened and then she stumbled. A red spot appeared on her shirt and then spread. She looked at Chryssie. “Run.”

  Chryssie ran to her bedroom. As her taped and trembling hands tried to lock the door, Roman began pushing on it. She leaned her whole body against the wood, but inch by inch the door opened.

  Annie moaned in the next room.

  Please God, don’t let her die. Chryssie’s phone was on the kitchen counter. Maybe someone else had heard the gunshot and called the police.

  One final shove from the other side of the door and he was in.

  Chryssie ran for the window. It had been her escape before. Even with her hands taped, it might work again.

  Roman grabbed her. “Let’s go. You’re coming with me.” He dragged her across the floor as if she were a rag doll.

  Annie was on the floor, not moving. Or moaning. Dread filled Chryssie’s heart. Please, God…help her…

  Roman dragged Chryssie toward the door. He snarled, “Get moving or I’ll kill you right now.”

  He shut the door behind them then hauled her down the steps. If only she could yell, she might be able to get someone to help Annie. But the tape on her mouth kept her silent.

  The gun pressed into her side as they walked out into the darkness. He was taking her to her car, not his. With one arm, he held her up against the car so she couldn’t move, then he unlocked the back door and tossed her in. A moment later he was in the driver’s seat and the engine started up. How had he even known which car was hers? He must have been following her for quite a while. He probably hadn’t ever planned to let her live. Where was he taking her and why?

  “You might be wondering why I didn’t kill you back there.” He called from the front seat. “I’ve got a plan, you see. This is all going to work out. Just perfectly. For me. But not so much for you. Marv will see that I did the right thing. In the end, he’ll thank me for taking the initiative.”

  Chryssie hunted for a weapon. If she could find something, she could hit him over the head. Unfortunately, the back seat was empty.

  “They’ll think you killed that cop when they find her dead body in your apartment. But they wouldn’t think that if they found your dead body there at the same time. So, they’re going to find your dead body somewhere else. ’Cause you’ll kill yourself after you’re filled with so much remorse for killing the cop lady. It’s really sad.” He laughed.

  The city lights faded and darkness crowded in on her. She managed to sit upright.

  “Hey, what are you doing back there?”

  Thanks to the tape she couldn’t answer. She simply shook her head—not that he could see her.

  “You better not try anything funny. I’ve still got my gun. You might want to enjoy the drive. It’ll be your last.”

  Chryssie picked at the tape on her wrists until she was able to pull it away. She wanted to shout in victory. But even though her hands were free, she couldn’t jump out of the car. Yet. Roman was driving way too fast. Of course, jumping out might be preferable to what he had in mind. She moved closer to the door. There would only be one chance. She had to be ready.

  He finally pulled off an exit ramp and slowed for the upcoming stop sign. She readied herself for action. This would be her only chance of escape. She didn’t know if she’d succeed but she had to try.

  For Gabriella.

  The moment the car stopped, she opened the door and jumped. As Chryssie’s feet hit the pavement, she took off down the exit ramp.

  It would take him time to turn around and get back to her. Roman screamed curses, but she didn’t slow down. She ripped off the tape from her mouth, sucking in air as she did. At the end of the ramp, she turned left into the traffic flow.

  Roman would have to drive back on the highway, then turn the other way to get her. Hopefully, another car would come along before he could do that.

  Please, God, let someone come. Before he comes back.

  He wouldn’t make the same mistake again. He’d make sure she couldn’t cause him any more problems—he’d make sure she was dead.


  Headlights. Hide or flag the car down?

  Still running, she looked up at the dark sky filled with twinkling starts. “What should I do, God?” Her heart lifted in hope. Had to be God. With flailing hands, Chryssie moved to the middle of the road. Please stop. Please stop.

  As the car approached, she jumped back but kept waving her arms. The car pulled off the side of the road. “Oh, thank you,” she whispered as she ran to her rescuer.

  The door opened and a man stepped out.

  She couldn’t breathe. Getting to the other side of the highway was her only hope.

  “Chryssie. It’s OK. I’m…” Zack called out to her.

  She ran. When she reached the median strip, she put both hands on it to climb over, but a moment later he grabbed her. His arms went around her as she struggled to get away.

  “Let me go. Let me go,” she sobbed.

  “Chryssie, stop fighting me. I won’t hurt you. I promise.” Zack’s blue eyes held compassion. “Trust me, I’m here to help you. We need to get out of here. Now. Please don’t run away. Get into the car. You’ve got to trust me on this.”

  She looked past him.

  Another set of headlights approached. Probably Roman—he’d had
enough time to double back. Against all reason, she still believed in Zack. Is it You, God? Her heart calmed. She nodded. “Let’s go.”

  Zack’s car took off before she’d closed the door. “He’s coming fast.”

  A moment later the other car pulled alongside them. Roman, his face twisted with hate, pointed a gun and shot at them. The driver’s window shattered as Chryssie screamed.

  “Hold on.” Zack’s tone was terse. A moment later, the car fishtailed as he made a U-turn. They zoomed off, headed down the highway into oncoming traffic.

  “We’ll be killed,” she screamed.

  “Trust me.”

  “I wish you’d stop saying that. I don’t trust you. You’re a liar and you work for Marv.”

  “Then why’d you get in the car with me?”

  “Because I didn’t have a choice.” But it was more than that. Peace settled in her heart. She did trust Zack. “Oh, no.” Headlights were coming towards them.

  "I see them.” Zack pulled off to the side.

  The car passed them, and the driver gave them a rude gesture. Chryssie couldn’t blame her. They’d probably scared several years off her.

  Zack’s hand touched hers. “It’s OK.”

  She’d confessed to a murder she didn’t do. Annie was shot, probably dead on her living room floor. Gabriella was taken somewhere and no one would tell Chryssie where she’d gone. “Don’t touch me.” She pulled her hand away. “And nothing is OK.”

  Zack didn’t answer as he maneuvered the car back in the right direction. He exited the highway at the same spot where she’d escaped minutes before.

  “I think we lost him.” Zack’s tone was light after he’d made several quick turns down different streets.

  “I don’t see any headlights. Stop and let me get out.”

  “I’m not the bad guy, Chrys—”

  “I trusted you. That makes your part worse than all the others. Are you taking me back to Marv now?”

  “I will always choose you over Marv.” His voice was soft and sincere. “I had no intentions of shooting you that day in the basement. But I couldn’t let Marv know that. I would have done whatever I had to in order to keep you safe.”


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