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Claiming Amelia

Page 41

by Jessica Blake

  We offered nutritional counseling and had weekly cooking classes to teach the use of organic foods; those with paleo or gluten-free needs and the science behind these so patients could make informed decisions for themselves. A moderately-sized health food store next door had been opened to my specifications and I stocked it with products that supported the healing concepts we prescribed. There was even a salon with highly-imaginative personal image consultants to treat the outer person at the same time.

  I had just locked the doors and pushed the button that closed blinds encased in all the windows. I heard a familiar tap and opened the door to see Auggie standing there. She crossed the threshold and threw herself into my waiting arms.

  “I missed you so much,” she kissed me breathlessly. “I want you,” she whispered and looked at me with those beautiful eyes I could not resist. At that moment, I couldn’t think of anyone or anything I wanted more than to be with her.

  I folded her legs around my waist and carried her into the hydrotherapy wing. I tapped flat panel controls and the murmurs of a tropical rain forest filled the room with surround sound quality. I kissed her mouth, her neck, her forehead and then slid her down to stand on the floor and undressed her. At the same time, she loosened my tie, opened my shirt, my pants and soon we were both standing naked to one another. I was touched to see she still wore my class ring on a chain around her neck.

  I lifted her and walked down the steps into the hot tub, its waters swirling and pulsating like the inside of a woman’s body. There was a gentle scent of lavender for calming and cushioned headrests built into the walls around the tub. It was here where I lay her down, her head suspended just above the water line and the long mantle of her gorgeous hair fanning out about her. I could not remember ever seeing anything or anyone so beautiful. Her eyes mirrored the greens used in the decoration of the room, giving the illusion that her body was amorphous. My heart was pumping and I craved to be within her, to float and let the bubbles and pressured water punish our exterior while she cradled my essence.

  I wrapped my lips around her nipples, perky and inviting just above the water’s line. I sucked her pink tips into my mouth as I moved my fingers across her mound, mimicking the rhythm. She closed her eyes and laid her head back, soft groans coming from deep in her chest.

  Then, she was upon me, pushing me back into one of the cushions and opening my legs until they straddled her waist. As I lay there, floating on the current, her mouth took me in as her delicate hands slid up and down my ass. She inserted a gentle finger and pushed from the back while her mouth pulled on the front. The effect was an erotic dimension I’d never entered before.

  “Auggie, I love you,” I called out and in response she sucked harder, taking every part of me into her mouth. When I could not stand the delay any longer, I grabbed her arms and pulled her up my body until she was seated upon my hard cock.

  The water’s support lifted her to float easily as I gripped her hips, holding her still while I thrust up into her hard and fast. She answered this by gripping my thighs with hers, forcing herself downward while circling her hips. The warmth of her contrasted with the swirling waters and my body instinctively slid deeper within her. She cried out my name and it was the most erotic sound I could imagine.

  A nipple hard and tight as a little stone stabbed into my palm as I found her breasts again. I twisted it lightly and when she whimpered, I almost came with the sound.

  I wanted to hear that sound again. Whimpers. Moans. Screams. Cries. I wanted it all, so much the need stabbed at my heart.

  I bit down on her neck, teeth and tongue on her warm skin until I worried I’d left a mark. I was driving hard enough now that I had to hold her in place while her muscles quivered around me. She was so close.

  I scraped my teeth along the shell of her ear and whispered, “Touch yourself. Come for me, beautiful.”

  She dropped her hand and I felt her entire body jerk a moment later. I tightened my grip in her hair as she began to come, the orgasm making her body clench around me.

  Auggie was mine, had always been intended for me and would never be separated from me. It was then that I could hold back no longer and I filled her with my seed. She felt the rush and pulsed around me, the walls of her woman’s tunnel coaxing and yet sucking me within her. I was out of my consciousness with the pleasure.

  When it was over, I held her against my chest and petted her soft ass, lifting her from time to time to lick and suck her breasts. She clung to me, like a child separated from its mother. There was no question this was a reunion. There was no question it was meant to be.

  I climbed from the warmth of the water and donned one of the many terry robes hanging on hooks nearby. She gave me her hand and I pulled her out, cuddled her against my warm body beneath my robe and then wrapped her in one of her own. I took her into the rain forest environmental room and we lay naked upon the reclining sofas in there, wrapped in one another’s arms.

  “I don’t want you to leave,” I told her.

  “I want to be with you too,” she murmured, half asleep against my bare chest.

  “Auggie, I’m serious. The house got a late start and if the weather doesn’t improve, all the money in the world isn’t going to get it done in time. I’m going to take a condo nearby and I want you to live with me there. We’ll go in the morning and pick one out.”

  “But Worth, if we do that, people will know…” Her fingers dug into my skin and I felt her panic rising.

  “I don’t give a damn. I’m tired of living my life according to what keeps others in their happy little oblivion. This is my life, and your life, and when we’re apart, we seem to get into trouble. I want you in my bed every night where I can find you.”

  Auggie was silent a moment. I knew she was thinking about the impact this would have on her dad and the rest of her responsibilities at Sunset Village. She finally asked, “Can you buy me a real engagement ring?”

  I kissed her. “The biggest one I can find.” She snuggled closer and I almost fell asleep. It would have been a bit awkward if the workmen had found us there in the morning. I helped her get dressed, taking an especially long time getting her panties adjusted correctly. “I think they need more snuggling against you.” I smiled and pushed my finger through them into her. She almost squatted upon the invasion, and I knew she wanted to orgasm again.

  I picked her up and carried her into the massage room. There I laid her on one of the tables and slid off her panties. She was pink and wet, so gorgeous everywhere. She squirmed under my intent gaze and tried to close her legs.

  I stopped her, pushing them apart further and put my mouth on her, tasting her. She slid down to the end of the table and her fingers sank into my hair, pulling me closer. Her scent was heady as my tongue slid up her folds and my teeth found her clit. She wailed as I sucked it into my mouth.

  I concentrated on her swollen nub, sucking, alternating with a gentle, quick rub of my finger. The result had her in spasms almost immediately, tears of pleasure escaping her eyes. I knew then that we would always be good together.

  “I need to go home,” she said finally and grinned. “You’ve rubbed me raw.”

  I laughed because I knew she’d let me do it again if I wanted to. I bent and kissed her swollen nub. “This,” I kissed it again, “belongs to me and I don’t want it worn off. Be a good girl and get dressed before I change my mind.”

  We grabbed snacks from the kitchen and Auggie left to go home. I busied myself tidying up after us and was quite contented as I locked up that night.


  Auggie met me at the office early the next morning and I could see her blush a bit as she remembered our lovemaking from the night before. “I’ll do that to you every night, sweetheart,” I whispered in her ear before she climbed into my car. I’d garaged the Porsche and bought a new Escalade. It was cream white with a white leather interior and it floated down the snow-roughened streets.

  I had a newly constructed condo development
in mind. I preferred new living environments and after checking in at the office, they showed us a unit that had just been completed.

  It had four bedrooms and baths, a huge kitchen and a great room on the top level. There was a fifth bedroom downstairs with a family room, laundry, and a bar. It seemed to be plenty large and the amenities were superb, so I bought it on the spot. “When can we move in?” I asked.

  “You have the key, Dr. LaViere. I can process the paperwork immediately, so feel free to move in any time.”

  Auggie was terribly excited. “I’ve never lived away from my parents except at the dorm,” she marveled. “Would it be all right to leave the movers to you and let me go shopping for furniture and accessories?” she asked with genuine excitement.

  “Go and shop away. When you come home, message me and I’ll send someone out to carry in your purchases. But first, I have something for you,” I said and pulled her back into the Escalade. “Close your eyes.” She did as she was told.

  “Okay, now open them.”

  She gasped. I was dangling a set of car keys to her own, butter yellow Escalade. A huge, emerald cut diamond ring set in platinum was hanging on the key ring.

  “Worth! It’s gorgeous!” she squealed and I extracted it and slid it on her left hand. “When did you have a chance to go and pick this out?”

  “I picked it out the day after you first came into my office.” She looked at me, amazement on her face. “Now, let’s have no more nonsense about worrying what people think. You have the right to have all the excitement every woman does when she’s newly engaged. We have nothing to hide,” I pointed out and she agreed.



  I discovered I liked everything about the idea of setting up housekeeping. I realized that until now, I’d been just camping on other peoples’ properties, including my parents’ and even though Mother would surely be fit to be tied when she found out, this would belong to Worth and consequently, to me. I knew that Worth liked modern furnishings so I set off for a few of the best stores and allowed their interior designers to show me some ideas. I chose what appealed to me and what I thought Worth would like, and ordered it loaded into a truck and delivered immediately.

  I spent hours in the department stores picking out linens, appliances, dishes; everything that was needed to stock a house. My Escalade wouldn’t hold it all, so I ordered it to be delivered and then proceeded on to the next stop that would fill my car — the grocery.

  While I’d never been the one to prepare the meals since Mother always had help, I did learn to cook and really rather liked it. Stocking a kitchen from scratch was an undertaking and I filled two entire carts to the brim. These were carried out to the car and I headed toward the apartment.

  When I arrived, the first load of furniture had already come and I was thrilled to find Worth’s friend and designer, Jeremy, standing by. Worth knew I would have my hands full and asked Jeremy to give one of his. Jeremy also brought two assistants from his own staff to help. The trucks continued to arrive in succession. I was in heaven as Jeremy and I pointed every time a new delivery man entered the condo. While Jeremy pulled things together with his assistants, I focused on the kitchen so I would know where everything was when it came time to cook. I threw together a huge wok of stir-fry and when Worth entered the house early that evening, his mouth dropped open.

  “My god… I can’t believe this is the same place!” he said, filled with pride. “And you cooked? Aren’t you exhausted?”

  I nodded proudly, and we all sat down to eat a plate of food and finish up a few of the design elements before Jeremy and his staff left for the night.

  “Be sure and let me know if you need anything more,” Jeremy called over his shoulder.

  “Bill me!” Worth called after him and Jeremy flipped him the middle finger.

  Worth locked up but I was already in the shower when he made it to the bedroom. He called to me that he would shower in another bath and I smiled. I loved this domestic feeling of togetherness. I knew I would never again feel alone.

  I met Worth in the bedroom and he smiled. “Your hair is still damp and you look adorable.”

  “I’m so exhausted I can’t see straight,” I confessed. “This was harder than riding the course all afternoon. I guess I’m out of shape.”

  “Are you kidding? Look at all you accomplished!” he praised me. “Come here, let me hold you and you just go to sleep.”

  His words were honey to my ears. Worth laid back the covers and slid into the bed, holding his arms out to me. I crawled in against his chest and his long arms enfolded me. I leaned up to kiss him and it was warm, moist and deep. This must be what the essence of life is all about.


  The next morning, Worth left early. His clinic was having its grand opening that evening. I had so many things to do around the house, I wasn’t planning on getting there until just before it opened. I wouldn’t miss it for anything, though.

  Jeremy’s crew had worked wonders throughout the condo. I still wanted my personal touch on things and that’s what I enjoyed doing most. That afternoon, Worth returned, showered and dressed in one of his best suits. I had dinner waiting and had dressed as well. We shared steaks and salad and then headed to the clinic.

  It was magnificent and there were already people in the parking lot. It was a catered affair. Champagne and hors d’oeuvres were being served by waiters in tuxedos and there were plenty of energy-building, healthy food options at stations throughout the building.

  I was wearing my ring and a good many people saw it, then huddled off to discuss what it meant. No one dared to ask. For the time being, it was more enjoyable to speculate and gossip about it among themselves.

  I clung to Worth’s side as we stood near the entrance to welcome in newcomers. I was holding his hand when I felt Worth stiffen. I looked up and saw a man and woman entering — a man who was a stockier, grayer version of the man beside me.

  His father.



  I knew he would come, although I went out of my way to avoid inviting him. He had come to inspect my kingdom, to level arrogant disdain over what I had built. He was in for an even bigger surprise. Auggie was at my side and she was wearing my engagement ring.

  He looked me straight in the eye, nodded and then wandered off to look around. Mother hugged me and I introduced her to Auggie. Mother’s eye caught the huge ring on Auggie’s left hand and she gave Auggie an even bigger hug. She was smiling and enjoying herself.

  Father had completed his tour and was approaching. Mother intercepted him, whispered in his ear and his eyes immediately went to Auggie’s hand. Auggie smiled, her eyes welcoming but Father looked her over and walked out the door. Mother was confused, embarrassed and shrugged at me as she followed him out. I wanted to wring his neck.

  How dare he ignore Auggie! How dare he ruin our special night. I fought to keep control of my emotions, looking down at Auggie and seeing a deep sadness in her eyes. For some reason, she didn’t seem surprised, however. There was an understanding in her eyes and a sympathy for me. I hugged her and moved on to greet other guests. I would deal with my father later.

  The night turned out to be an overwhelming success. We received extensive press coverage from not only the local media but from health, mind and body publications who wanted to cover a story of a clinic that combined so many therapies in one location. The appointment book was instantly filled and the ambiance was one of happiness and good health, even without treatment. I was content. I had Auggie and I had my life’s dream. My father could go to hell.

  Auggie was quiet as we left after the grand opening. Aside from some staff who were cleaning up, the guests had all departed. “You didn’t know he was coming?” she asked me, holding my hand as we walked through the parking lot.

  “I hoped he wouldn’t hear about it, but knew it was an unreasonable hope.”

  “What do you want to do about
it?” Her eyes were large and questioning.

  “I need to have a face down with him,” I told her.


  “Why not right now?” I said and tucked her into the passenger seat and climbed behind the steering wheel, slamming my door.

  There was an occasional snowflake but the roads were otherwise clear as we headed to the farm. When we arrived, the house was still brightly lit. I knew he’d be up. He never went to bed early.

  “Do you want to come in?” I asked Auggie.

  “Of course. If it affects you, it affects me,” she told me, squeezing my hand.

  “Get ready for anything,” I cautioned her and we knocked at the door before entering.

  Father was sitting in his study, the door opened and the light from his desk lamp spilling onto the woven carpet. There was a decanter of bourbon on the desk before him. Mother came down from upstairs and frowned at me, shaking her head to indicate this wasn’t a good time. I smiled, patted her hand and pushed past her.

  He looked up as we entered. “You may as well sit down,” he said, eyeing Auggie as she took the matching wingback to mine. “I understand that congratulations are in order,” he growled, taking a swig from his glass. “You drink?” he held a glass out toward Auggie but she shook her head. He started to offer it to me and changed his mind, slamming it down on his desk. “What in the hell is the matter with you, boy?” he shouted, causing Auggie to jump and I heard Mother gasp behind me.

  “There are ladies present,” I pointed out but it didn’t seem to affect his disposition one way or another.

  “They can leave if they can’t take it,” was his surly response. He puffed his cigar and tapped the ashes onto the surface of his hand-carved cherry desk. “So, what the hell do you want? My congratulations? My permission? Pretty damned sure you’re not here for that,” he barked.

  “We aren’t here for anything other than to clear the air,” I said quietly.


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